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What is the most important thing to do about it? Remember 2001 stock market crash, 2008 econonomic crisis? and now September 2015 will fall into place, because its in tune with that one jewish festivity where debt is the main subject.

There's going to be a bloodmoon, tetrad, if I am right, which indicates a big happening.

What are you guys going to do? Its the current soon-to-happen happening and I'm not knowledgeable enough for my taste.

Gold is pretty much at its lowest pricing. Should I buy? Where?


I did not based my view on this video, I just found it atm


as always, entertain the thought and don't fully believe it. There are tons of other videos with information about it but I wanted to know /fringe/ opinion.

I do believe something big is coming. whether aliens, rapture/ fake rapture, economic unstability, false flag, etc.


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I think this is very likely to occur, even if you don't believe in the great tribulation/70 7s/blood moon prophecies, the Jews do, and the Jews control the world.


>Gold is pretty much at its lowest pricing. Should I buy? Where?

If you're preparing for an economic collapse it's probably best to buy things now that you will need like food etc, if you want to invest in metal I'd suggest silver instead because of the current vs historical silver : gold ratio.

However I think that it is vital to spiritually prepare and not just materially.



Of course, vital supplies like food, even toilet paper will be worth a whole lot more. But I think Im lacking a currency, I heard of silver, yes. But where to buy? Anyhow, I do think Jesus is the way and can repel demons, personally I've had an encounter with a "Satan" entity while on DXM lying on my bed, the entity told me I was stuck in a material physical prison forever and I belonged to it, but Satan is of course a liar. Anyhow, I do know that good is in my heart and Jesus will help me, hopefully, throughout this. The only thing I find hard to believe when believing Jesus, is that some people don't know Jesus, how will they be saved? In the end I believe good people will be ok. spiritually. Sorry for my rambling and conspiratorial behavior, I'm french and anyway, I only seek truth.



>But I think Im lacking a currency, I heard of silver, yes. But where to buy?

You can just order it online like buying most things

> I do know that good is in my heart and Jesus will help me, hopefully, throughout this.

I am glad

>The only thing I find hard to believe when believing Jesus, is that some people don't know Jesus, how will they be saved?

I'm not a scholar but I remember reading that the good people who are not able to attain heaven will burn their sins off in purgatory until they are pure enough to enter.


2012 was 3 years ago



maybe I'm missing your meaning but do you claim that "the end times" were 3 years ago, as if this one "end time" isn't real? Maybe, but I don't know, I feel this one is true, 23 = man over god, 15 devil's number, etc.


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>There's going to be a bloodmoon, tetrad, if I am right, which indicates a big happening.

Not just any happening. This one is special.



Renee M is actually part of a satanic disinformation group.. I'll post the info if I can find it again.



Actually, I'll save us both some effort.


also. ISIS is minting gold coins, I think its a ploy to demonize gold users. We're headed towards a cashless society. I hope we don't make it there, but something tells me we won't (try to) stop it until it happens.



I believe he was being nostalgic


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I don't know about the Jews, but this'll be an important moment for /ebola/. The perfect time to bleed for our goddess of love.


Perhaps someone should explain what this chan memer date actually is supposed to mean…


And keep this poverty-tier shit out of the mass mind. When it hits, it will hit so big that you wished you had every last moment to prepare.

There will be plenty of other sp00ky precursors, so no need to make up and emphasize fake ones for my dis-amusement. Let's be serious…

Lol I just realized you guys were listening to symbolism videos from what sounded like an insufferable teenage girl. Let's be serious, pls.



shut up you degenerate piece of shit



Teach me about it(aka greenpill me on it), Ascended Master.

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