3rd Chakra - Solar Plexus Chakra - Manipura (I Do) - Yellow
- Seed Syllable: Ram - Element: Fire - Endocrine Gland: Pancreas/Adrenals - Music Note: E
- Predominant Sense: Sight/Vision, Sense Organ: Eyes, Action Organ: Anus
- Location: between the navel and the base of the sternum
- Related Organs: central based nerve plexus, digestive organs, muscles, nervous system
- Gem Stones: citrine, topaz, yellow calcite
- Association: personal power, will, ego, authority, discipline, life purpose, self-respect, taking on new
challenges, impulses, anger, strength, astral travel, astral influences, receptivity of spirit guides, psychic
- Block/Imbalance: confusion, lacking confidence, powerless to circumstances, projected self-image,
problems with digestion, liver issues, diabetes, nervous exhaustion, food allergies
4th Chakra - Heart Chakra - Anahata (I Love) - Green
- Seed Syllable: Yam - Element: Air - Endocrine Gland: Thymus - Music Note: F
- Predominant Sense: Touch, Sense Organ: Skin, Action Organ: Sexual Organ
- Location: center of the chest between the breast plate and shoulder blades
- Related Organs: cardiac nerve plexus, respiratory/cardiac systems
- Gem Stones: rose quartz, kunzite, watermelon tourmaline
- Association: love, compassion, understanding, forgiveness, loving ourselves and others, give and
receive, connecting body and spirit, desire to nurture, seeing the good in all
- Block/Imbalance: self-sorrow, paranoia, indecision, attachment, worthlessness, afraid to be vulnerable,
problems with heart disease, high blood pressure, insomnia, breathing difficulties
* in dealing with broken hearts, deep heart pain can result in aura obstructions, and when these
“heart scars” get released, they bring up a lot of suppressed pain but open the heart for healing
and growth
5th Chakra - Throat Chakra - Vishuddha (I Speak) - Blue/Sky Blue
- Seed Syllable: Ham - Element: Sound (Ether) - Endocrine Gland: Thyroid/Parathyroid - Music Note: G
- Predominant Sense: Hearing, Sense Organ: Ears, Action Organ: Mouth
- Location: center of the throat near the adamʼs apple
- Related Organs: laryngeal nerve plexus, vocal cords, mouth, throat, ears
- Gem Stones: aquamarine, azurite, turquoise
- Association: creativity, communication, listening, expression, change and transformation, healing, sound,
creative expression through thought, speech, and writing, where anger is stored and released, being
centered, being musically and artistically inspired
- Block/Imbalance: feeling timid, quiet, weak, holding back, suppressed expression, problems with
hyperthyroid, skin irritations, ear infections, sore throat, inflammations, and back pain
6th Chakra - Third Eye Chakra - Ajna (I See) - Indigo/Dark Blue
- Seed Syllable: Sham - Element: Light (Supreme Element) - Endocrine Gland: Pituitary - Music Note: A
- Predominant Sense: Neutral (Space), Sense Organ: Mind, Action Organ: Mind
- Location: center of the head, above, between, and behind the eyebrows
- Related Organs: medulla plexus, eyes
- Gem Stones: amethyst, sodalite, lapis lazuli
- Association: perception, self-realization, intuition, insight, awareness, psychic ability, spirit and light
energies, purification, receiving guidance, channeling, tuning to higher frequencies, detachment, self-
mastery, no fear of death, telepathy, astral travel
- Block/Imbalance: nonassertive, passive, fearing success, egotistical, problems with headaches, blurred
vision or blindness, eyestrain
7th Chakra - Crown Chakra - Sahasrara (I Understand) - Violet/White
- Seed Syllable: Aum - Element: Thought (Beyond Space/Time) - Endocrine Gland: Pineal
- Predominant Sense: Beyond It, Sense Organ: Beyond It, Action Organ: Pineal Gland - Music Note: B
- Location: very top of the head
- Related Organs: upper skull, cerebral cortex
- Gem Stones: clear quartz, oregon opal, amethyst
- Association: divine wisdom, spirituality, oneness, enlightenment, dynamic thought/energy, flow, cosmic
consciousness, where life animates the physical body, silver cord connecting aura bodies, complete
access to all consciousness
- Block/Imbalance: frustration, joylessness, destructiveness, disconnect, problems with migraine
headaches, depression