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Esoteric Wizardry


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Anyone else feeling the shift? People are waking up to their potential, and those who are normally logical are getting in touch with their emotions again. I think something is happening with/at the Demigure. It may be related to all the "end times" prophecies being thrown around lately. Also, Lilith's presence is on the rise. I felt her fumbling around about two nights ago. She's up to something, might be related to all the emotions. Not sure.

I'm very interested in the days to come, something or someone is playing with the system. As a result, your magick may start being more powerful in some areas, but less effective in others. You'll see I'm right.


i dont even




Yep, its the end times, please visit the >>>/catscradle/ for more info.

Reality is being re-structured.


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We're on the verge of a period of radical cultural change that is predicted to begin in the fall. There's many particular factors and trends leading up to it, but in general it's caused by dynamic cultural elements outpacing the ability of static ones to regulate and conserve the rate of cultural evolution. The biggest catalyst for this is the growth of the internet and social media that is serving to accelerate cultural evolution. The collective unconscious is realizing that the existing solution pool is woefully inadequate to serve it not only in the future but immediate present, and the result will be a flight to generate novel solutions.

"End times" prophecies have been thrown around for centuries. Nothing new there. What you're intuitively perceiving in the coming wave of cultural change, but your interpretation of it is a big garbled. To self-preserving cultural structures, it does look like the end times because for many of them it doubtlessly will be.


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Societal changes, awareness rising, physical cataclysms - all are side-effects of the Etheric Tide that will hit us in the future. It's the Wave/Shift spoken in the Ra Material, Cassiopaean Transcripts and other channeled material.

The Wave will dissolve the reality as we know it and bring it to a higher state of existence aka. 4D. Not sure if it will hit during our lifetimes but we will enjoy even if we are dead. Still, we might witness some amazing stuff even during our lifetimes.

See: http://montalk.net/gnosis/199/7-dawn-of-a-new-cosmic-day


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Its in the air tonight young ones. I recently awoke into this new world myself. Everything is about to change, you just need the catalyst. Go out and search for it in its earthen form

Citruc Narcoticua



What is that?


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"You know what a shit barometer is, Bubbles? It measures the shit pressure in the air. You feel it? Listen, Bubs, hear that? The sound of the whispering winds of shit. You will, my sorry friend. when the shit barometer rises, you'll feel it too. Your ears will implode from the shit pressure….shit winds are a-comin'."



At least I'm original and don't put what I say in quotes. I've already been through the implosion moron. Even you should know that. Thump.


/x/-tier shitposting

>look at me, I am so wise



shut up y-young one



That entire thread series is an effort to keep NEETs as NEETs and out of the work force using fear and depression. There is nothing presented in those threads that would eliminate your need to get a job or pay you taxes.



Ohhhh shit man, you don't know what you're missing out on over there. One look in that direction and its the the ONLY way I want to go. Adios


You know what? This reads like mundane "crystal healing" bullshit but I gotta admit this sounds about right OP. It seems like people are slowly getting more and more into magick as time goes.



How can crystal healing be mundane? What kind of retard are you?



>How can crystal healing be mundane




You're a fucking retard if you believe in "magick" but not in "crystal healing". You're the mundane here like half the "wizards".


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


If you can tell me this bullshit is not pure mundane faggotry then you're the half-wizard, edgelord

What even is a full wizard?



You obviously missed the point then if you watched the video.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



A wizard is a person who is wise, and a wise person does not throw information away when they are not fond of the presentation.



>not logical as fuck

The problem with these mundane faggots is that they are NOT LOGICAL.




You two seem to of missed the point. That is mundane. It appeals to mundanes who dont want to bother learning anything and only got there out of curiosity. That is how crystal healing can be mundane. Not "WOW JEEZE ANON DOESNT INTO A THING"


I guess it can't be helped of I sound like "x tier shitposting". I just like to speak with confidence like I always have. I'm sorry if that intimidates a few of you.

Many of you also feel the change, so that's all that matters. We all can feel that shit's about to hit the fan. Israel is without a doubt involved, as usual. I think we should prepare for the worst. Good thing I invested in a bomb shelter!


Is it just me or is reality also not working properly, along with everything else OP said?

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