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Esoteric Wizardry


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What are good Eastern left hand paths? I love Eastern mysticism because of it's practicality and the focus on energy cultivation and manipulation, but at the same time i'm put off by the "kill desire, ignore material life " vibe of most of the eastern right hand paths. And there are many left hand traditions in western mysticism, but i can't really stomach the focus on rituals, symbolism, belief and the whole "magic is just mental" approach. How can i get the best of both worlds /fringe/? Let's discuss about eastern left hand paths.


Are you implying that the sole difference between RHP and LHP is the view on materialism and desire?



>implying implications

No, i just want to talk about eastern schools that focus on the self.



Check the folder "Eastern" on The Temple of Solomon mega.


Hey you smell what I smell ?

False dichotomy, right there!

>implying left and right path exist





best magick is your own magick if you like some stuff in the "left" or "right" take it, if not, skip it.

Learn, adapt, experience, make conclusions, repeat…


Magic is mental. Not just mental though; the whole world, all that is, everything; it's all mental. All is Mind; The Universe is Mental.



trips confirm


Tantra is about expansion rather than dissolution.

You become the all rather than breaking down self identification till only the all is left.

Most tantras are transmitted between certain yogis to students so it is hard to attain authentic wisdom.

There are some gimoires around the place, but some of the infomation may be incorrect or hard to decphier the deeper meaning.

A few modern yogic movements mix Tantraic practices into their systems. All yoga which uses Chakras and Kundalini for instance.

Within Tantra desire is not extinguished but used for higher purposes, some strands utilise sex.

Esoteric Taoism such as Qi Gong is very much about cultivating vitality and remaining spry and adaptible and amoral.

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