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Esoteric Wizardry


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We shall discuss the moon, and all of the moon oddities. Truly it is the strangest object in our observable universe.

It's almost too perfect, and without it we couldn't even exist.

A lot of esoteric sources claim we are "eaten by the moon. Gurdjieff himself was fond of saying "we are food for the moon". Ouspensky said we must “create moon within ourselves" to get out of the lunar influence.

Any other planet, star, and moon system, is random numbers and chaos.

Our system is too perfect.

(these numbers are rounded, but 99.999% accurate)

The earth rotates ~366 times as it goes around the sun.

The moon rotates around the earth in 27.322 days.

The moon is 27.322% the size of the earth.

The earth is 366% of the moon…

The orbits are the same as the relative sizes.

The moon, is 400X smaller than the sun.

The moon is also 400x the distance..

in 366 lunar orbits, there are exactly 10,000 days.

10,000 days is 27.37 years

The moon turns through 400 kilometers in 1 day.

It's exactly 1% the speed of rotation of Earth.

Water freezes at 273.15K

The ratio of earth to the diameter of the moon is 0.273

The sun is 2,730,000 miles in circumference.

Absolute 0 in celcius is -273.15

366 / 400 = 0.915

0.915 of moon diameter = close to 10,000.

0.915 x 10928 = 9999.12

Days in year multiplied by kilometres around moon's circumference = 3999.65 = close to 4000.

366 x 10928 = 3999.65

Days in sidereal month

27.322 x 366 = 99.999 = close to 100.

400 / 27.322 = 14.6402

400 x 3.66 = 1464

0.915 x 1464 = 1600

400 / 10928 = 0.03660322

40,000 /10928 = 3.66


Moooom! /pol/ defecated on the board again


Its mostly metric, but there are imperial standards as well.

24 hours x 60 minutes x 60 seconds = 86,400

The suns diameter being 864,000 miles.

Lunar radius is 1080 miles, diameter is 2160 miles.

21600 miles is the equatorial circumference of the Earth.

3960 miles radius of Earth

7920 miles diameter of Earth.

5040 miles earth + moon diameter.

The average human gestation period is 280, pretty close to 273.

Our precessional period is 25,920 years.

Diameter of the moon is 2160 miles.

You can fit 12 moons around earth.

12 x 2160 = 25920

In addition to the moon being 400x smaller than the sun, but 400 times closer, Earth also turns 400x faster than the moon.

Diameter of the sun is 109 earth diameters.

the earth is 109 solar diameters from the sun

the moon is 109 lunar diameters from the earth

its mostly metric, but there are imperial standards as well.

24 hours x 60 minutes x 60 seconds = 86,400

The suns diameter being 864,000 miles.

Lunar radius is 1080 miles, diameter is 2160 miles.

21600 miles is the equatorial circumference of the Earth.

3960 miles radius of Earth

7920 miles diameter of Earth.

5040 miles earth + moon diameter.

The average human gestation period is 280, pretty close to 273.

Lets see. Our precessional period is 25,920 years.

Diameter of the moon is 2160 miles.

You can fit 12 moons around earth.

12 x 2160 = 25920

Did I mention that not only is the moon 400x smaller than the sun, but 400 times closer? and that Earth also turns 400x faster than the moon?

(These numbers are close but vary due to elliptical orbits)

Diameter of the sun is 109 earth diameters.

the earth is 107 solar diameters from the sun

the moon is 110 lunar diameters from the earth

the moons radius is 1080 miles. (1079.6)

The moon is symbolic of silver. Which btw has an atomic weight of 108 g/mol (107.8682)

Diameter of earth, divided by the diameter of the moon, it gives 3.66

400 divided by 3.66 = 109

109, 273, 366, and 400 show up constantly, and repeating.

No other planets, stars and moons have numbers that show up this frequently. I say that this is NOT a coincidence. It simply can't be.


The fuck does this have to do with /pol/?


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In these images here, what I have is a program called "Ripple tank".

What it does, is very simple, it simulates ripples on water from a source or multiple sources. What I have in the images of the moon, is just a standard image of the moon, but it is "mirrored" in some different directions.

Take special notice of the bottom left one.


Disnfo pls go. Earth is flat.


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On the first pic(the red one)

if you turn your head 90 degrees to the right(did it for you lazy goys in pic related),it looks like an entity of some sorts. Quite scary.

Also, directly above its "head" is the one point that doesn't have an equivalent to the opposite side.

If you can't see it, try to move backwards and forwards till you can.



You know. video games are 2D also, but you can move around 3axis and change each 2 dimensional frame. Think harder!


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What do you suppose he is pointing at?

The head of the Goat!



For now I have some things to take care of. I am gong to be posting more when I get back.

Most of this is work with others, some of it is my own, its all co-inspirational. Mostly math and geometry, a lot of occult behind it.


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I do have to say, although I have devised this thread for the Moon and Lunar topics. I can't restrict it to only that. There are many things that this board has not across that I must show you.


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It really makes you think how much more the ancients understood than us.

And how well they could understand frequency patterns without our modern technology.


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Oy vey!


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{5, 7, 9, 11, 13}, {11, 13, 15, 17, 19}, {101, 103, 105, 107, 109}, {191, 193, 195, 197, 199}, {821, 823, 825, 827, 829}, {1481, 1483, 1485, 1487, 1489}, {1871, 1873, 1875, 1877, 1879}, {2081, 2083, 2085, 2087, 2089}


You're just as insane as Gurdjieff. Maybe you'll find somethiing of use one day.


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Perhaps. But I am in no way the only one.


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Geometry is one of my favorite subjects.


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Metatrons cube.


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It's simple, yet quite complex when fractal.


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>The moon, is 400X smaller than the sun.

>The moon is also 400x the distance..

Or possibly they're the same size and distance from us.



Why has no one mentioned the most interesting fact about the moon??

It's rotation is perfectly timed to never show us its far side. The dark side, its commonly called, is the side we've never seen except by spacecraft actually flying around to see it.

This phenomenon is only present with the moon, no other orbiting body in our system hides one side from anything else in the system. It is quite an interesting thing, it makes me think it was deliberate.


the moon is a natural entity. she is loving. just isolate yourself in nature for an extended period. the harmony of our natural system is clear there.


this is a thing called tidal locking, and is true of many satellites



YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I think you're all neglecting the elephant in the room.

The growing popularity of the…

Moonman Egregore



I've considered this.


I forgot to mention that.. Yeah.

That and the almost perfect duration of 12 between the moon and sun..

This is clockwork, fine machinery.


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Obligatory: http://montalk.net/matrix/114/food-for-the-moon


>Is the moon an artificial object?

>Compared to other solar system objects, the Moon is anomalous in several ways. Its relative mass to the planet is unusually large, its orbit is unusually small, its density is too low, and its core is strangely undersized as well. It is unlike any other body in the solar system. And while the Moon is 400 times smaller than the Sun, it is also closer to Earth by the same factor, hence Sun and Moon appear to have the same average width in the sky, allowing for solar eclipses. Its nearly circular orbit maintains this improbable relation within a small variation. Since the Moon’s orbit increases slowly over time, only within the span of the past million years has this condition existed — the same span of time during which intelligent life on Earth arose, upon the only planet in the solar system’s habitable zone. What are the chances of all this happening naturally? Slim to none.

>Therefore at minimum, it seems the Moon was artificially placed into its current orbit. When did this occur? Probably around the same time Earth acquired its tilted axis and four seasons; the Moon serves to stabilize Earth’s axial tilt. It was only after the end of the Jurassic period that warm blooded animals and deciduous vegetation proliferated, indicating evolutionary adaptation to the introduction of seasons. Therefore it’s possible that even 150 million years ago, the Moon did not exist around Earth.

>But why was it placed there? According to Hermetic tradition, the Moon is an embryonic planet placed around ours to siphon off the energies generated by the suffering and death of intelligent terrestrial lifeforms such as humans. This matches rather well what has been known about the Moon in both scientific and occult areas of investigation. For this and other reasons, I believe our Moon has been artificially placed by superior beings who have vested interests in the cultivation and periodic culling of intelligent life on Earth. It stands to reason that they may have modified it internally as well to suit their purposes. Thus a natural planetoid may have been artificially modified and intelligently placed around Earth to serve some cosmic agenda.



Can you explain what these images mean? >>47744




Sheeeit… Notice how the sun and the moon appear to be exactly the same size from our observations?

When there is an eclipse the moon exactly covers the sun.

W-what if they just tell us that the sun is 400 times bigger and 400 times further away to explain this to the goyim?

IDK but this is really spooki.



That's what the flat earth believers say. It's where I was introduced to the idea.


The sun really doesn't look that far away here.


Quite evidently, the Moon has a greater effect on the reactions of some individuals than on others. It also appears that the Moon exerts a more obvious influence on those people who are aware of it, its phases, and its position. It is evident that the Moon exerts an influence on the Earth and its people, but that influence is so varied as to defy generalization. It has also been demonstrated that the best way to get back into tune, or to become one with nature and the elements, is to regard the phases of the Moon. Become aware of them; go out and view the Moon at each of its four phases.This procedure is best started on the night of the first New Moon in March. If this is impossible, start at the nearest convenient New Moon. Look up at the Moon for several minutes, perhaps using a small phrase such as: "I salute and conjure you,oh beautiful Moon." Wait for the New Moon. An aspectarian will show you exactly when this is.1 Six Moons is a commonly accepted period for this type of work, which usually starts near Easter, so that your progress follows the growing period of spring and summer. Focusing on the Moon will help you to attune to the natural tides of energy. As you do, you will grow in strength and stature, because you will respond to life in much better ways. You will start to project yourself as you should be and others will start to respond favorably to this. You will develop better habits and lose those that have for so long caused you problems.

Following this simple ritual for six months calls for self­-discipline and organization if you are to avoid distractions.

Sorry but I don't approve of montalk's point of view nor Gurdjieff :/


I'm waiting for the Moon to be removed in the next scheduled celestial drama. Should only be a few years, so you chums just wait.

There was a 'time before the moon' in recent history and so it will be again.

Then we will know peace from the artificially programmed realities imposed upon us through the Moon Matrix.

Women will also return to a much more saner versions of themselves, as they have been most adversely effected.

"Women never have young minds, they are born 3,000 years old."


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

<3 Alfred

8:00 minutes in…


you're literally 'lunatics'


I'm at crossroads, because on one hand even my mom tells me examples of how the moon is unnatural and most likely an alien base of some sort, and even if not, it just isn't…a natural occurence. On the other hand, the one time I sincerely asked the moon for something I really wanted which was super unlikely, it happened literally the next morning


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i'd like to add this image to yours


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Here is some corrected* math from the google, using more approximate math.

in miles

365.25 days earth orbits sun

27.32 days moon orbits earth

365.25 * 27.32 = 9978 days in 365.25 lunar orbits

9978 / 365.25 = 27.32 years in 9978 days

2288 speed of moon orbit

67000 speed of earth orbit

67000 / 2288 = 29.2

29.5 days in lunar day

38.13 moon speed of rotation

1040 earth speed of rotation

27.27x difference

24901 / 3783.5 earth bigger than moon 3.65x

2713406 / 6783.5 = sun 400x bigger than moon

238900 moon distance from earth

92960000 sun distance from earth

sun is 389x further than moon

sun circumference 2700000

earth circumference 24901

moon circumference 6783.5

sun diameter 900000

earth diameter 7917.5

moon diameter 2159.2

sun is 113 earth diameters large

sun is 103 solar diameters away from earth

moon is 110 lunar diameters from earth


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In the Anime "Gurren Lagann" which is shitfull of metaphores about ascencion and creating your own reality through willpower and many other things /fringe/ should kinda like (also: giant robots), the moon turns out to be a system created to keep humanity in check.

Just thought I'd mention that for shits and giggles.


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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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I never noticed the TTGL glasses. Very good find!


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Does this remind you of a particular someone and his ramblings about the moon?


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Is the moon even there?



>if you can't see the back of you

>how do you know it's really there?




Tomorrow there is full moon, and the fate wants that i'll be at a party full of 18yo girls (21 here).

I was wondering if some seduction rituals techniques are influenced in some way by the position of the moon. I mean, practicing magick during full moon seems to bear a lot of power.


It's often said that the moon has a strong female aspect. Of course everything has some element of both male and female aspects, but especially for people newer to this sort of thing, I'd really strongly recommend engaging in a masculine aspect during the full moon. Full moons are auspicious times, and an amplifier of even relatively mundane events.


The full moon isn't tomorrow, it's Saturday. Still, the moon's almost full, and in getting fuller, this is as good a time as any to attempt to attract things toward you, including women if you are so inclined. Certainly they will be more open already, so as far as timing goes, it's not too bad. Resonate with them; be as open as they are and they will follow suit. I admit I am not entirely keen on rote ritual, but if there are rituals you are particularly fond of, if they would be empowered by a full moon, use them well tomorrow and go to the party without doubt.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Also Saturday is an excellent night for chaotic self-mastery. Enjoy.


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how are you making these?






> wimminz are insane because periods

The moon really has nothing to do with the menstrual cycle. It's not even the same amount of days, for one, and if it did – then wouldn't everyone's be in sync?

Also, PMS causes a surge in testosterone. Think about that for a minute.



You responded to a 7 month old thread simply to disprove someone on the internet?

This moon stuff is pretty interesting though


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Let's also not forget it cleanses the world of subhumans.



Top kek


very fun thread

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