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This is the same old guide that I wrote before but I added things,removed things,took note from friends, stumbled upon good things.I hope that this new guide will be a better guide then the one before.Starting I wanted to point out certain things which I will write each on their own due to their importance.Here are new things I have found which might be of an interest to you:-

1.LBRP with four winds

2.a new invocation of the HGA mixture from Crowley,Chapman, and Carroll

3.relaxation ritual(to add power to what you have)

4.HyperSigil(for the skeptics )

5.Contacting gods and assuming god-form

IMPORTANT:Keep up a daily practice rather then begin like a Saturday night magician( a person who only do it in the end of the weekend), because magic is a lifestyle more than a practice and really try to enjoy it rather then begin something that you force yourself to do it.This is my practice, you may try it if you want or modify it to suit your need

3 LBRP,normal Resh,card of the day tarot,use middle pillar to attract the favorable future according to the divination session,my HGA invocation mixture of CCC(Crowley,Carroll,Chapman),NAP(new avatar Power), and lastly a prayer from the heart to the HGA/Higher Self/Genius/Oversoul.

in night I do a shem angels petitioning and relaxation session.(also added inner guide meditation)



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~Lesser Banishing Ritual Of Pentagram(with the four winds and visualization of the archangel)~

Note: I take that most of you are able to vibrate the word which will substitute visualization in some parts of the ritual, but if you live in a place where you can't do it then do it silently but try to visualize vibrating it and improve your visualization skills.

Alright I will just outline which you need to add since adding the whole ritual will take a huge place in this thread.

Do the normal LBRP till you finish the QC( Qabalistic Cross ) and you finished drawing the first pentagram(pentagram of earth upon the quarter of Air[east]) and vibrating the god-name of East[YHVH] .Now call the elemental wind of East/Air

Vibrate EURUS (E-U-RUS), the name of the East Wind. Enlarge the blue flame pentagram. Visualize a scene through the pentagram of a beautiful dawn with pink and rosy clouds. The East is the quarter of Air whose Archangel is Raphael. Feel AIR. Feel this Air wash over you and flow through you. Imagine and feel a soft and cool morning breeze coming from the dawn clouds and passing over you.

As you finish drawing the pentagram on the fire quarter and finished vibrating the god-name of south [ADONAI] VIBRATE NOTUS (NO-TUS), the name of the South Wind. The south is the quarter of Fire whose Archangel is Michael. Enlarge the blue flame pentagram and through it visualize a tropical scene. Visualize blue seas and white waves dashing upon rocky coral reefs with palm trees swaying in the warm breeze. Feel the gentle, warm almost hot, heat coming from this quarter. Feel it warm you through and through. Finish and erase from your mind.

Now go to the Water and the god-name is EHIEH, the vibration is ZEPHYRUS (ZE-PH-ER-US), the name of the West Wind. The West is the quarter of Water whose Archangel is Gabriel. Enlarge the blue flame pentagram. Visualize a waterfall with clouds of mist arising from it. The water-laden mist rising from the bottom of the falls is gently blowing towards you. Feel the misty wetness on your face and then feel it flowing into your consciousness.

Lastly the Earth quarter[god-name is AGLA] with vibrating the word BOREAS (BOR-US), the name of North Wind. The North is the quarter of the element of earth whose Archangel is Auriel. It is in the quarter of Earth and in Earth itself, that all the other forces end. Hence Earth is the great final storehouse of all things and forces. You will find in Earth all the physical things you desire and all the things that you need to make you happy.

Enlarge the blue flame pentagram and see many immense fields of food crops feeding all the populations of Earth. See great fields of ripened corn, of wheat, barley and other grains, of rice, and other food crops. See vast orchards of trees loaded with fruits and nuts of all kinds. See the oceans and rivers with fish and other sea foods. Then visualize great herds of animals grazing on the green grasses. Everywhere there is Peace, Prosperity and Plenty. Beyond these fertile lands stretch great forests of trees that furnish lumber for our homes. Beyond these forests rise mountains containing mines of metals that supply other of our needs. And on the tops of these mountains is ice and snow which gather there and then melts and flows down to the plains through streams and rivers to nourish and water the growing things below.

When you finish that return to the east finish with Qabalistic Cross and r

Say: “Before me RAPHAEL, Behind me GABRIEL, To my right hand MICHAEL, To my left hand URIEL. For about me flames the Pentagram, and in the Column inside of me stands the Six-Rayed star.”

(Remember to visualize the corresponding robe-color and weapon of each Archangel. When you say “about me flames the Pentagram”, visualize the pentagrams you previously drew “flaring” slightly, controlled by your concentration. When you mention the “six-rayed star”, visualize a bright golden-yellow Hexagram shining from within your heart. It is also advisable to vibrate the name of each Archangel.)

East – Air – Yellow – Raphael – Caduceus – Dawn – YHVH

South – Fire – Red – Michael – Flaming Sword – Noon – Adonai

West – Water – Blue – Gabriel – Chalice – Sunset – Eheieh

North – Earth – Black – Uriel – Pentacle – Evening – AGLA


the Four winds tend to have a more "balancing" effect then just the archangel, the archangel as you can infer from what I just wrote that they are balancing nature because they are the "Power/Force" of the elements.



Care to link inner meditations ?


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Holy Guardian Angel:simplified

comment:The invocation of the holy guardian angel take many form but the best one I found is a mixture from Crowley,Alan Chapman,Pete Carroll, and a little timing to top it up


1.prepare a sigil(both mantaric and graphic) for the Holy Guardian angel

2.wait for the Brahma muhurta (time of Brahma)

3.prepare the room you're going to contact the HGA in(the usual keep the room quiet,no distraction)

4.take an oath/promise to interpret every event in your daily life as a message/communication with the Great Chaos/Holy Guardian Angel.

5.read liber samekh(the vibration is important if you can't vibrate try listening to one regardie read and follow along)

6.Sit down and imagine a ball of light(or any representation of your HGA) and imagine yourself burning down and a NEW you is begin created again by the light of your HGA/Genius.



consent to the presence and action of my Holy Guardian Angel with the sacred word/image n(here your sigil).’


9.if you wander repeat the consent and try to remain like this for 15 min or so.

10.repeat each day will raising the intensity(quality over quantity)

11.once contact made as Holy Guardian Angel to communicate with you using syncohricity/dream/tarot/I ching/Rune and give you the best tool for your development.


1.don't rush it

2.don't associate your ego with HGA(it will transform into chorozon which will lead to insanity/psychic breakdown.)

3.enjoy it

expected results:-

Intuition increases; atavistic resurgence may be triggered, as well as telekinetic and psychic abilities,

One may find oneself familiar with a language that has not yet been taught to one's self during this present life, but may have been familiar in a past one.

Other mystic and magickal attainments follow as well, Realizations that allow one to achieve self-initiation, etc.



one second, I am contacting my friend to upload it(I have slow Internet that's why I can't upload it.)


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Assuming Godform,Invocation,Contacting, and possesion

This is sometime an overlooked part which most newagers and "spiritualist" overlook but in it hide a great amount of "experince" and "knowledge".

Here let me give a description of what is going to happen when you assume th god-form of Ra:-

He will become higher than height in that perfection, deeper in the strength of his foundation than the

lowest depths, an integral part of universal creation at once unbegotten, young, old, self-existent and immortal. That which formerly was gross becomes divested of all its sensual commonplace

to take on an alluring beauty, passionately exquisite, stolen as it were from the spirit. Within himself latent unfolding spiritual

faculties will be felt, and the faint memory of experience gained in time long since past and dead will gradually arise to illuminate the

mind and pulse anew in the heart, expanding the horizon of consciousness. So to-day his feet stand in that place which yesterday,

when contemplating the august nature of the work, his eye could scarcely see. Beyond him in the Invisible will be his next day's resting place.

And he will be like unto Ra himself, a Sun of lightand radiance and celestial nourishment to all those with whom

he comes into daily contact. Upon the small as upon the great, upon the high as well as upon the lowly, the poor no less than the rich, his help shall descend, even to beyond the outermost limits of


Before taking upon assuming god-form I hope that you choose a mythology you like to work with, and try to "enjoy" the mythology you are reading and the god you have chosen.Lastly I wanted to point out that

there is going to be new abilities founded from all god-form(keep away from dark and trickster god-form for now), but my advice is to choose Pan(he is the easiest one).Almost forgot:" keep doing it everyday for sometime

until result manifest".


1.read as much mythology and story about good and try to get as much sensory data about her/him.

2.start creating the image of god in your bedroom and start improving it and refining it over and over until it's almost perfect.

3.try to stand where the god is and "wear" the body

4.If it didn't work try talking to the god and COMMANDING/REQUESTING

note on commanding and requesting: "He must be alert, sensitive, and ready to exert his authority; yet courteous, gracious, patient, and sympathetic." ~A.C

Here is a list of god-form you might like working with:-

Pan(worked with it)

Kali-Ma(contacted it but didn't assume it yet)

Baphomet(worked with it)

Ra(worked with it)

Magician archetype of Tarot(assumed it but didn't "contact" it)


Note to self: use == instead of ~~ to create heading( I know, I dun goof)

Also just a note:

I WILL GET BACK TO FINISHING THE GUIDE, I HAVE EID AL-FITR(am moslem), coming back tomorrow(or after tomorrow) to finish the guide

tomorrow's addition:-

~Prayer and how to use them.

~Middle Pillar and usage of color.

~Contacting memetic entities made easy.



Many thanks Omran, your contributions to this board is the reason why I'm still browsing /fringe/,

Good vibes to you.



Hey man, I don't know who you are or where you are but the "Thanks" I get from people like you is what made me keep posting on this board.I just wish to say "Thank You" personally to you like if you want to add me here is my skype:omranana1



I'll add you this week or the next one, when I get access to a decent internet connection and a computer. See you there!


What is that HyperSigil thing?


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Hypersigil:transforming life using art

comment: The hypersigil is a dynamic miniature model of the magician's universe, a hologram, microcosm or "voodoo doll" which can manipulated in real time to produce changes in the macrocosmic environment of "real" life.

Over time I always was bugged by fedora and atheist( and sometime skeptics), but in the end of the day I remember that I only get annoyed by what I don't understand.I may not know if the person who I am talking with have the ability to vibrate word(I can't),don't have enough time, and most importantly people don't have privacy. I took sometime to make a lot of excuse for those who don't practice and here is a list which I think that you might relate to or not:-

~No time,No privacy,No place.

~Practiced some meditation but didn't achieve anything.

~tried New Age stuff which made him disregard everything magicial as tard.

and so.I hope that this time you will achieve some result in magic but without need for long ritual and the like of sticking to daily practice.Only ONE NOTE:-

It is important to become utterly absorbed in the hypersigil as it unfolds; this requires a high degree of absorption and concentration (which can lead to obsession but so what? You can always banish at the end) like most works of art.

A hypersigil to read is The Invisibles by Grant Morrison.


(P.S: some people might argue if Prometha by Alan Moore is a hypersigil but he didn't said it was, so I don't know.)


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Contacting memetic entities made easy.

Probably this is kind of a "lulzy" post and not meant to be actually taken very seriously(but it's practical and it can work).In essence you will contact a meme(pepe,feels guy,greenpill,bane,shrek,etc).The method is very simple:-

1.start creating the image of meme(2D or 3D) in your bedroom and start improving it and refining it over and over until it's almost perfect.

2.start contacting it and talking to it like it is real

3.send energy to it from your body to the image


5.you have aroused the meme's interest now command it


1.Even though memes may seem not to be a beneficial entity remember that they are "gods-of-now", they have more power than the pagan pantheons because of their "popularity" and "followers".They are able to break you or build you

2.If you ever try to work with memes, always have a good banishing ritual and something to protect you.(you don't know what might happen)


Is this what's "magic" now? Playing pretend?



What's magic for you then?


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Using the force like in Star Wars.



All the techniques of magic are really just so many ways of tricking some indefinable parts of ourselves into performing magic. The universe is basically a magical structure and we are all capable of magic.

Please if you don't actually try what is given here for no less than 3-4 day with sincere effort don't come and ramble at me.



Is that a yes or no?



Yes or no for what?



Is that impossible in your world view? Summun le funny thoughtform/godform and acquire the knowledge of getting real superpowers. How come that is not a thing, if all is magical?




just ignore the mundane, he's clearly a pleb that can't even magick



fuck yeah, trips. by the power of nines, fuck off mundane

also OP, if this is a work in progress you should consider releasing this as a PDF eventually. you can use openoffice and export as pdf file or epub.



You're implying the Higher Self can't teach superhuman abilities? Who is the mundane here?



Yes it can, but I don't see the "benefit" of having superhuman power for there are stuff which need less effort and reach same result:-

~Making fire out of your hand←Fire's match


~using le superpower to beat people←-using your fist to beat people

the thing these "LE SUPERPOWER" that you talk about tend to be more bad than good for example they draw uneeded attention to you and might make police or whatever jail you for whatever thing they see fit, lets not forget that these "real" superpower are in the end less "suited" for everyday use.Would you hold a cup by your hand or by your AWESOME TELEKINETIC POWER?? seem to be just a "toy" rather than actual useful thing.




Saw that, occultfags ripping of Protection Prayer, "In the name of Ad-nai, G-d of Israel)


You gutless goyim can't invent anything original

Btw, It's URIEL, not "Auriel" - Auriel is alternative spelling of Ariel, completely different being and one of name of Jerusalem.

Ariel was the feminine syzygy of Yaldabaoth (what they believe our G-d was, total insult!), as one of Archons (Rav Malachim/Angels of Presence from Tobith) in Gnosticism too, but it's completely hijacking purpose of this malach and some sects even demonised them.



>implying I would recreate something when I have a working powerful ritual to use that is 120 years old(or 2000 years old according to some of these mystics but I will try to stick to history)

>implying most of old rituals where strictly made from one source

Go read PGM and then comeback, Yes magician are stealers, Law of Pragmatism.



Shut up you stupid piece of shit fedora tipping disinfo agent.



If you can do that how is that any harder than being able to keep it hidden? I was only wondering if you were somehow trying to tell us it was beyond our reach. Your response sounds silly, like that famous Bill Gates quote on 640kb being enough for anybody.


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oh well I must reply to your other more "lulzy" post

>If you can do that how is that any harder than being able to keep it hidden?

it isn't, I meant that it isn't "efficient" to use superpowers/siddhi's in daily life.

>it was beyond our reach.

There is nothing supernatural about the fifth circuit. It merely appears "supernatural" by comparison to the earlier circuits; but the third circuit, of which the Rationalist is so proud, undoubtedly appeared "supernatural" when it first appeared. (The Egyptians attributed speech and writing, third-circuit functions,to divine intervention by the god Thoth.) The fifth circuit, like the earlier circuits, is just another evolutionary mutation, necessary to us as we move toward a more complex neuro-social level. "It's just like ordinary life, except that you're always a foot above the ground," says an old Zen proverb.

>Your response sounds silly, like that famous Bill Gates quote on 640kb being enough for anybody.

all I am saying that superpower/higher circuits ability can be a "facilitator" for the "happening"(the future magical universe, hopefully it will happen sometime in near future[NO PREDICITIONS]).The(superpowers) aren't efficient, yet.



It might be called Bob and you'd never know



>Do the normal LBRP till you finish the QC( Qabalistic Cross ) and you finished drawing the first pentagram(pentagram of earth upon the quarter of Air[east]) and vibrating the god-name of East[YHVH] .

The fuck is this and how do you do that?



I thought you looked up the LBRP on the internet.(look it up and comeback)


Qabalistic Cross → Draw the pentgram -→vibrate divine god-name –→ call upon the elemental wind(Eurus,Notus,Zehpyrus,Boras) for each quarter.



if you're planning to teach people with a manual you can't just "go google it, noob". simply add it to the description and be done with it. seriously



so if you worked with these godforms, what's the results?




I will try to find best version and post it here, though I was worried about the size of the ritual begin too big to post, but I will do it once another person confirm that it need to be posted here.

also can I post it in pastebin?nvm I will post it here jus gimmie a sec


Here is a list of god-form you might like working with:-

Pan made me "indulge" in life actually and made me see how every act can be fun and magical, and there is no need to sound strict nor serious with yourself."Every act can be sacred," he said. "Every act can be

a sacrament. 'Every number is infinite: there is no difference.' "

Kali-Ma, I didn't assume her because I thought assuming female with the male body I have is little weird.I used Great Fifteen-Syllable Mantra and visualize her over and over, until one day I felt a faint raising screaming.SUDDENLY I was in bed feeling weird, I kind had dreamless void sleep.I woke up normally feeling nothing, and then each day passed I started to feel this "weird" sensation raising during the day and making me drop old habits and change my "act" with people, I even had some of my "internal qualities" destroyed.

Baphomet, the best thing I would say that baphomet effect upon me was that it made my magic work better and "facilitated" all magical act that I do.


Ra's solar energy was always centering and helper in my everyday life by making me shine brighter everyday(metaphorical) and appearing "sparkley" to people.In the spirit world I say the best thing Ra's help with is facilitating healing spell and magic.

Magician archetype of Tarot(assumed it but didn't "contact" it)

developed magical-self/octraine-self with it


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Lesser Banishing Ritual Of Pentagram(with the four winds and visualization of the archangel)[EDITED]

The whole instruction are in the picture(taken from The Art Of Creative Visualization by Ophiel)

NOTE:- Use the invoking pentagram at morning/day and the banishing pentagram at night/before sleeping

the invocation pentagram is attract beneficial astral elemental energy from the quarter of each element(mean that you become a better person and more balanced one, also A HUGE increase of your magical/spiritual/inner abilities) and the banishing is to banish any goof you done through the day or attracted to yourself.



Ok.I thought about using godforms to attain skills that are connected with particular god. For example, Athena for intelligence and excelling at science stuff, do you think it would work?



Yes. (But you gotta know the mytho and use sensory data)



>sensory data

what's that?




what does the entity look like?

what does it smell like?

what does it taste like?

how does it feel when you touch it?

how does it's sound sound like?


Warning/Note to astral plane traveler

Don't go to astral world/plane until your astral sense "accomedate" with the physical world(from your astral body).

The trap of entering unprepared into the astral realms is similar to the drug-induced experiences reported in psychological journals and the popular press. The difference between the "good trips" and the "bad trips" are the differences between the individual's astral reality at the time of the drug experience. In magical training there is no use for the drug-induced astral experience, except to point out the similarity of dangers to the unprepared in projection to the astral realms.When entering the astral realms, preconceptions, beliefs, and assumptions act as effective barriers to prevent people from learning anything that they are not ready to learn. In the astral body,it is difficult to indulge in fantasy and self-delusion about the physical world. No such barrier exists in the astral realms, where thoughts create reality, based upon both conscious and subconscious desires.

Here lemme quote crowley, he seem little more "dramatic" with it:-

'' The Magician may go on for a long time being fooled and flattered by the Astrals that he has himself modified or manufactured. Their natural subservience to himself will please him, poor ape!

They will pretend to show him marvellous mysteries, pageants of beauty and wonder unspeakably splendid; he will incline to accept them as true, for the very reason that they are images of himself idealized by the imagination.

But his real progress will stop dead. These phantasms will prevent him from coming into contact with independent intelligences, from whom alone he can learn anything new.

He will become increasingly interested in himself, imagine himself to be attaining one initiation after another. His Ego will expand unchecked, till he seem to himself to have heaven at his feet. Yet all this will be nothing but his fool's face of Narcissus smirking up from the pool that will drown him.'' ~Crowley,Notes for an Astral Atlas


Does this mean you don't recommend your old guide anymore, like Steele of Jeu and Solar Banishing/Grounding?



Stele of Jeu has a replacement(Holy Guardian Angel:simplified)

Solar grounding and banishing(I forgot to post it, but it's important)


Solar Grounding Ritual

Visualize yourself as growing very large…huge. Grow until you can put one foot on the Sun and the other on the Earth. Size DOES matter! If you can see yourself bigger than the Galaxies that is even better. See yourself in the darkness of space with your feet on the two worlds.

Draw up power from the Sun into yourself and re-direct it into the Earth. Just make certain one foot (I have always put the Right foot on the Sun) is firmly planted on the Sun and the other foot is firmly planted on the Earth. You need to feel the power rising up from the Sun into your body, feel your body being infused by this energy, and then feel the power flow down the other leg into the Earth.

Do this continuously for about 15 minutes. At the end of the 15 minutes, shut off the flow to the Earth while still drawing the power from the Sun. Continue this for about 1 minute. At the end of this exercise see yourself shrink down to your normal size.

Do this exercise two to three times a day for the next week. This exercise should make an immediate difference in your available energy and should also ground you. I will not tell you WHAT you will feel however I guarantee you that you WILL feel the energy within you and passing through you.

Many are unable to do this exercise for a full 15 minutes when starting. If you are doing it properly you may need to do it for shorter periods initially. Additionally, to call this exercise a “Grounding” exercise is VERY misleading. Once you begin this exercise you will experience some unusual things that will open an entire new world to you. This results of this exercise actually change based on YOUR NEEDS at the time.

Solar Banishing Wave

The Banishing Wave is a technique that the Magickian can use that is effective against ALL entities in my experience. There is one key requirement that is necessary for the Banishing Wave to work; the Magickian has to KNOW that the Banishing Wave will work.

The Magickian VISUALIZES and FEELS a wave, similar to the blast wave of a nuclear explosion, expanding and radiating out from within the Magickian in all directions. The wave should be seen as forming a pressure wave that physically and astrally “blows away” anything in its path. The Magickian should feel the heat of the explosion, the force of the blast, and should SEE the pressure wave expanding out to the horizon in all directions. This explosion should be seen and felt as an expanding CIRCLE or SPHERE, with the Magickian being in the center of this explosion..

The effectiveness of the Banishing Wave is greatly increased if the Magickian incorporates the energy of the Solar Grounding Ritual. To do this all that is required is that the Magickian remembers what the energy of the Solar Grounding Ritual feels like and feel THAT ENERGY as the nuclear explosion that radiates and expands evenly away from the Magickian.

This Banishing technique, once mastered, can be performed instantly almost without thought and, as long as the Magickian KNOWS that it works, has proved effective (in my personal practice) against any entity or force that the Magickian wishes to Banish.

By I AM(a dude in fourm named I AM)


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Minecraft as a hypersigil

I hope that you read this small post before processeding to get an "idea" of the methods I am going to present here


This method is still begin tested, try it and experiment with it and don't ask for result because I am half-way through it just trying to tinker some stuffs

Now for the real deal, This method take up sometime just like the hypersigil but instead of going poetic or reading story you will make your story by yourself.All you need is minecraft(pirated if you want solo,paid if you want to play online).I will try to put it in phases and just general outlines for you.

Phase 1:World Creating

Now minecraft operate by generating a "random" world, and I want you to put in your mind that this "random" world was created out million random world to be presented to you, full of potential and all your to use.You will start by creating a semi-looking world to your minecraft's world but be careful not to make it same like it, and build a glass roof roof above your minecraft world(to cover where you will be building)

Phase 2:absorption and concentration(Obsession)

Just try to enjoy the game,mine, and waste a lot of time on it till your eye hurt.(not serious in last part)

Phase 3:Changing stuff

Now you will use the glass roof to throw "blessing" from "above" to effect "below".Remember now we are using symbols where, choose what kind of symbol represent what you want.Over time introduce new tool to the glass roof, like god's hat(a diamond hat you wear on the glass roof and go down to cause change), and so on.This mostly symbolical

Phase 4:Banishing

after finishing with experimentation(6 month- 1 year)[I hope you actually enjoy playing and charging the hypersigil]


~Playing online have it's downside and upside, it's easier to get absorbed but there are chance of griefers.

~Start causing small changes that are 99% going to happen, then lower the chance of probablity slowly and gardually(like 99% then 90% then 70% and so on) so that your hypersigil and real world adjust to your Will.



~Taylor Ellwood(inspiration)[http://www.ain23.com/topy.net/video_game.html]





also no hacking and le creative world shit(actually take effort in building it so that the energy and effort is transfered into your creation)


as much energy you put into it, as much success you will get.





all right, so let's say I summon this godess, will she be visible to me or would I just feel her presence? Also, will it work when not having much occult experience?



Unless you made your astral sight combitable with your psychial sight, I don't think so..ALTHOUGH

You would feel a TINGLE like an Electric Current passing through parts of you, up and down your spine, followed by ‘goose bumps’ along your forearms. The ‘goose bumps’ are sure signs that you have contacted the God.You will also feel that the image in your mind away suddenly "ALIVE", chant the name of the goddesses to "tune" yourself with her.

> work when not having much occult experience?



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Video Game Magick(Part #2)

Probably I have given video game a rather more space than it deserve, but since most of western play games and the like I thought that you might like another post about it.

Victory High

you can always have a sigil beside your screen or your T.V when you play to charge the sigil when you get the victory high; the feeling you get when you win a boss fight, a long game, a tedious fight.There is also the method of recording yourself and playing the siglized mantra over and over on low sound while you play.(SUBLIMINAL MESSAGES)

'''Online gaming and multiplayer charging"

I found that a way to use the power of people's subconscious is through spray sigil or putting your online game's avatar have been a truly powerful and mostly unused method by many people.

Maps of strategy games

Most strategy games have custom maps and a gameplay of 3-4 hour if not more than that.You can create a custom map(made by you) and actually draw the sigil using resource or whatever currency is available in the game

Be creative

There are probably million kind of games to try and million way to do magic with them, discover your own and test them.


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Nofap:magic edition(40 day or less free from unhealthy fapping and lust)[PART #1]

This is a compressed group of best practice that I found that are able to provide you with an easy way to reach a state of self-control and giving you more free time to work on other stuff rather than thinking about sex and rubbing your donger.

~Autosuggestion and sigil

~Kali's Mantra

~Using Shemhamforash to change the inner psyche

''Autosuggestion and sigils"

whenever you feel weak through an autosuggestion(I shall remove the habit of masturbating) (I am in total control of my desires) and like that .If you are about to fap make sure you have 3 or 5 sigil each day made to "lower" the lose when you actually fap and be little "productive"(magically speaking).Here a more clear method for using auto suggestion/mental magic:-

THE KABAUSTIC SYSTEM OF MENTAL MAGICK(from Donald Michael Kraig's Modern Magick)

ONE. Start by writing down on a piece of paper the following


"It is my wil lto use all of my abilities to obtain the following goal — "

a. At the end of the statement fill in whatever it is you want. Be simple and b. Be specific! Most people do not want "money." They want

money for a purpose such as a better lifestyle, a better car, etc. If you have a long-term goal, choose the first step towards that goal. If it is

your aim to be a teacher, it should be your first goal to get the training necessary for you to teach. If it is your goal to do something noble,

such as "to serve," that is very good. But serve in what way? A doctor serves, but so does a garbage collector or a waitress. Each needs a vastly different type of training to become successful in that field.

TWO. Now make a visual picture of yourself involved in that goal.If you want a car, see yourself in that car. If you want a better lifestyle,see yourself wearing something which represents that lifestyle, etc.This image will be used for visualization.

a. Always involve yourself in the image.

b. Remember, some people cannot visualize to an extent where they can "see" something in their mind's eye. If you cannot thus "see," there is still no problem. But you must know that what you are visualizing, if you had better developed astral vision, is really existent on the astral plane; not just believe this to be so, but know it to be so.

c. For help, you can make a ''Treasure Map." To do this, simply go through magazines or newspapers and cut out images of your goal.Now paste them together on a piece of cardboard or paper to form a magickal collage. If you prefer, you may draw the images rather than cut them out. Be sure to include yourself in the Treasure Map either by putting a picture of yourself in the Map or writing the word "me" in the center of your Map.

THREE. Every day, for five minutes in the morning just after you awake and for five minutes in the evening just before going to sleep, repeat the phrase you wrote out in Step One in a firm but quiet voice.Do this only once in the morning and evening. Spend the rest of the five-minute period either visualizing the image you made in Step Two, or looking at the Treasure Map you made in that step. See, smell, taste, feel and sense the visualization.

a. Only do this process at morning and at night. However, anytime during the day you realize that you are having thoughts contrary to your goal (as with John Magus), immediately begin repeating your magickal phrase until the contrary thoughts pass away.

FOUR Silence is also an important factor in this process. Once you have completed your statement and visualization, forget it! Put it out of your mind. Let it go. You are using many cosmic forces in this process. If you talk with others about what you are doing, it sends the energy into discussion rather than into manifestation. If you talk about what you are doing to yourself, such as by wondering about how well you are doing with this Kabalistic system, you are doubting your success. Just do it with all of your heart, know that it will work, and be silent about it.

FIVE. The secret is that the more emotionally involved you can become with your goal, the greater your chances for rapid success. "Sort of" wanting something will not have the success of "gotta have"something. The more worked up emotionally you can get over your desire, especially when stating your desire and doing the visualization, the faster it will manifest.


~Donald Kraig


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Nofap:magic edition(40 day or less free from unhealthy fapping and lust)[PART #2]

"Purgative mantra and magical development"


[Om Hreem Shreem Kleem Ahd-yah Kah-lee-kah Pah-rahm Ehsh-wah-ree Swah-hah

Om Kleem Kah-lee-kah-yea Nahm-ah-hah

These mantra are to be repeated 108 time a day(and throughout the day if you can) to attract Kali(The black mother) which can be fierce and really "put you together", if you see your life falling remember that kali work in long-term vision for what is the best for you(like angels but more fierce/active).

Kabbalistic visualization for transformation

(note: I have cut down the original blog to the practical part, if you fancy reading all you can go to credit.)

The letter combination we are going to use is Peh-He-Lamed (פ-ה-ל) helps to overcome addiction, change negative habits, remove harmful lusts, destructive ambitions and self-pity and cuts the connection with your dark sides. It prevents weight loss resulting from torment. פ.ה.ל will give you the discipline to overcome the ego, self-centered and selfish impulses. It will induce success, self-control and leadership. (there is 72 name you can research them if you want after you try this or try other names too)

1. Find yourself a quiet and pleasant place where you can relax for a few minutes. Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths.

2. Imagine the letters Peh-He-Lamed פהל encapsulated in small bubbles of bright light floating all around you. Their presence make you calmer and illuminate your being.

3. Imagine a spout opening and rising from your crown chakra, ready to absorb the sacred letters.

4. Imagine the name of God Yod-He-Vav-He (in Hebrew: Shem hameforash = יהוה. In English: Jehovah) appearing a few yards above your head, with its letters spread wide apart.

5. Imagine the three letters Peh-He-Lamed (פהל) going through the spaces between the letters of Shem Hameforash, descending into the spout over your crown chakra.

6. More and more פהל are pouring down through Shem Hameforash into the spout, and entering your head.

7. Take a deep breath, and as you exhale, push the letters down into your body. Do it several times until you feel your body saturated with the name פהל.

8. Keep this vision for a few more minutes and pay attention to your feeling.

It is recommended to repeat this process every day over a week in order to fortify the effect of the sacred name on your energy field.

According to the kabbalah, any transformational change may take 40 days of incubation until we can notice a substantial change in physical life.


~Orna Ben-Shoshan (http://www.spiralnature.com/magick/kabbalistic-visualization/ )


all this bullshit and at the end of the day it's visualization, breathing exercises, meditation and

>The secret is that the more emotionally involved you can become with your goal, the greater your chances for rapid success. "Sort of" wanting something will not have the success of "gotta have"something. The more worked up emotionally you can get over your desire, especially when stating your desire and doing the visualization, the faster it will manifest.



Yes, it's true.To be honest with you I will requote myself

All the techniques of magic are really just so many ways of tricking some indefinable parts of ourselves into performing magic. The universe is basically a magical structure and we are all capable of magic.

The aim of all these tricks and loops is for the awaiting of the "genuis" inside to grant the high-magic methods of wielding spells and shit without anything/empty-handed.It's different strokes for different folks.



That last part is a mundane misunderstanding. Emotions actually charge and vivify thoughtforms and can produce paranormal effects. It's not about intensely working at your goal, it's about actually altering reality with your emotions.


It's not "tricking" you mundane nigger. Emotions are like a currency we get from God to experience reality and do great things. Every single memory for example is constructed out of emotion, with the most emotionally intense events standing out the strongest in the memory. Emotions/loosh are able to massively enhance the mind and produce effects of psychokinesis and so on.



Thanks for unlimiting us.



I think that emotion(astral light) is pretty plastic and valuable tool, but if we don't refine it and use "filters" to benefit from it, it remain just a raw resources.For example the qabalah can be used with tattva to refine and direct the astral light to specific functions.Emotion enhance the psychic faculty because 2nd chakra mirror the higher 6th chakra(or the Yesod mirror Binah).The aim of most exercise here to refine one's inner structure and fix them so they can have a more effective magic when they actually do anything.



Fuck Islam. Amirite on this one, brah?

I mean, it forbids the practice of magick, for one.

I'm a social Muslim btw



Ya man I gotta be honest with you here, they do magic and koran can be edited and changed to be used in magic but then they forbid it and they say "ONLY TRUE MAGIC IS LEARNED FROM HARUT AND MARUT".Am also a muslim, but can't say yolo am be practicin magic due to these fanatic here in UAE




How do you get rid of godforms when you're finished with them?



you banish or invoke a counterpart.



nice meme



Can you elaborate on your experience with Pan? Exactly how you did it, ect.



What's the difference between calling upon/worshipping Kali or Shiva?

[I'm already feminine enough, which is why I'm focusing on shiva/yang]


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Promethea was an actual spell for the most part wrote softly in a fun to read comic textbook. Those niggers who know what im talking about , know what I'm talking about.

The key of the hypersigil is the mimicry, as above so below. Grant wrote ragged robin and he received ragged robin, he wrote success and received success, he wrote the unifications of both sides and he received thusly.

Moore never had the mimicry (nor ever intentded it). Promethia is a good introduction with an interesting story and a couple of memes and a vision hidden away in it.

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