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Esoteric Wizardry


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>Prison Planet Earth


Really, moon and sun trapping you, but Earth is still a globe? …


I'm starting to think the insistence that 'words have hidden meanings because they contain other words' is a sign of some sort of mental deterioration. This guy does it, some faggot involved in GG constantly typed "CULTural Marxism", and I think Time Cube might have had it as well.


Very interesting.

Do note that the world is currently learning or already knows English. I think I read somewhere that it's going to be the one world language, for at least the masses. The Quabbalah will remain the language of the rulers. Luckily there's still time to learn that, too. Gotta bad feeling that the TPP is gonna purge the 'net of esoteric materials, which I think is already happening in the UK.

I've also heard on one of Art Bell's Coast to Coast recordings where he brought up that going into the light was a trick, and the guest he had on confirmed it too. That was back in the 90s when it was recorded. I'll try to find it, but I don't remember the topic.


>Dissolution or DIS-solution. This is a sort of spiritual death where you dissolve. You refuse to engage your mind or consciousness with anything because it is all just projections of the mind, phantoms or illusions. Stop feeding the machine. If you want the game to stop, just stop playing the game! This would be the null edge or knowledge. This could result in nirvana. Like in the movie War Games the only way to win is not to play the game. We are trapped in a prison of duality and emotions are harvested so the only way to end the game is not to react to it or play the game. The Archons who feed off our electronic energy, e, feed off our emotions. Emotions are just our energy, e, in motion so if we cease that motion they starve and the game dies.

Now… if all is just a projection of the mind, phantoms and illusions, and to win you must "stop", that brings me the question, is there a central mind? Is it myself? I cannot comprehend a mind other than my own, or the ALL mind.

If we are all projections, and that means none of us are the projector, yes?

How am I to be sure I am not the only thing that exists and that others, namely, the posters here on fringe, aren't also me, or my projections? likewise, I am not their projections and illusions.


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