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File: 1436279106289.jpg (305.39 KB, 884x1402, 442:701, psychonaut-field-manual-bl….jpg)


This came out fairly recently (April-May of this year iirc), so has anybody seen this? Seems like a decent, straightforward guide on how to into magick for idiots.

It goes from basic stuff like meditation and lucid dreaming, to sigils, and even later stuff like servitors. And it's free, so that's nice at least.

link: http://bluefluke.deviantart.com/art/The-Psychonaut-Field-Manual-SECOND-PDF-EDITION-530005584


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>Spoonfeeding tumblrinas deviantart tier adolescents tips how to perform results-based magick with lots of funny pictures cuz wordz is hard.

Why does this strike me as an incredibly shortsighted and foolhardy idea.


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It is pretty simplified (probably since it's directed at a non-/fringe/ audience) and the page I posted probably wasn't the best example, but what about pic related?


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>That art style

HOLY FUCK. Did this guy do art for PC games or a PC gaming magazine back in the early 00's? I'm pretty sure the first advert I saw for GTA 3 back then was done in this art style in a UK PC Gamer magazine.


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Yup, what could possibly go wrong?




these guys are 2cool4u OP, this cute little book clearly shortcuts all of the hard work they did reading PDFs of magick tomes and all of the hours they put into cultivating their power.

soon plebs everywhere will be true wizards, making all of that hard work meaningless for you and effortless for internet trans-feminists. all because of some free illustrated deviantart tumblrina PDF.

it's no wonder that you guys are butthurt about this.


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As long as no one comes crying to me when they actually get the shit they ask for, I could honestly give a fuck.


Who gives a fuck about spoonfeeding?

The pdf shows things out of systems and are in and of themselves pretty useless, if you don't know what you're doing. If this get's people interested in the occult, they'll mostly just stay mundanes that try it once or twice and get nothing. Maybe you'll get one serious student out of it, but these people mostly don't have the spine for studies, which is a shame.

Also, you posted this shit in the question thread a while back already.


Ha, this book gives you the right framework. Precise and down to the point.

Meanwhile /fringe/ reads tl;dr shit (Atkinson) and useless crap like gnosticism/Montalk.


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almost got me, 7/10 bait


File: 1436373350907.jpg (197.53 KB, 3000x1688, 375:211, tipsbedora.jpg)


>this comic


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>Magick for idiots

I often think to myself that this knowledge is partly difficult to obtain for a reason.



this is the worst thing ive ever fucking seen. you probably drew this shit op. i am ashamed this even exists. wow. its funny how he uses the tree of life on every single tarot card as if the shape means anything, its not even sacred geometry its an outline.


I can see the worth in this PDF. Good starting point for Chaos Magick, but I'd pair it with some Phil Hine or Bob Wilson books and filter out the kabbalah-jewy stuff completely.



Shit, forgot my flag.


File: 1436629994471.jpg (54.44 KB, 510x536, 255:268, Typical_Wizardchan_user.jpg)

Their butthurt is a sign of victory, OP.


IDK why you guy's are butthurt about this. Spoonfeeding removes all the fun, mundanes are going to be interested in magick for a week and then quit, that's what happens with most of the beginner books on "chaos magick" anyway…




Shit, only Dark Magic, only hardcore

Or Necromancy/Death Magic

t. Raised an army of over 9000 skellingtons



9000 ?

Meh, vegeta, his not the one we are searching for…



That's sort of the thing, though.

Chaos magick is hidden knowledge, something that was derived from some of the most difficult and esoteric places. I had to master several fields of thought to figure out how to do magick by myself, because i had no guidance.

Having something centralized like this is really great. I'm glad it exists, my only worry is that people won't take it seriously, and may get lost in a sea of irrelevance.

I have a feeling it won't, though. Let the aeon of Ma'at begin!



You know what they say about the age of piscius…

It's time to banish everyday and to get some more psychic defense skills!


File: 1436667255682.png (113.22 KB, 506x400, 253:200, spoonfeeding.png)



that's a cute quote, but it implies someone is holding the metaphorical spoon and shoving it down your throat.

in the matrix, you will come to realize that there is no spoon.



Chakrams and Tree of Life aren't even remotely similar, there are many versions of it, of their locations, attributes and names in various traditions and schools of Hinduism, this and "pineal gland/third eye" as the only "proper version" is invention of new age fags.



You have no idea what you're even talking about. These things aren't "mystical", but real and verifiable. Hindus have twisted things.



Chakras allow one to directly experience the spiritual structure of reality, while the Tree of Life is more contemplative in purpose.


This is only partly true. Belief opens you up to the perception, manipullating that and understanding it are two different realms entirely. You could know how to do magick and have no idea what you're actually doing.

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