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The rules are simple and only apply to the creation of threads on /fringe/: 1. Don't make duplicate threads of topics that already exist unless the previous thread has hit the bump limit. 2. Don't make threads just to ask questions, actually present substantial information if you're going to make a thread. 3. Don't make a thread purely to shitpost (you will be forgiven if it's a major GET), just shitpost / loosh farm inside of threads that already exist. 4. Post threads that fall under the subject matter of /fringe/ (creepypasta FYI generally does not fall under /fringe/'s very broad subject matter, look at the sticky to see what subjects we discuss on /fringe/)

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The white nationalist locusts are trying to take over this imageboard and turned it into another /pol and post mundane subjects portrayed as esoteric. White nationalism and the related movements are a mindtrap to a degree.

Sure I got no problem with people having opinions on jews and having opinions on politics and having opinions on race. This is all the mundane world. The mundane has its place in ones consideration but being obsessed with it traps ones consciousness within a limited set of focus's.

The jewish issue is a black hole that ends up sucking people into endless conversation about jews. If people could mention jews without the topic dominating the conversation forever it wouldn't be a problem. The problem is that once people start talking about jews the result is that everything becomes about jews forever and thats all anyone ever talks about and everything else happening in the universe gets ignored.

I don't want to talk about jews for the rest of my life. I don't want to come to esoteric image boards and see people talking about jews. Its so annoying. Talk about it on political forums or image boards if you want. But just keep it out of esoteric discussion.

Seriously I have better things to think about than jews. Im not going to waste my precious consciousness that is a gift. I am not going to waste that gift on endless discussions about jews. Take the jew stuff somewhere else.


Use the hide option! It makes a huge difference.



This. There's no need to involve yourself in every thread.



Peace out faggot!



>claims to not to want to discuss jews

>discusses the topic of jews being a topic

U w0t m8?



/fringe/ was created by the original national socialists of /n/. You are fucking newfiggot OP, gtfo already and never come back.



It was real IN MY MIND.


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>implying national socialists aren't just a small part of the bigger ZOG conspiracy


don't get cucked before you lose it and shoot up some coloreds or race traitors though, that's just embarassing



Yeah, black hole… True story. Those dang reptilians sure do love black holes.


>another post from someone buttmad that /fringe/ is not a hivemind

To anyone that wishes to silence another; be gone from this place for all have voices here be they SJW or NatSoc.



Seriously I just did a search and well what's preventing you from posting in the hundreds of threads on /fringe/ right now with no to minimum mention of the jew?


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OP here. Some of you don't seem to get what I am saying. The radio program red ice creations used to be awesome. They explored all sorts of strange and esoteric topics.

Ever since the host got into white nationalism literally every show now is either about racial diversity, asatru, jews, or cultural marxists. Its the same crap over and over again now.

If you are not familiar with the topic of race and jews and stuff like that its interesting. But it only takes about a week to learn all the basic theories related to that. After that it just becomes repetitive and boring. It becomes boring.

Brains crave stimulation. No one wants to read the same crap over and over again. If this forum gets too much into the jew stuff so much other aspects of the universe would be ignored.

I am not saying anything should be censored but this race and jew stuff should be discouraged. Its stuff that is discussed on literally hundreds of other forums and websites. Its not like by mentioning it here you are exposing people to new stuff they are not familiar with. Its just redundant.

Its not a moral issue. Its just boring and annoying to see that stuff spammed everywhere. Its getting old. Youre not going to say anything new about it… all you ever say is: "non-whites going to white countries, jews supporting the diversity, blacks commit on average more crimes"… ok I got it. I get the basics. Can we please move on now and talk about other stuff. Please stop spamming this board with this crap its so boring.

Its just boring.



OP, I don't think you understand yet that if the Jewish Problem isn't solved, then evolution on this planet is basically finished, meaning no more space for souls to evolve. The culture they've created is already such an ugly place that those with a high level of spiritual sensitivity are already suicidal or despairing, since the world outside of them is so anti-spiritual development.

So whether you like it or not, the jews are an esoteric problem as well. I personally believe they are a representation of darkness, and either humanity will overcome them and become something great, or the world will descend into worthlessness. It's the same as your own spiritual path; you have the forces of light and dark inside of you, and either light or dark will win (or, like the masses, lurking in the worthless in-between, not moving forward, and then dying a hardly-lived life).


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Also, OP, you do make a good point about it being a mind trap to only obsess about the jew. That's not good, and I have to watch out for in myself too. But what I said I believe is also true, that if the jewish problem isn't solved, then collectively this planet is finished - thus you're going to get lots of comments on jews even on an esoteric board, since the jew's effects affect everything from material to spiritual. However, you also have your own evolution in the meantime.


Im not sure thinking about things in terms of the whole planet is even a good thing. Its gotten us into more trouble than its worth. The news generates false consciousness by making us think that whats happening in foreign lands is somehow relevant.

A squirrel or rabbit or coyote dont think much about whats happening in foreign countries. They pretty much keep their attention local. Throughout most of history peoples minds were local.

Some people get so into this news stuff their whole life becomes what are the politicians doing and what is happening in foreign countries.

Ultimately the only thing people can do is focus on personal development and inner work. I'm not saying people should be entirely unaware of religious sectarian and ethnic issues but at the end of the day what can the common person do about any of this stuff?

I'm not saying people should be willfully ignorant or anything but just look at that /pol message board. Its absolutely awful. Just reading it puts people in a bad mood.

I mean I used to be into all this political stuff and reading about all the different stuff going on and to be honest it just made me miserable and frustrated and angry.

There has got to be more to the world than that stuff.


Just stop.



The jewish problem is nothing compared to the individual problem of each and every one of us. It gets really hard to care about jews when you realize that people in general chose to let them do it.

Also there is not such a thing as a "high level of spiritual sensitivity" in suicidal people, people who have anything of that nature are alive, well and happy.




I understand what you mean OP, people complaining of jews are pretty damn mundane. It's not a jewish problem, it's an NWO problem, but even then I don't give a shit. You can rule the world all you want and everyone else can complain about the jews all they want. Meanwhile I'm ascending.


Jewry is one of the primary antagonists of the occult war


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Do you not see that the occult war is all around you? There are people in our local surroundings who are energy vampires and drain people of vitality. There are people with bad vibes who disrupt higher functionings of ones consciousness if one lets them.

If your gonna see the occult war as some sort of "us versus the jews" thing you end up totally neglecting core issues that are a problem in all population groups including muslims, christians, jews, blacks, whites, arabs, and hispanics, and asians.

All communities have people in them that are just highly unpleasant and whom one should avoid if one can and practice some sort of psychic protection to be protected from their influence.

The primary occult battles are local. If you take an interest in global situations or national politics that is secondary. If you become obsessed with jews it could distract you from the very real situations in your neighborhood…


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Is making goodbye posts, urging other users to leave various forum a newly developed tactic over at JIDF?

These sort of threads pop up on /pol/ affiliated boards about once a month and are very similar in their content.

It makes me wonder, why do people who allegedly decide to leave the board, or a chan altogether decide to take some other anons along with them and discourage certain conversation topics.

>Take the jew stuff somewhere else.

>If this forum gets too much into the jew stuff so much other aspects of the universe would be ignored.

>I am not saying anything should be censored but this race and jew stuff should be discouraged.

>Its not a moral issue.

>Im not sure thinking about things in terms of the whole planet is even a good thing.

>The news generates false consciousness by making us think that whats happening in foreign lands is somehow relevant.

You're either a shill or a retard who can't grasp the concept of a globalized world, where men in power that can be on a whole other continent have the power to affect your life either directly or indirectly.

The current world system allows control over the masses and instead of focusing on their spiritual and mental advancement they force the idea that things like hedonism and living in the name of self pleasure while disregarding the world around you is ok.

/pol/ has long been aware of this, and now there are threads that tell the average anon how to become a beacon of human self development in the seas of mediocrity and degeneracy. Lifting is encouraged in those threads, so is meditation and making something of yourself. Ironically they tell of ideas similar to yours, to focus on improving yourself, but you shouldn't forget that the current mental state of your peers is no accident, and that potential wizards are being held back by the jews and their affiliates.

Embedded vid is pretty much about you.

Obviously he wasn't aware of magick being real at the time. All the same, I care about the people of this Earth, and I'm not going to just let the jews, or anyone else halt the spiritual progress of my brethren. Now all I can do is seek out potential candidates on my own and try to put them on the path, but once the day of the rope or the happening or whatever comes, you can be damn sure /fringe/ will be out there, using the powers we're developing now to rid the world of whatever forces that would stop our evolution.




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Of course there is. Don't spread such things. Realizing chaos around you and in yourself is one of the first signs of awakening.

Have you not heard of the dark night of the soul? Have you never read the biographies of masters like Nisargadatta Maharaj, Anandamayi Ma, Ramakrishna, or Gurdjieff? They felt complete anguish, despair, and longing before grace finally released them, some even begging for death if the divine would not come to them.

So I do not intend to argue with you, but the idea that those with spiritual sensitivity are only happy-go-luckies is just blatantly false. Suffering and pain are some of the greatest tools to get you to wake up.



This is a really good post, and that video fascinating.

Though I would say the only good thing the OP brings to the table is to not become so obsessed with the jew that your life is like a living nightmare. You've got to find the goodness in yourself and try to help it outside yourself too. So basically a reminder to acknowledge what's wrong and fight it/protect yourself and those under your influence from it, but also to acknowledge what's right, and work more towards it. . .


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Good goyim



The "Jewish" religion (birthed in Egypt and Mesopotamia of a much more noble origin than the Bible pretends) is integral to the mental enslavement of humanity.



Thanks for saying it.

Listen, no one's denying we're living in relatively spiritually bankrupt times but thinking in the /pol/ frame of JEWS CUCKS NIGGERS ISLAMIZATION OF EUROPE JEWS CUCKS WHITE GENOCIDE ISLAMIZATION constantly is a narrowing of your consciousness. By all means acknowledge the power the collective lower self is having on society but don't dwell on it.

I'm just so sick of every little thing that gets posted on /pol/ being jewish propaganda. I actually saw a nigga tryna say that new Pixar movie is jewish propaganda promoting mental illness. How do you promote mental illness? These guys are nega-jews. You got your nebulous bogeyman (Jews), you got your one-size-fits-all riposte (degeneracy), you got your infallible idols (Hitler), and your sycophantic horde of autistic weirdos who confuse a controversial political stance as depth, profundity, or an enlightened, healthy worldview.

I mean some of these guys are so vehement in their hatred of anything modern they get angry about going to bars and ordering a drink. Yeah brah like the ZOG conspiracy had to brainwash us into thinking partying is fun. Gimme a break.

you post this shit on /pol/ and they call you a shill. they don't get you can criticize political zealotry without actually criticizing the ideas behind it. The world is magnitudes more complex than what some fat sperg saving up to buy an authentic stalhelm has to say about it. I want to expand my understanding of these issues not keep it revolving around a handful of fucking trigger words.



should say nega-sjws*


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>bogeyman (Jews)




Energy goes where attention goes and becoming the thing you fight against, feeding the wrong wolf, etc.These people aren't "greenpilled" at all or they'd understand the deeper underlying issues.



Maybe it's because we're tired of the jew stuff. /fringe/ isn't a /pol/-related board at all.


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If the lack of good content on fringe is disappointing you shouldn't respond by posting another tread of shitty content. Remember BE the change YOU envision or gtfo fringe we don't need you.

I just lurk here and come to the front page on a semi daily basis, read interesting treads and in the absence of any I just go on some other board/website and piss off. Essentially if to you fringe represents a lifestyle choice and you are considering a divorce you should because you seem attached to a URL.


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Allso because of your fear you have created in this thread you have brought here exactly what you are running from. Not only this but you will probably view this development as proof of your concept thus fueling your fear/anger even more. You reap what you sow my friend and you are sowing fields of fear anger division and shit, enjoy the harvest.



>/fringe/ isn't a /pol/-related board at all

/fringe/ was created by National Socialists


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I have no problem with pol or its content but if there is a pol there is no reason to post pol material on fringe. If pol didnt exist you would have an excuse for posting pol stuff on fringe.



you might as well point out that Israel was created by National Socialists. Germany for the Germans and Israel for the rich Jews that weren't made into burnt offerings.


yes,there is a very good excuse for bringing /pol/ here! my magical delusions can only be fuelled by my fear, loathing and hatred of brown people which are a rationalized and seemingly politicized hyperextension of my generalized social anxiety and paranoia! fuck willpower, I just need *fear.*

I can use black people, kikes, cucks and other degenerates as a scapegoat for my personal failures in life, just as the white man be keepin me down tho I dindu nuffin. mentioning these degenerates over and over again helps spread my paranoia and reinforce my perspective. now u know newfeg, git gud




if u wanna see a real butthurt jew watch this, it's fucking hilarious



>implying fear and not just loathing









the "jews" (i dont think its jews at the top of the pyramid.) are responsible for the energy vampires you speak of (and generally everything that is bad.)

They use mass brainwashing to create a global culture based on atheistic and nihilistic bullshit




i have a feeling OP is a shill



I've always been looked at by others as the "pessimistic" type of guy, "depressed" or "hateful". I could always feel people thinking "he's no fun" because i would not pretend to get enjoyment from TV shows and other opiates, because I wouldn't pretend that i found stupid jokes, that people make to give themselves excuses to submit to authority and to be degenerates, funny etc

For a long time i thought they were right but in the past couple of years i've realized the reason i've always felt generally bad is because things are generally bad. I've always felt something was wrong. I've always been one to take the red pill rather than pussy out and live in blue pill delusions and accept whatever happens to me. I've always had a more inert sense of the realness of life and not just letting it pass by without ever questioning anything or trying at anything



this is the best webm i have ever seen!!!!!!!!



4 666 4



>OP posts a thread complaining about the topic of Jews and threatens to leave

>/cringe/ wizards file in to tell him how stupid hes being

>OP doesnt even make a thread thats beneficial to contribute to the forum

>people still posting thinking this OP is worth the time

Save your fucking energy guys, seriously. I thought you were smarter than this…


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>nigga tryna

Very cringe I suspect you might be a nigger



>calling an imageboard a forum

Go back to whatever forum you came from fag.


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Tbh smh fam


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>implying anyone cares about proper use of english



I wonder who could be behind this post?




You're out of your mind if you think Jews are the only ones to be blamed for whats going on. And let's just say hypothetically if that were the case, it doesn't take a genius to see that the best way to handle the jew-situation is to focus on only yourself and raising your own consciousness without worrying about the state of humanity and you will see how you will help the world/others on your journey by proxy a million times more than you would have by being part of some retarded irrational hate-filled hivemind on a messageboard that is clearly using mind control on a group of unintelligent and unenlightened assfucks who have fallen into the other end of the retard spectrum.

Just look at /pol/. It's pathetic and sad really. They still believe in the primitive concept of government and authority and giving away your natural rights to freewill to external forces. What in fuck will they do about the jewish problem except bitch about it and let it ruin their lives? That entire board is actually giving Jews more power and energy than anything.


>Seriously I have better things to think about than jews.

>makes a big post whining about people talking about jews

Fuck off kikelover!



Go back the fuck to fucking reddit.


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Nigga this is what we fucking do.

/pol/ simply wants to spread the ever reaching hand of its bastion of free speech to all, and commit a scorched Earth policy as it goes on.

Best Wishes, John Green.



the universe is mental so…


Jews are an aspect of what we fight here and I haven't seen many threads about them lately. /pol/acks need to remember though that spreading their redpill here is unnecessary, most of us took it already and those who didn't are just fedora tippers anyway.



Butthurt yid detected.

Look, Jews are a very important topic in esoterism, and a true understanding of the Jewish problem is not possible without esoteric knowledge. Maybe you should go be Jewish somewhere else.



sensitivity is different from "high level". You can't reach a high level and be suicidal and negative, yet being suicidal and negative might be the first step towards reaching that high level, simply because there are a lot of bad things in society right now.

Still the beginning of the path is very different from its end.


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An imageboard is like an empty glass filled with different types of liquid. If you fill the glass with mostly jews you make it so there is not room for many other types of subjects to discuss or other liquids if you will.

My point is that since there is a forum that already discusses jews constantly it would just be nice for this imageboard to keep discussion of jews to an absolute minimum.

Some of us would like our minds to have room to think about other aspects of the universe apart from jews.

So…. the point is: WHAT IS THE USE of taking content from /pol and filling /fringe with /pol content that is fringed up a bit? All it does is just create a place where /pol ideas are repeated and it takes room away from ideas that we really don't get to hear much of.

We already have a /pol. We don't need another one. If I want to read /pol material and read about jews I can just go to /pol. But if I come to /fringe and its about jews too then what to I do?

Some of us don't want our whole life to be consumed by jews.


OP is right.

Jews don't really mean anything in the long run.

Even if they do, hating them and posting about them all day won't do anything.

Even if hating them will do anything, what has /fringe/ done about the joos?

What have the famous magicians of /fringe/ done to beat the joos and help other people?


Fringe is shit anyways. The only good thing is the FAQ and perhaps some of the sticky. Freedomboard was way better.



>Jews don't really mean anything in the long run.

And the long run doesn't mean anything in relation to eternity, on that level which the Jew is relevant.



Just concentrate on bettering yourself and everything will be fine, let the jews be jews



K farewell OP, you can probably find refuge on tumblr.



>Adolf Hitler: Founder of Israel

Stopped reading, anybody who cites that shit is gullible as fuck.

>the zionist used the circumstances to try and bring jews from Europe to Palestine

>a jewish conspiratard believes that because one of Hitler's relatives worked in a Rothschild manor, that Hitler MUZT B RELATD 2 HIM!!!111

>therefore National Socialism is a zionist front

Not even taking their side, but this is fucking stupid beyond belief.


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>implying you can fight /pol/ meme-magic

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