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NOTE: The following is a brief exerpt from "The Doomed Aryan Race," a book by Samael Aun Weor. My own stuies of Esoteric Buddhism suggest that there may a nuber of factual errors in this piece, both in terms of theory and practice, to say nothing of history and doctrine. Neverthless, with this in mind, I present the material for purely infromational purposes, without claiming that it in any way represents the reality. This is for fellow Fringe-Dweellers to ponder.

Even if we ultimately conclude that it is mostly or perhaps entirely fiction, any lateral thinker worth his salt knows that does not mean it is necessarily without value.


"Within the perpetual snow of the millenarian Tibet, full of so many traditions, there exist diverse Black Tantric schools.;…he fundamental, basic objective of the Black Tantric schools is the development of the abominable Kundabuffer Organ (the tail of Satan).

White Sexual Yoga teaches that the igneous serpent of our magical powers awakens with the contact of the solar and lunar atoms of the seminal system in the Triveni, close to the coccyx, in order to initiate its march inward and upward through the medullar canal.

However, the black yogis from the Drukpa clan never perform the contact of the solar and lunar atoms inside the organism; they always do it outside the organism.

These black yogis (Asura Sambhava) commit the crime of ejaculating the semen (Shuhra) during the Maithuna. They do this in order to mix their semen with feminine Raja. Thus, this is how they achieve the contact of the solar and lunar atoms within the same woman’s yoni.

Undoubtedly, the most difficult for these Red Hat Bons and Drukpas is the reabsorbing of the seminal liquid after having ejaculated it.

A certain terribly malignant psychic type of force exists in this reabsorbing process.

Incorrectly applied, the Vajroli Mudra (in combination with their mental force) allows these Red Hat Bons and Drukpas to absorb their spilled seminal liquor through their urethra.

During ordinary sexual contact, the intellectual animal spills millions of Solar atoms of very high voltage. These are immediately replaced by billions of Satanic atoms from the secret enemy, and these are collected from within the atomic infernos of the human being by means of the process of contraction (orgasm) of the sexual organs after the coitus.

When the semen is not spilled, then the Solar atoms return inward and upward through Ida and Pingala. Then the Solar atoms extraordinarily multiply in quantity and quality.

However, the spilled semen (which the Black Tantrikas reabsorb through their urethra by extracting it from within the vagina) has in fact already converted itself into a frightful accumulator of Satanic atoms.

When these types of abnormal Satanic atoms intend to rise up to the Golgotha of the Father (the brain), they violently are cast down against the coccyx by the three Akashic breaths that work in Ida, Pingala, and Shushumna.

These types of seminal malignant atoms are precipitated through Ida and Pingala. They violently struggle in order to reach the brain; however, all of their efforts are useless because the three Akashic breaths cast them down against that region of the coccyx where a malignant atom has its habitat, and also the power to place the abominable Kundabuffer Organ into activity.

Within any ordinary person, the igneous serpent of our magical powers remains enclosed within the coccygeal center; it is coiled up in a marvelous way three and a half times.

We convert ourselves into Angels when the serpent rises through the medullar canal. However, we convert ourselves into terribly malignant lunar demons when the serpent descends, when the serpent precipitates from the coccyx downwards into the atomic infernos of the human being.

The rising serpent is the Kundalini. The falling serpent is the abominable Kundabuffer Organ.

When the serpent is rising throughout the medullar canal, it is the bronze serpent that healed the Israelites in the wilderness. Yet, the falling serpent is the tempting serpent of Eden, the terrible serpent Python with seven heads that was writhing in the mud of the earth and that Apollo furiously hurt with his darts.

The abominable Kundabuffer Organ confers onto the Black Tantric magicians terribly malignant psychic powers (siddhis).

The abominable Kundabuffer Organ can never open the seven apocalyptic churches of the book of Revelation (which are the seven vital centers of the dorsal spine), because it can never succeed in rising through the medullar canal.

However, the abominable Kundabuffer Organ can place the antitheses of the seven churches into activity. The antitheses are seven malignant centers or seven tenebrous chakras of the lower abdomen.


(Continued from above)

Muslims affirm that the Inferno has seven gates, and that these exist in the lower abdomen. The abominable Kundabuffer Organ has the power of opening those seven gates.

To develop the abominable Kundabuffer Organ and to place into activity the seven infernal chakras of the lower abdomen is in fact equivalent to converting ourselves into that filthy beast with seven heads and ten horns upon which is seated the great Harlot (humanity), whose number is 666.

Those who commit the crime of developing the abominable Kundabuffer Organ divorce themselves from their immortal spiritual triad “Atman-Buddhi-Manas” and sink forever into the Infernal Worlds.

Kundalini is a compound word: Kunda reminds us of the abominable Kundabuffer Organ, and lini is indeed an Atlantean word which signifies “ended.”

Therefore, the Pentecostal Fire rising through the medullar canal signifies that the abominable Kundabuffer Organ comes to an end.

The fire of the Holy Spirit ascending throughout the medullar canal opens the church of Ephesus (coccygeal chakra), opens the church of Smyrna (prostatic or uterine chakra), opens the church of Pergamus (umbilical chakra), opens the church of Thyatira (chakra of the heart), opens the church of Sardis (laryngeal chakra), opens the church of Philadelphia (frontal chakra), opens the church of Laodicea (lotus of one thousand petals), and the abominable Kundabuffer Organ comes to an end.

In fact, the damned serpent, the Luciferic fire, the tail of Satan, opens the seven antithetic infernal churches of the lower abdomen.

The ascending fire confers onto the Innermost, the Spirit, powers over Prithvi, the element earth, in the church of Ephesus. It confers powers over Apas, the water, in the church of Smyrna. It confers power over Tejas, the fire, in the church of Pergamus. It confers power over Vayu, the air, in the church of Thyatira. It confers power over Akash, the ether, in the church of Sardis. It confers power over the light with the eye of Shiva in the church of Philadelphia, and it confers the union with the Innermost in the church of Laodicea.

Even when the abominable Kundabuffer Organ, the descending fire, gives the black yogi certain siddhis (magical powers intimately related with the seven infernal chakras from the lower abdomen) it also converts him into an inhabitant of the Subterranean World, into a slave of the elements.

In the Western World, the left-hand adepts have established many schools of Black Tantra. Such tenebrous organizations display sublime titles.

We know the case of a certain great initiate who founded a school of White Tantra before disincarnating; unfortunately, he committed the mistake of leaving his son (an inexperienced young man) as General Director. Thus, this naïve youngster (without any true esoteric experience) soon allowed himself to be cheated by certain Black Tantric adepts and concluded by publicly teaching Black Tantra.

The outcome of all of this was frightful, because some members of this brotherhood, also inexperienced, accepted the Black Tantric teachings and ended up converting themselves into terribly malignant demons.

Sex is a stone of stumbling, and a rock of falling; sex is a chief cornerstone, elect, precious.

We must never forget the words of Peter, the Master of Maithuna. Peter warned us against the false prophets and false masters (who in disguise and with sublime and ineffable false appearances) introduce many destructive heresies, much Black Tantra, and pernicious practices.

Beloved Gnostic brothers and sisters, follow the straight path, the path of perfect chastity, the path of absolute sanctity, and great sacrifice for our fellowmen."


>Samael Aun Weor

Is this a new meme now?


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I dunno. Has his name come up elswhere recevtly?

I first came across the passage in this post in 2006 or 2007 when I was doing some research on the Drunkpa lineage of Vajrayana Buddhism. It was so totally different than anuything else I've read about the Drukpas that always treated it witn some minstrust. However, I find it an interesting idea purely based on its novelty value – it is so completely unlike anything else I've read anbout Kundalini that I appreciated it on a purely creative level. Over the intervening years I've met a few people who believe the "kundabuffer" concept is a real thing.

The Drukpa lineage is known for "crazy wisdom" and unconventionall (to put it mildy) and antinomian takes on things. The lineage founder, Drukpa Kunley. is said by some to be the author of a long epic/saga poem celebrating the joys of sex with his own mother. The usual way this sort of thing is expalined through the "logic of tantric inversion" is that it is meant to rattle the practitioner and shake up conventional ways of seeing, rather than to be takem seriousy and literally. So-called "twilight language" is provocative on the surface, goes the theory, but it is not meant to be read in a literal sense.

Others maintain that these people were actually just what they appear to be on the surface: human flesh eaters, incest-celebrators, drunken sots and man-sluts, black magicians, intoxicated dwellers of charnel groumds, and so forth. Its not really a path I've put a whole lot of effort into exploring, but I've always maintained a sort of pukish, purient interest in the excessoively antinominian language and imageru used by this school.

These days the Drukpa lineage is the "orthodox" sect that hold the governmenta power in Bhutan, and I imagine if they were ever in fact the wild-eued transgressors they come across as, they have probably long since calmed down and mellowed with age and the accumulation of wealth/power. Still, you never know. Its a werd world we live stramger things have probably happened.

I'd be interested to hear anyones opinions, screeds, rants, flights of fancy, or scholarly pronouncements on the Drukpas and fellow travelers.



There was a thread by a SAW Gnostic here some time ago, so I assume that's where samael aun weor was mentioned. It was alright I guess, mostly just him arguing with people who dislike samael's work. I read most of his book The Perfect Matrimony and found it interesting at the least, he's right about lust and sex and all of that, but he seems to moralize more than instruct, and I believe its instructions are better explained in other schools of thought. There's a lot of empty words and fluff employed more to mystify than to explain outright.

>Others maintain that these people were actually just what they appear to be on the surface: human flesh eaters, incest-celebrators, drunken sots and man-sluts, black magicians, intoxicated dwellers of charnel groumds, and so forth.

I view this sort of thing as a potential fly trap the way that Crowley supposedly instructed his followers to cut themselves whenever they thought of "I" just as a way to mark people who would follow his teachings blindly.

We could assume that people who are actual cannibals, incestual drunks and the like will fail to advance in their teachings.



That's an edgy book title, my man. And what is your picture supposed to be besides uhh shit?

So it's like growing a tail that gives you magical powers of evil? Wow… That sounds ncredibly incredible.

Wtf am I even wasting time typing for.

I've heard that black tantra is actually just anal sex in which the semen enlivens the Kundalini gland (insert medical term here).



> There's a lot of empty words and fluff employed more to mystify than to explain outright.

Everything written, especially the later books is written for a reason. Some of the passages really cant be understood without reading them with the consciousness and not just taking it into the mind (Which isnt an easy thing to do). From my experience the consciousness is what can obtain new information, even out of "nothing", anyone who practices meditation long enough will know this.



That raises a question. How strong is the message when he deems necessary writing some 60 books? Some of his work might be valuable, but taking his work as the base for understanding and application of mystical knowledge doesn't seem right to me.



I dont understand why thats an issue, all the books cover different topics and also reflect Samael's own comprehension and conscious experience of the esoteric path. The books were written as a sacrifice and for love of humanity in order to assist us, thats all there is to it.





Like all other teachers, I'll keep their teachings in the back of my mind at the very least. I haven't rejected Samael Aun Weor's writings, and I agree with his positions on sexuality, I just find that his style does not resonate with me at this point in time.

There's always the possibility of a revelation later on of course. This is why there are so many different writings and teachers, and I find my understanding of things tends to grow when I least expect it. Lots of random satori moments even with things I find I disagree with at first.


SAW is such a fucking retard. You disgusting christfags have to sully everything with your shitty paradigm.

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