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I was raised in a heavy pentecostal Christian environment. In one of the services I was in as a child, I received the "gift of speaking in tongues". Growing up I'd use it now and again as a sort of prayer language or to ward off demonic spirits, also whenever I would have lucid dreams and I spoke in tongues, the entire environment shook and I felt a huge surge of power that would make all the entities in my dream cower in fear. When I lost my belief in Christianity in my late teens I forgot all about it and didn't think much of it until recently.

Today I decided to try my glossolalia ability again during my meditation session. I felt the same sort of energy as I felt when I was a kid having a lucid dream and I started shivering and getting goosebumps. The syllables coming out of my mouth were getting more rapid and varied, my jaw almost vibrating from the speed. Sort of like my tongue became a kind of fire, similar to the "split-tongues of fire" described in the New Testament. I stopped because of my anxiety.

What do you guys think? Was the effect a result of many years of subconscious conditioning convincing my mind that it's powerful, or is there a real sort of mystical energy that results from it?

Do any of you have experience with this and is there any /fringe/ recommended reading material on the subject?


Bumping for interest



How does it sounds ?


Could you vocaroo it?


I believe it is a genuine occult practice that Christians stumbled on or resurrected, along with some other practices like certain forms of faith healing. As for what is speaking through you and what it is saying, I don't know.


Can you vocaroo yourself speaking in tongues?


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the difference between language now vs language before tower of babel is that now the meaning is secondary to sound (so 1 sound can have many meanings) whereas the language of animals, angels and spirits the sound is secondary to the meaning.

when kundalini/holyspirit/vitalenergy moves upwards it can spontaneously trigger things like that i think, like in the bible after the apostles recieved the gifts of the holy spirit i dont think it was so much that they miraculously learned new languages; but they could convey meaning directly without language inbetween, but mostly in pentecostal churches it seems like a kind of learned behaviour/hysteria thing

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