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The Picatrix &: a manual for astrological magic used in early medieval times. One of the many interesting things about this text is the way it lays out a vision of magic that is very different from the early-modern-period paradigms of magic that are dominant in our own era.

For those who are interested, here is some more general info:



The version I own is this one:


One passage I find exquisitely fascinating is from the introduction:

"…nearly all the magical traditions that fill the pages of Picatrix and provided the medieval wizard with his stock in trade are unfamiliar to most of today's occultists, and the magical philosophy that underlies them will be even more so. Readers steeped in modern occult lore may be startled to find that today's popular notion of magical power as a function of the magician's will energizing forms in the imagination appears nowhere in Picatrix. This should come as no surprise; the concept in question was introduced to the magical traditions by Eliphas Levi in 1854 in his Dogme et Ritual de la Haute Magie, which took it from the philosophy of Arthur Schopenhauer, and it existed nowhere in magical teachings before that time.

Picatrix is the product of an older world, and its magic draws on a conception of the nature of magic and the universe that differs in almost every imaginable way from today's occult traditions. In the magic of Picatrix, the sources of magical power are in the macrocosm rather than the microcosm; power is native to the universe, not to the mage. Vast currents of creative force set in motion by the Godhead itself cascade downward through multiple levels of being. They are refracted by the stars and planets like rays of light striking moving crystals, and descend to the earth with greater or lesser force, depending on the complex geometries of astrological relationship. The magician is the one who knows how to catch these currents at the moments of their greatest power, store their energies in material objects appropriate to them, and direct those energies to carefully chosen ends.

The differences between modern occultism and the old magic of Picatrix are sweeping…"



It's like you don't even know what 'all is one' means

The egotistic magick you speak of reeks of the LHP and general degeneracy;

Anyone truly enlightened knows that he is nothing without the all, but that just being conscious he has the ability to connect with the all.

As above so below



>It's like you…

This has nothing to do with "me"; I neither endorse nor reject this world view; lets not get personal.

>The egotistic magick you speak of reeks of the LHP and general degeneracy

Not necessarily; if the Magus is situating himself within or subordinate to these larger flows of energy and cosmic forces it doesn't necessitate egoism; perhaps an LHP reading is also possible but I am not sure it is necessary.

>Anyone truly enlightened knows that he is nothing without the all, but that just being conscious he has the ability to connect with the all.

Then perhaps this has nothing to do with enlightenment; these are early medieval Europeans informed by what seems to be at root Babylonian astrolatry, filtered through middle eastern influences. I don't think it involves the Hindu/Buddhist concept of Enlightnment.

>As above so below

That's a hermetic doctrine amplified through theosophy in more modern times; it may have no bearing on the matter at hand. Or, alternatively, one might see the very embodiment of that doctrine in the effort to align conditions on earth ("below") with influences from the cosmic spheres ("above"). Resonnance and harmonics.


Indeed there is great difference between the two paradigms.

Until Rennaissance magic was completely related to the notion of "All in One" – Monadology – and Astrology. Little or no emphasis was placed in Man and his "Will", in the terms modern occultism puts them.

Only after the "occult revival" magic was placed less in Nature and more in the individual.



Yes it's not exclusively LHP but what I was trying to imply is that kind of thinking is a bit gimped compared to the consideration of the all.

Wait what do you mean by "these larger flows of energy and cosmic forces" that sounds like the kind of enlightenment that I was talking about. How can one be LHP when subordinate to those forces?? Hmmm if this is possible the way I'm understanding, it seems to be conflicting with my understanding

I'm not necessarily referring to the Hindu/Buddhist concept; the concept of enlightenment, of achieving a sort of all encompassing analogous understanding/awareness is one that comes up in practically every mystic/occult culture/religion. It's definitely related to the middle eastern cultures, though I haven't studied Babylonian astrolatry as you say.

The hermetic doctrine has many meanings; in this case I was thinking of the most above, the source, and how it relates to the personal level.

Resonance and harmonics… makes me think of deep synchronicity



There is a great difference, but I would think the individualistic approach is a sort of subset of the monad.

Although they did not call it will, it seems there was a different but similar mechanism in the ideology of 'alll in one'

Though there was probably never anything about 'going against the flow' as in forcing one's will despite unlikely probabilities. The old thought was more like 'convincing' the higher power(s).

In retrospect, it actually does seem expected and even appropriate to impose one's will, as the modern occultism encourages. However I only say this considering the idea that nature has been corrupted



The problem for me is the difficulty in "knowing oneself" and thus discerning what is really one's "will" and what is one's "wish".

In old times more emphasis was put in the HIERARCHY of the Cosmos and, for me at least, it seems it was easier to comprehend one's place in the world and seek the appropriate action.



Your wish would be your intention, and your intention with some implemented action would be your will.

Maybe I am misunderstanding, but that doesn't sound something that a warlock would say :p



Hmmm… No.

A wish is something that mostly your Ego wants. Ex: I wish I was a billionaire.

Your Will is something wich is in conformity with ALL of your being. It is kinda hard to explain but it's like something 'you know deeply in your heart that it is necessary'.

There is practical difference there: when you want a wish to be fulfilled, you need to direct your energies towards it.

When you want you Will to be done, you need only to "acknowledge" it and it is like the energies of the Cosmos do the hard work for you.

Kinda hard to explain, now. :P



>Wait what do you mean by "these larger flows of energy and cosmic forces" that sounds like the kind of enlightenment that I was talking about.

Stop with this enlightenment bullshit. It means literally nothing at this point.



>When you want you Will to be done, you need only to "acknowledge" it and it is like the energies of the Cosmos do the hard work for you.

I don't know what you're smoking.

I will to fuck. That is in accord with all my being, but the universe sure as fuck isn't helping me. This new-agey idea that the universe is anything but a Darwinian wolf-pit reeks of feel-good bullshit.



No you don't. Stop trolling ffs.



No, you wish to fuck.



I get what you're saying, was just caught up on semantics. What you call wish I would consider it as (base) desires.

What you call will I call (higher) intention.

Directing energies is when I would think will power get's involved.

The cosmos wouldn't technically do anything for you, but yea I think what you mean is when you've aligned with a great power (usually the higher self, or spirits) the strength of your will is greatly increased

Anyways with a developed intuition one is able to discern between lower desires and higher intentions



Will is not a higher intention, as in a good or a bad option like having a devil and angel on your shoulder. Will is something that aligns with your whole being on multiple planes, not just your mental plane putting something into action on the physical. This is in relation to Destiny, some things just feel right 100% and do not come from your mind and you don't really question them, you just do them and the results can be very powerful or effective for you.

People have, for example, been cut off from this voice for years then had it reappear at random times telling them things like "don't go yet" at traffic lights say, after listening the person will narrowly avoid a car crash etc etc. The person didn't have a higher intention, and that thought definitely wasn't calculated by their conscious mind. There was a will to live.



>This is in relation to Destiny, some things just feel right 100% and do not come from your mind and you don't really question them

This feel good retardation is the most vile thing in the world. The energies that rule my life may sway me one way or another, but destiny doesn't exist and nothing is in stone.

My atman wills to fuck and this is its ultimate purpose. Nothing, except for my own hard work, will ever get me pussy. If I become lazy, destiny isn't gonna swoop in and get me laid.



No but becoming lazy in the first place was part of the path as its the pendulum swing that you need to learn from. Your ultimate desire might be to fuck, however that is a desire of the mental plane that you are trying to manifest into physical reality and by no means your actual will. Do you have any idea what true will is or have you honestly confused desire with it?

Sure, I could seek out to buy a dildo and make my whole life about becoming a dildo-lord. That however was not my inner will but a desire that I mentally conformed to. It was constructed from my conscious actions, but that does not mean it is beyond a creation. You can decide to follow this falsity, yes, and find far more suffering.

There is always a cause and an effect, and yes the "energies that rule your life" will of course try to delude you into thinking this isn't true so they can continue dragging you down their path that has lead to your mind being tainted enough already to confuse desire with will.



how to find out what your will is?



Read the books in the FAQ



>i know phrases

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