Nofap:magic edition(40 day or less free from unhealthy fapping and lust)[PART #1]
This is a compressed group of best practice that I found that are able to provide you with an easy way to reach a state of self-control and giving you more free time to work on other stuff rather than thinking about sex and rubbing your donger.
~Autosuggestion and sigil
~Kali's Mantra
~Using Shemhamforash to change the inner psyche
''Autosuggestion and sigils"
whenever you feel weak through an autosuggestion(I shall remove the habit of masturbating) (I am in total control of my desires) and like that .If you are about to fap make sure you have 3 or 5 sigil each day made to "lower" the lose when you actually fap and be little "productive"(magically speaking).Here a more clear method for using auto suggestion/mental magic:-
THE KABAUSTIC SYSTEM OF MENTAL MAGICK(from Donald Michael Kraig's Modern Magick)
ONE. Start by writing down on a piece of paper the following
"It is my wil lto use all of my abilities to obtain the following goal — "
a. At the end of the statement fill in whatever it is you want. Be simple and b. Be specific! Most people do not want "money." They want
money for a purpose such as a better lifestyle, a better car, etc. If you have a long-term goal, choose the first step towards that goal. If it is
your aim to be a teacher, it should be your first goal to get the training necessary for you to teach. If it is your goal to do something noble,
such as "to serve," that is very good. But serve in what way? A doctor serves, but so does a garbage collector or a waitress. Each needs a vastly different type of training to become successful in that field.
TWO. Now make a visual picture of yourself involved in that goal.If you want a car, see yourself in that car. If you want a better lifestyle,see yourself wearing something which represents that lifestyle, etc.This image will be used for visualization.
a. Always involve yourself in the image.
b. Remember, some people cannot visualize to an extent where they can "see" something in their mind's eye. If you cannot thus "see," there is still no problem. But you must know that what you are visualizing, if you had better developed astral vision, is really existent on the astral plane; not just believe this to be so, but know it to be so.
c. For help, you can make a ''Treasure Map." To do this, simply go through magazines or newspapers and cut out images of your goal.Now paste them together on a piece of cardboard or paper to form a magickal collage. If you prefer, you may draw the images rather than cut them out. Be sure to include yourself in the Treasure Map either by putting a picture of yourself in the Map or writing the word "me" in the center of your Map.
THREE. Every day, for five minutes in the morning just after you awake and for five minutes in the evening just before going to sleep, repeat the phrase you wrote out in Step One in a firm but quiet voice.Do this only once in the morning and evening. Spend the rest of the five-minute period either visualizing the image you made in Step Two, or looking at the Treasure Map you made in that step. See, smell, taste, feel and sense the visualization.
a. Only do this process at morning and at night. However, anytime during the day you realize that you are having thoughts contrary to your goal (as with John Magus), immediately begin repeating your magickal phrase until the contrary thoughts pass away.
FOUR Silence is also an important factor in this process. Once you have completed your statement and visualization, forget it! Put it out of your mind. Let it go. You are using many cosmic forces in this process. If you talk with others about what you are doing, it sends the energy into discussion rather than into manifestation. If you talk about what you are doing to yourself, such as by wondering about how well you are doing with this Kabalistic system, you are doubting your success. Just do it with all of your heart, know that it will work, and be silent about it.
FIVE. The secret is that the more emotionally involved you can become with your goal, the greater your chances for rapid success. "Sort of" wanting something will not have the success of "gotta have"something. The more worked up emotionally you can get over your desire, especially when stating your desire and doing the visualization, the faster it will manifest.
~Donald Kraig