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I am a mundane trying to get into Luciferian magick. I want to better myself both materialistickly and spiritually and summon up some succubi for sexy time as well. But where do I begin? I heard that Michael Ford is a con artist and aside from him finding anything on Luciferian magick is pretty tough. Any help or guidance from more advanced Luciferians or other initiates will be appreciated.


Read "The Mistery of Belicena Villca". It is a novel destined to teach the luciferian knowledge.


- Matter is evil and will always betray you, including the matter of your body

- There is Soul and Spirit. Soul if Matter created by demiurge. Your Soul is Matter and can betray you too. The Spirit, on the other hand, is your Real soul that comes from beyond all this shit created by the demiurge

- Kill your Soul, your Material Soul, and become the Stone Man. Only then you'll reach spiritual liberation.


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Reach the Serpent and its knowledge, not the lamb.




But isn't there no real consensus on "Luciferianism"?



Of course there is. There is also the misinformed hollywoodian sheeple guided by JHVH's cultural arm, these guides are the cultural knowledge that is introduced by force on us since we are child. Lucifer, from Latin, means Light Bearer, the light is the knowledge, is Seeing The World with the Eyes of The Snake by the COLD of Your Brain, the opposite of demiurges point that is Seeing the World with the HOT of your heart. This doesn't mean to be Evil at all, but that's what hollywoods and others makes the misinformed think.




It looks like Esoteric Hiterism. Is this book at least practical? Because Serrano's work surely isn't.



Serrano, Helena Blavatski, are all jew shills because they teach the ways of the lamb. It is very easy for one to spot if one is jew misinformant, they always are on the side of "be an obedient lamb". I like Nimrod because he is pretty cold, most of the time. As been said, matter is evil.



That may be all true, since I didn't see Serrano or Blavatsy going anywhere with their knowledge. They both also had completely nonsensical views in a lot of points.

>As been said, matter is evil.

That may be so since we're trapped in here, but what does Nimrod teach that we can apply? It doesn't look like we're supposed to just kill our physisal bodies. I glance through the book I don't see much I haven't read before.


Thanks for the answers but I want magick for spirit AND matter. Even if matter is evil I don't want to turn ascetic, I hate that


Read The Crusade Against the Grail and Lucifer's Court, in that order. By Otto Rahn


I don't like this thread at all. Why do you keep recommending unpractical fan fiction books? They're nothing more than inspirations.

>muh evil matter, muh demiurge, muh kikes

Useless banter that gets you nowhere, one should focus on how things should be, not how they are or one might think they are. Energy follows attention. It's ok if you know what's fucked up in this world though.

OP, if you're still a mundane you lack the basic understanding of magic and need knowledge first before you can do anything of importance. The things you want to do aren't restricted to "Luciferian Magick". and I wouldn't recommend any of the books people here mentioned so far, they're a huge waste of time. The books officially reommended by /fringe/ are what you should read and practise instead first:

1. The Kybalion

2. The Arcane Teachings

3. The Arcane Formulas

4. The Science of Breath

5. Mind Power: The Secret of Mental Magic

6. Psychomancy

7. Mental Influence

8. 2013 a Series of Lessons (2014 edition sucks)

9. Personal Power (of special importance is the Desire Power subsection of this book, which deals with how to use loosh)

From there on, focus mostly on astral projection because this is the real deal. If Luciferianism can teach you anthing, then it's the quest for perfection. Learn about Kundalini, do energy work, learn the real deal instead of becoming an armchair occultist who philosophies endlessly.



You might as well follow this list OP.

It looks like the edgelords who specialize in what you're looking for aren't online at the moment but you should start reading through those anyway as you'll need the skills those books teach in order to fulfill your desires.




Guess ill do that, I'm in the middle of the second book and its little confusing but ill get through it. I hope



>let's see the world as we would like it to be, not as it really is

>now take my kikery material



Only being completely Lord of Yourself will free your Spirit.



I always thought Lucifer/Satan was related to sun worship? The sun reveals to us the material world/demiurge, its the material illusion we are blinded by…when it goes away at night we fall asleep and retreat into the spiritual dream realm… Hence why roman catholic (satanic) christianity changed the day of worship to SUNday….what did i miss?





>worshipping thoughtforms

you guys are pathetic.

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