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Let's discuss antidepressants and other pharmaceuticals on here. Are they inherently mundane and siphon mana? Or are they alright?

Share your thoughts and experiences



Just get a proper diet and change your mental attitude via reprogramming and meditation. Medication is not worth its side effects, especially SSRIs such as prozac that can destroy your level of visualisation among other things. Interesting how most antidepressants come with a side effect of suicide, huh?



Well at least, they are not depressed anymore, right ?


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>side effect of suicide

Do u even kno wat derperssion iz?




Why the fuck would antidepressants actually fix your depression? That would be destroying their own source of income.



English is not your first language. Is it?



You're spot on, it's not. But in all likelihood that should have been enough to get my point across.



Were you trying to use an analogy?



"fix" it's a life long struggle.



What analogy? I was trying to say that as a pharmaceutical company, it would be stupid to get rid of the disease or condition your product is advertised as being able to cure. I mean it's what antidepressants do, they just temporarily take care of the symptoms by sweeping them under the rug, but the problem is still there.



"sweeping under the rug", what makes you say this? "cure" where does it promise this? You don't know how each individual person is dealing. Rome was not made in a day. If you have never reached a point of desperation, you don't understand. You'll try anything, just to make it stop.



What I mean is that it's ultimately pointless, and it has the potential to fuck you up even more over time. It soothes you for a while but it actually never makes you confront the problem. Most of the time someone would just take them to be able to carry on with their lives, while trying to forget about the problem, and that's it.

While I do understand what would make someone resort to stuff like that, in the end it doesn't encourage you to face what's at the root of the matter.



This is not a.. one size fits all, kind of deal. Everyone is different, everyone's situation, experiences,environment, tools,etc. All different. You really have no clue what you are talking about. What works for one person, wont work for another. Things are not so black&white and one dimensional. Step into other peoples shoes, and you will understand.



Maybe they aren't trying to forget, they are just trying to deal with it? You can see a problem and still have to work through it. If your leg is broken, and you need some crutches and a cast… should I tell you not to.. because you are handling it all wrong? No. You would have to heal, right? What is so incorrect about that?



That's not the right metaphor, puting crutches enables the leg to heal.

Antidepressant could be compared as a pain killer, it doesn't heal shit, it makes you dependent to it and it mereley hides the suffering, not treating it.

If your leg is torn appart and you are given morphine, the doctors still have to treat the wound and whatnot.

The problem is that people taking antidepressants don't treat the "wound", they keep "injecting morphine" into themselves without doing anything for it, and so the "wound" is getting infected until it "rots" and "the rest of the leg" dies, in this case they suicide because the pain becomes unbearable.


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You are being vague and making assumptions. Every single person is different. If your mind needs a cast for a while and some crutches.. what is the problem? Don't blame the medication for some one committing suicide. If they are already suffering, and it's not helping.. then they need to switch to something else. You don't know what kind of treatment they are going through. With or with out the pills, if they are suffering and in unbearable pain.. I wouldn't blame the pills for them offing themselves. That is just a scapegoat. Hides the suffering? THEY ARE ALREADY SUFFERING! Hiding it? really?


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Okay, lets do it this way.

> I stab you with a knife

> you are hurt

> it's painful, you are bleeding

You have three options:

Either you let it bleed (and you are dumb, the wound gets infected, and you rot and die)

Either you take some bandages and disimfect (you still go through the pain but it's healing at least)

Either you take painkillers (no pain, but the result is the same as the first one, you die…)

Either you take a painkiller and you heal yourself (no pain, no death, just a bit of "bad chemical things" going in your body)

All I'm saying is that most people in depression take anti depressant and do cheap psycholobullshit that doesn't help. They are taking option 3.

All you need to get out of depression is to transmute that emotion into something a little bit better. Feel as good as you can.

> pic related:

If you feel depressed (number 22) try to feel guilty about being so short sighted and considering the world as if it revolved around you. You are now feeling guilty and are on number 21, a little bit better, and so on and so on, until you reach bliss.

The mental process can be different, whatever, just do everything to feel the number above the one you are on that list. Best anti depressant contained in one image and a 100 words…

That is what hermetist mean when they say transmute your emotion into it's "opposite" one.

You can't transmute instantaneously without being a Master, so for the time being, accept that your transmutation may take time.

Now if you want to get rid of the cause of the depression, use the gary craig EFT technique to destroy all the energy blocages caused by "bad" emotions.

For my part I can tell you it works and I have escaped in some form the swing of the pendulum. (The lowest emotion I ever get to is boredom, which is an even easier thing to deal with then depression)


>Already states in the thread that anti-depressants are not a cure

>Why take pills then for something with even greater side effects?

>Magicians claiming to want to "know themselves" wanting to block off potentially years of development with anti-depressants that cause brain damage

These things are no joke and majorly rewire your brain. If you want any results put in the effort. I can't tell you the amount of people who end up being on the pills for 30 years doing nothing and not even treating themselves with respect because they're too zoned out. You are posting on the completely wrong board if you think that taking any major anti-depressant is a good idea because, just as another poster (rightly) said it just makes the problems more suppressed "swept under the rug" and you will now have to waste even more years and time repairing your brain and subconscious just to face these issues.

http://ssristories.org and do some more research before you decide to absolutely fuck the configuration of your brain just so you don't have to face your real root problems.


>all this crying about muh mental illness

Just quit being whiny bitches and will yourself out of it. I did it and you can too. There is no mental trick to happiness, no mundane pill or chemical agent to get that for you. No new environment or babying will help. Happiness comes from inside, from an infinite tap. Don't just turn that shit on, blow the pipes out nigga.

It's all right there inside.



happiness doesn't exist



If it doesn't exist, how are you thinking about it?



My dick in your moms asshole exists though.



It's an unattainable piece of crap people chase. If it exists, why are so many people searching for it? They get it, and it slips through their fingers. It's this fantasy world of nonsense to hide from reality.


We can't be happy because our society is sick and we are programmed biologically to exist in hunter-gather societies - 90% of human existence.



You sound like you're on the verge of a realisation in regards to the physical world, but that does not mean that happiness isn't alive in individuals that are not heavily programmed.

If I were angry, would it be temporary or permanent? If I were to work on anger, and become angry all the time, would I not have near permanent aggression? Apply it in the reverse, master the pendulum.



I know far more than I lead on.



Did I offend an ego state? On an anonymous image board of all places! No wonder you aren't happy with so many insecurities.



Don't tell me what I am or what I am not. You don't know me. Only I know me. I don't like your thou art holier than thou attitude. I find you to be disrespectful and condescending.



Aw gawd, so much loosh, it's raining loosh!

I am not seeing what he says that you define as condesending and holier than thou. He just gave you the way to get out of the swing of the pendulum, just as this post did. >>46442

By not doing these and rejecting the truth you look like a 12yo not wanting to read books because

> muh its 2 hard!



I am tired stressed out and probably not making much sense. You're welcome.



You're reffering to the momentary and fleeting pleasures material gives you.

True happiness is very much real.



Respect is earned faggot, you ought to learn to shut the fuck up when someone who knows more is teaching you something.

Sage for double post.




But to some degree I DO know you. Why? Because your external presentation mirrors your internal composition, and someone who is getting so offended and has to justify himself so much on an anonymous board is someone with many insecurities. Sure you could be playing "the fool", but what would be the point of that when you're typing in a thread about anti-depressants?

For example, you might be the most powerful "wizard", however if you walk towards me and can't even maintain eye contact (or you have to switch off or escape to do so) or not look above the ground/relax your posture then you obviously have a lot of internal works you haven't completed and are actually at the whim of many negative energies that feed off your weak aura. That's your "power".

That's not to say there isn't hope, just that you need to be real with yourself to get there. "Know thyself".



This is a good post.



>Happiness comes from inside, from an infinite tap. Don't just turn that shit on, blow the pipes out nigga.



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Honestly the way I do is just be happy. Sure sometimes the pendulem swings back, and holy fuck does it swing back hard, but you just get it back up and be happy.


I was depressed too anons, and honestly i just tried detaching from my personality as stated in Arcane Formulas, it worked for the first time but how do i make it work again?



I am great with eye contact, and my posture is fine. I am not as insecure as you assume. I do "know thyself" hence why I said "Don't tell me what I am or what I am not. You don't know me. Only I know me. I don't like your thou art holier than thou attitude. I find you to be disrespectful and condescending." to which you ended up telling me once again who you believe I am.


I stopped searching for happiness and found peace instead.


I feel like this discussion is unfit to be talked about here. Why? How many people have actually suffered it? I am talking clinical depression. Not "my dog died and now I am sad" kind of shit.



"For example", I don't claim to know your life story but the fact you're so defensive is telling to me. I'm just relating back to you the perception others gain from what you've said, your external words being a reflection of your internal state.

I'm surprised that you know yourself if you are so easily replying and getting roped along to these posts, for what point? Is there something to prove, anon?



How am I getting roped? I didn't tell you shit. All you do is rattle on about things you don't know about. If anyone doesn't know thyself, it's certainly you. Mind taking a look in the mirror friend?


I was thinking maybe those of us who were looking for legit answers to OP's question could get some more feedback instead of the thread dying with two people arguing over unrelated? Just a thought.



pls answer im very desperate



OPs questions already been answered. Don't waste your time with pills, you won't find "happiness" there.



Fucking +1



Clinical depression doesn't deal with the search for happiness. When you are struggling, it's just trying to be normal. To grab on to anything. It's like being in a burning building. Like being out at sea drowning. You don't understand.


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So you think you are going to get out of this pool of depression by continuously swimming in it ?



Jesus fucking christ. Get fucked.



We are all the teachers and the students.



I understand perfectly. I understand that you came here looking for justification for using a quick way out of the pain, and everyone here instead said the truth. It will hurt, yes, but in the end you'll be immune to the power deppression has.

Bandaging an open wound won't stop the flow, help, maybe, but it doesn't fix what at the source.



This is untrue. You can take all your assumptions and shove it.



You don't understand because you do not know. I did not come here looking for a quick fix. I am not that kind of person. I use an analogy and you fuckers take it and run with it? If you could read in between the lines you'd see a big, fuck you.




Then please, enlighten me, what did you come here for?


Antidepressants negatively affect the libido. Anything that disturbs the sexual energy will stifle desire and willpower. I've a friend who takes SSRIs and now he has no ambition.



It's another case of medicine treating the symptoms rather than the cause. Depression is a symptom of deep seated psychological issues that are better fixed through introspection, but our culture is created in such a way as to avoid introspection as much as possible.


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This thread is comedy gold. Best thread on /fringe/ by far.



I've seen better. lurk more mundanefag

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