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Dearest fringe; over time I have heard bits a pieces of information about more "hardcore" and visceral Asatru rites and practices. Many of these have emminated from Russia's nationalistic and/or spiritual communities. I, however, can't find a reliable shred of actual practice or written rite. Some of this practice, I read in a short article, is based on Odin as he was when he was primarily a Death God, and before he became the Wisest of all the Aesir and Vanir. An aspect I can only assume the Allfather is still in touch with.

Can fringe point me to a source of information on the topic?

Til Valhall.



That woman is surely a dwarflet how the fuck does she have muscles so much bigger than me and yet I have been doing all manner of lifting and sports and every sort of exercise regime forever?



that's a funny way to avoid the fact that you're doing it wrong…


>doesnt know about blood eagles

>doesnt know about blood offerings

>doesnt nail the skulls of his enemies on sacred trees

>doesnt dismember his enemies and hang the limbs upon those same trees

>doesnt even read Germania

fool, you know nothing of Wodanaz


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I'm assuming you're b8ing, but since you might just be an overconfident teenager, let me set you straight, since you didn't even seem to have read my question, sweetheart;

1) Blood Eagles were battle rites, and not associated with Seiðr or Asatru.

2) You can open the Prose Edda and have a grasp of blood offerings that samr afternoon.

3) More like skulls were hung from Hazel boughs or perched on posts. Also adorned alter tops.

4) These were also put out in a ceremonial or special area for special reasons, not just "nailed to a tree". (i.e.: lips were placed upon consecrated stones to "collect thirst" to inflict on your dead foe's spirit in Hel).

5) To address the last two things your chubby fingers mashed out on the keyboard-

>read germania ?

>Wodanaz ?

I'm Norwegian; we say 'Óðinn". High German is fine, but I like what's closer to home.

Read a little before "spoutin' off" or making assumptions.



Dwarflet or no, I would crush that.

If you're not seeing the gains you want, increase your protien intake if you haven't already (1g for ~2kg of body weight per day, assuming you weigh less than 250).

Also, when you hit the gym, follow simple free bar Starting Strength formulas (I skip Power Clean because safety), and do about 3 reps of a few ascending weight figures to get your body ready, then do 1 rep of your max weight as many times as you can. Like:

1 rep - 1 to 3 min rest - repeat until total musecle failure.

You wil need a spotter for many movements, but focus on form, tensing your core to bear the load, and MIND STATE. Go full battle frenzy just before your lift, and let it go and relax when you rack.

Hopefully that helps, I increasd my curl by 80kgs this way.



Heisann, Germania er ein bok om korleis det var i det gammle germanske stammene fra synnspunktet til ein Romersk general trur eg.




Thanks butthurt guy, I'll check it out.

That still doesn't answer my question of what is going on with these modern Russian Odinist cult practices. I 75% doubt they're in Siberia Blood Eagling peope.

And I'm 2nd gen Norsk, so don't ask me how Oslo is today, because I don't know.

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