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Many religions, or at least most of their followers, make many mistakes and this thread in particular I am addressing especially to Buddhists.

You don't need to kill out desire. That is just as suicidal a path as submitting to desire unconsciously.

What you need is mastery over desire.

Same thing for attachments / resonance matrices of all sorts. You need to be able to completely break them down AND rebuild them.

All the while you need a divine core to maintain your bearings, a special type of personality, that of the magus. Anyone who is going to go the full distance will have these special qualities deep within him so that while everything else is extremely transient and they change forms constantly a constant awareness of one's true self lays at the back, observing, learning, and remembering what is essential.

The magus in his ascent is extremely unstable but resilient, he bounces back from every self-imposed destruction and reformation, he reprograms everything to replace himself with a new model over & over.

As his desire for lower things is satisfied or dies out and the triviality of it becomes apparent to him because of his mastery over it, he reaches further into eternity by penetrating his awareness and his will into diverse forms, the forms changing ever faster and become divergent, until infinite motion has been achieved and one experiences All at once.

tl;dr OP is a faggot and wrote some bullshit


A more deeper insight still is that when you break the habitual programming and become a self-programmer, you find yourself living a wonderful fantasy, where the strongest desires are the rule of the day, and you submit to the divine influences of incredible passions that abound everywhere, the stars are alive and deeply in love.


[le ethereal screams intensify]


To reincarnate more favorably have the very strong desire for the new and more appropriate form, personality, etc.as you live and as you die. Desire it with every cell of your body, every quintessence of your being; and the form will be assumed instantly.


Everything corresponds with everything else, you can create correspondences yourself by highlighting them in your consciousness and focusing on them, you can act upon anything symbolically for the whole universe is a symbol. If you make a correspondence strong enough, there will be an effect upon that which you have created the correspondence with, it's basic voodoo.



If you are right hand path eliminating selfish desires is not wrong. As long as you don't submit to selfish desires of others its fine. But it would not be recommended to even attempt to do so for left hand path followers.

>A more deeper insight still is that when you break the habitual programming and become a self-programmer, you find yourself living a wonderful fantasy, where the strongest desires are the rule of the day, and you submit to the divine influences of incredible passions that abound everywhere, the stars are alive and deeply in love.

Yes but you don't need desire to motivate you to do something. If you love others its enough. If there is a non selfish desire in another it is the same as your own desire.

>To reincarnate more favorably have the very strong desire for the new and more appropriate form, personality, etc.as you live and as you die. Desire it with every cell of your body, every quintessence of your being; and the form will be assumed instantly.

Once you reach seniority of vibration you choose all of those things yourself you don't have to desire them.

Now a service to self will program an incarnation for wealth, ease of existence, and the utmost opportunity for power.

He may also choose a painful condition so as to hone their anger, hatred, and frustration for others. They spent their incarnation building a blunt edge of hatred towards others .They also attempt to separate them self from others. So many times when people suffer their whole life they choose to do so themself prior to incarnation.

Now service to others may choose a painfull incarnation as well to hone their love for others.

This is just my view on it I hope I didn't offend anyone in any way.



> Left hand ? Right hand ?

Still being stuck in false dichotomy…



tl;dr master resonance and vibration



>Yes but you don't need desire to motivate you to do something. If you love others its enough.

Full retard right there. Love is just another form of desire.



>This is just my view on it I hope I didn't offend anyone in any way.

lol pussy

Also, barely anyone ever chooses their incarnation.



tl;dr I was just shitting out some thoughts, there's nothing really new to be said, the kybalion said it all.


ITT: Smileberg swapped his personality to an edgelord as he was finishing up his OP.


>Now service to others may choose a painfull incarnation as well to hone their love for others.

That's your desire for self sacrifice speaking.

I believe far more good can be done from a position above the average pleb rather than among them.

Besides, love and hate are such basic emotions. Seeing as our incarnation lessons increase in complexity as the cycles go on I can't imagine an advanced wizard having or willing to go through that sort of experience again. I'm pretty sure Atkinson wrote at length about that in the series lessons where he wondered if there's a soul on this Earth who has not made even a single lie in its entire existence. That would be a true challenge rather than getting a grasp on emotions.



Now I will answer this because you desire knowledge. It is my understanding you wouldn't have insulted me if you did not care for my opinion. If I'm wrong I apologize.

The word love as most humans

understand it yes is indeed another form of desire. Most humans are enslaved to this kind of love and chase after it for their

entire lives. The offering of unconditional love to others without expactation or desire to get anything in return is how I understand love. You do not desire to offer love to others. You may want to hurt them but don't do it because of this love. You forgive their mistakes and respect their free will regardless of how they may act towards you ,themself or others.

>Also, barely anyone ever chooses their incarnation.

Yes I apologize my mistake. This only happens once you reach a seniority of vibration. But i would guess most who practice the occult choose the lessons they want to learn in this incarnation themself. They choose the place they incarnate into the parents nothing is random. Now again this is only my understanding you may correct me if you think I'm wrong.



Look into dzogchen and bonpo for information on how to navigate the bardo state after death and choose your next incarnation.

Good book on dzogchen: heart drops of dharmakaya.



The guy Guatama Buddha taught only a small collection of teachings called the Dharma. Dharma is a means to end the cycle of suffering, nothing else.

Anatman is often misunderstood. It's besides being, nonbeing, or any combination of the two; there is a more subtle reality beyond these concepts, a more subtle reality behind the Hermetic teaching of dissolution. But, anatman is just one of multiple realizations that results from achieving permanent liberation from the conditions causal to suffering. Forget anatman if you must, the real value of Dharma is had without philosophizing.

Look at your ultimate goal of achieving oneness with divine influence. Realize the conditionality of that statement. In eternity, how does the self manifest different states? What does involution and evolution imply? The distinctive mark of all phenomena is impermanence. Impermanence exists in the highest realm. There too is the misery of death.

But this is not pessimistic, it's truth! If you look at suffering and death objectively, if you see them only as phenomena, there is no meaning in having to pay for such things.

Ultimately, this is what Dharma teaches:

Once someone has ascertained that suffering is universal, they should learn the cause of suffering.

Once someone has learned the cause of suffering, they should learn how to free themselves from that cause.

Once someone understands how to free themselves, they should practice. Only practice gives real wisdom from direct experience. Practicing the correct teaching gives benefits in the moment.

It’s so simple and serves as a good bearing. Desire is desire, freedom from suffering is another thing. The practice is real, called vipassana: a simple mindfulness meditation. The mechanics of vipassana are clear, I can give a rough explanation of it if you wish. https://www.dhamma.org/

I’m glad you rep stars though. They are alive and with so much love, so are oaks, and so many things in nature. So much love. :)



Same guy, forgot to mention that the link in above post is for an organization which gives free 10-day vipasanna camps all around the globe.



Same guy, I want to add that suffering is caused by biases in the perception of reality. It's an influence of the Law in order to achieve balance in the cosmos. Liberating oneself from suffering is to live closer according the the Law.

This is understood readily from direct experience in practice (vipassana).


Oh god all these new posts in my mindstream thread that I have to read now. Fug.



I understand LOVE as simply LOVE. It is literally an energy, it is pure, and it doesn't matter how it comes packaged. I hate you faggots with your talk of unconditional love; I feel love in so many forms in so many ways and it's all beautiful and it's all LOVE. There is no true love, no false love, there is simply love.

Not that shit about forgiveness, mistakes, free will, etc. need apply.

Love is a creative metaphysical force that you can feel and use freely. Love is back of everything. Love is the law.



No, you don't.



Yes, I fucking do, and in case you don't realize it I am proposing an alternative to what you faggots propose. I am saying love can't be tainted. That love comes in many forms. That love is simply love, no matter how you pair it, or how it's expressed.

Do you have a problem with that?



Conditioned love is still love. It's just energy. Loosh energy.



Thanks for the loosh mundane.

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