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Esoteric Wizardry


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So I've been fascinated with Dungeons & Dragons for a while now. I study the character classes, items, Player's Handbooks, DMGs (Dungeon Master's Guides), Monster Manuals, supplements. I read a lot of exquisite novels when I was younger.

Recently I've been made a thread or two promoting D&D as a potential key to magic and even dramatically longer lifespans (perhaps even permanency).

/fringe/ is essentially a board for magic users, so I figured I ought to post more here:


Psionics is psychic type stuff, which, in modern / near-future setting, is how it starts.

Psionics is, for me, not a goal (AT ALL) but rather, a methodology that should bring us increasing access to real and repeatable magics, Arcane, Natural & Divine.


and I rushed it, like a douche.

wrongflag in OP.


I agree that works of fiction are a huge source of inspiration but the authors often commit logical fallacies which can leave imprints in your morphic field and install limitations.

>"You can only do x, but not y"

>"Your power can be taken away"

This is also where we enter the realms of self-centered 12-year-olds who "study" all kinds of "kinesises" after they watched Superman and Dragonball…

So, what's the point of this thread? Roleplaying isn't allowed btw.



>why would i want thread

Not roleplaying.

I've been studying shamanism, method acting and non-ordinary reality for over a decade now. I want to make available the coding of the psionic for magicians to apply it to magick.



And how are you doing that?


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with great patience, idealism and increasingly, power and discipline.

i'm also a musician, writer, photographer, consultant

and OP of a facefag thread on here, seems to be gone which is good, i was just on overdrive dumping memes, saved the exegesis of PKD, danks to that anon especially too.

but uh…yeah. i've especially been making a study of corporate death magic.

seem to have a "broken" facebooks page, see if you can find "Not Secret Agency" it's a profile setting i can switch to.

made it in January 2013, just was really careful adding logos and photos.

"The Moon is Our Toy

We Steal the Sun for Fun."



I agree with this view since being distracted from ones own power cases blockages in the ajna chakra/third eye/indigo ray. It is not wise to listen to people who crave attention and want to be worshiped by everyone. Everything that is heavily promoted is usually bad for you.


As for the op you are on the path just like everyone who desires occult knowledge and has a desire for enlightenment. There are many ways of getting started but the end result is always the same just like it was 1000 years ago nothing has changed. So in the end whether you study a nearly extinct magick tradition or something more new age oriented it does not matter in the end. There are many ways to get from point A to point B as long as you are walking in the right direction.



Thanks. Doing my best to get as happy and functional and powerful as I can, for as long as possible. Jah bless, lol.

There was a segment on "Incantation Mode" that I hit back in 2012. Forever is a long time, no worries, stickin around.



try http://www.theforbiddenparapsychology.com/


See which ones work for you.

Some of the things in those work ( first time i had tested these i was kind of creeped out )

Some don't or maybe you need more psychi-muscle to pull them off ( chronicle movie )


Neat thread. I find it interesting to look at what Christian fundies say about this sort of thing. They often notice a lot of occultism in pop culture and things that normal people don't notice. Of course the difference between them and me is they think it's all evil. For example when Christians were going apeshit about the Harry Potter books being evil, some of them did the research to point out how the spells in the books related to actual real life occult rituals. Interesting stuff. Regarding D&D I used to read Christian sites ranting about how evil it was and one thing I remember reading was that it was basically prepping young people for using the occult in the the post-apocalyptic world. Maybe they're on to something.

Here's a funny story about a guy who LARPs while using psychedelic drugs to the point where he actually believes the shit happening to him is real:


Anyway the more you look into the occult the more you realize that a lot of the things mentioned in D&D or Tolkien or old mythology possibly has some real basis. Stuff like the elementals (gnomes, undines, sylphs, and salamanders), elves ( http://anunnakifiles.com/2012/03/19/elves-and-angels-the-shinning-ones/ ), etc. Truth is stranger than fiction.




Also hobbits are real:


Middle-Earth is just ancient Europe. And if you read the Silmarillion, Tolkien talks about the fall of Atlantis, which he called Númenor. It also ties in to the flat earth thread too, because in Tolkien's mythology the earth was originally flat and the cataclysm involved with the transformation (disguising?) of earth into a globe is what sunk Atlantis/Númenor.



Please stop.



Yeah, everyone knows that Harry Potter is for reals, not Tolkien.



Welcome to fucking Portland.


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why not both?



This. Reminds me of HERODOTUS' book on life around the ancient Mediterranean, Snakes with Wings & Gold-digging Ants; Everyone Here Paints Himself Red and Eats Monkeys.

I sort of hurried these last 2 responses, you've provided a lot of great material, very quickly. Danke kind sorcerer.


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Nice thread.

The multiverse structure follows the logic of the Hermetic principles , there is a correspondence between the organization of matter (the inner planes) and of values/beliefs (outer planes). There is much to be learned from analyzing this structure.

Furthermore, I draw attention to Sigil , the city of doors what separates the planes. A city guarded by the Lady of Pain; pain is what divides, what remind us, its memory which makes us what we are, defining our place in the planes.

Furthermore the situation in Planescape multiverse account our history ( the fall and degeneration of certain values ​​, to the chaos in which we are) , see the war of factions and the march Modron for example.

I would like to elaborate better but I need to leave now

> pic related


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Yes, old history books are filled with descriptions of bizarre creatures. Like the Cynocephali, the dog-headed men.



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Only if you throw out literalism and join the metaphoric master race. But then if you do that and dwell on particular stories you're just a big fucking nerd with no real culture who gets all of their narrative fuel from mentally masturbating to young adult fiction.

Most of the trash posted here and in other "occult" forms is essentially cargo-cult bullshit that misses the entire fucking point. For those who don't recall, cargo-cults reference spiritual traditions among Pacific islanders that, upon contact with Westerners and their godly airplanes, runways, and "cargo," attempted to replicate the technology with fucking coconuts for radios and making mock runways to try to summon planes to give them cargo.

Numerology, trash posts like >>45067, and all the rest is cargo-occultism. You're all recycling provisional heuristics that are centuries out of date while those doing the important work have their sights on the true occult: ideas that have never been thought of by anyone in history but the existence of which has been hinted at indirectly. Ideas that you can't encapulate in some shitty story.

What is being done here is one fool regurgitating the shit that another fool regurgitated, and others sucking the brownpill down. Fucking Crowley, Gurdjieff, and the mother fucking kablahblah.

Picture is related: a wizard that was more powerful than every "occultist" in history combined.


I used to be pretty into Energy Manipulation. That's a psionic thing, right?

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