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I am a schizophrenic minor. I want to withdraw from my medication because I am more emotionally alive and spiritually understanding without them and am able to think more clearly, but my parents and mental health team send me back to the mental hospital every time I stop taking my meds! My mom checks my mouth to make sure I've taken them.

I can function without them because now I'm aware of my illness/abilities and am able to control my mental state, but they send me away anyways. I don't want to keep taking them because they alter your brain structure (shrinking some areas) and this shocks me. How do I get out of this situation?

The reason why I was diagnosed in the first place was because I got into the occult and started using grimoires and I summoned demons to full physical manifestation but they claimed it was just a hallucination.

I don't know what to think anymore.


I've done it myself. The whole slipping and falling into the abyss, it's really entirely what you want the whole time even if it is pretty confusing in the beginning.

Personally I'm 5 years into it, and I still have to take meds. I cba to deal with mental wards anymore, so I just mostly agree to what they offer. If the mania suddenly comes and takes me someday, and I am left composing songs to Dionysius on the high street in a toga, then again, so be it.

Basically, learn to handle the duality of being mundane and frightenteningly godlike to the 'food'. (I mean people, by food.)



I didn't really expound on how you get out of it –

Basically, present well and take your meds for a year and a half or so. Ask for regular meetings with your doc to get meds reduced slowly over time. Eventually you'll have your life back.

It's temporally-expensive being a wizard.



>but they send me away anyways.

What the fuck? You have no obligation to do this. Seek legal counsel if there are official authorities involved in forcing you

Otherwise just don't. What are they going to do? Nothing that's what.

How old are you? Obviously try to reason with your parents but if this doesn't work then just leave. Go on welfare or find shelter or call child protective services if you have to



OP I have suffered a similar situation with extended dug induced psychosis and too many anti psychotics.

I would recommend dedicating a fair portion of your time to 'normal' pursuits. As in a career that can support you living on your own. You need to become independent as soon as possible. And keep all your occult experiences to yourself.


Some psychs get the occult, others don't.

Keep silent for a reason.


How is they claim the demons you evoked did not reach full physical manifestation? Were they even around to see the evocation? I'm disturbed they don't believe you.



It's not (always) what you say its how you say it.



They're legally able to restrain me and use force in my state. And I'm also underage so I have even less rights.



I'm not sure what you mean. I summoned the spirits by myself. This troubled my parents (that I was doing these things) and I stupidly confessed having technically hallucinated.


Figure out a way to not take them. Hide the meds under your tongue or something. This shit is poison and they are trying to destroy your brain.



or maybe it's not poison, but you've experienced it, so now try to atleast act sane without pills as a crutch


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> I summoned demons to full physical manifestation

then i'd rather see you lobotomized

as much as i HATE the medical corporate State fascism that is psychiatry… i dont want you summoning demons around

sorry you got caught by the ghoulnazis, but you asked for it


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I dunno how I works where you are but I studied the medical field you have a right to refuse treatment along as you are not dangerous to yourself or others so next time your in the ward stay calm (agitation gives them reason for force) and say <I refuse my medication as I believe I no longer need it> and if they insist say < I am not a danger to myself and those around me, I do not need medication> as-long as you remain calm and assertive they will see that you are mental stable.



Anyone who'd ever want to see anyone else lobotomised for any reason is the absolute worst fucking scum in my eyes.

There's nothing more evil except racemixing.


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Childhood schizophrenia is very unusual. You may not be precisely a child, but you aren't 25 or older, which means it is childhood schizophrenia.

Something like a misdiagnosis reflects poorly on the entire staff. Nurses, orderlies, and therapists are all expected to keep their eyes open for those who do not need to be there.

Remain calm and state your situation. You do not wish to take the medications as they make you feel ill. You feel you are better off not on the medications. Calmly refuse and remind them that they cannot legally force you to, even as a minor.

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