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Music with examples of occult symbolism and lyrics.


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I think for the most part the industry is full of stuff that has occulted messages, but the more I learn the more I can understand what they speak about.



doom? really? elaborate please



Just listen to some of his work with a symbolic mindset. His work is full of entendres and biblical passages.

Dooms work is pretty special, you have to read it 3fold.


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Literally this entire album


File: 1437991646424-0.jpg (608.85 KB, 1500x1500, 1:1, st. vincent - st. vincent ….jpg)

File: 1437991646428-1.jpg (984.86 KB, 1295x2108, 1295:2108, high priestess rw.jpg)

The cover of self titled album released last year by indie pop singer St. Vincent (Annie Clark) is clearly a mirror of the High Priestess card in the Rider-Waite deck. Instead of an "S" there is an inverted vesica pisces resembling the "B" in the pillar of Boaz. The "T" in the same position as the cross on the card, stylized like a cross as well.


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As for ambient music, any Tangerine Dream is 10/10. Rarely are there any lyrics, but when there are they are beddy dark.


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are you serious?

Katy Perry's




This program has been clicked 1 billion times and counting since it came out on Feb 20th 2014.


I could go on about this. When it came out i did a thread on cuckchan /x/ and it had over a 100 replies.



Google Aarni, guy who is behind the musickal project is a total magick nut


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This is very overt & very powerful.

He starts with politics and works his way into occultism.



That shits scary… Think about the amount of loosh poured into that video from the billion hits. Think of all the mundanes practically doing chants all day as they have that shitty song stuck in their heads.

Looks like someones trying to meme the apocalypse into reality. The merchants don't even try to hide it anymore, they're completely out in the open with their occult symbols because the goyim have been conditioned to accept it as a "joke".

When they see it, they think "HAHAHA ALL THESE CONSPIRACY LOONIES WILL THINK THIS IS REAL" when in actuality their dumb asses are serving as the pawns used to manifest it.

Still, surely the barely existent wills of millions of mindless cattle are dwarfed by our collective trained wills and knowledge, right?


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Triarii is pretty good. They're music is a combination of redpilled and greenpilled.



>Still, surely the barely existent wills of millions of mindless cattle are dwarfed by our collective trained wills and knowledge, right?

Nope, Reality bends to the majority, which is why the Jews use pawns.


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True that. An obvious example would be his mentioning of Crowley and the Tetragrammaton.


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The old blues lays it down quite right.

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