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Hello /fringe/, I am a newfig to practicing magick, shamanism, etc.

Though, I am fairly knowledgeable of the Occult and the concepts of magick and such.

Is there something fairly simple that I can do, to either enter a different spiritual realm, speak with higher beings, or some simple ritual that I can do to be in accordance with my Will?

Or anything, really.

Here's something useful:

"I am alone: there is no God where I am"

This refers to the spiritual experience of Identity. When one realizes one's Truth there is no room for any other conception.

It also means that the God-idea must go with other relics of the Fear born of Ignorance into the limbo of savagery. I speak of the Idea of God as generally understood, God being 'something "not ourselves" that makes for righteousness,'

Also, Will in thelema means something a bit different than the coloquial term; it may be pertinent to say that while Thelema is not really theistic (you may argue it to be panentheistic), it is however very much teleological - Will is in a sense one's "destiny", but that's not quite it either. It's more like the most deeply rewarding set of actions that you can do in accordance with the interplay between your self, in it's most profound sense, and the universe; it's not a job that you perform to make money, or merely actions that give you happiness, it's more like the Tao in that it's a path you can take to achieve harmony and fulfillment.

For example, if it is your Will to paint, then it is not your Will to make money by selling paintings, or to be known as a painter, or really even to make paintings, but to paint in itself, "delivered from lust of result". Crowley explained it in comments in this way:

Recommends "non-attachment". Students will understand how in meditation the mind which attaches itself to hope of success is just as bound as if it were to attach itself to some base material idea. It is a bond and the aim is freedom…This verse is best interpreted by defining 'pure will' as the true expression of the Nature, the proper or inherent motion of the matter, concerned. It is unnatural to aim at any goal. The student is referred to Liber LXV Chap. II, v. 24 [see below], and to the Tao Teh King…One is not to do Yoga, etc., in order to get Samadhi, like a schoolboy or a shopkeeper; but for its own sake, like an artist…The free exercise of one's faculties is pure joy; if I felt the need of achieving some object thereby, it would imply the pain of desire, the strain of effort, and the fear of failure.

1) We live in the an age when the idea of the Christian "God" can no longer provide us with a source of meaning and morality. Hence, "God is dead."

2) We each must create our own meaning in our lives. This is the ideal of the "ubermensch." However, it as something we should continuously strive for rather than a goal at which we will someday arrive.

3) "Faith: not wanting to know what is true."


Yeah use your imagination it's that simple. We live in a mental universe; just stop imaging there's a duality between mind and matter. Everything is actually mental stuff. Read Dynamic Thought by William Walker Atkinson if you need this proven to you with pure logic.



…and for specific practises see the meditations thread and start reading Franz Bardon's books too which will give you step by step instructions basically to develop yourself as an occultist.




Thanks. Will read up.

Where is this meditations thread?



>>46393 Thanks



>Hence, "God is dead."

So what if God's dead

We must have done something wrong

This dark facade ends

We're independent from someone


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>Trying to force Nietzschean autism into occult




actually, i just found that little passage somewhere.

i get it, though.

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