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The tongue is one of the most important organs in the body and even more so for those on The Path.

With a long enough frenulum, the tongue becomes one of the most powerful tools for achieving higher levels of consciousness. When the tongue can stretch back far enough, there are many benefits, such as:

-A small bulb underneath the pineal gland can be rubbed to produce a delightful nectar named Amrita. This is of a limitless supply and allows one to go without food, yet still be healthy. It is also said to give immortality.

-Can dramatically change the body's metabolism to the point where some have been known to go into a type of consious hybernation for as long as one month, while buried underground without food, water or air.

-Can calcify the pineal gland.

-Important in raising Kundalini, which is the goal of most mystical practices.

-Allows one to achieve the highest states of Meditation.

-Allows Nadi Shodhana to be performed without needing to use hands.

-Potentially sustained non-ejaculatory orgasm can be triggered)

Here is a video describing the technique used in order to achieve this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-14GH7NxNYg

If you want quicker results, keep the tongue stretched back as often as possible. Results come quickly.



This sounds like complete bullshit to me sorry.


Tongue to the back of your upper front teeth does wonders in meditation.



I wish for that cutie's tongue in OP to suck my rock hard magus stick.


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Well at least you are wearing the correct headgear. I would recommend trying it, considering it takes mere minutes per day to get results, but that would probably be beneath you.


True, as does looking up towards the eyebrows. Can it make you breathless though?


Be careful, she is Illuminated…


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How long until results?


>your really need a long frenulum to get the tongue back into the nasal cavity.

>rubbed to produce a delightful nectar named Amrita

Tfw amrita is snot


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Here ya go: https://formlessart.files.wordpress.com/2013/12/yoga-manual1.pdf


Different for different people. It goes through various stages with increasing benefits. I read a Monk who achieved Kechari Mudra by keeping his tongue stretched back throughout day in 5 months.

The person in that video claims to have been able to do it in one month by doing 10 reps a day.


ebin ruse


You guys are going to regret this. There is no knowledge in the abyss, only darkness.


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smh @ all the rascals ITT my fault for casting pearls before swine I suppose :-p


>Can calcify the pineal gland.

I was under the impression that this was something yogafags are trying to avoid. Why would I wanna calcify my astral nrg generator, sensei?


Wtf do tongue piercings mean then I'm sure my tongue is stronger then all you baic bitch neophytes out there for having it then because I move my tongue in these fasions anyways, not to mention I've actually put my tongue in a vagina unlike all you virgin faggots who do Crowley shit to try and get muh tulpa gf grand femal master


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For anyone actually interested in this, instead of stinking up this thread, I would suggest starting with 10 reps, then gradually progressing til you reach 50. The tongue can be stretched towards the chin after each one or every ten. Reaching up to the nosetip and other stretches can also help. Frenulum heals quickly, but try not to overdo it in the beginning.

The book linked here >>47305 gives a good technical explanation for why it works.

Here is a good thread that talks about it: http://www.yogaforums.com/forums/f20/kundalini-and-the-breathless-state-10344.html

Good luck & stay safe.


Yup, my bad. Forgot the de.


Makes blowjobs feel better.


Let me also contibute by saying that jaw massage and jaw wide open stretch gives mobility to the tongue.



kinda, the base is mucus.

inside the nasal cavity the pituitary gland sits on a tiny bone called the sella turcica.

if u stimulate the gland it releases hormones n shit into the mucus.



>Makes blowjobs feel better.

now there's an answer I never thought I'd see on this board. kek


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ayyy lmao


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my face when the female in this thread posted this after my thread is made

that feel when breaking 'reality' with my quality posting




she looks like an even more basic miley cyrus

nothing is quality about your posting


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Enjoy having pushed out front teeth then and having to see a dentist.


If you were a true magus you could evoke her from the picture no problem.


I want some citations on all of your claims. I've researched this stuff before and was very dismayed to find a lot of fakes. I looked at both sides of the thing, wanting to believe, but the evidence they were fake was overwhelming; especially for example in the case of "buried underground without food, water, or air" when that stupid currynigger fucked up the trick and the guy died in the concrete bunker under the sand.

When you talk about calcifying the pineal gland don't you mean decalcifying it?

Also; another BIG PROBLEM I have with your dissertation is that it fails to view the body holistically. The tongue isn't super important, every single part of the body is a microcosm of the rest of the body, any part be it toes, tongues, the inside of the ear, etc. can be stimulated and arouse the rest of the body into good health or poor health. That's what I've concluded from my research on the matter. I believe you are giving undue importance to the tongue.

The other BIG PROBLEM I have with what you are posting is that I am pretty sure the stuff you're talking about achieving via manipulation of the tongue can not be done by macromanipulation. It has to do with micromovements which are intimately connected to mental states. IF you achieve the right mental states, the movement of the tongue into the correct position will be AUTOMATIC. You can't just coarsely force it though into the right position and hope that it will then influence the mental, that would just be too hard and impractical even if theoretically possible.

tl;dr is

>any one part of the body may be examined and stimulated in various ways to heal all the rest of the body, there's something about this in The Holographic Universe book for anyone interested in reading more; muh holism


>mental healing is what this ultimately amounts to, precise mental states when achieved will automatically create the corresponding physical alignments in the body; trying to approach this from the direction of coarsely manipulating the body into position is too hard as these are very subtle / micro movements of the body that need to be achieved and are under subconscious control

*tips le sceptical fedora*


Just hide the retarded disinfo. It's pointless to argue.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>I want some citations on all of your claims.

See the references in this: >>47310 and read about it where it is briefly covered in the pdf linked here: >>47305.

>When you talk about calcifying the pineal gland don't you mean decalcifying it?

See: >>47322 "Yup, my bad. Forgot the de."

> IF you achieve the right mental states, the movement of the tongue into the correct position will be AUTOMATIC.

This is true and is the recommended way in the pdf I linked.

>You can't just coarsely force it though into the right position and hope that it will then influence the mental, that would just be too hard and impractical even if theoretically possible.

The 8m22s point of this video may shock you then.



I already did exactly that exercise before because a Hawaain guy tought it on youtube for healing stress, apparently a technique the islanders there discovered on their own.



Oh look a guy achieved it in 6 months and provides a picture for evidence. What a troll!


One of the effects of stretching it like that is that it calms the mind.



Already read the entire wikipedia page.

I am still reading the PDF… and will watch the video.

None of the shit you have linked though seems to comment on the specific claims you've made.

I would like,..

>proof this substance called Amrita exists and to know what it is actually composed of, it seems like something that ought to be extractable and examinable… as well as an explanation of how this substance would be produced in limitless supplies and why you think it's an actual substance and not just akasha.

>that think about the body's metabolism and the being buried underground, I haven't read yet any convincing material that makes me think anyone has been documented having achieved these things yet

>an explanation as to why it would decalcify the pineal gland and why you'd use this method over several other methods I think are superior

>why it would allow one to achieve the highest states of meditation


Also reading that ATS page too.




Highlight the Kechari Mudra posts in this thread and you will see a great discussion about it:



"When reading the ancient yogic texts, many references to khechari mudra can be found. All of which indicate that its practice leads to a state of immortality, in which the yogin no longer fears death, disease or suffering, and enters a state of Samadhi.

Disease, death, and sleep do not trouble him who knows khechari mudra, nor hunger and thirst, nor swoon.

-Yoga Chudamani Upanishad

Immortal liquor is the nectar exuding from the moon (pineal gland). It is produced by the fire, which is generated by inserting the tongue into the nasopharyngeal cavity.


Always practicing it (kechari) let him drink the ambrosia daily. By this he obtains Vigraha-siddhi (perfect body), and conquers death even as a lion overpowers an elephant.


"Personal experience

For me, in the first few weeks of experiencing kechari mudra, each time my tongue entered my nasopharyngeal cavity, to touch my nasal septum, it felt like an explosion in my brain. If you’ve ever had snuff, it’s a similar sensation, although, at the same time, very different. The thing is, with snuff, you sneeze once or twice and the explosive feeling passes. With Kechari it doesn’t pass, it intensifies until it reaches a point where your brain feels like it’s bubbling over with ecstatic energy. Over time I got used to this sensation and it became a new state of being.

In those early days of my Kechari experience, when my tongue entered the nasopharyngeal cavity, there was a salty taste (probably from post nasal drip). However, to my surprise, this soon changed. Over the following months, various tastes began to manifest. They went from salty to bitter, then mildly sour, but eventually stabilised to become sweet. This new intense sweetness was accompanied by the sensation of a very light liquid, almost like liquid air, flowing onto my tongue. This is a sensation comes and goes to this day. And I believe it is what the texts refer to as soma, or the liquor of the gods, although I’m not sure if its effects should be taken literally. Such as invulnerability to poison, and conquering death within 15 days. Yet, again, there is some truth to be found in these claims.

Kechari induced realisation

To understand what the yogic texts mean when they refer to kechari as being a means for gaining immortality and overcoming all disease, we need to look at the effects it has, not on the body, but on the mind.

Referring back to my first experience of Kechari mudra, during my initial awakening, the expanded state of mind initiated by the kechari mudra led me to a sense of being beyond, or before, time. It made me realise, through direct experience, that I am not the body or mind; these things are simply manifestations of my LARGER SELF. In having these realisations, the fear of death completely died. The experience of kechari mudra expands the mind and wakes the yogin up to the realization that he/she in his/her pure state, is immortal and impervious to illness. One who’s mind is absorbed in such a state can never die.

Liquor of the gods

In relation to the sweet nectar like liquid that begins to trickle down the tongue we need to think about the process of meditation. With meditative practices, the idea is to train the mind to become one-pointed and focused to the point where it completely dissolves in its object of focus. At this stage we enter Samadhi.

Because of the intense sweetness, I can say from personal experience that absorbing the mind becomes an easy process when focusing on the taste of the body’s very own ‘nectar of immortality,’ the body’s own fountain of youth."

If you're not going to accept things agreed upon by various scriptures, some of the greatest modern Yogin and people from many different corners of the web sharing their personal experiences, without good reason to lie, maybe this technique just isn't for you.



The cutting of frendulums is retarded and an obscene yogic practice. Like cutting my dick. Seems like both came from the mind of a kike to corrupt original doctrine.

Lol at the last post. How the fuck would putting your tongue in the back of the throat produce multi-palated tastes and experiences. This is beyond fucking retarded.

Ambrosia is secreted by an UNCALCIFIED pineal gland, so OP should kill himself now. It drips and subliminates into the nervous system with the proper internal meditations. Internal kung-fu is not swirling your tongue around.

The tongue is still a vital organ and the most powerful in the body. By being on the roof of the mouth it connects a main meridian, which is vital for meditation. Having the entire tongue on the roof of the mouth in developing children allows them to grow their skull outward into magnificent beauty potentials and thus increase the space of cavities, allowing hormones to be secreted in full and proper amounts. The tongue is the seat of the face that drives all forward growth and it's proper position and use is thus vital. One more thing, it has been told to me by the highest shamans that "the tongue is the most powerful thing in the world" as what one speaketh through intention is put into the world of matter.


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This is not a danger if done properly.

>The cutting of frendulums is retarded and an obscene yogic practice.

Who said anything about cutting ITT?

Yogis have been achieving success with Kechari Mudra for thousands of years. You clearly lack proper understanding of it and require more research.


Fuck all the forms of physical yoga. Beyond basic efforts to get comfortable, that shit doesn't matter. You could just sit upright in a chair with hands on knees like Franz Bardon explains and that would be enough. The real work of magick is mental and achieved through meditation and work on thoughtforms. This thread is stupid.



>enjoy having pushed out foront teeth and then having to see a dentist.


As a kid I went to this church and some old lady told me to push my toungue against the 2 front teeth so that my teeth grow properly or something.

I feel that it's made my teeth weird now.




when I was like 8 my mom knew this old 90 years old dentist who never used gloves and put his fingers in your mouth while shaking.

I had 1 tooth right next to my right front tooth that is way farther back than the rest, he (A DENTIST) told me to push it with my tongue and it would eventually go back to its place

spoiler [%] im 21 and the tooth still in my palate [/%] polite sage for off-topic


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The Throne pose is not enough for someone wanting real development. full lotus asana is far more stable than a chair. Furthermore the flow of energy through the feet, re-circulates back into the body rather than into the earth, which is fantastic for most meditations.

Siddhasana is one of the most powerful ways to awaken Kundalini, which is important in all worthwhile systems of magic. The right heel, by placing pressure on the perineum, stimulates mulabhanda (root lock) by contraction of the anus and sphincter muscles, which forces the Apana upwards. It also stimulates the Muladhara chakra and Kundalini. The left inverted heel stimulates the Svadhistana Chakra and redirects the flow of sexual energy from downwards into Muladhara to upwards in the Anahata chakra, Visshuddha Chakra and Ajna Chakra. This is the best pose for a Brahmacharya (celibate renunciant). It is not to be practiced by women. The pressure on the perineum and sex organ can cause nerve damage to the reproductive system. The male may loose sexual urges, or at least not be able to indulge in them. This Asana should be saved for those seriously pursuing their Sadhana as a Brahmacharya.



>It is not to be practiced by women.

sexist superstition and not true at all



Not to be practiced as how it is described in that post. The correct way for women should be easily found using a search engine. Didn't think there would be any women on this board interested tbh and I was very close to taking that part out.


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Not pushing both the front and back of your tongue against your the top of your mouth constantly is one of the major causes for subhuman facial development, such as retruded maxilla, weak jaw/chin and horizontal facial development causing many problems such as ugliness and extremely crowded teeth.




I already mentioned this. Proper facial development is crucial for optimum hormone secretions in the cranium. That is the real ambrosia, stimulated through meditation.

The whole rubbing a hole in your palate and sucking just seems like such fucking kikery to me. Many yogic teachings have been corrupted, this may be one.



give yourself a name when you post, please


Huh, back in the day I found some tongue exercise videos in a friend's PC I was repairing, I thought they were some weird fetish and didn't mention anything. Many months later I found out he was into the occult, now those videos make some sense.


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Keep spreading the good word

>rubbing a hole in your palate

What the fuck?



Unless you catch it in childhood it's too late


My frenulum hurts. :(



I only feel minor pain in my frenulum while I'm doing stretches, you might be going too ham on the exercises if you feel pain afterwards.


I just started doing Kechari a few days ago, and can now stick my tongue into the nasal passages, past the uvula.

Tongue muscles start burning soon after, but I can do it. Didn't cut the frenulum.

I can feel drip forming, but enough never accumulates for me to spit it out or swallow it. Maybe when I can hold it longer.

Helps me keep my focus on the meditation, at least. Nothing particularly transcendent.


I think it is also worth mentioning that the tongue/throat is most probably a vibration tool too.

According to Bob Monroes studies (no published scientific results unfortunately, so take this info with a grain of salt), if doing a constant frequency, saying constantly a mantra with lots of "R's", playing a didgeridoo/tibetan horn or even the "ohm", it helps balancing both hemispheres of the brain to the same frequency. If true, then it's a great tool to do these before meditation if you want to achieve delta, theta or even gamma frequencies.


who /kriya yoga/ here?


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/fringe/ has reached a new low.

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