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Ever wondered how to set your intention into the water?

Watch my video to learn how. Subscribe if you would like to listen in on a weekly meditation and topics of discussion.


Thank you!


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Very useful info, thanks.

I dislike how unspecific Bardon is in IIH when he mentions this practice. Do you have any specific recommendations for showers?

"There may be tingly sensations from the body communicating with you"

Please elaborate upon this point. I have experienced this a lot but it has often confused me what they mean. I feel like mine almost always communicates with me in this way with various different sensations, but I'm unsure what they all mean. Do tingles in different parts of the body mean specific things? Is it just the body communicating or the unconscious or something higher?

Beautiful message at the end. Please get a better quality camera and try to look a bit more cheerful perhaps.



Hi there brother,

Thank you for your feed back. I am going to be getting a new webcam.

As for your questions:

1. For showers: Know that when you enter in a shower it is a symbolic representation of washing away the energies from the previous day off of you. So have that in mind when you take showers from now on. If there is a specific day you had where you feel it was filled with "negativity" which in reality is of your own creation. Take a shower to wash it and have a clean slate. The only intention in shower is to feel fresh and new.

2. Tingly sensations: When you feel tingly sensations it can mean a various amounts of things. For me my body tingles when I am in alignment with what I am speaking and I feel bliss. It circulates throughout the entire body. It is important to understand that you are inhabiting a 3-dimensional body that allows you to interact with everything in this frequency…So we for the most part have forgotten all the subtle feelings from when we were children.

Now on this note every single feeling you have pay attention to what part of the body it is as it corresponds to different chakra points. For example.

Let's say you have a stomach ache or digesting issues, this is an example of a Solar plexus chakra requiring the attention. It may be you have not been following through with tasks and have been lazy, as the solar plexus is home to will power, manifesting, astral travel.

So if you have a tingly feeling or a good feeling, it means you are actually following your emotions and not going against it.

This is why when you have a tingly sensation in the stomach of someone with whom you instantly have a connection with. It means you have manifested her/him into your reality and it is your solar plexus, ie, your physical body letting you know this.

This is the same as if a person has illnesses , depending on the area of the body or pain in a certain area, it can mean you are not paying attention to certain emotions and are bottling in your emotions due to fear of exploration of self.



This was really helpful for me. I have been confused about what they mean for a long time and I sent out a few prayers related to it a few days ago…

>every single feeling you have pay attention to what part of the body it is as it corresponds to different chakra points

How might I find full information on this?

I used to like pouring water from glass to glass to activate the Prana, but haven't been bothered recently. Any thoughts on that practice?

Thanks again, I look forward to your future videos.



You are most welcome.

To find information on that I would recommend first learning about chakras.

Then learnign what areas of the body they pertain to. Once you understand the areas, you can begin to pinpoint what chakra it is and research that chakra to see what emotional charge that chakra has to then figure out what the story is you are telling yourself.

Or what your body is attempting to convey to you that you are not addressing.

Yes I am familiar with what you are talking about…It is called structuring water. Google that phrase.

A very easy way is to get a PVC pipe, or copper pipe. Have crystals or crystal marbles in the pipe, and drill two holes on either end. One big enough to pour water in, the other small enough for water to seep out.

This will recreate a natural stream of water and structure the water it self.

The pipes we have in our homes are all 90 degree angles and are not optimal for our water. It is creating dead water, the wter requires a constant vibration such as rocks to bounce off to create the structuring of water molecules, which in turn hydrate us more. This on top of setting an intention in water can begin to heal our bodies.



Keep up the good work. Everyone here should be practicing this. It's a fundamental practice for anyone in spirituality, magic or mysticism. Results are potent enough to bring realization on why I say this.



I know a decent amount about Chakras, but there's a lot of misinfo. I attended a workshop that discussed them, with the main feature being a 12 year old girl reading blindfolded. I got to hang with them for a while afterwards which was cool.

>Then learnign what areas of the body they pertain to.

Any resources you recommend for solid info on this?

How much water per day do you recommend? I've read most need 3-4L to be sufficiently hydrated.

I had been drinking only steamed distilled, reverse osmosis water for months, without minerals, but switched to spring water recently. Hopefully drinking it without minerals for so long hasn't messed with my health too bad.



I would definitely look into getting trace minerals because drinking dead water is no good for you.

Also depending on the size adding a little bit of Himalayan sea salt.

As for the body where it comes from. let me find a document for you.

1st Chakra - Root Chakra - Muladhara (I Am) - Red

- Seed Syllable: Lam - Element: Earth - Endocrine Gland: Spine/Glandular System - Music Note: C

- Predominant Sense: Smell, Sense Organ: Nose, Action Organ: Feet

- Location: base of the spine between the anus and genitals, and the tailbone and pubic bone.

- Related Organs: bones, skeletal structure, coccygeal nerve plexus, adrenal glands

- Gem Stones: garnet, smokey quartz, obsidian, black tourmaline, hematite

- Association: survival, security, primal needs, sexual energy, physical existence, connection and

grounding to mother earth, center of manifestation, energy to succeed in making things happen in the

material world

- Block/Imbalance: fearfulness, anxiousness, insecurity, frustration, problems with obesity and anorexia,

and knee troubles

* male sexual organs are located primarily in this chakra, so male sexual energy is experienced

primarily as physical

2nd Chakra - Sacral Chakra - Svadhisthana (I Feel) - Orange

- Seed Syllable: Vam - Element: Water - Endocrine Gland: Gonads/Ovaries/Testes - Music Note: D

- Predominant Sense: Taste, Sense Organ: Tongue, Action Organ: Hands

- Location: lower abdomen, below the navel and above the genitals

- Related Organs: reproductive organs, bladder, prostate, womb, sacral nerve plexus, kidneys

- Gem Stones: carnelian agate, orange calcite, tigerʼs eye

- Association: emotions, feelings, passion, personality development, sexual energy, sense of self-worth,

confidence, creativity, sociability, relating to others, being expressive or repressive, willingness to reach

out to others in a friendly or sexual way or not

- Block/Imbalance: explosive behavior, manipulative, lethargic, obsessive sexual thoughts, problems with

kidneys, stiffness, constipation, muscle spasms

* female sexual organs are located primarily in this chakra, so female sexual energy is experienced

primarily as emotional



3rd Chakra - Solar Plexus Chakra - Manipura (I Do) - Yellow

- Seed Syllable: Ram - Element: Fire - Endocrine Gland: Pancreas/Adrenals - Music Note: E

- Predominant Sense: Sight/Vision, Sense Organ: Eyes, Action Organ: Anus

- Location: between the navel and the base of the sternum

- Related Organs: central based nerve plexus, digestive organs, muscles, nervous system

- Gem Stones: citrine, topaz, yellow calcite

- Association: personal power, will, ego, authority, discipline, life purpose, self-respect, taking on new

challenges, impulses, anger, strength, astral travel, astral influences, receptivity of spirit guides, psychic


- Block/Imbalance: confusion, lacking confidence, powerless to circumstances, projected self-image,

problems with digestion, liver issues, diabetes, nervous exhaustion, food allergies

4th Chakra - Heart Chakra - Anahata (I Love) - Green

- Seed Syllable: Yam - Element: Air - Endocrine Gland: Thymus - Music Note: F

- Predominant Sense: Touch, Sense Organ: Skin, Action Organ: Sexual Organ

- Location: center of the chest between the breast plate and shoulder blades

- Related Organs: cardiac nerve plexus, respiratory/cardiac systems

- Gem Stones: rose quartz, kunzite, watermelon tourmaline

- Association: love, compassion, understanding, forgiveness, loving ourselves and others, give and

receive, connecting body and spirit, desire to nurture, seeing the good in all

- Block/Imbalance: self-sorrow, paranoia, indecision, attachment, worthlessness, afraid to be vulnerable,

problems with heart disease, high blood pressure, insomnia, breathing difficulties

* in dealing with broken hearts, deep heart pain can result in aura obstructions, and when these

“heart scars” get released, they bring up a lot of suppressed pain but open the heart for healing

and growth

5th Chakra - Throat Chakra - Vishuddha (I Speak) - Blue/Sky Blue

- Seed Syllable: Ham - Element: Sound (Ether) - Endocrine Gland: Thyroid/Parathyroid - Music Note: G

- Predominant Sense: Hearing, Sense Organ: Ears, Action Organ: Mouth

- Location: center of the throat near the adamʼs apple

- Related Organs: laryngeal nerve plexus, vocal cords, mouth, throat, ears

- Gem Stones: aquamarine, azurite, turquoise

- Association: creativity, communication, listening, expression, change and transformation, healing, sound,

creative expression through thought, speech, and writing, where anger is stored and released, being

centered, being musically and artistically inspired

- Block/Imbalance: feeling timid, quiet, weak, holding back, suppressed expression, problems with

hyperthyroid, skin irritations, ear infections, sore throat, inflammations, and back pain

6th Chakra - Third Eye Chakra - Ajna (I See) - Indigo/Dark Blue

- Seed Syllable: Sham - Element: Light (Supreme Element) - Endocrine Gland: Pituitary - Music Note: A

- Predominant Sense: Neutral (Space), Sense Organ: Mind, Action Organ: Mind

- Location: center of the head, above, between, and behind the eyebrows

- Related Organs: medulla plexus, eyes

- Gem Stones: amethyst, sodalite, lapis lazuli

- Association: perception, self-realization, intuition, insight, awareness, psychic ability, spirit and light

energies, purification, receiving guidance, channeling, tuning to higher frequencies, detachment, self-

mastery, no fear of death, telepathy, astral travel

- Block/Imbalance: nonassertive, passive, fearing success, egotistical, problems with headaches, blurred

vision or blindness, eyestrain

7th Chakra - Crown Chakra - Sahasrara (I Understand) - Violet/White

- Seed Syllable: Aum - Element: Thought (Beyond Space/Time) - Endocrine Gland: Pineal

- Predominant Sense: Beyond It, Sense Organ: Beyond It, Action Organ: Pineal Gland - Music Note: B

- Location: very top of the head

- Related Organs: upper skull, cerebral cortex

- Gem Stones: clear quartz, oregon opal, amethyst

- Association: divine wisdom, spirituality, oneness, enlightenment, dynamic thought/energy, flow, cosmic

consciousness, where life animates the physical body, silver cord connecting aura bodies, complete

access to all consciousness

- Block/Imbalance: frustration, joylessness, destructiveness, disconnect, problems with migraine

headaches, depression


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Well done.




Question: Every Chakra has some associated Gem Stones, but how exactly are these Gem Stones related to the Chakras?



Usually by color, or by frequency the crystal gives off, if you are sensitive enough to feel that.




Excellent, cheers.

A few days ago, I went to a workshop on the Chakras, with a 12 year old girl reading blindfolded (with her third eye) as the main attraction.

Also did a long group guided meditation that worked with the Chakras a few hours ago.

Both had some inaccurate info, but were good..

How do you recommend working with the Chakras? I mainly chant Om (ong) at each of them and concentrate on them after Kriya Pranayama. I have been receiving a lot of Shakti lately, which seems to be working wonders on them.



I have a way of working on my own chakras. This is because I have pets. But your way may be different and you may be able to get an idea from this.

I have 7 stones in order on a table. If one of them is moved by my pets while I am gone and I check it. That is the chakra I work on that day.

And to do this I go on youtube and type in the name of the chakra along with Binaural beats. I then focus on the area of that chakra when I am listening to the tones.

Hope that helps.



Not sure I'd trust any of the binaural beats on youtube, most of them seem to be done by people who don't even know what binaural beats are, much less what specific frequencies to use for what purpose.



There are still some gems in there. When you fin them you save them and book mark them :)



I did not watch the full video but I was thinking about how you said that water can hold memory (thoughts/intents) and that the water in the body could do the same.

If this is the case then why bother with the water in a cup at all? Would it not just be better to love yourself and skip the cup water medium?



Yes, Water is a tool for you to understand how you work internally.

Water can cure anything once you realize it. But when you give love outwardly it comes back to you 10 x. So giving love to water and then drinking this, amplifies it as well.



On that same note, essentially you can cure your self of any illness internally without the use of anything externally.

But you have to get to that point of understanding before it is possible. So we use tools to get there.

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