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I just began an astral projection program. Anyone with success have any tips or tricks. General things I should know about or your personal experiences



I hope you know that the astral is a plane, not a place, and how important that distinction is.


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do drugs


File: 1436135651562.pdf (97.71 KB, The Astral World - Swami P….pdf)


Do not do drugs, they are a way to open yourself up to influences you're not ready for, and get yourself bluepilled and mind controlled by entities that don't give a shit about your well-being and development.

The only time to do drugs is; when you don't need them anymore and can do things without them. In other words – never.

OP give this short 34 pages long book a read.




Smiley, I could use some guidance. Currently I feel stuck. I read your Wizard Progress thread. Finished with the Arcane Teaching Series, and the most important books by Atkinson, also the Science of Breath. Did most of the exercises on those books. Still can't Astral Project at Will.

Where should I head now?

On another note, do the occultists of fringe gather on irc or somewhere to chat?

Good Vibes.



Not Smiley, but you should try Robert Bruce's Mastering Astral Projection program. There's a thread about it here:http://8ch.net/fringe/res/9462.html



Also paste this into any skype conversation and click the link to join the /fringe/ skype chat, though it's mostly shitposting.




Have you read the book also authored under the Swami Penchadasi pseudonym of Atkinson about the aura? It has become a truth apparent to me that the aura of a human is like his powerhouse, all the thoughtforms are created as parts of the aura of someone animated by an intense and concentrated desire forced into a form and given a purpose by the mind of its creator.


Robert Bruce is mediocre.



Bitch please I'm a full fledged wizard


Your negative thoughtforms can't touch this. I will do drugs.>>45827


I'm gonna check this out I'm currently doing robert Bruce three month program.


I was in a trance, lost bodily sensation, saw psychedelic patterned colors then a bright vivid white light came out of the corner of my vision, how close was I to astral projection?



Sensations are different for everyone, but when shit happens, you can assume that you are pretty close

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