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I am building a database of astrological attributions.

In essence, each table will be a source, and its lists of astrological attributions.

In time this will include lists of daemonic names, their attributions, so on so on.

The idea is to be able to say, for example "I need something mercurial" and then pull up a list of all, let's say, Mercurial Plants, arranged by source, so I can see where sources agree and disagree.

Or I can pull up everything on Lilacs, and see what various sources say about the attributions of Lilacs.

I have no idea if this sort of project is of interest to anyone here but thought I'd post.


I like the idea, any link yet?



Haven't decided if I'm going to make it into a web app or anything. It's not something I actually have any experience/knowledge of. I'm learning about databases as I go.

To make it into an app would probably require a bunch of work. Basic data entry and in-Access querying requires none.

So we'll see.



Cool, maybe you can make it an open wiki to have people help you out but I don't think anybody knows every possible attribution made by everyone or is in possession of the books to research them so you might do that and put a bunch of books to download in the homepage.

Just an idea of course.



Maybe. I don't think a wiki would be the same as database tables from a "have it all organize itself for me" perspective.

I suppose I could recruit some people and give them sources and tell them to record everything in a database table or something.

A wiki would be much more cumbersome.



Oh yeah I said wiki cause I'm pretty inexperienced with that stuff and when I think of something where more people can work on I think of wikies but of course that would probably be better. Anyway, best of luck to you whatever you choose!



Thanks man. Was curious if anyone had any suggestions or whatever, basically. Just discussion about it.

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