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Some notes on the effects of games upon cognition

I have noticed that prolonged playing of any game has pretty profound effects on my mind.

Hungry Shark for example massively increases concentration upon a fixed form. It seems to stifle spontaneous generation or creativity and to narrow the field of perception to filter out anything but the task at hand. It results in a mind that had a hard time switching tasks and just wants to keep doing one thing non-stop.

I have noticed drawing increases creativity / spontaneous generation, at least the way I draw, as well as exercising many other cognitive powers. I think drawing is a very good medium for the development of the mind's powers.

Certain games rely on memory and thus enhance the memory in various ways.

Others have some degree of strategy and increase the ability to brainstorm, arrive at decisions quickly, and hold many thoughts together in the mind at once.

There are probably other cognitive functions I could enhance through the playing of games. It should be noted however the more simple and basic the game, the more mind-numbing it is. For a game to have positive effects upon cognition it must be engaging in challenging.

Games could very well be used for greenpilled purposes of occult development.




If anyone has suggestions for cognitively challenging games to push forward abilities of visualization, memory, concentration, mathematics, etc. please do make me aware of them. The more intense the better.


ah dear, wrong flag



I believe from my experimentation in the last few days that certain games could be useful occult tools if used properly.


What is the best brain training service online?

These look decent:





Meditation and astral projection do a much better job.


They could be designed to develop specific abilities, three warnings though:

1. There is the risk of assimilating the game's underlying logic on a subconscious level. Every game has some sort of limit, simply because your developing resources are limited. Be it invisible walls or elementar structures you are manipulating, if you overdo it you may start applying them out of context.

2. Every benefit deriving from a game should be compared to other techniques. Meditation may just beat gaming on a range of spiritual exercises. On the other hand, turning them into games may make it easier to approach a skill that is hard to grasp for a specific individual. I can't honestly think of a way to build visualization in a videogame though, every attempt I make at conceptualizing this is actually about memory.

3. May not be your case, but still: do not use this as an excuse to indulge in an addiction. Videogames can be actually addictive, and addictiond won't help on any spiritual path, beside being a blunder in the ordinary world. Overcoming an addiction, on the other hand, may well teach you something.



All of them are scams, none of them are good. Games that do not explicitly focus on developing cognitive traits far surpass them. Absolutely random shit you might find like on the neopets site, or random apps, etc. may prove to be better brain trainers then shit like luminosity for example.

I really should make a bunch of games and I hear 8chan in the future will allow more variety of embeds so I could probably create little games that can be embedded right here on /fringe/ that people can play to develop occult abilities.


Playing a game if done in the right way, mindfully and intensely and purposefully, is a meditation.


>1. There is the risk of assimilating the game's underlying logic on a subconscious level. Every game has some sort of limit, simply because your developing resources are limited. Be it invisible walls or elementar structures you are manipulating, if you overdo it you may start applying them out of context.

This is a problem I actually noticed anon thanks for reminding me of this. After an entire day of playing Hungry Shark I wanted to imagine making my shark fly up into space way higher than the shark can in game or leaving the boundaries of the map. I could not do it. I strained myself so hard but I couldn't make the shark, which I could clearly see in my mind's eye, escape the boundaries of the map through the imagination. It was as difficult to influence as the laws which hold so strong here in this world we are used to.

>2. Every benefit deriving from a game should be compared to other techniques. Meditation may just beat gaming on a range of spiritual exercises. On the other hand, turning them into games may make it easier to approach a skill that is hard to grasp for a specific individual. I can't honestly think of a way to build visualization in a videogame though, every attempt I make at conceptualizing this is actually about memory.

Any game that has you focusing intensely on the visuals in the game will increase the visual ability you know. If you are on edge, constantly looking around the game environment, and it is very vibrant and so on it'll do that.

>3. May not be your case, but still: do not use this as an excuse to indulge in an addiction. Videogames can be actually addictive, and addictiond won't help on any spiritual path, beside being a blunder in the ordinary world. Overcoming an addiction, on the other hand, may well teach you something.

I play any game additively and intensely then master it quickly and stop. It takes between 12 hours to 100 hours. I feel after that there's usually no more benefit in playing a game.

I think that a game that is fun and engaging can help someone quickly, within just 100 hours, develop a cognitive trait fast that they might have otherwise struggled with months before because they couldn't work up the interest / mental engagement. Games can be a stepping stone, you just need to know when to set them aside, and what your next stone is.


Video games are only good for the content and even then it takes a while to get it because you go through gameplay

Vampires the masquerade bloodline, is to me, a must-have, it has dialogue that goes west to east

the rest is always 30 mins gameplay for 1 minute of worthwhile lore

gameplay may boost cognitive functions and all, but 30 mins for 1 of decent information that I had to know in advance to appreciate is worth nothing.


I knew you were going to write about video game so I prepared something beforehand.





Dual-N-Back has been proven to improve intelligence, but it's not so much a game as a mental exercise. Meaning: it is boring as shit.



Fuck that shit, I hate stories being in games, just read a book if you want a story.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

So you want to train your mind with games?

Here you go then, have fun. It's a simple game, you have to move a small triangle in the middle and dodge oncoming walls.

It's a good mental workout.

There's also a free version called Open Hexagon but I haven't tried it yet.



I have experience with this. It's a draining exercise, but it does at the least increase working memory. While doing it measure your digit span once a week. Its effects are long term (lasts through 3-6 months of non-practice), but it's not 100% permanent.

I used it so I could remember things more efficiently from my dreams.



I wouldn't call it boring, just frustrating. I never got past 4 n-back because I would get too pissed off and close the game. As the poster above said it has been proven to increase working memory as well as IQ.

Here's the link to the game for anyone interested.




Open Hexagon is a pretty solid alternative.

Would still recommend buying Super Hexagon though as OH

somewhat expects of you having played SH before.


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Glad to see that limiting your time on /fringe/ made you more productive in your work towards adepthood.




>Open Hexagon


very good choice

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