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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


This video is absolutely mind blowing. if you haven't watched it yet, watch it from start to finish now.


And you have found this only now…?

And you believe all these theories, full of disinfo/fantasy?


File: 1437072715672.jpg (20.9 KB, 500x484, 125:121, 8d8.jpg)

>Spirit Science



he's like 14


File: 1437073956619.jpg (29.35 KB, 800x916, 200:229, wirt.jpg)

I sure hope this is bait






lmao that was fast

I-I'm 15 n-now…


I stopped going on the board for a while is Provur the mod whose dads a freemason and moms a wiccan?



Happy belated birthday you little edge master!



Stepdad, but yes


I stopped being edgy like 6 months ago but thank you



You'll always be a little edge master in my heart, pumpkin <3

:) awww you're growing up. =D ily Provur!



>15 year old mod with a freemason stepfather and wiccan mother

This is why I went to >>>/magick/


Is there like an IRC? i want to talk to some people who browse fringe but the skype was a garbage torrent




there's a group of wizards from /b/ who use Tox



It still is garbage.



ill have to figure out how to use Tox



irc.occultminds.com #here

its not all fringe people but some are.






how to access


it's very easy, install, add ID, chat, very well built and lightweight.



Don't use that channel, I've been there. I was banned by the owner because he doesn't believe in anything occult.

He's told me he's NSA.



The owner is insane. Comes with the territory. He doesn't like jew hate. Among other things. He's also a troll. I'm an op so i can get some bans removed.


use an irc client.


I saw everything by spirit science.

nice channel he had, too bad he doesn't update.



>no posts since May

bruv u aivn a buble m8


>the good hebrews came and enlightened the humans

into the trash it goes



It's half-right. The jews did have some good magick knowledge but they took it from the egyptians/greeks and added a lot of sandnig bullshit.



Actually, it says the evil hebrews came and blew up Atlantis.


>Jews are from space and are here to save us

stopped watching


this is jaden smith tier shit (he actually watches these vids BTW)..


Well since spirit science is apparently shit, what youtube channels would you guys recommend?






In case it wasn't obvious, I meant channels dealing with the same topics as SS.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



from what I've seen all the people who bother to create content on jewtube are new agers full of shit. There are good channels that post old content from books to lectures, there may also be good channels regarding specific things like exercise or eating healthy, but I am still to find some new guy who talks about /fringe/ stuff without being new agey, drug up, generally fucked up or simply full of shit



Gee I watched this crap in full a couple years ago. As I recall it was nothing short of evil patriarchy from mars coming to oppress all the wymyn and take away their magic powers or some shit.

Logic is bad goyim.



It's a terrible cosmogenesis and history lecture. It is disinfo mixed with truth. This is why I hate Spirit Science. That and the voice. What a douche.



Any channel that posts Alan Watts



damn slow

> 07/10/15




Thought the same thing, otherwise I thought it was a good video with some basic info.



>It is disinfo mixed with truth. This is why I hate Spirit Science

Such is everything. Such is the duality.



Which is why I ended up coming back..



i knew jordan while spirit science was just kicking off - he was different.

now he's got money coming in, loads of worshipers and pretty much his own religion going on with 1-7 mil people including the smith kids and some other hollywooders and such..

either he gt replaced, or he sold out, idk but that dude could literally command a horde of new agers to do his bidding.

Now he's pretty much impossible to contact, he hasn't logged on any of his personal private social media accounts in years and seems to be just cloning russel brand's behavior.

The website turned into tumblr for zoophiles who justify degenerate habits and lifestyles with the bullshit from light workers indigo children and the whole channelers of GLF bullshit culture you have to claw your way out of before you stumble on any decent intro magick content.

if their job was to turn ALL of this into a big fucking trending joke.. good job jordan.

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