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Hello, my friend Hermes is sick. He is a young parakeet and I love him dearly. I prefer the company of my birds to my peers. If anybody wants to do a selfless act, then send him some good vibes/healing/prana. He is the green one on the right. Thanks.



P cute. I'll totally send Hermes some good vibes. Hope he gets better soon.


Why haven't you practised animal magnetism on them yet? Get to work trying to make them fall asleep from prana injections.


Just get a new one.


All things die, leave, etc. That is the nature of reality. One day you to will go. It's pointless to get attached to anything.


Everything falls apart and crumbles. Only to be reborn.


Your bird is going to die someday. I am not going to fill you with nonsense and pretend that it's going to live forever. Have you started grieving yet? Everything is going to die. Everyone you have ever loved is going to die. Do you know that? You are going to die some day.


Your bird, this is nothing. This is small time.


I am not trying to minimize your pain or what you are going through. I am saying that you can not avoid what is to come. It will happen. You may not like it, but you know it. Some day it will happen.


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I have lost several of my little chums over the yrs.

I replace and now am on Bert4

same color,etc

There is only one budgie, it is BUDGIE

The same soul runs through all of them



<3 you're going to be okay :)


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Sending you good vibes op.



I know he is going to die someday and I know all is temporary and I find that comforting, but at the same time if something is bleeding, am I a fool for putting a bandage on it because it will die one day anyway?


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Put a bandage on it. I don't give a fuck.



Just sent my good vibes to both parakeets.

Prosperity and blessings to you, OP.


File: 1436290854129.jpg (77.38 KB, 600x400, 3:2, i give a fuck clown.jpg)


Your on the wrong board. This board is for people who giva a fuck.



OP if you masturbate to him you will send him lots of loosh and make him better.

>inb4 people on here fap to the bird too



To add to that:

>bind some sigil to it

>pay someone to make cartoon furry porn of your bird with the sigil present

>post the images on furry websites/boards

>the sick fucks fap to it


>bird is better



I disagree, fuck giver.


It's okay if you don't give a fuck, this doesn't benefit you in any way shape or form so why would you be interested in it? I used to feel the same.

Thanks to all who are helping, he is perking up a treat!



LHP Indigo Pill Master Race, only I matter, all else exists for my pleasure including your loosh which is now mine. I openly embrace hate.



Trash is what you are.



Thanks for the lashings honey, let the hatred flow through you.



solipsist pls go



I assure you I take great pleasure in doing harm upon others; or at least their lower/false selves. I am not alone, no, I am here with the infinite other divine sparks. I don't know why you'd think I'm a solipsist. What is the point of being all alone fighting a phantasm? How can I do evil then?


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I don't give a fuck = Do whatever the hell you want. I don't care. If it makes you feel better, go for it. You're so sensitive. Grow a pair. I am not going to baby you. Are you offended? Why? I already said I am not going to sugar coat shit. Get your deal with it glasses on.


>I know why the caged bird sings

>If you love something set it free



>set birde free

>winter comes

>tropical bird

>freezes to death

That is if it doesn't starve to death or gets eaten by a hawk or crow first.


I hope your friend hermes gets better and lead a long healthy life



I hope your friend hermes gets better and lives a long healthy life



I hope your friend hermes gets better and lives a long healthy life


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>"I know why the caged bird sings"

"I know why the caged bird sings, ah me,

When his wing is bruised and his bosom sore,

When he beats his bars and would be free;

It is not a carol of joy or glee,

But a prayer that he sends from his heart's deep core,

But a plea, that upward to Heaven he flings –

I know why the caged bird sings."


"If you love something set it free"

>“If you love something so much let it go. If it comes back it was meant to be; if it doesn't it never was”

- Albert Schweitzer

… I think these are misplaced life quote about birds. I don't have a problem with it… uhhhh


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Appropriate response. :)


You can misplaces quotes into our lives anytime friend. :)



I like this meme.


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Hermes Conrad comrade



I laughed, Anon.

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