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Somebody posted this in the pinned Rothschild thread on /pol/, but its now locked and I want to know more - I've been try to into fringe. If you are the person who posted this or just know more about it then please give me all the information you have.

I'm particularly interested in the implication that the moon is fake

"Try to kill the Queen of England or her close royal family members and then you will witness the truth and have your proof right before your eyes. The elite are not human, the elite Jews are not human. Aryan reality and Aryan civilizations were destroyed when the moon (which is a hollow artificial construct) was brought in to change the way our planet spins and is angled. You don't even know how the the rabbit hole goes. Adolf Hitler the Great was the last force of "god consciousness" in human form, the NSDAP movement was not only a movement for German survival and reconstruction, but at its core for human survival and Aryan revivial. They were crushed and genocided in the most brutal ways, the real holocaust was against the noble Germans. This planet is dominated by non-Aryans, the origin of the Aryans and the non-Aryans are both alien to earth. The true natives of this planet are niggers. White skin, light skin, are descendent of the Aryans that brought civilization and light to this planet.

Earth used to be a paradise and it can be a paradise again by executing the following:

1. Exterminate all elite Jewish banking families and "european" royal families that sold out, they are all hybrid reptillians.

2. Destroy the moon. Remove the moon by any means necessary, it must be eradicated completely.

3. Exterminate and eradicate all semetic morals, religions, cultural influences. Semitic force is anti-Aryan, anti-Noble, anti-Truth. The greatest enemy of an Aryan soul is anything that has the traces of semitism in it."




how the fuck are you going to blow up the moon nigger



tbh, this reads like something the jews would conjure up to hide the arcane knowledge here so as to use it as an excuse to censor and malign as antisemitic.



It's true that the original people of this planet where dark-skinned ones, but the color was green.

Pink skins and brown skins are the degeneration of pure dark energy losing it's potency.

The sun is actually one of the best immune system boosters, some pink skins can't last more than 10 minutes in the sun without heavy modern chemicals.

This is just axiom… sorry if you feel triggered.

BUT! rejoice! For it has been shown time after time that a proper healthy vegan high alkaline and strong way of life can revert the attacks of the sun and even begin to absorb information as it's main use is to project information in this sector of the matrix of his perceivable dimension.


thinking race has anything to do with beings who go beyond physical or fathomable existence is monkey-tier thinking,

This human that we see today has only existed for 200-250k years, this is like the 6th or 8th version of the human, these are all bodies that have been experimented on like crazy with alien dna, everyone today is a hybrid of multiple species with some predominant traits.


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Can you keep this stuff on Pol. I dont want to read about jews anymore. I was hoping fringe would be a sanctuary from the jew stuff.



/fringe/ was created as a place for national socialist White wizards, sorry if it triggers you.



If you want to cease being fearful; you focus on shifting your polarity towards courage.

Similarly, you don't create a NatSoc paradise by focusing on the Jews.


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I dont care one way or the other about jews I just dont want to see another imageboard get sucked into the jew-blackhole where its all anyone talks about like the way Pol is. There is a lot of stuff to think about in the universe and its totally fine to think about jews but can we just have a place where we focus on other stuff?

First its a couple post about news then before you know it its all jews and no one is talking about all the other stuff happening in the universe. I have no problem with people talking about jews but we need some places where thats not done because the topic van literally just take over everything and distract from other issues.



Sounds like some edgy new age shit.

Tell that to the Aryan who works 10 hours a day unshielded from the sun.

Tell that to the Aryans that built the civilized world you live in right now, as opposed to the shit/mud huts.


Complaining about the jews is such an incrediblly mundane thing to do. Go back to /pol/ ypu faggots.



I will try to educate you I do not want to offend in any way if you do not agree with me please do so.

That may be so but why would I turture or kill my galactic brothers or sisters.

>White skin, light skin, are descendent of the Aryans that brought civilization and light to this plane

In my opinion it was beings who come from higher densities of existance from other planets who have ascended long before us to 4 density and beyond. There is no racism in higher densitiys all are equal.They may have looked humanoid and similar to us but were in no way as spiritually undeveloped as us.

>Earth used to be a paradise and it can be a paradise again by executing the following

Yes earth used to be a paradise a long time ago because there was no free will. It was a paradise in which one had a very hard time to progress spiritually. The story of Adam and Eve describes this particular thing.



This is a natsoc wizardry board. Sorry if you're triggered


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he might be right


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you might be a cuck



I don't see how one thing might be related to the other, but hey whatever justifies the pathetic actions and personal dishonesty of the so called nat-socs on this website.



go back to reddit.com/r/occult

this is an aryan wizard board



>implying I've ever used reddit

be nat-soc all you want, I'm not criticizing that. What I did do was agree with the anon saying that complaining is a mundane thing, which it is. If you want to be a wizard at least do it right.



Looks legit to me.

Abo's may be the oldest race and original Human race before intervention… Many cultures remember a "time before the Moon"… Many modern prophets have come out and exposed the Moon as an artificial satellite. The way it orbits with synthetic synchronicity, perfect distances and projects the Moon Mind Matrix unto Earth. It is a no-brainer. Literally, the Moon uses the mind to enslave.

Those solutions are also good, but I also wonder what to do with women. Though my research I am led to believe they were fundamentally altered by these invading beings. This is without further doubt because their cloning agendas continue and have been well documented by fearless investigators of ET abduction. However, that is a much deeper and elusive topic.


From the Emerald Tablets of Thoth:

Far in the past before Atlantis existed, men there were who delved into darkness, using dark magic, calling up beings from the great deep below us. Forth came they into this cycle. Formless were they of another vibration, existing unseen by the children of earth-men. Only through blood could they have formed being. Only through man could they live in the world.


In ages past were they conquered by the Masters, driven below to the place whence they came. But some there were who remained, hidden in spaces and planes unknown to man. Lived they in Atlantis as shadows, but at times they appeared among men. Aye, when the blood was offered, forth came they to dwell among men.

In the form of man moved they amongst us, but only to sight where they as are men. Serpent-headed when the glamour was lifted but appearing to man as men among men. Crept they into the Councils, taking forms that were like unto men. Slaying by their arts the chiefs of the kingdoms, taking their form and ruling o’er man. Only by magic could they be discovered. Only by sound could their faces be seen. Sought they from the kingdom of shadows to destroy man and rule in his place.

But, know ye, the Masters were mighty in magic, able to lift the Veil from the face of the serpent, able to send him back to his place. Came they to man and taught him the secret, the Word that only a man can pronounce. Swift then they lifted the Veil from the serpent and cast him forth from place among men.

Yet, beware, the serpent still liveth in a place that is open at times to the world. Un- seen they walk among thee in places where the rites have been said. Again as time passes onward shall they take the semblance of men.

Called may they be by the master who knows the white or the black, but only the white master may control and bind them while in the flesh.

Seek not the kingdom of shadows, for evil will surely appear. For only the master of brightness shall conquer the shadow of fear.

Know ye, O my brother, that fear is an obstacle great. Be master of all in the bright- ness, the shadow will soon disappear. Hear ye and heed my wisdom, the voice of Light is clear. Seek not the valley of shadow, and Light only will appear.


Banded together in as order, Brothers of Darkness, they through the ages, antago- nists they to the children of men. Walked they always secret and hidden, found yet not found by the children of men. Forever they walked and worked in darkness, hiding from the light in the darkness of night. Silently, secretly, use they their power, enslaving and binding the souls of men.

Unseen they come and unseen they go. Man in his ignorance calls Them from below.


Dark is the way the Dark Brothers travel, dark with a darkness not of the night, trav- eling o’er Earth they walk through man’s dreams. Power have they gained from the dark- ness around them to call other dwellers from out of their plane in ways that are dark and unseen by man. Into man’s mind-space reach the Dark Brothers. Around it, they close the veil of their night. There through its lifetime that soul dwells in bondage, bound by the fetters of the Veil of the night. Mighty are they in the forbidden knowledge, forbidden because it is one with the night.

Hark ye, O man, and list to my warning: be ye free from the bondage of night. Sur- render not your soul to the Brothers of Darkness. Keep thy face ever turned toward the Light. Know ye not, O man, that your sorrow only has come through the Veil of the night? Aye, man, heed ye my warning: strive ever upward, turn your soul toward the Light. For well know they that those who have traveled far towards the Sun on their pathway of Light have great and yet greater power to bind with darkness the children of Light.

List ye, O man, to he who comes to you. But weigh in the balance if his words be of Light. For many there are who walk in Dark Brightness and yet are not the children of Light. Easy it is to follow their pathway, easy to follow the path that they lead. But yes, O man, heed ye my warning: Light comes only to him who strives. Hard is the pathway that leads to the Wisdom, hard is the pathway that leads to the Light. Many shall ye find, the stones in your pathway; many the mountains to climb toward the Light. Yet know ye, O man, to him that o’ercometh, free will he be of the pathway of Light. Fol- low ye not the Dark Brothers ever. Always be ye a child of the Light. For know ye, O man, in the end Light must conquer and darkness and night be banished from Light.

Listen, O man, and heed ye this wisdom; even as darkness, so is the Light.

When darkness is banished and all Veils are rendered, out there shall flash from the

darkness, the Light.

Even as exist among men the Dark Brothers, so there exists the Brothers of Light. Antagonists they of the Brothers of Darkness, seeking to free men from the night. Powers have they, mighty and potent. Knowing the Law, the planets obey. Work they ever in harmony and order, freeing the man-soul from its bondage of night. Secret and hidden, walk they also. Known not are they to the children of men. Yet know that ever they walk with thee, showing the Way to the children of men. Ever have They fought the Dark Brothers, conquered and conquering time without end. Yet always Light shall in the end be master, driving away the darkness of night.

Aye, man, know ye this knowing: always beside thee walk the Children of Light.

Masters they of the Sun power, ever unseen yet the guardians of men. Open to all is their pathway, open to he who will walk in the Light. Free are They of Dark Amenti, free of the Halls where Life regins supreme. Suns are they and Lords of the morning, Children of Light to shine among men. Like man are they and yet are unlike. Never divided were they in the past. One have they been in Oneness eternal, throughout all space since the beginning of time. Up did they come in Oneness with the All One, up from the first-space, formed and unformed.

Given to man have they secrets that shall guard and protect him from all harm. He who would travel the path of a master, free must he be from the bondage of night. Con- quer must he the formless and shapeless; conquer must he the phantom of fear. Know- ing, must he gain of all the secrets, travel the pathway that leads through the darkness, yet ever before him keep the light of his goal. Obstacles great shall he meet in the path- way, yet press on to the Light of the Sun.


And it's likely that the Moon will be removed by uncontrollable celestial events in the coming few years. See Velikovsky.



Can you keep Mexicans out of New Mexico? I used to love that place.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.





The moon may or may not be "fake" but does it really matter?

It's true that some sort of satanic zionists have been fucking things up for the past few hundred years. It's within the very religion of Judaism that once Solomon's temple arises a third time then their savior will arrive. Not to mention that all the Abrahamic religions state that Solomon had power over demons. So you can get an idea of where the illuminati being devil worshipers come from, especially since Solomon and his temple is a very integral part of Freemasonry


>wah wah I don't like thread

then gtfo…


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>Only by sound could their faces be seen.

>Came they to man and taught him the secret, the Word that only a man can pronounce. Swift then they lifted the Veil from the serpent and cast him forth from place among men

Yall motherfuckers need Talos


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Yo son I was in that /pol/ thread too, shit got crazy over the universe A/E. I had totally forgotten about that.

About the moon, there are some strange things to consider. One is the size and depth of the craters. The craters are very wide but not deep enough based on their diameter. It seems that there's a very hard substance underneath the surface, and that's one clue. Another is the sound "like a bell" that the moon makes, also indicating that it's hollow. Then of course there are the structures/lights on the far side of the moon–and speaking of that, there's the oddity that the same side of the moon is always facing Earth.

I've heard the rumors that the Moon is a spacecraft that's designed to terraform planets, maybe our planet specifically.

I've also seen some pictures and heard the idea that the moon is substantially smaller than we've been told, and MUCH closer. So there is a lot to look into.


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>not knowing Hitler was brought to power by the illuminati

>not knowing Hitler survived the war

>not knowing he's one of them

This is an orchestrated mind war. You're going to see the rise of nazism as the second coming. It's all setting the stage for the heist of your soul.



I confess I'm still confused about this. I've read and listened to so much material but I cannot reach a conclusion.

On the one hand he was a socialist, he's suspected of being son of a Rothschild etc. on the other during the period he ruled he nationalized banks and this doesn't sound like something they might want. The big effort of making the holocaust a big thing also feels off, who could possibly want national socialism again after it's been smeared like that?

If they want a false messiah that leads the world wouldn't it have more sense to make nazis the good guys? There already were nazi supporters in America so it wasn't that much of a foreign system to them. I guess you're gonna say the jews played both parts to have an excuse to build Israel but then again I don't think anybody would have given a fuck anyway or could have done anything to prevent it seeing the ones who built it are the ones in charge.



Your replying to an Archontic female.



What do you mean?


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>he's suspected of being son of a Rothschild

nice try shlomo



Most females are inherently Archontic in that they produce false realities. Remember, "The Aeon Sophia committed adultery with the Archons"..

Archon parasites (reptilains, jews) are bad enough even when females aren't their henchmen. Archons project false realities, like that of the Moon.


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> the Word that only a man can pronounce

actually it's real and taught in plain language in franz bardon's third book



You're such a fucking retard.



Then what is it, and why aren't you screaming it in public?


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it's not a "word" in the usual sense of the term. It's a whole vibrating of a key of the creation of the universe, with all human abilities being in tune with each other and said key. It's using god's power of creation.


Bump for very interesting thread


Thanks, saved




Lol… Right.

I know how to remove these lizzies with an aboriginal method but it only works one at a time. Unless…..



The moon keeps our magnetosphere active. If you want to become Mars 2 then go ahead.



Im not that knowledgeable but if for example

>moon establish new "rules" on earth

>destabilizes earth "rules"

>"ha ha faggots, you wanna destroy moon, you destroy yourself now"

>no more choice, become mars 2 or stay slave

wow great shit 10/10 well played does the ride ever ends?


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Quaid just has to start the reactor.

Then you can be home in time for cornflakes



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