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File: 1435901930079.jpg (54.04 KB, 636x358, 318:179, catscradle.jpg)


Demiurge is dead. Logos is dead.

Sophia (Nous) ran off somewhere, can't seem to find her..

Basically, you guys have been dead, for quite a while, stuck in a loop until January..

It was the Juice. Really, they nuked everything and got this place filled up, this is supposed to be the "afterlife" although you can call it the "before" life also, its in between stages.

When the ice clears up in 60,000 years (40 years approximately in here) you guys can go back to Earth, until then, there's some cleaning up to do.

Solomon's seals are being cracked right now, I think 20 so far, maybe more, working on Lilith.


File: 1435902345156.png (859.73 KB, 814x476, 407:238, ancient-aliens-911.png)

nice RP. posting to skim loosh off the top of this thread



Who's role playing?


I dont get it, did we die in our sleep or what.

Ww3 happened ages ago? What loop are we stuck on?

Exactly how long have we been dead? Whats the difference between this earth and the "real" earth? So many questions left unanswered.



You shouldn't believe everything you read, it's good to consider but don't actually change your reality because of some anonymous poster.


I know they're dead but I keep having to kill them.

Just their moving flesh is enough to make me seek to end a life.

Problem is, the loosh doesn't taste quite as good anymore.

What do? I've already grown some plants…


>provides information that even if valid doesn't really allow any options

just stahp


The Cat's Cradle threads were all just a shitty ruse to trick narcissistic wannabe wizards.

Very happy ending.



I hit the poster above with my Holy Sword+3


File: 1436464673829.jpg (52.8 KB, 650x457, 650:457, gYCNryL.jpg)


fuck man has chaotic alignment so looks like your doing some bonus dmg.



>but don't actually change your reality because of some anonymous poster.




don't try and rationalize it he's making up fake shit

i think times speeding up though

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