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Esoteric Wizardry


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The rules are simple and only apply to the creation of threads on /fringe/: 1. Don't make duplicate threads of topics that already exist unless the previous thread has hit the bump limit. 2. Don't make threads just to ask questions, actually present substantial information if you're going to make a thread. 3. Don't make a thread purely to shitpost (you will be forgiven if it's a major GET), just shitpost / loosh farm inside of threads that already exist. 4. Post threads that fall under the subject matter of /fringe/ (creepypasta FYI generally does not fall under /fringe/'s very broad subject matter, look at the sticky to see what subjects we discuss on /fringe/)

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I've done all the shit that almost everybody with a brain does

1. Brush, floss teeth

2. Moisturize face, sunscreen when needed

3. Condition hair, shampoo when needed

4. Healthy diet

5. Lift weights, cardio

6. Whiten teeth

7. Mewing, chewing gum

8. Good clothes, good haircut, good posture

9. Lots of sleep

Anything else brahs? (apart from retarded shit like booster shoes and roids)

By relatively cheap, I mean things things that normal people can afford and are worth the dosh. I'm not a richcell, not going to pay thousands for a surgery like Nicki Minaj.


gtfo chad



I'm not Chad, I'm trying to be though.


jus be urself


Go and ask a fag board. I'm not even joking, those guys know how to pretty you up. If you're on /fringe/ prepare to not have the best looks and actually hone your magickal abilities ==and oh look another question that didn't go in the question thread when will you mundanes learn that /fringe/ isnt a solution to everything==



This very much interests me as well OP and all I can say really is learn to use thoughtforms they are the key. Just be careful about it… they are also very dangerous and you need to prepare yourself properly with magickal weapons, all sorts of defences, a back-up plan, a safe-zone / magickal bunker type deal, defense/guardian type thoughtforms, etc.



Who lets these plebs into the gates of /fringe/?

Deluded fools! AHahahahaha!

It's like the Iron Pill, but even more impotent… Behold the Golden Stream!

Verse 72

He will be relieved from all ailments and the tokens of old age, such as wrinkles and greying hair. He will possess excellent and long eyesight within a distance of miles and miles.

Verse 73

He will be able to listen for a very long distance. He can read the mind of others. O Goddess, even the most beautiful Princess will be attracted to him.

Verse 79

Within six months, the follower of this therapy will become as young as a lad of sixteen years. He can disguise himself by appearance and non-appearance to his desire.

Verse 87

Oh Parvati! If he massages his body thrice a day and night with Shivambu, his countenance will be shining and his heart will be strong. His body and muscles will be strong. He will float in pleasure.

Verse 88

Oh Parvati! He who massages his body at least once a day with Shivambu will be full of strength and bravery.

Verse 89

Within three years his body will be shining with lustre. He will be well versed in arts and science. He will have an impressive voice with good oratory powers, and will live as long as the moon and planets exist.


If I didn't feel a sense of duty to the Gods and Humanity I would tell you to go fuck yourself.

Ancient Egyptian Water of Life Papyrus


The water of life is given to you, drink it and wash your body

with it.

It is given to you for your spirit, mind, and body-for the man

and woman inside of you.

The water of life is given to us to make us whole-oneness

in ourselves.

It increases the ability of the hidden senses. It gives one

courage, strength, and freedom-freedom from fears and


The water of life will create a civilization far superior to

the one existing. Noble character traits will be it’s sign.

This civilization will guide the sciences and the arts-it

will guide the spirit, mind, and body for further growth and

increased wisdom.

It will give birth to the unity of both worlds.

The water of life will increase your love and knowledge-it

makes you more whole.

It will help you to be what your are-a perfect creation.

Isis, the servant of mankind and mediator of the idea of

creation, is giving the key of higher living.

With spirit, mind, and body, we have to guide men and

women with wisdom similar to that of a priest, teaching the

water of life and the life principle – for this world and the

world to come.

source: “The Miracles of Urine Therapy” (Feb. 1988) by Beatrice Bartnett and Margie Adelman


>that shit chest

>garbage abdominal insertions

>small arms

>ok traps

>meh delts

>most likely no legs


If you're going to post a goal body, at least go to /fit/ and get a decent one.

Aside from that, you'll obviously need to put in a whole lot of physical effort in order to look good, magic will obviously accelerate the process for you.

Basically visualize yourself to be the way you want to be while continuing to make effort to improve yourself and soon your visualization will manifest.



Actually, visualization alone won't work, what is even more important than visualization (though it's part of it) is feeling that you are in the target body. Feeling your new arms, new legs, new chest, hearing your new voice, feeling it all. That aspect which takes up space / feels like it's there is the etheric aspect that needs to be felt in order to change the etheric body. Basically, once you get to a point where you can only imagine yourself in your new body and absolutely nothing can suggest to you that you otherwise live in a different body, it will be so.



Is feeling the new body essentially pretending (in the beginning) that you already have what you want? Also, do you do this in sessions or just as you go about your day anytime you remember?


>don't be fat

>wear clothes that fit

>basic hygeine

This is 90% of it right here. Do that and you will look better than the majority of people (unless you have a really ugly face).


>caring how you look


health and charisma is literally all you need



Where does it stop being charisma and start being mind control? For example, if I learn NLP and start paying attention to what people do and imitating their gestures (you know, to create the ilusion that I am like them) isn't this a form of mind control? Shouldn't we just accept who we are, however we are, and just deal with it?

I have a hard time making friends (i suspect I might have one specific personality disorder but it's not diagnosed so I don't claim to have it) so I think, I could just use my magick skills to get other people to like me. How is this different to just let's say keeping a nice image, nice haircut, nice shoes, nice face? Isn't it basically the same?

I guess I'm just trying to find excuses to use my powers on other people, but I would want to hear opinions on why is it better to keep a healthy body than just keep a shitty body and use ilusions to get people to like you



>tfw naturally have always imitated peoples gestures and way of speaking

>tfw people have always gravitated towards me

>tfw am a natural sociopath


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What the hell is this? What's Shivambu?


Wasn't there something in Franz Bardon's books to make yourself bigger or taller? I can't remember.



Exactly my point, I know I could learn how to do all these things , learn NLP/PUA and make people like me with those techniques. But would that me morally appropriate?

I'm trying to believe in Karma, so I'm wondering about this stuff. Is it bad to learn how to control people, then is it bad to have these skills naturally?



As within; so without. As without; so within.



>Shouldn't we just accept who we are, however we are, and just deal with it?

Fuck no. This is the attitude of someone stuck in mediocrity who will never develop higher consciousness. Why are you even here if you just want to accept yourself in your shitty inferior state instead of improving?



What do you do if you want to get taller?



Simplest thing would be make a thoughtform whose purpose is to make you taller and keep investing loosh energy into it for so long as it keeps working at its task, get an idea of how long it should take, and if the thoughtform fail deprive it of loosh and make a new one to replace it. Principle of Continuity ensures that it, like everything else in the universe, will want to survive indefinitely.



are you certain this would work?



Other method, a little more abstract, is work up a ton of emotion and enter a gnostic trance state where you feel convinced like it's a gut feeling / instinctively / intuitively know you have seeded the cause into the akasha and you will get taller. Then maintain attitude of extreme gratitude like it's already been done and you're good to go.

Remember you have multiple energy centres in the body, the sexual groin sort of area when you focus on it and listen gives you an idea of the vital / whether you have the will/etheric energy/drive to get something done. The gut tells you if you are lying to yourself, it's the part that feels when you give a suggestion "it's not working!" until at last you convince it. The heart is your emotional centre, from there you get your passions and everything from hate to love and all other emotions emanate there. Then there is the seat of the intellect and psychic abilities in the head area.

As for lungs and neck, I have to channel more information from the astral to find out about this, before I'm willing to say for sure what that part is about…


It will work but for something as simple as adding on a little height it's overkill, I'd do it instead for a nurse thoughtform that is charged with healing absolutely every problem in your body and protecting you from sickness, make it fix your eyesight, increase sense of smell, heal up soreness, and fix any and all issues you have.



Really? I'm currently 5'9" as of today and would love to be 6'0", if only for the social status that height brings.

If you have any other information on this, that'd be great.



Also with that method of the gnostic trance you can "fix and forget it" in order not to undermine it with doubts and stuff later or you can intentionally revisit it and charge the manifestation again multiple times to intensify the whole thing.



I have information on everything, I'm writing up a LOT of stuff, I have access to astral libraries + years of books reading + my own magical experiences + communicate with entities and sometimes also get entire thought packets from them.

There are solutions to everything, I'm writing a manual (got interrupted today though) focusing on core principles and formulas and preparatory work so anyone can develop very rapidly and solve any problems themselves.



I can devise even more ways for you to increase your height but the two methods I've given are the most simple the other ways I'm thinking of would be much more elaborate and require quite a few things to already be in place to pull it off.



What books would you recommend that are most relevant to using a tulpa to help you and giving it loosh and/or the other method(s) you mentioned?

Looking forward to your manual.



Could you elaborate a bit more on this method?



Oh one more method actually worth pursuing that's not too complex would be for you to imbue your food and water with intention + emotion that it's going to increase your height.

You could also try doing a similar thing with air you breath in, preferably while doing rhythmic breathing from Science of Breath.

I think these two methods would be indirect though and probably slower way for you to achieve your goal compared to the other two.


Personal Power by William Walker Atkinson. It's not going to focus on specifically what you said but all the knowledge in there combined will help you understand the variables at play, how to manage your loosh, how to create thoughtforms, etc.

It's not very complex but I'd recommend various preparatory work beforehand so when you do make your thoughtform to do that, it's practically effortless for you to do it.

It wouldn't be a tulpa for something as simple as height btw. A tulpa is a sentient thoughtform and is used for much more complex things like companionship, guidance, an all purpose metaphysical tool, tantric sex, etc.

What you'd need is a very simple thoughform that is more like a servitor comprised of focused desire with just one intent, that it increases your height, and then it's retired. If you can't think of a form for it, just imagine some basic geometry or a ball of light or something else basic like that and spin it and charge it until it is very substantial and then just intend it turn into "whatever form best represents / embodies a vehicle for the desire I have placed into this astral substance" and it will transform without you consciously thinking at all about the form into exactly what is best.


I will later, not right now, for now just work up lots of emotion and focus it with intent and get that feeling of conviction it is done, the cause has been seeded, you will see the results. You know that Jesus stuff about feeling like something is already manifested and expressing gratitude? Same shit except I know how to do much more with it and combine it with ritual work, sigils, and all sorts of other things.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Using this technique here also would work for you to increase your height to the desired height you want.



Thanks, I'm still a neophyte and have only read the New Avatar Power book (first thread I saw on /fringe/) and the Book of Knowledge and the Kyballion, so I don't know much about thoughtforms, tulpas, and loosh yet, as none of those touched on any of those subjects.

Sometimes I think I understand better from lurking, but I clearly don't yet. For example, looking at that dumb giantess tulpa thread, I thought tulpas for companionship would be loosh (energy, right?) leeches, but that's not always the case?

I know nothing, Jon Snow.

I'll read Personal Power next.



Every single thoughtform is powered by loosh. You have to give them loosh for them to function. You can create thoughtforms that can get loosh from other sources too then yourself but they become harder to control and those ones tend to evolve and get more complex and independent.

>I'll read Personal Power next.

Good luck! It's 1.5k pages long but worth it.




Stupid question, but the question thread is frozen for me right now. Do you have to name thoughtforms? Should I keep track of them? I just give them a shape and color and forget about them when I don't need them anymore.

Also, don't you need to be "conscious" to work on your body magickally? Like, completely knowing that you are not your body but a spirit etc etc.



Just do meditation where you gradually lose awareness of everything until only an awareness of pure awareness and will remains.

You can work on your body magickally as you are right now, although with further development is will be easier, there's much already you can do.

You don't have to name thoughtforms. You can ask the thoughtform what its name is without giving it one or you can use a sigil or other methods to bring it back if needed, no name required.

Depending on the thoughtform, if you abandon it, it may be a drain on you or cause problems… simple thoughtforms just go inactive pretty soon and dissolve though. You can also reabsorb a thoughtform, bringing its essence and energy back into you.

You should do some tests to see how long a thoughtform you make actually lasts for. The simplest thoughtforms pretty much just dissolve the moment you take attention away from them, others can last indefinitely.



>I will later, not right now, for now just work up lots of emotion and focus it with intent and get that feeling of conviction it is done, the cause has been seeded, you will see the results. You know that Jesus stuff about feeling like something is already manifested and expressing gratitude? Same shit except I know how to do much more with it and combine it with ritual work, sigils, and all sorts of other things.

Different, fag, but how often would one do something like this? Every day? Twice a day? One time?

pretty interesting



Sorry if this offends you, but you kinda sound like a roleplayer, I really wanna believe you do know all this stuff though



what if you don't have the will/etheric energy/drive?



Could that same thoughtform change my facial features?


if that's you, congrats, you're done. that's a 10/10 right there. You can get more fit, but at that point, you're just doing it for you



OP is long gone by now I believe


File: 1447989874961.png (174.42 KB, 468x210, 78:35, 1426308926696.png)


Pretty sure that's his goal body, lol.



I'm wondering if I can grow another cock with this method, so I can be like Double Dick Dude.



Do it for us.



so basically create one servitor that will be able to change your entire body any way you'd want?



>Using Sunscreen and Moisturizer

You are destroying your face. Expect Cancer.

>Condition/Shampoo Hair

Those products are filled with estrogenic materials and are basically poison.

>Chewing gum

Chew tree sap instead. Less toxins in it.

>Whiten teeth

Why the fuck are you still using toothpaste?

>Good clothes

Get out mundane.

>Good haircut

Hair has nothing to do with magick.

>Lots of sleep

If you were actually a wizard you wouldn't need that much sleep.

Get out of /fringe/ and go to >>>/fit/ Better yet, how about >>>/reddit/

Also, booster shoes? Do not be so fucking stupid. You need either very thin shoes or just no shoes at all. It will ground you better.


Fucking kill yourself.




Why are you using your magick for mundane things?

Also >>>/reddit/ go back home.

If you don't like reddit, go to voat.co

Mundanes like you shouldn't be on this board. /b/ will suit you better.




I don't see a reason to waste magical energy on something that can be accomplished by mundane means. Not everyone is as accomplished as you and can use magic for everything, at least not yet.

How would you know about Double Dick Dude if you don't go to reddit? We both know about him, and that's okay.


I'll give it a shot.



Like honestly if you're doing all those things don't even worry about being alone. It's never been easier to find a girlfriend than it is today.

Go focus on your faith and other important things in life.



Then you end up like me lol, knowing what to do, but being too scattered and weak most of the time to actually get shit done.



What's wrong with steroids? They're basically magical potions to make you stronger. If wizards had access to them in the middle ages they would've used them. Cracks me up that wizards promote using herbs for health when they basically do the same things as chemicals just with less effectiveness.


Often I resort to the shock and awe tactics. Rock the mustache, shades, a pair of cheap mans classics.



There are plenty of negative side effects to warrant caution with steroids.



Of course, any effective thing you do should be undertaken with caution including any occult undertakings, any herbs or drugs you use, etc. Same applies to steroids. The more effective any given thing is, the more respectful and cautious you should be with it, since the consequences of abuse are dire. Just as the consequences of proper use are beneficial.





How do you test a thoughtforms lifetime?

I mean, if you think about it, does that not bring it back to life? How to define if its you just thinking about it or is alive? Is it the emotion associated with it?


Someone please, for the love of God, prescribe me a daily regimen to conquer my crippling anxiety and emotional instabilities.

I do daily LBRP and prayer and try to maintain a general mind, but I have little success.

I wake up to feelings of emptiness and darkness/depression, and sadness very consistently.

Please help, I feel so lost. All these occult books, all these saved pages and PDFs and I am just lost.



For what reason do you feel sadness?



I live a very unfulfilling life of seclusion and isolation for longer than I'd like to admit, but I can't break through it.

My life is pretty much a merry-go-round of self medication, keeping my head above anxiety, cheap highs and abyssal lows.

I am discouraged that mass produced medication can make me feel better than whatever efforts I place into magick.




But for what reason do you feel anxious?



It can be a very general anxiety that I am not certain of the cause, or it could be from trivial things like anticipation. Lots of anxiety about wasted time and youth, yet no triumphant will to conquer it.

Separation anxiety, etc etc. Just lots of anxiety in many facets of life.



You sound like me a couple of years ago, I had not discovered fringe back then, but I started going to a gym, my confidence skyrocketed, what else helped is that I had a productive hobby like playing guitar 5 years ago so whenever I used to feel down even after going to the gym, I'd just sit down and play and drive those thoughts away, for the /fringe/ answer though, I've noticed that just a normal meditation routine for usually about 30 mins fixed the leftovers of my psychological issues in about a month, what else helped is that I read up on a lot of /fringe/ philosophy and it basically changed my worldview, things that seemed important to me back then are a joke now, also during meditation, invoke your favourite role model(doesn't have to be a real life person, could be characters from various media) with the intent to take over all of his characteristics, another method - make a thoughtform that would make your anxiety dissapear, for /fringe/ reading I recommend "Personal Power" by W. W. Atkinson, it's a long book, but worth it in the end, there are probably infinite ways to fix yourself, but off the top of my head I got these



Thank you for your insight.

The rest things about this is how impotent I feel against my own devices and trappings.

Just 3 years ago I was much more balanced and enthusiastic (picked up piano, got better at drawing, had lots of passion, exercised etc) and was doing p well, but then I moved to a new city and just snowlled.

If joy, enthusiasm, passion, love, etc could come to me as easily as anxiety depression, sadness, anger, etc… I'd become my ideal self. What a stupid irony.

I'll check out Personal Power, also. Thanks you.



Yeah exactly me, I had larger than life ambitions and then major depression and sadness hit out of nowhere, some days I just felt so bad I didn't want to get out of bed, sometimes I'd breakdown, scream and cry out of my inability to change things to how I'd want them to be, basically felt like I was suffocating every waking moment, /fringe/ was basically the answer to all my prayers, I don't even remember how I found this site tbh

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