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File: 1437488987490.jpg (166.92 KB, 1000x1050, 20:21, 3jzc2QI.jpg)


I cant find it anywhere, I was hoping some anon could upload it to mega.


It's in the big mega, in the big 481gb torrent and here https://thepiratebay.la//torrent/8937476/E.A._Koetting_MAstering_Evocation_Full_Program_VidsampCompan



Do you have the mega link?




Big mega used to have ti but it was incomplete so i deleted it, screwed up downloading it from occultcurriculum.com



I was originally taking the course on occultcurriculum.com but then it shut down. Do they have another site?



Don't think so.

It's pretty funny when the site was posted here a bunch of people downloaded all the films at once. They probably thought they were being ddos'd or something. They switched to needing a password then took the site down.



Still missing Complete Mediumship Guide.



I don't think I have that, I screwed up at downloading them.



I had the pdf but I can't find it anymore.



Don't have it on the mega, at least from what i can gather from a search of "mediumship"



Blasphemy to EA, our True Creator God.


Have you ever watched one of his videos, he is a Prosperity theologists, no better the priests. His whole walk looks like swindler, now I know you could say that magick is not real ,and all of that. But at least when I buy my grimoire, I want the teacher to be genuine. Now, E.A. could be, but he acts like a disingenuous con-artist. and dresses like one, idk. There are much better book that have been around long enough that you can assume the people who made it believed it, and made their books based on what they thought was true.


This is an example of how to teach magick,



If you're going to judge by presentation then Franz Bardon is in the same league.

>This is an example of how to teach magick,

You gotta admit it looks cringeworty.



What part? is was all cool to my, the narration was done with conviction, and did not makes claims, that magick will make you a 'living god " and your enemys will flee you, and shit.



Well, I guess if you cringe when people take D&D seriously.



> did not makes claims

He heavily implied to be Hermes Trismegistos while at the same time being a fat fuck addicted to smoking cigars. None of this makes his teachings any less valueable as ridiculous as it sounds.


Shameless bump for the mega link

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