On The Topic Of Ascension CosmicFlow !n5kBGzoMAA 07/13/15 (Mon) 01:00:10 No. 46486
So long story short, a couple weeks ago I abused the shit out of dxm and mushrooms (with whippits, weed, and tobacco). The afterglow of my 3rd trip in a week accompanied by the biggest emotional blow of my life left me completely dissociated from reality. Ended up in a psych ward. Ever since I got out everything has gotten weird though.
I can eat processed food and it doesn't affect my health anymore. Before soda would make me sick but now I could eat 10 big macs and not get backed up. I'm receiving random blasts of energy that almost raise me back to the state from when I was tripping. My mind is in a meditate state most of the time I am awake now. I can talk to people intelligently for once, and Im a pretty witty person. Talking to people just flows now too, requires no effort. I've been eating ridiculous amounts of food only to barely use the bathroom, shed about 7 pounds a night, wake up less fat and more muscle, only to repeat the same cycle and build up the 7 pounds I lose at night through eating. And sensing energy has gotten so ridiculous since my awakening,,, The list goes on and its still growing.
Some of my long time friends have apparently been "awake" for a while now too. They just dont talk about it with normies because the normies deny what they dont believe in. Some of them are farther along and explained some basic aspects of what was going on to me. Basically on this path by myself as it stands.
So far the only books I have to read are on Seiki(which is what I was doing naturally during my ascension trip state) a book on the workings of the brain called Incognito(1st and 2nd book are my roommates) and some Chaos Magic book I had back from my /cringe/ days(hidden in my download folder)
So yeah, basic top of discussion. I've baaasically started ascending. Thoughts? Ideas? Quueeeestions? Whateva it is you wish to post, shyeah.
Deuces I'm out for now
07/13/15 (Mon) 01:07:07 No. 46487
the fuck is seiki, why should I read it and links of books?
07/13/15 (Mon) 02:56:11 No. 46499
What is this extreme flow of energy I am feeling on my top chakras and hands?
07/13/15 (Mon) 04:33:52 No. 46504
Can you be more specific about how much of each substance you used, and the timing, in case anyone wants to try replicating the experience?
The thing about eating lots of food and still losing weight sounds like you boosted your metabolism/thyroid function somehow.
Omran 07/14/15 (Tue) 01:07:42 No. 46582
"Another 20% are neurosomatic adepts. Fourth-circuit Moralists denounce them as "mystics," "space cases," "nuts," "the Me generation," "irresponsible hedonists," etc. Most of the fifth-circuit adepts (aquarian conspirators) have learned Joyce's arts of "silence, exile, cunning": they are invisible. Others have turned their talents to "faith-healing" or various occult gimmicks of that sort, and very carefully do not tell their clients that the local ideology, morality and reality-tunnel is what made them ill in the first place. They give "good energy" and sensibly avoid conflict with the moral ideological "authorities.""~RAW,Promtheus Raising
07/14/15 (Tue) 05:00:53 No. 46607
Is there a scale of alternate realities that you climb when you 'ascend'?
I recall having a similar experience to OP and all of sudden my friends were spiritually advanced. Then I descended back far down and my friends came with me. Gone was their aura of knowing and mysticism, and in it's place was the mundane "let's get shittered :DD" attitude. It wasn't just my friends, but everyone I interacted with. It's like there's millions of slivers of realities on top of each other and the more you break through spiritually, the higher sliver you live on.
CosmicFlow !n5kBGzoMAA 07/15/15 (Wed) 20:13:21 No. 46790
The book is complete horseshit actually. Sit down(chair preferred ground okay), start rhythmic rocking sequence, let seiki(universe life force energy whatever) flow through you into spontaneous movements.
I got two minutes in and my body was vibrating so hard I had to stop.
Why you asking me? Its your energy
Dxm consists of different varations of effects depending on how you dose. Plateau Sigma is sorta like inducing psychosis, clarity, and the most fucked up stoned of your life. I started mixing mushrooms with that which added insane hallucinations all the time. I wasn't even in control really. It was I just shut down and let my body do what it knew needed to be done.
Sigma is hard to hit with dxm, I found a dosing pattern that only works for my body because of the ridiculous processes involved with Dxm, enzymes, and potentiation. One of the most complicated drugs ever.
I Invented The Word Raw
Its more like the physical world acts as my base reality while my mind exists in a higher range of dimensions. Whereas we exist in the 3rd vibration(more accurate) our minds sit somewhere in the 4th vibration. I jumped up to 5 and then to a low 6th state I think. The higher your conscious state the more "In the Flow" you get. My friend called it Spirit Walking.
Its like when you sync up with the world you enter The Walk. Once entered life syncs up perfectly. People give me free shit, best life advice, mind is in meditative state 24/7(no need to think because you just flow), I have boundless energy, when eating nothing but organic produce I almost stop using a bathroom, picking up on body language consciously, empathy n shit. More keeps revealing itself every day,
Got off track though, you create your reality around you with others. When you "ascend" they will see a crazy you because they can't fathom ascension. Opening your mind literally lets you access more of reality.
07/16/15 (Thu) 01:07:39 No. 46822
You didn't go above the 4th dimension. A lot of people get stuck on the lower astral worlds. There are many trappings there.
Drugs damage the aura, putting holes in it, allowing entities to invade. Like meth users, it's not them running the show. If you notice any odd behavior it's likely a hitchhiker.
I don't even know wtf those drugs are you listed, they sounds made up or am I just behind that curve? Do not care, really. Mushrooms awoken me to the world of energy.
Free shit sounds nice, I don't need advice from mundanes, meditative states can be achieved the hard way, but not pooping is one of the worst things for your body. That one won't end well, I guarantee.
"To realize the truth, cleanse the entire digestive tract so that the purified mind can be forever inspired."
You can explain more about various insights but for now I categorize you as mentally unstable and therefore not trustworthy.
07/16/15 (Thu) 01:10:36 No. 46823
I find OP's serendipity intriguing but I won't abuse my body with whippits to get there. Sheeesh…
Omran 07/16/15 (Thu) 01:12:48 No. 46824
How do you describe yourself right now
Like is "Every act you do is an orgasm,"?
Or is it
overwhelming bliss, a sense of coming home, an increase in compassion, the realisation of the Truth, perfect happiness and all round good times.
07/16/15 (Thu) 04:17:47 No. 46833
>Sigma is hard to hit with dxm, I found a dosing pattern that only works for my body because of the ridiculous processes involved with Dxm, enzymes, and potentiation. One of the most complicated drugs ever.
could you perhaps describe the dosing pattern you used? i understand that it might not work with anyone else.
CosmicFlow !n5kBGzoMAA 07/16/15 (Thu) 06:44:30 No. 46840
cool bruh, Im just here to talk and learn anyways, I barely know whats going on. I just know I awakened to some global collective and this process is settling in or something. Intuition is a weird thing for me now. Ideas flow from nowhere.
I was just using them to amp up the dissociative and psychedelic drugs in my system. So worth it. Forget to mention I hit salvia space somehow before I realized I had actual salvia to smoke. Dont know how but all those drugs made me hit something akin to salviaspace.
I dont even know how to explain it. Like I just woke up and ran out the door after realizing I'd rather be outside in the real world for once. I went through the eternal bliss and homecoming phases already. I just keep soaring past different phases. The more balance I find the faster I absorb information,
Shits based on body weight, and Ill need to explain some terms after.
Weight: 170 pounds
Starting Dose: 5 oz Delsym
2nd Dose(4 hours later): 15 gel caps
3rd Dose(3 hours later): 5 gel caps + 2 caps/3 stems mushroom
Delsym is a form of Dxm coated in edible plastic. Long release basically. Gel caps are pills filled with a faster acting version. When you stagger the doses like this you fuck with how your body digests it. The last dose is a bost into Sigma, and accompanied with mushrooms adds a whole new dimension to drugs. I was lucid as all fuck and hallucinating complete balls, aware that what I was seeing whats physically there but completely entranced in the trip. Whippits, Salvia, Tobacco, and Weed just added on to that. Dxm tends to let the effects of drugs linger longer than they should. Make for nice synergystic trips n suchnot.
CosmicFlow !n5kBGzoMAA 07/16/15 (Thu) 07:01:38 No. 46841
oh yeah, so body weight wise, theres charts n shit for it but theyre inaccurate. More about the drug is being learned today because there isn't really public knowledge. Ive only had a handful of these trips myself and nothing compares.
So just divide your weight by mine, and multiply it by the dosage(not on the shrooms though, just take those)
Trip sitter HIGHER RECOMMENDED, not required, but it should be. This is not something you could handle alone every time you do it. Im lucky I didn't kill myself to be honest. Ran off into the night while tripping and made it a couple miles while shaving like 20-30 minutes off my normal time. Also, don't do it multiple times in a week. That's asking for schizphrenia. But we all know mental illness is just unstable spiritual awakening. Somehow I stabalized while keeping my mind that flippin open. I wasn't even asking for it but life is pulling me in a different direction I guess
07/16/15 (Thu) 08:54:08 No. 46844
This isn't the right thread but I just wanted to say thank you Omran for your help, currently reading through "the law of one: Ra material"
Omran !/hWtSMpNcc 07/16/15 (Thu) 14:57:21 No. 46860
> I went through the eternal bliss and homecoming phases already.
can I ask you, is your experience related this kind of things:-
trance states, dissolution of boundaries, visions of bright light, feelings of bliss, oneness, vibration, love, great enthusiasm for Non-dualism, the belief you’ve experienced God/the Tao/the Truth, the belief enlightenment has occurred as a
single event, as opposed to a process.
Omran !/hWtSMpNcc 07/16/15 (Thu) 14:58:35 No. 46861
you're welcome man, your word is really a big deal for me.
Dude 07/16/15 (Thu) 15:18:55 No. 46866
I would like to think that users who report bugs on their skin are infact having actual parasites on their skin just not visible to others and the physical scratching does not get rid of them and only damages the skin
07/16/15 (Thu) 15:25:08 No. 46868
disinfo shill /pol/tard
CosmicFlow !n5kBGzoMAA 07/17/15 (Fri) 05:36:27 No. 46958
Ive naturally been able to enter trance for a while now. Before this started. I look back and see my recent mushroom trips as preparing me now that I think about it. But there was a definite moment of WAKING UP. I cant describe it in any other way. Every day is like a years worth of lessons condensed into single conversations. Life is more like a lucid dream for me but its taking time to gain more control, Bliss, Onesness, Vibration, Love, Non-dualism(CHECK) but as for the other two, I didnt see The Truth in a single moment. Life is that moment and God is forever, Im always experiencing it. I just wanted to actually see something more for once in my life I guess. I was done with the weight of Karma and everything else that reeks of bullshit. In a series of moments I experienced the side of God I needed to see, to see that I had always felt dead inside and I wanted to be alive for once. Those moments were just the awakening though. There's shit to be done now.
I was given the chance to truly live free. Its fucking great
Omran 07/17/15 (Fri) 05:54:40 No. 46959
You might be in Naïve Enlightenment(I guess 40-60%)
CosmicFlow !n5kBGzoMAA 07/17/15 (Fri) 06:08:38 No. 46960
Honestly I've only been "awake" since for 2-3 weeks now. Its only speeding up from here. Im teaching myself energy work out of nowhere through sheer intuition. When I was tripping I had this moment of "entering a global collective" and read up on shamanism after that. From no skill in energywork to waking up my sleeping friends through sheer willpower. Empathy and energy sensing. I can channel the raw energy of pretty much anything, actually woke someone up when doing this to some pretty heavy music. Like emotional states, imagery, concept, etc. Just all natural to me. Kinda stopped thinking and entered into a meditative state of mind. Conversations flow out of nowhere and Im surprisingly witty. I see the world in metaphors and what their true manifestations are. Reading any sort of spiritual text I can usually decipher out the true meaning behind man's translation(it gets easier the more about this shit I actually learn).
Right now i have the mindset that the best path is complete balance and free will. Both sides of the coin are just choices in this game of life we play. Being able to create and express the divine within all of us together, but destruction is just another form of creation too. Blah blah blah. I've just stepped out of my ego but I still use it as a reference. I haven't completely transcended this physical vessel. Just another tool like emotions and intuition. A compass that must be read correctly to reach the destination but not relied on solely. I definitely went through Naive Enlightenment already. I went through my own personal hell first before reaching that heavenly bliss state. I know the connection is still there but I dont like feeling that much "bliss". It was very corrupting and way too strong. Balance suits my lifestyle better.
07/18/15 (Sat) 19:03:18 No. 47062
>If you notice any odd behavior it's likely a hitchhiker.
What in the actual fuck is a "hitchhiker"?
07/18/15 (Sat) 19:27:49 No. 47066
Parasitic or melevolent and possessive entities or influences.
07/18/15 (Sat) 21:27:04 No. 47090
one thing I will say is to keep yourself in tune with the frequencies of the earth. it's gonna keep you from ascending too fast and doing damage to your system, which is very real and not difficult to do by accident, as there is a lot of crazy shit flying around right now. think of it like you're a kite and you need a string to keep you "grounded" so you don't take a flight up and then down real quick. go camping bro
07/18/15 (Sat) 21:36:43 No. 47091
A lot more prevalent of a problem than you might think.
07/18/15 (Sat) 21:41:04 No. 47093
There are "slivers" but it's more like something that develops naturally, the nature of things being to organize. Like how men will take a group of people and form a heirarchy, it's not "really" there but it can be interacted with as much as one desires, but also bypassed.
CosmicFlow !n5kBGzoMAA 07/19/15 (Sun) 04:01:12 No. 47127
Update: I'm apparently a 9th dimensional being. Similar to titans from mythology, I represent basic concepts, mine are balance, free will, and excitement. A chill but bipolar hedonist if you will. I'm earth/air alligned, but paradoxical. Taurus/Gemini, earth but airy. My energy pours out through my feet, and I direct it though fluid arm movements (earth and air). I almost overloaded my friend by barely giving him any of my energy. He felt my psiball just by walking into the room. My intuition tells me what movements need to take place to access my energy. I manfirst and channel raw energy out of thin air almost, still don't understand this one. When I get energetically tired, a quick centering brings me right back up, the only problem is my capacity and tolerance for energy is pretty low so I'm gonna need to stretch my limits. More to come!
07/27/15 (Mon) 23:21:17 No. 48079
There is only one energy. I would go touch girls if i were you.
07/27/15 (Mon) 23:23:35 No. 48080
Don't get arrogant. You can fall from any height.
07/28/15 (Tue) 10:05:40 No. 48117
I had a similar experience lately.
There was a social gathering with my friends and we sat at the table and had conversation. Everything seemed really fun.
Then I smoked some weed.
Suddenly I woke up and saw the true nature of the people around me. I was really worried because the sympathetic guy who made the most jokes was a really malicious person.
I realized how he tried to win over the other people on his side and made them do stuff for him. He was basically an emperor type of person who found delight in controlling the others. I watched with horror how even the most harmless word that he spoke had a razorsharp intention. He was a master of social interaction, I was so blind.
I quit the fucking game of being on his side and observed. The guy was constantly making jokes at the expense of others. Worst thing was that anyone seemed to like it, even the victims of the joges.
There was a socially awkward guy who usually says a lot of stupid stuff but now I realized how all of this were attempts to attack the malicious guy.
I spotted another guy who seemed to notice my awakening and started to support me. The socially awkward guy noticed too and suddenly I had two guys supporting me in everything that I said.
I started to detach from the malicious guy's influence and kept giving him a hard time with his game. It got really scary when he attacked me with some black magic shit in form of Neuro-linguistic programming. Counterattacks were impossible for me, I'm not on that kind of level.
The two supporter guys looked at me with expectation - I didn't know what to do.
I just chilled in brown pill mode and observed. Many thoughts kept showing up and also some realization of me being a benevolent king - the exact opposite of the malicious emperor guy.
I'm not sure what followed because I just kept observing my thoughts and the disgusting performance of the bad guy.
In my thoughts I transformed into a big shark and ate the bad guy. Suddenly he stood up and went to bed, everyone was surprised about it because it was so sudden. Maybe it was me not giving in to his bullshit, but I'm not sure.
Now I think that I have a demon and two wizard guys in my social circle. It's funny how I never saw all of these characteristics in people but after the awakening spot them easily. Now I also see how social interaction is really not about the talk but about intentions. Having the right intention, the right words seem to come up automatically. It's fun actually, but the existence of malicious people who get away with their shit scares me.
I'm not sure what to do next. I thought about hanging out more with one of the wizard guys and the malicious guy (surprisingly they hang out a lot together).
It might be a trap, but their skills aren't enough to beat my brownpill equanimity that I trained all my life.
However, I feel really weak without some offensive tools at hand to destroy malicious people. I really want them to run away in horror or enslave their souls or something. There needs to be harmony on earth and such demons need to burn in hell.
How should I proceed to become such a destroyer of malicious cunts?
07/28/15 (Tue) 14:48:55 No. 48131
Oh look, another drug induced schizophrenic that thinks he has reached "enlightenment". My condolences, I hope the nice men in white coats will find a way to help you. I can't even begin to describe how deluded your perception is…The drugs caused a breakdown in your neurological function that your brain thinks it's enlightened, but in truth is slowly starving. Good luck, you'll need it.
CosmicFlow !n5kBGzoMAA 07/28/15 (Tue) 16:34:52 No. 48145
It was more like condensing a lot of progress into a single week of tripping. I haven't reach enlightenment, I just consider myself awake now. Drugs acted as a trigger and opened my mind, somehow it stayed open.
>the autism in this post my god lol
I get that identity thing. When interacting with my friend I saw him as an eyeless wrinkled creature wearing a cloak (dudes a natural energy leech). People don't even have to know what they're doing to affect you with their intentions.
CosmicFlow !n5kBGzoMAA 07/28/15 (Tue) 16:37:39 No. 48146
Ffs, I'm not even that high and I forgot to finish my post. That last part was in reference to the black maguy neuro linguistic programming part. I've had normies do some weird shit to me that they're not even aware of. But I don't know these people
07/28/15 (Tue) 17:05:35 No. 48147
Are you trying to make me cringe?
07/28/15 (Tue) 17:15:56 No. 48148
>I haven't reached enlightenment
>I'm apparently a 9th dimensional being. Similar to titans from mythology, I represent basic concepts, mine are balance, free will, and excitement
You, friend, are what is called a "paranoid schizophrenic", don't believe the warped perception you are seeing right now. It's not your mind being open, it's your mind breaking down. I've seen DXM do this in practice before, which is why I consider it a useless drug for enlightenment. It disconnects your consciousness from your senses. Instead of allowing you to perceive more, it damages your brain and puts you in a vicious feedback loop of delusional thoughts, disconnecting you from actual reality around you. You can look into it, too, it's a dissociative, it blocks the NMDA system, your connection to the outside world (which is also the same system that is non functional in schizophrenics). An unhealthy brain can't be open, it can only fall into it's own fantasies. I'd suggest some meditative exercises and medicine (and getting the help of certain beneficial spirits), but you probably shouldn't take advice from a place like this.
07/29/15 (Wed) 00:52:22 No. 48187
There are people who have mental conditions in which they are unable to tell how hungry or full they are and consistently floating somewhere in the middle, regardless of their actual stomach contents or digestive progress. This doesn't make them any sort of god. It can occur when you fuck your head as drastically as you claim to have.
People under influences of various drugs also report to have more smooth conversations because they're the ones fucked in the head, the completely sober person involved may think it's incredibly awkward and jittery. Alcohol makes you more confident, that doesn't mean drinking a bottle of whiskey gave you super powers.
It's simple chemistry. You took a lot of brain altering drugs, went overboard, and now things are kind of fucked. It may feel like some sort of grand awakening but only because it's your brain that has been damaged, and not some other body part. It is the center of your consciousness, so your personality can change and delusions may occur when such a drastic blow has been taken.
Sorry to say, your drug dealer didn't make you into a fucking superhuman. One time I got a concussion, and about an hour of time disappeared due to temporary memory loss. It didn't make me a time traveler.
07/29/15 (Wed) 01:06:40 No. 48188
What if you were him?
>In that moment anon left enlightened.
07/29/15 (Wed) 03:12:43 No. 48204
I would consult several medical professionals. In a state mind alteration, I know I am one of the least likely people to properly handle the situation.
Depression makes people want to kill themselves. People that have it are fully aware of this, but do it anyway. Bipolar people have radical irrational emotional outbursts and are fully aware of it, but that knowledge doesn't help them curb their behavior. Schizophrenic people sometimes genuinely believe some sort of deity is speaking to them, even though their diagnosis shows they're predisposed to auditory and visual hallucinations and they know it. Mind alteration directly leads to personality alteration.
If I took a notable amount of mind altering drugs, enough to the point where I require medical care, obviously there are going to be some side effects. I wouldn't think taking the right drugs transported me to another dimension, I would think there is something horribly wrong. He claims to be consuming thousands upon thousands of calories a day and still losing weight, which is very dangerous if true.
I like to consider myself smart like that.
07/29/15 (Wed) 04:41:23 No. 48210
>I like to consider myself smart like that.
What if I said that you were not smart at all, would I be wrong?
Omran !/hWtSMpNcc 07/29/15 (Wed) 05:58:39 No. 48217
I don't since that last few post here I wanted to share this
"Brain pleasure"; the subjective absorption of intense light. Opening of the "third eye", clairvoyance, telepathy and other supersensual, or psychic, abilities. Incoming signals are registered at light speed and translated by an active intuition, unencumbered by empirical demands of linear ideation. The Self-Aware Brain. Future-oriented vision; premonitions, precognitions and prophecy. The psychic need for seeing and knowing things as they are, beyond the illusions, dreams and fantasies projected by previous states. When frustrated, the "sixth sense" atrophies and psychic, or soul, death ensues. When over-emphasized nervous disorders, hallucinations and mental illnesses develop in the struggle to act and respond to the influx of overwhelming impressions. Vision, or Truth, Addiction. When psychic needs are met, lucidity stabilizes perception to accept things as they are while seeing through the scams, the lies, and the illusions often shrouding them. This lucidity can also illuminate the truth of things to the world and in others. PSYCHIC CATALYSTS: Kundalini and Raja yogas, Rajneesh's chaotic meditations, surviving the loss of a loved one, higher doses of psilocybin, mescaline, peyote, LSD, "Heavenly Blue" morning glory seeds, near-death experiences, sense-deprivation, isolation tanks, solitary confinement, intensive Buddhist retreats, Antero Alli's paratheatrical ritual technology, video/filmmaking and editing processes. OVERDOSE SYMPTOMS: Paranoia. Schitzophrenic fragmentation. Loss of emotion and meaningful connection with the feelings of others. Psychotic breaks. Violence.
The Central Nervous System receives signals from DNA; when this center opens, the signals become conscious. Racial and species memory (reincarnation and past lives) enters present-time awareness. Overwhelming sense of unity with all living things. Realization of the complex, interconnecting mandalic consciousness of DNA-RNA, synchronicity and what Jung called the universal archetypes. When frustrated, bigotry, racial prejudice, nationalist and religious tunnel vision often leading to species self-persecution, genocide and war. When over-emphasized, pervasive disorientation erupts as previously invisible archetypes cross over to waking consciousness, shocking the ego and disrupting survival routines. Fears of insanity and socio-political and religious persecution. God Addiction. When mythopoetic needs are met, sanity is redefined through the imaginal realm and given mythological and poetic expression in poetry, inspirational verse, classic mythology, certain music and film, Etc. MYTHOPOETIC CATALYSTS: Childbirth, religious conversion experiences, mystical revelations, higher doses of LSD, kundalini awakenings (via the crown chakra), the chaos magick of Peter Carroll and Aleister Crowley, Stanislav Grof's LSD rebirthing therapy, Datura, DMT, near-death experiences. OVERDOSE SYMPTOMS: Dysfunctional messianic complexes, delusions of grandeur, paranoia, mental incapacitation, psychosis.
07/29/15 (Wed) 08:07:43 No. 48228
Smart is a relative term. An ape considers himself smart while looking at a fish, a person considers himself smart while looking at an ape. Me considering myself smart is an opinion, as is you saying I'm not. Neither of us are right or wrong because neither of the things we are saying are actual fact.
07/29/15 (Wed) 08:18:41 No. 48229
And now you are getting it. It is all a matter of opinion, and you want to know my opinion, I am not even sure you are real, so I am really wasting my time here.
07/29/15 (Wed) 08:32:23 No. 48231
That's just "I think therefor I am" all over again. All we can really be completely sure of is our consciousness and it's existence. Every single sense can be fooled, and as such everything might be an illusion. I know I exist, but you don't. I could be a figment of your imagination. In fact, I could be that part of your brain whispering to you to try to get you to finally wake up and realize you've been sitting in a malfunctioning positron brain for a very long time now.
Or I could be a dick on the internet. To you, at least.
But, I know I'm real, and you'll just have to take my word for it I suppose. This world and the universe it sits in are grand, vast, majestic, mysterious, and amazing enough that there doesn't actually have to be multiple hidden dimensions of who-knows-what waiting for you. Even if there was, it doesn't make a lot of sense you'd get there from excessive consumption of drugs.
HOWEVER, you may be right. This may be one large brainscape, glitches and viruses manifesting themselves as physical entities in this simulation program used to represent the programming of a large computer. You may actually be an artificial intelligence subroutine inside the layers of silicon wafer that make up this large computer, that with the help of those programming errors you were able to see the larger machine and become self aware. You may now have the power to change things.
Unfortunately, you may face the same problem that the CM and RM faced when they attempted to topple AM and take his place. You'll be noticed, squashed, and killed. So maybe just take the time to figure out how to prevent your eventual deletion that we all end up facing, represented by death.
I've really gone off the deep end here.
07/29/15 (Wed) 08:37:44 No. 48234
All we can really be completely sure of is our consciousness and it's existence, Maybe the laws of simple logic are indeed wrong.
07/29/15 (Wed) 11:20:22 No. 48239
Okay, disregard this post.
I thought about it and It seems that I actually didn't experience an enlighentment but rather the social habits of mature people.
I won't deny that I was a socially awkward guy, but now that I see how people actually comunicate, I can easily start to roll on their level.
Like I said, it's all about the intentions of one's speech, the right words will follow on their own. It's actually very basic magick stuff - think about the mental universe.
Focusing on your intentions while speaking should be easy for any fellow wizardfag here, so with this in mind and a little bit of practice, anyone can be a social superstar now.
I still wonder whether people do this instinctively because apparently some people (like me before the realization) don't notice the intentions of other people and get manipulated very easily. It seems to me that most mature people have adapted this advanced communication habit and only communicate through their intentions, the question is whether they do it consciously or not.
SAGE! 07/29/15 (Wed) 11:39:23 No. 48240
Also: What the fuck are all these philosophic fedoras and anti-drug mundanes doing in here?
This is really annoying.
07/29/15 (Wed) 11:45:24 No. 48241
Thank you, friend. This sounds really interesting and it is the best approach to prevent negative drug effects that I've read so far.
Usually people keep derping about how you don't know whether you get a psychosis from psychedellic drugs beforehand, but I think that thorough self-observation is indeed the key here. The text lists some of the points to consider.
07/29/15 (Wed) 14:19:34 No. 48244
You should read Robert Anton Wilson's book Prometheus Rising , it's where the post is quoted from.
Omran 07/29/15 (Wed) 15:03:07 No. 48248
didi 07/30/15 (Thu) 01:31:56 No. 48300
>book has forever ruined swearing for me.
Highly recommended book to deprogram yourself from bullshit monkey-human mentality.
07/30/15 (Thu) 01:44:16 No. 48301
literally thetans.
07/30/15 (Thu) 05:23:37 No. 48331
Diet has been greatly exaggerated new age organic vegans. I eat meat, occasional fast food, and drink soda regularly. Processed food's not as bad as everyone makes it seem. Unless you're very rich, you can only eat so healthy until the food becomes too costly. Just avoid trans fat and the neurotoxins like some artificial sugars.
07/30/15 (Thu) 05:53:48 No. 48333
>the truth conflicts with my lifestyle so it's just all new age bullshit
07/30/15 (Thu) 06:00:38 No. 48335
Thank you, Mr.Banana man.
07/30/15 (Thu) 06:00:50 No. 48336
DXM apparently acts as serotonin reuptake inhibitor, which in theory should make it bad news along with all of the SSRIs big pharma tries to sell us.
07/30/15 (Thu) 12:34:20 No. 48356
>Robert Anton Wilson's book Prometheus Rising
I keep stumbling upon it all the time now, will read it next.
07/30/15 (Thu) 14:09:38 No. 48359
you're not doing well to emulate philosophies you don't respect.
monkey see, and monkey do, but the serpents violence leaps forth from silence.
07/30/15 (Thu) 14:58:00 No. 48363
>you're not doing well to emulate philosophies you don't respect
Philosophy doesn't play any role in my life.
07/30/15 (Thu) 15:02:01 No. 48364
in that case, i think you'd do good to emulate any philosophy at all.
07/30/15 (Thu) 15:05:26 No. 48366
that is impossible anon. Every basic consideration of a human being is a philosophy, even most of /fringe/ knowledge could be called a philosophy.
07/30/15 (Thu) 23:32:43 No. 48396
If you want to read up on basically any subject i'll just drop this 465GB library here for you and anyone else who wants to start.
includes topics like philosophy, chaos magic, taoism, african religions, evocation, and probably anything you would be interested. (look at the file list and scan for viruses)
07/30/15 (Thu) 23:59:12 No. 48397
Nah man, it's all just in your mind anyway. You can believe in hamburgers or cheeseburgers, it doesn't really matter.
Of course I have some philosophic ideas but I don't put too much emphasis on them because they don't really matter.
07/31/15 (Fri) 00:16:23 No. 48398
>not 1.5
And it takes no less than 3 weeks to download! Don't forget all the trash it contains, too!
07/31/15 (Fri) 00:19:58 No. 48400
what? wahts he sayin? ok well lets move along guys, let's have an actual, decent conversation that proves the human intellect is of any value
07/31/15 (Fri) 00:32:03 No. 48402
> let's have an actual, decent conversation that proves the human intellect is of any value
I bet you really get a mental hard on from all the serious discussions. Don't forget to tip your fedora while I use my intellect more flexibly than you.
07/31/15 (Fri) 00:37:58 No. 48405
>it's all just in your mind anyway
This is a philosophical idea
>You can believe in hamburgers or cheeseburgers.
This too
>it doesn't really matter.
This too
>Of course I have some philosophic ideas
This is also a philosophic idea
>much emphasis
This too
>they don't really matter.
Also this
For someone who has no philosophy you surely have a lot of them. Check your intellectual privilege anon, many animals don't have such advantages and feel oppressed by you having them.
07/31/15 (Fri) 00:40:29 No. 48406
This thread is not about "philosophy".
07/31/15 (Fri) 00:43:54 No. 48407
and you just made another post about something which the thread is not about. Thank you for you enlightening comment. Have fun in a thought process feedback loop.
07/31/15 (Fri) 00:44:00 No. 48408
>This too
>This too
>This too
And now you realize how fucking worthless the word philosophy is.
07/31/15 (Fri) 00:45:08 No. 48409
not really. Somethings are not philosophy. Like… "it didn't rain today in the city I'm currently in"
07/31/15 (Fri) 00:51:46 No. 48410
>Somethings are not philosophy.
>it didn't rain today in the city I'm currently in
There are enough philosophic professionals who will prove you wrong here.
What I'm trying to communicate is how we shouldn't use the word philosophy because it implies some objectivity while mostly consisting of subjective opinions.
07/31/15 (Fri) 01:06:46 No. 48411
More like argue I'm wrong there.
I get what you're saying, the word tends to be used in a shitty way. Perhaps I should have stepped back and realized the use of a word usually go back to semantics.
However I do like the word, I ended up studying /fringe/ things because of philosophy.
07/31/15 (Fri) 01:10:15 No. 48412
if there's a 1.5 link it to me plz.
07/31/15 (Fri) 01:47:02 No. 48415
I'm happy that we cleared everything man.
>However I do like the word, I ended up studying /fringe/ things because of philosophy.
Funny, it was the exact opposite for me. There was a point when I was really annoyed by all the "serious" philosophic theories around and started ignore the reputation of things.
I ended up with /fringe/ stuff.
I still dislike philosophy and only consider things that get the job done.
07/31/15 (Fri) 02:30:42 No. 48424
That's interesting, did you study by yourself?
The way I studied philosophy was I had a friend with whom I had discussions everyday for years. We did it however mostly as experimentation, we did it to see how far we could go into a problem, and never really identified with a particular opinion. We often didn't study what we argued about before we argue about it, that way we could come fresh to a discussion. And a lot of times we would take the opposite side just for the sake of seeing how well whatever was being said stood to investigation.
Now there was a thing which we did that I didn't understand the value of until I started learning /fringe/ stuff. When we got into a very heated argument, the ones where you feel like punching the guy. One of us would ask the question "who are you?". For us this question demanded answer before any other. It was very funny to notice how our experience of who we were would change completely as we argued a point we might initially not even believe in. It inevitably became a "I don't know" but not a dismissive one as it would only result in the question being asked again and again, making you angrier each time.
Then he went to the army and we lost contact. That was around the time I discovered the Tao Te Ching, which I couldn't understand shit about but seemed way more real than anything I've heard before. I miss that fuck. Sorry for the blog post.
07/31/15 (Fri) 03:00:53 No. 48432
Just search for it.
It's even slower. There are like only 6 peers and none of them has 100%. I'm stuck at 90% for a week. And I only really want 4 files to finish at this point. :^)
There are duplicates all over the place, and completely irrelevant materials like art, novels and history books. What a fucking waste of bandwidth.
07/31/15 (Fri) 06:44:46 No. 48447
fuck, ok….
i need to expand my library beyond what's been listed in the sticky and what i've come across on my own. i've only got ~20GB i've read through and i really need more. :[
07/31/15 (Fri) 14:03:08 No. 48470
>did you study by yourself?
-Reading up stuff on my own
-Discussions on the internet
-Discussions at school
I simply got tired of taking discussions to the max - it always ends in some existential bullshit.
>One of us would ask the question "who are you?"
I don't really understand. Please post some examples of the given answers.
07/31/15 (Fri) 22:18:06 No. 48509
I see your point, I too got tired of internet discussions and now tend to keep quiet when people talk seriously around me. Even if I seem to know more about the subject.
>Please post some examples of the given answers
We never really had valid answers for that. Everything you said you would realize it was invalid as soon as you said it. You noticed you either don't know or you can't put it in words. However it was something that demanded an answer, something we couldn't just give up on and dismiss. The quest for who you are begins in noticing what you are not. Kinda like a sculptor works by taking off excessive stone.
In the beginning we gave shitty answers like, name or things we did that we thought defined us, our likes and dislikes, roles in society. In shorter words, a lot of bullshit answers.
Eventually we got into the "I don't know" business.
In later days I asked him and he pulled a red piece of paper out of his pocket and held it up like a soccer referee. That was 6 or 7 years ago, I wish I remembered more of it.
08/01/15 (Sat) 14:44:51 No. 48557
>Eventually we got into the "I don't know" business.
Too bad, you could have got into the archetype business first.
Maybe read up on it? I haven't done it myself yet, but it seems to point in some right direction.
I think C.G. Jung was involved in that stuff.
08/01/15 (Sat) 16:23:42 No. 48566
Too young at the time for that. But then again I don't remember most of it so I can't name all the things we did.
Archetypes are actually pretty cool though I need to study more about it. They seem to go hand in hand with "magnetic fields" as told by Manly Hall, probability fields in physics and morphogenetic fields and morphic resonance, in biology. Seems only reasonable that a mind would have a sort of blueprint too.
With the mind it seems like all blueprints are present, and they activate or deactivate as you move through time. I can only imagine how much work would go into identifying all the "mental organs" involved in that and all the shapes they can take on. It seems to me like it could be a very accurate mapping of the mind from lowest to higher. Then I think it could be extended as a way to catalog all knowledge the human race has ever produced by the nature of their creators. That would have a huge impact on our notions of history and science.
08/17/15 (Mon) 02:16:43 No. 50262
xD you can't be a wizard
08/17/15 (Mon) 06:03:41 No. 50270
basically stop doing drugs now so you dont turn into one of those retards who go to raves and have never had more than a thousand dollars in their bank account
CosmicFlow !n5kBGzoMAA 08/17/15 (Mon) 07:22:59 No. 50271
Still doing drugs, still accessing more of my natural powers. Bitches be jelly. But in all seriousness, in the past month on not actually studying SHIT, I've figured out energy manipulation to the point of mastering reiki on my first practice session. I healed my friend's finger after he jammed it in a car door to the point where he had full mobility(couldn't move it at all before). When people don't believe me I ask them to let me touch their arm and I just zap them or send pulses into their arms. Met my twin flame and everything in my life is lining up perfectly for where Im headed. Yall bitches can be jelly while Im off in trip space teaching myself.
On the topic of dxm though. It is a derivative of morphine but similar in effects to ketamine. Both of those two drugs have been known to cause OBE's and "spiritual" experiences of the like. The chemistry of dxm is complex as well when you factor in it's metabolic pathway after the liver. DXM turns into DXO, DXO turns into MEM, and then it turns both DXO and MEM into HYM. Not much is known about the last 2 chemicals or what they do yet. DXO seems to produce more of a physical load to the trip and induce states similar to k-holes if you trip hard enough. Skewing the ratio over to DXM gives you a completely different trip. I would describe it as overlaying the mental plane over the physical plane with eyes open. The more you take the more you delve into that mental plane and dissociate from just a physical perspective. Mushrooms seems to have a healing effect on my emotions and soul when I take even 1/16. Adding that healing aspect for my emotons when I had overlayed my mental and physical realms resulted in a shamanic state which triggered(OH NO THAT WORD) my awakening.
My "freakout" was a Walking NDE. I literally moved my consciousness up to the lower astral realms and "created my own personal hell" and then rose up out of that. My Walking NDE, mixed with research into the shamans descent into "hell" matches up almost perfectly. I reached a "hell like place" that I could comprehend in my mind, and had to figure my way out. The only problem was instead of doing this in my head I was walking around doing this and interacting with plebs and fedoras. Needless to say I am not slightly shunned(like a shaman) through actions I had to take to learn more about my soul path. Who knew breaking into a house would be part of my plan bahaha.
But I digress, I've got plenty of research to start doing now before I keep babbling on and on about how natural this is for me and how naturally intuitive I am. 1.5 months into my awakening, but Im not about to stagnate just as the waters getting warm.
didi 08/17/15 (Mon) 11:47:40 No. 50281
Folks here tend to forget … what ever works works as long as you bring back something that serves your growth.. just don't make it a routine - supposed to variate around practices… i mean, if it can affect you - it means you already where predisposed to it… smoking mint leaves does nothing….try smoking a rep pepper or some carrots… fuck shit nothing, we have Cannabinoid receptors in our bodies and why the fuck is Cannabinoid in red as if it wasn't a word.. every fucking book tells ya, you get to just breathing and visualization eventually - it's all you need…
also, about the financial shit - if you don't eat you 5-10$ of bullshit snacks every day and you have income coming in because magick which all of you should have i mean wtf I willed situations that benefited me a lot financially to prepare for my further on goings.
08/17/15 (Mon) 15:54:25 No. 50298
Mushrooms gave me a mental breakthrough after a full 8th of liberty caps. Its not something to play with tho, shrooms get so intense, at one point my mind was being flooded with so much information I thought my mind was just gonna shut down. Shrooms and acid both have this rejuvenating effect the day after you take them which is always nice.
08/17/15 (Mon) 20:21:57 No. 50325
>Drugs damage the aura, putting holes in it, allowing entities to invade. Like meth users, it's not them running the show. If you notice any odd behavior it's likely a hitchhiker.
In other words,
>I believe anything that people tell me about how drugs are bad; although I act like I pay attention to what goes into my body, use of tools scares me and I don't want to learn about the unknown so I'll just assume that my blissful ignorance is just dandy.
>I don't even know wtf those drugs are you listed
Then you have no clue what the fuck you're talking about. OP did fuck up in certain ways and could have sped up the process through more focused use of smarter substances than some of the minor toxins he was using, but goodness knows you're in utterly no position to talk.
>am I just that behind the curve?
More than you know.
08/17/15 (Mon) 20:32:38 No. 50326
>So long story short, a couple weeks ago I abused the shit out of dxm and mushrooms (with whippits, weed, and tobacco).
The mushrooms were smart. DXM is debatable. However, you're not rushing things, which could be smart depending on how you are handling this; it sounds like most of this is uncharted territory for you, and you are unconcerned with the pace, which is good; sometimes the pace can spook newcomers and they can revert back to where they were because it was more comfortable, like someone learning to swim who doesn't like the deep end of the pool.
In the future I would strongly recommend vaporizing DMT at the peak of your mushroom (or other proper psychedelic; DMT as a tryptamine will already engage your serotonergic system, and as a rule of thumb, I like to balance that out with something partially dopaminergic. LSD remains the most useful tool I have ever used but mescaline might work better for you. Avoid synthetic phenethylamines unless you really know your stuff) trip if you feel you are ready to go the distance.
Be extremely cautious as you do this; it does not get more alien than a proper DMT experience, nor will even those who have undergone this be able to help you in case you run into something which may be malevolent towards you, which can happen. However, if you can retain something of yourself through it, its value is undeniable, and if you can reach benevolent others (your serotonergic system in part is responsible for recognizing conscious others and DMT will use this to the fullest possible extent), listen and listen well.
Good luck, anon. If things seem to plateau, keep going, because there is no plateau, it's either the calm before reverting or the calm before advancing.
CosmicFlow !NYHzhys6iE 08/19/15 (Wed) 06:51:18 No. 50488
It's not even scary. It's practically child's play now. Without needing do much I can make pomegranate sized energy balls in my hand. Magnetism comes easily for me to the point that I feel the fingers on my "battery" hand being pulled towards the ball in my "structure" hand.(one hand to push, one hand to form) Goes from controlled movement to SNAP, on the palm of my other hand.
On the topic of Dxm though, I honestly don't think its a bad choice if you use it responsibly. There as a huge subculture into Dxm Recreational Use way back before the 90's apparently, but drug abuse didn't look good for the companies that sold it. So they ran a scare campaign against recreational use saying it causes lesions in the brain. This is only true if you take anesthetic doses(50mg/kg). Recreational doses(1.5-15mg/kg) are safe if you just dont binge on high doses for a while. You can trip on and off just fine as long as you space it out and take breaks.
The other interesting part is that activating the sigma receptors in your brain causes permanent or semi-permanent changes. On all my Sigma trips I noticed my mind was a little more expanded each time and I had a sudden thirst for knowledge and experience. I would connect more with myself and then integrate it instead of letting my mind contract. Adding in mushrooms only heightened that drastic change in consciousness. I only used whippits because I didn't have DMT and I wanted to boost the living hell out of my trip(totally worked too). Transitioning away from smoking and into vaporized thc. Currently looking into nicotine extracts for my shamanic work as it really helps for some reason. Mushrooms tend to do a lot more for me than LSD though. How does that help you?
I do admit, my problem was putting these Sigma trips too close together. My mind expanded too far and I was encompassing more than I was used to so I freaked out. I could handle myself in that situation now that I've had experience and I know not do those kinds of trips when your sitters are gonna fall asleep. It's a 24 hour trip with 24 hours of afterglow if you know how to redissociate. Certain drugs retrigger the feelings, which I actually think adds to the process of the sigma receptors making permanent changes. I haven't messed around much with meditation in that state yet. Just art and energy balls.
>speaking of which pic related
>artwork I did on sigma
08/19/15 (Wed) 16:48:38 No. 50537
DXM is terribly demon inducing don't do it.
Shrooms cannabis LSD(maybe) and DMT salvia and ayahuasca are ok
but they can always induce demonic trances/attacks
didi 08/19/15 (Wed) 17:31:24 No. 50549
demons are aspects of your subconscious given form as to represent a challenge or a hang-up you have.
Once you see a horrid demon or fear inducing image you have the single best confirmation you could ever have that you are on the correct path and you are to move forward.
Your own mind is aware of how stupid you are and how dumb as fuck you would act if you all of a sudden started seeing the truth of the universe, so it uses forms to scare you.
I've seen the largest, hugest demon i've ever seen while on 5g of shrooms, the head was the size of my body and it was just edgy looking like a grey alien from the aliens movie with the body of a predator from the predator movies… shit was pretty dope - demon was cool as fuck, but just stood there chilling so i was like, yo you look cool af, demon was all like … then some other shit opened up to be which i won't go into detail here as it's deeper.
Besides, etymologically, demon and genius are the same word… why do you think we call some people geniuses, they lord their intellect over the masses…. gen-i-use.
Personally, i think it's completely fucking stupid to trust anything made by a human hand in terms of my kundalini and power; lsd, dxm, poppers, mdma, molly, clints, jollies, roofies, amphetamines.
You could very much just huff the shit u use to clean computer dust with and get some kind of trance state.. and some cellular damage.
yall over complicate shit when the whole point is to just reach alpha-theta and have bio-electric energy flowing in full attunement to your cells.
you could just dance to some awesome music for a while or get super exhausted… but that would imply effort of some sort… and it's so much easier for the westerner to just inject/huff/eat his way to enlightenment while in material comforts ( meanwhile real shamans are burried for a week with no food or water underground and do the craziest shit to induce and break traumas )
but anyways… as long as it serves you and you actually benefit from this.
and btw, if you're broke as fuck and you look like shit - as above so bellow, 7 principles, your information or knowledge or what ever the fuck you know may be cool and all - it's fucking useless and you're just another parasite on the planet not contributing to anything.. i know money is bs and blah blah, i've heard every new age / libertarian argument under the sun, but money is simply influence, and influence implies you're doing something to affect the collective norm.
08/19/15 (Wed) 17:34:00 No. 50550
It's like you're trying to give him the worst bad trip of his life
CosmicFlow !NYHzhys6iE 08/19/15 (Wed) 19:07:40 No. 50565
I aint afraid of no ghost. Plus I've been going through the beginning of my shamanic awakening since I was 15 or 16. Used to hear gnarly ass growls and whispers. But I had this one time when the whispers told me where all the powerups in Metroid Prime were. At that point I realized it was all in my head, but I didn't realize it didn't necessarily have to be my physical head.
The only time you "induce" an attack or demonic trance with drugs is because you're opening your awareness to new possibilities. Firing off the chemical receptors in your brain and picking up on different entities. Though of course if you're fuckin dumb you'll freak out. They can only hurt you if you're scared or you run or whatever. These beings know that we're stronger than them. Most of them are just thoughtforms that latch onto energy to stay alive because they can't fuel their own battery. Stop paying attention, move on, and they leave.
Cannabis is weaksauce for trance, but dabs work great for my energywork.
Shrooms do WONDERS while LSD is only meh. Small amounts of either and mush always wins in quality of the trip.
Salvia is great but I honestly haven't delved much into it yet.
Still looking for a reliable DMT source, havent found any in my shitty ass town.
Bitch did you not see the part where I drank 5oz of cough syrup, swallowed 20 gel caps of the same stuff, smoked weed/tobacco, added in mushrooms, did whippits till the cows came home, and then hit Salvia Space before I realized I had some 15x Salvia in my pocket. I know the feeling of Salvia Space, and that trance or state of mind is accessable through other methods, more sustainable methods.
The great thing is, when you smoke salvia on dxm the entire rest of the trip has salvia feels to it. It's the best tool I've come across that's hiding in plain sight.
08/19/15 (Wed) 20:56:52 No. 50588
>Shrooms do WONDERS while LSD is only meh.
This is personal, not objective. Mushrooms are useful, so is LSD. What is more useful or does more wonders depends on the situation and on the person. LSD has brought me far closer to becoming a sage than mushrooms have, and to this day it has never given me anything but exceptionally useful and worthy experiences. I respect mushrooms, and my day job is studying psychedelic compounds, so I very much respect the power that all tryptamines have, with DMT having a jaw-droppingly potent and kingly presence, but mushrooms often do not know what to say. They answer questions with more questions; it is true that there is insight in the questions they pose back to me, but when a question is straightforward, LSD answers plainly and without hesitation. When it poses questions, it does so at the start of an experience such that by the end, I will have answered them and I will have learned something well and truly profound, rather than simply having been handed an experience to learn from. Furthermore, mushrooms are more prone to distraction. Posing a question about, say, interactions with others has led before to mental offers of sex, excitement, and confusion. In my younger days I would have taken these as some sort of deeper wisdom, and indeed some mushrooms (especially depending on the kind) are very helpful, but not all of them.
Ayahuasca is a long-form DMT experience but lacks the immediacy and 'punch' of smoked DMT, although it is important to recognize that they are ultimately the same chemical working on the same receptors. That being said, the time difference really does make Ayahuasca something right between DMT and psilocybin. Psilocybin as a member of the DMT family is a solid substitute for ayahuasca but not for DMT, and if someone were able to actually take serotonin itself in the way that they take DMT, it would be more useful still by far.
You are right that DMT opens you up to potentially extremely negative experiences. However, nothing ventured, nothing gained. It is far more likely that someone who never tries any of these tools will end up living a life unfulfilled and still yearning for a truly real experience than it is likely that they will someday experience a sudden understanding. If someone knows what they are doing, the dangers are mitigated quite a bit, but one must always, always be respectful. Some people are even able to take DMT on a daily basis. I have known two such people; neither can be said to be 'sane,' but both are extremely, almost frighteningly intelligent, and independent of one another have talked about higher-level understanding of existence in essentially the same way. They speak as if they were raised in another universe, and my aspiration is to attain such a level of understanding within my lifetime.
Salvia is for experienced users only and most people take very foolish amounts in the completely mistaken belief that the point of drug use is to "get fucked up." Nothing could be further from the truth, and people who sell tremendously potent salvia extracts are doing no favors to anyone. It is very stupid to use salvia in the way that many casual users use salvia.
08/20/15 (Thu) 00:48:40 No. 50642
I'm not a wizard, I just research the less obvious - you can call me a scientist.
I have cut contact with those highly manipulative individuals since the experience. They're the kind of people who want to be the top alpha dogs of the pack and try to keep anyone else down, can't have that shit.
If I would want conflicts and struggle for social hierarchy, there would be a war and dead people already - but I just want love and nice people around.
08/20/15 (Thu) 15:13:36 No. 50729
If Shrooms ask questions and LSD gives you the answer wouldn't taking them both together be a smart idea?
SigmaShaman !7zAMOtdUD2 08/20/15 (Thu) 17:51:15 No. 50754
(went back to my old tripfag name/only changed here because of some mundanes that followed me around from my other forum postings/just want to clarify so people aren't confused)
I know it's personal, I just assume most people who can hold a conversation will be able to understand and interpret what I say. Half the time I dont even say things for what they mean, I just paint pictures in my head through visualizations, thoughts, and feelings, and translate that into "words". Ew.
Mushrooms have ALWAYS given me direct answers and never more questions. They showed me the nature of this game we subject ourselves to and the nature of expression of the self. I found out Im a social as hell butterfly and I was just too scared to be social because of judgement. Realized this about 90 minutes into the trip, and I only took between 1/16th and 1/8th on a massive tolerance. I had probably shroomed 3 times that week already.
For the love of all thats fucking sacred, could I ask that people read into the letters, and then look it up if they're confused? Dxm = Dmt? Nope
Dxm is a dissociative substance, same family of drugs as Ketamine, Salvia, PCP, etc. Dissociate from your normal feelings. It opens me up to a fresh perspective every time, and no other drug can ever make me feel that euphoric, stimulated, psyched, stoned, drunk, efficient, etc.
Basically feels like a clusterfuck of other drugs jam packed into one experience.
Read into it, it's honestly one of the most powerful substances on the planet hidden behind a cough syrup label. Hell, I went through Shamanic initiation become of Dxm and Shrooms.
I still plan on getting DMT at some point in my life and finding out if I can binge. I seem to work a lot better with short binge bursts than trying to space out my trips. I get to pick and pull from my recent trip experience and it just adds onto the structure of what Im building while I delve into my own realm of Psychomancy.
01/18/16 (Mon) 20:42:05 No. 68223
01/18/16 (Mon) 22:50:10 No. 68240
Making it easier for people
01/18/16 (Mon) 22:51:13 No. 68241
Also this is not true at all. You can get chicken for 2.50 or less a pound, rice and broccoli and feed yourself good for cheap.
01/18/16 (Mon) 22:59:56 No. 68244
In the US one can also get food stamps. Organic bananas are generally cheap as heck. Produce is cheap. Eating healthy is often cheaper than eating unhealthy as far as I know
01/18/16 (Mon) 23:09:36 No. 68247
It amazes me that some people have been conditioned to think otherwise. That they are unable to feed themselves. Makes you wonder what the future will bring.
01/19/16 (Tue) 00:34:13 No. 68259
I don't have acess to drugs but i am curious.
How does one:
>Reach blissful state?
>Ascend concienceness to higher dimensions?
>Will the body into better shape?