NOTE: The following is a brief exerpt from "The Doomed Aryan Race," a book by Samael Aun Weor. My own stuies of Esoteric Buddhism suggest that there may a nuber of factual errors in this piece, both in terms of theory and practice, to say nothing of history and doctrine. Neverthless, with this in mind, I present the material for purely infromational purposes, without claiming that it in any way represents the reality. This is for fellow Fringe-Dweellers to ponder.
Even if we ultimately conclude that it is mostly or perhaps entirely fiction, any lateral thinker worth his salt knows that does not mean it is necessarily without value.
"Within the perpetual snow of the millenarian Tibet, full of so many traditions, there exist diverse Black Tantric schools.;…he fundamental, basic objective of the Black Tantric schools is the development of the abominable Kundabuffer Organ (the tail of Satan).
White Sexual Yoga teaches that the igneous serpent of our magical powers awakens with the contact of the solar and lunar atoms of the seminal system in the Triveni, close to the coccyx, in order to initiate its march inward and upward through the medullar canal.
However, the black yogis from the Drukpa clan never perform the contact of the solar and lunar atoms inside the organism; they always do it outside the organism.
These black yogis (Asura Sambhava) commit the crime of ejaculating the semen (Shuhra) during the Maithuna. They do this in order to mix their semen with feminine Raja. Thus, this is how they achieve the contact of the solar and lunar atoms within the same woman’s yoni.
Undoubtedly, the most difficult for these Red Hat Bons and Drukpas is the reabsorbing of the seminal liquid after having ejaculated it.
A certain terribly malignant psychic type of force exists in this reabsorbing process.
Incorrectly applied, the Vajroli Mudra (in combination with their mental force) allows these Red Hat Bons and Drukpas to absorb their spilled seminal liquor through their urethra.
During ordinary sexual contact, the intellectual animal spills millions of Solar atoms of very high voltage. These are immediately replaced by billions of Satanic atoms from the secret enemy, and these are collected from within the atomic infernos of the human being by means of the process of contraction (orgasm) of the sexual organs after the coitus.
When the semen is not spilled, then the Solar atoms return inward and upward through Ida and Pingala. Then the Solar atoms extraordinarily multiply in quantity and quality.
However, the spilled semen (which the Black Tantrikas reabsorb through their urethra by extracting it from within the vagina) has in fact already converted itself into a frightful accumulator of Satanic atoms.
When these types of abnormal Satanic atoms intend to rise up to the Golgotha of the Father (the brain), they violently are cast down against the coccyx by the three Akashic breaths that work in Ida, Pingala, and Shushumna.
These types of seminal malignant atoms are precipitated through Ida and Pingala. They violently struggle in order to reach the brain; however, all of their efforts are useless because the three Akashic breaths cast them down against that region of the coccyx where a malignant atom has its habitat, and also the power to place the abominable Kundabuffer Organ into activity.
Within any ordinary person, the igneous serpent of our magical powers remains enclosed within the coccygeal center; it is coiled up in a marvelous way three and a half times.
We convert ourselves into Angels when the serpent rises through the medullar canal. However, we convert ourselves into terribly malignant lunar demons when the serpent descends, when the serpent precipitates from the coccyx downwards into the atomic infernos of the human being.
The rising serpent is the Kundalini. The falling serpent is the abominable Kundabuffer Organ.
When the serpent is rising throughout the medullar canal, it is the bronze serpent that healed the Israelites in the wilderness. Yet, the falling serpent is the tempting serpent of Eden, the terrible serpent Python with seven heads that was writhing in the mud of the earth and that Apollo furiously hurt with his darts.
The abominable Kundabuffer Organ confers onto the Black Tantric magicians terribly malignant psychic powers (siddhis).
The abominable Kundabuffer Organ can never open the seven apocalyptic churches of the book of Revelation (which are the seven vital centers of the dorsal spine), because it can never succeed in rising through the medullar canal.
However, the abominable Kundabuffer Organ can place the antitheses of the seven churches into activity. The antitheses are seven malignant centers or seven tenebrous chakras of the lower abdomen.