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I want to ask you wizards about something, I'm just a neophyte and need an advice from people further on the path.

I sometimes hear voices when I'm trying to fall asleep. Mostly at times when I am really tired. It happens like 2-3 times a month, sometimes more often.

I don't know if "hearing voices" would be the most correct term. It's not like the voices have a real presence in physical world, I hear them only with my mind. I lay in my bed, try to remove any thought from my mind, but at the times of my "hearing voices" I cannot do it completely. I feel like I'm just observing some crazy monologue. Mostly it's totally gibberish, some loose sentences connecting randomly with one another, going nowhere.

Sometimes I hear it with some unknown male or female voices, sometimes it's quite vivid reproduction of my friends and family voices, but the words are different. It's like my friend for example had a night-time job as a lector, reading some bullshit in my mind. At other times I cannot picture any particular "voice", I just get an impression of who is speaking.

It's not really troublesome. These voices aren't offensive, and even if they were I am really detached from all of this, it's only a slight inconvenience when I try to fall asleep fast. The only problem is, when I do hear them I cannot clear my mind completely, I cannot go into trance, meditate or anything (apart from vipassana). It's like I was targeted with some white noise ray or something, preventing the peace of mind.

Situation from the last night:

>I was lying in bed when the voices just came up in my mind

>Was a bit pissed by it, because I tried to cut them off and failed

>Tried to visualize a protective sphere or some shit like that but I lacked focus

>Tried to get into deep meditative state, like a void or something, with moderate success, voices stopped for a moment, but I didn't last there very long

>Heard my father crying in fear and some beast-like noises (it sounded like he was tormented by a beast) like a wild dog or something

>Tried to protect him by visualizing protective sphere around him (I want to add that I didn't really "see" anything, I just did everything by hearing)

>I was kicked out of this whole voices thing, and had a strange sensation at my heart chakra - warm and buzzing feeling, like a surge of energy

Before I started any attempts to control it, I just listened for several minutes to this gibberish talk. I remember some words: "My cat smells nice, I love my cat". I heard it with a feeling of a little child talking.

Usually when this sort of things happen I am in a state of half dreaming. I don't get any visuals, just a stream of words.

Wtf is that?

>inb4 fedora posters take your meds schizo


I've had this for a while, it's normal.

Most of it is gibberish, yes. I've heard voices saying things like "that plank is nice" and other useless shit. It happens when you relax, just before you fall asleep.

I don't know what it means, I only found this board yesterday.


Spoiler alert: mundane explanation

OP how quiet is your room before you go to sleep? If it doesn't have any background noise your brain invents background noise. Ex) random voices

On a unrelated note; growing up as a kid I would frequently hear my name being called out, like someone far far away yelled my name and the wind carried it. happened multiple times daily with no explanation. Even though it stopped eventually, I still wonder why it happened or even how?


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I used to have this but whenever I focused on them they'd say something like 'shhhhh!' or 'he's here!' and stop. I never got to actually listen to their conversations. I also had the people calling my name thing, it's weird but it all goes away eventually.



Pretty quiet. Just normal city noises.

I thought that you have to be in sonic deprivation chamber or shit like that to audio hallucinations to occur. I think that every room, no matter how quiet have some background noise, something the brain can hold onto but I'm not an expert.


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One time I was wide awake and evoked a dragon visually, (not like a hurr durr dragon, but like a reptillian/vampire in a chupacabras body, i have some STS pact with them) and i started hearing these voices and a mad personal prophecy was being unfolded to me making complete sense then at one point it all stopped, and I heard a voice as loud as if it was right next to my ear call my name, and immediately after I answered with a yes. It all vanished after that, I think the voice was exchanging my Loosh for the prophecy. But yeah don't fuck with dragons unless they fuck with you, you'll have a bad time.

Pic sorta related on how they look but with straight standing ears and huge eyes with kykestars in them. Kykestars = 666 mark of the beast



Forgot to add, I'm pretty sure that it happened to me even when I put some music on.



well if you hear it with music its definitely not what I was talking about.

Have you ever tried meditating and focusing intently on just one of the voices?



Maybe my post gave wrong impression, if so, I am sorry.

I only hear one voice at a time. I wrote that this is a monologue not a dialogue, voices transform one into another though, so meditation isn't necessary to follow them.

I use vipassana most of the time when that happens. Actually I'm not even trying, when it happens I'm half-asleep anyway, and just observe this monologue without any attachment.

When this happens, I'm not fully aware of my body, coz I'm already falling asleep and I'm just a point of consciousness receiving some gibberish messages.

Hope that clarifies the matter.



Also, when I say gibberish, I mean that the sentences which I hear are not connected with one another, therefore they sound illogical in their succession, but each sentence in itself have meaning and it's not surreal at all, but the whole monologue just doesn't make sense.

Sorry guys if I didn't do my best in stating clearly what is going on, English isn't my first language and I don't really know how to put my abstract feelings into words properly.

If you have any further questions I will do my best to answer them.


boxers or briefs?


When you find something, something finds you.

Don't listen.



Unfortunately, it's natural process. You start experiencing dreams before counsciousness fall off. Some people hear things, some people see things, "it depends".


bonus points if you get robot noises or whispers


unintelligible television and radio voices. too?


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>mfw I used to hear voices even during the day while on a bus full of people

Just enjoy the ride OP, worst case scenario you go mad and start doing whatever the voices tell you.

They stopped eventually btw, just ride it out, don't feed them with your spooked emotions and place space time shields around your house throughout the day since they mostly come at night, mostly.


Stop smoking the herbal jew guys.



No, only normal human voices.


Yeah, well, they don't give commands, so I'm okay I guess.

I do not feed them, mostly I just observe them without attachment. I will meditate more before going to bed, maybe that helps. If it doesn't, it's not a big deal anyway.


When you're falling asleep is one of the times when your Psychic powers increase.


cant believe you guys havent heard of this its called hypnogogia.

for me its normally ill be trying to go to sleep and ill start hearing random voices or music playing that stops as soon as i notice it, then i know that im gonna fall asleep soon so i focus on being still and slowly these waves of energy start washing over me and then all of a sudden i tense up all over for a few minutes and see like a screen infront of my eyes thats more hd than irl.


has anyone else felt the waves? ive asked so many people but no one knows what i mean but like

when youre falling asleep trying to be still

and then you get an urge to move or twitch or rollover or something

then if you resist the urge and wave of loosh washes over you and that happens over and over until youre completely submerged in the energy



Yeah, I know what it is, but many apparently purely physical phenomena are in fact manifestations of supernatural phenomena of sorts. I'm not my brain. Stop with mundane explanations please.

At least that's why I asked people here.


I've had similar sensation yesterday, only not over my whole body, but at the back of the head and on the base of the spine.


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>>44883 you should stop seeing things as either mundane or magical; same thing.

theres no such thing as the supernatural but many things are called supernatural which are purely natural.

the fact is science has no idea what a hallucination is.

people generally feel uneasy about these things and so its easier to just sweep them under the rug as 'all in your head'

if you can see/hear something without forcing yourself to, then it is there on some level.

see this diagram; the realm of thought and emotion is right between us and the realm of spirit, and because most people cannot control their own thoughts and emotions it can be a barrier and messages from above can be twisted and obscured as they come down through the thought realm to us



Thank you, I understand.


Really, things just get weirder, this night I heard really loud ringing while falling asleep. I focused on it and followed it, I got a stranger sensation, like my whole body was shaking and I felt like something exploded in my head, then I saw some entity on my bed, it was dark, except for bright eyes, I freaked out and tried to punch it and it disappeared.



I started occasionally experiencing the same right before I fell asleep. Usually when I'm really over tired. I write it off as some hallucination from being too tried.


I heard the same thing as a kid, but it only happened at recess on the school yard. I'd always hear a female calling my name, I always thought it was my mom coming to pick me up early or some shit. Haven't experienced this after elementary school.

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