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Esoteric Wizardry


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Perhaps I missed it, but I noticed a lack of discussion on the use of plants and herbs for esoteric purposes. If anyone has resources or insights, feel free to share. As for me, I found this sight to, apart from selling herbs, provide some good information on the use of herbs for magickal purposes.



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Well depending on who you ask, poo (and anything else) CAN in fact be esoteric. Anything focused on by someone intending to practice magic of any form can become imbued with esoteric/magical energy to that person.

Herbs are interesting in this respect as they are capable of both acquiring this magical energy AND affecting their users through the senses (smell, taste, ingestion, etc.)

This being said, I believe that you should start the mysterious new school of poo magic.


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in fact let me tell you that Jenkinism is no farce, the science of Jenkem is as serious as politics. No simple minded mundane can acquire such poo skills as I did. Begone skeptic I have my septic tank to attend



This man truly redefined "shitposting".


That being said share your potions!


bumping this thread.


Your sense of smell is strongly connected to memories. Herbs and candles may work as an amplifier when charging sigils, aside from the nice smell to get you in the mood.


Maca root powder works as advertised as do goji berries

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