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I just want to say I am not a Pro-drug not Anti-drug, I just have no wish to use them because they seem "unnatural" to me.

This thread is mainly to discuss the usage of drugs and their danger and pitfall that you may share with other people and point at some good and bad drugs.I am basically totally against hard drugs(the one that got you hooked real hard) but I am really not sure about soft drugs,plants, and natural drugs.B.E Issac in his book says that soft drugs need training lacked in western community.I have no big statement here nor some experience with drugs.I am here to hear what you all have to say about it.


It is all a waste of time IMHO. Psychedelics only make you think that you have a real experience, while it is in fact an unreal experience, an illusion, other categories of drugs make your life stagnant and dependent.

The only good thing is that, quitting drugs is a good training exercise in strenghtening the Will.


psychedelic drug use changed me from a fedora-tipping Nietzsche quoter to a gnostic.

While the main usage of drugs is by and large hedonistic escape. continued use of psychedelics and even cannabis absolutely will change your personality to be much less rigid.


Calling the wide range of chemical substances that influence the brain "drugs" is nonsense to begin with. Food can change your brain, too. Just try eating something you are allergic to and see how it affects your perception. What chemicals are a drug and what aren't is a social construct. Saying that none of them are useful, or that all of them are useful, is oversimplifying things. I've used drugs, meditation, polyrhythmic drums, binaural beats, hell even more exotic stuff like ELF waves and stuff in my own practice as a shaman, and the usefulness of drugs varies widely between the substance, and the goal you're trying to achieve.



>while it is in fact an unreal experience, an illusion,

That which is below is like that which is above & that which is above is like that which is below to do the miracles of one only thing.

>The will

Is there any proof of the will, seriously. I mean, freewill being is pretty set in stone, as far as we know. The Crowleyian philosophy is because Crowley he felt he had to rebel against his christian parent, who he felt were subservient to god. So he thought he would rebel, but indeed we can see later on that they both were not really going the right way. Crowley even worse though, because he was trying to strengthen the connection to the ego, no beuno.



>freewill being

not being real



Who cares about Crowley?



Alot of people are into thelema.


150mg Benadryl makes visualization super easy for anyone interested


would like to know more about DMT



150mg Benadryl makes hypertension super easy for anyone interested


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I found this interesting bit by Antero Alli


On the Induction of Eight Different Types of Trance by ANTERO ALL


Preoccupies itself with physical safety and biological survival. Revolves around basic security needs and the warm, buzzy nodding sensations of infant bliss and being taken care of at the most primary levels of existence: food, shelter and enough sleep. When frustrated or over-emphasized the search for security intensifies, becomes an obsession and finally an addiction. Security Addiction expresses the lowest energy state of all trances. When the needs of this center are fulfilled, one lives with the knowledge of being a "survivor" with some ability to stabilize and secure others. SECURITY CATALYSTS: Food, water, shelter, sleep, maternal lactation, Valium, 3-6 hrs. of television, Prozac, all sedatives, nicotine, most pain-killers, PCP, morphine and heroin. Any drug acting on the breathing mechanism of the brain stem by slowing it down and, by overdose, stopping it entirely. OVERDOSE SYMPTOMS: Survival anxiety. The fear of: dying, of living, of eating (bolemia & anorexia), of chaos and of dirt. Obesity and malnurtrition.


Emotions as territorial signals. The compulsion for self-expression and personal freedom. Churns on the more aggressive emotional needs for dominance (political force), status, and self-esteem. Flight-or-fight reflex producing adrenaline rushes when confronting danger and personal triumph, as well as the depression and anxiety attacks often associated with low self-worth, feelings of helplessness and self-diminshment. When frustrated or over-emphasized, emotions inflate and/or deflate yielding conditions of taking oneself too seriously and/or not seriously enough. Mood swings. Emotional and Sexual Addictions. When emotional needs are satisfied, ego-strength and autonomy develop with some ability to excite, motivate and provoke others. EMOTIONAL CATALYSTS: Alcohol beverages. Amyl nitrate. Temper tantrums. Shouting matches. Military marches. Martial arts. High volume rock'n'roll. Slamdancing. Reichean therapy. Any "drug" relaxing emotional inhibitions or catalyzing catharsis. OVERDOSE SYMPTOMS: Anxiety. Hypertension. Hysteria. Emotional dissipation and debilitation. Emotional numbness and vacancy.


Learning intellectual and linguistic skills for grasping and communicating ideas. Spins off conceptual needs for solving problems, defining terms, making maps, and articulating meaning. The central nervous system buzz of stimulating conversation, thinking, writing, reading and other symbolic and mathematical acts. When over-emphasized, one feels "locked inside one's head" with the angst of conceptual redundancy. Word Trance. Symbolic Addictions. When frustrated, psychological fears of becoming "stupid" or "insane" or "misinformed" or "meaningless" confuse thought processes. When satisfied, intellect and language develop coherency to support meaningful communication with others; one can "say what one means and mean what one says". SEMANTIC CATALYSTS: Reading, writing, arithmetic, speech, speaking on the telephone, nicotine, caffeine, sugar, chocolate, diet pills, amphetamines, cocaine. Consistent exposure to computer monitors, Internet and other on-line virtual communications systems. Any "drugs" acting on the various nervous systems as a stimulant to quicken thinking, speech patterns and symbolic associations. OVERDOSE SYMPTOMS: Nervousness. Thinking or talking too much. Mental exhaustion. Stuttering. Neurosis.

(pt 1.)


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(pt 2.)


Development of personality in context to society. Social needs for belonging, getting along with people, developing friendships, romance, courtships, partnerships, marriages, domestication, family, and those morals and ethics maintaining community interest. The push and pull of attracting and repulsing forces – estrogen, testosterone & other growth hormones – influencing likes, dislikes, procreative love, mating rituals, domestic and community structures, and the morales and beliefs surrounding relations with others. When over-emphasized, personal identity homogenizes, or blends, into herd or tribal mentality. Social and Moral Addictions. When frustrated, the individual experiences alienation, marginalization and degrees of abandonment by the tribe, sometimes resulting in "psychopathic criminal retribution". As social needs are satisfied, a well-adjusted personality finds "its people" while defining and claiming its unique behavioral and ethical code amidst a society far too complex to always condone them. SOCIAL CATALYSTS: Social rituals, parties and gatherings. Cultural events and concerts. Church. Any "drugs" delivering social or community acceptance or sexual approval in exchange for submission to externally-imposed behaviorial standards and moralities. Most television programs. Organized Religion. Mass Media. Corporate Advertising. The Welfare State. Social Security. Fascism. OVERDOSE SYMPTOMS: Loss of personality, autonomy and self as individual identity. Guilt complex, ie., confusion between the morality of others and one's own ethics.


Disconnected from the previous goals and survival concerns of Circuits 1-4, this center is the opening of the five senses as the chief source of all life and relevant information. Being Here Now. The natural sensory rhythms and impulses of the body uncensored by mental, emotional or moral intervention. The hedonic needs for rapture, bliss and ecstatic experience. The post-survival quest for nirvana. When frustrated, the despair and spiritual discontent of "entrapment in the corporeal world of survival issues." When over-emphasized, excessive hedonism becomes debauch, dispersion and disintegration of personal integrity and concentration, ie., "spaced out bliss ninnies." Ecstacy Junkies. When hedonic needs are met, a state of charismatic magnetism infuse the personality, as seen with some rock stars, film celebrities and performing artists. HEDONIC CATALYSTS: Empathogens (MDMA, etc.). cannabis, opium, hashish, lower doses of psilocybin, Tantric and Hatha yoga, listening to music (subjective assessment), sex magick, performing live dance and live theatre, Sufi whirling dervishes, ecstatic pagan rituals, falling in love, endorphin rushes from "second wind" states (long distance running and working out), verbal fasting (mandatory silence), zen meditation. OVERDOSE SYMPTOMS: "Spaciness." Loss of meaningful connection with "consensus reality" sometimes showing poor time management and an oblivion to the emotions, thoughts and ethics of others. Time/spatial disorientation and distortions. Difficulty articulating, ie., "Like, wow, man…"


"Brain pleasure"; the subjective absorption of intense light. Opening of the "third eye", clairvoyance, telepathy and other supersensual, or psychic, abilities. Incoming signals are registered at light speed and translated by an active intuition, unencumbered by empirical demands of linear ideation. The Self-Aware Brain. Future-oriented vision; premonitions, precognitions and prophecy. The psychic need for seeing and knowing things as they are, beyond the illusions, dreams and fantasies projected by previous states. When frustrated, the "sixth sense" atrophies and psychic, or soul, death ensues. When over-emphasized nervous disorders, hallucinations and mental illnesses develop in the struggle to act and respond to the influx of overwhelming impressions. Vision, or Truth, Addiction. When psychic needs are met, lucidity stabilizes perception to accept things as they are while seeing through the scams, the lies, and the illusions often shrouding them. This lucidity can also illuminate the truth of things to the world and in others. PSYCHIC CATALYSTS: Kundalini and Raja yogas, Rajneesh's chaotic meditations, surviving the loss of a loved one, higher doses of psilocybin, mescaline, peyote, LSD, "Heavenly Blue" morning glory seeds, near-death experiences, sense-deprivation, isolation tanks, solitary confinement, intensive Buddhist retreats, Antero Alli's paratheatrical ritual technology, video/filmmaking and editing processes. OVERDOSE SYMPTOMS: Paranoia. Schitzophrenic fragmentation. Loss of emotion and meaningful connection with the feelings of others. Psychotic breaks. Violence.


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(pt 3.)


The Central Nervous System receives signals from DNA; when this center opens, the signals become conscious. Racial and species memory (reincarnation and past lives) enters present-time awareness. Overwhelming sense of unity with all living things. Realization of the complex, interconnecting mandalic consciousness of DNA-RNA, synchronicity and what Jung called the universal archetypes. When frustrated, bigotry, racial prejudice, nationalist and religious tunnel vision often leading to species self-persecution, genocide and war. When over-emphasized, pervasive disorientation erupts as previously invisible archetypes cross over to waking consciousness, shocking the ego and disrupting survival routines. Fears of insanity and socio-political and religious persecution. God Addiction. When mythopoetic needs are met, sanity is redefined through the imaginal realm and given mythological and poetic expression in poetry, inspirational verse, classic mythology, certain music and film, Etc. MYTHOPOETIC CATALYSTS: Childbirth, religious conversion experiences, mystical revelations, higher doses of LSD, kundalini awakenings (via the crown chakra), the chaos magick of Peter Carroll and Aleister Crowley, Stanislav Grof's LSD rebirthing therapy, Datura, DMT, near-death experiences. OVERDOSE SYMPTOMS: Dysfunctional messianic complexes, delusions of grandeur, paranoia, mental incapacitation, psychosis.


Consciousness at the level of unpredictable subatomic behavior. This center opens after consciousness leaves the physical body while functioning independently in nonlocal "cyberspace." Shamanic initiation into Castaneda's dreaming and "the Nagual" as a conscious visiting spirit, or dreambody. Consciousness leaves the body. The body is left behind, unconscious; comatose and/or sleeping. Where does consciousness go ? What happens there ? Who shows up on "the other side" ? Questions for the dreambody. Dr. Leary suggests the ultra-gravitational "singularity" physicists theorize at the heart of the atomic nucleus to be the stuff of black holes. Fusion with Black Hole as Ultimate Destiny ?! Out-of-Body Addiction to Formlessness. DREAMBODY CATALYSTS: Heavy doses of Nitrous Oxide, DMT, Ketamine, Jimson weed, Datura, Sonora desert toad ( Bufo alvarius) venom, Near-death and Out-of-Body experiences, Eckankar astral travel techniques, lucid dreaming, Malaysian Senoi tribal dreamwork, Australian aboriginal dreamtime walkabouts, advanced virtual reality "immersion technologies", and any "drugs" that simulate near-death OR death experience without producing the actual experience of physical death itself, ie., Haitian voodoo zombie powder extracted from certain species of puffer fish. OVERDOSE SYMPTOMS: Partial to complete loss of bodily functions. Comatose. Death without discernible cause.


The real reason LSD is illegal is because it is a serotonin antagonist. High serotonin helps to create a state of learned helplessness, which is why they want us all on SSRIs. Having high dopamine and low serotonin puts you in a spiritually awakened state.



From my previous experience with psychedelics… They do many things, many of which are fun/useless and some of which are exactly the same as a deep meditative state. You can achieve a top level mystical experience while on psychedelics.

However here is the problem. The problem is that is sort of a cheat code which you put in the game but can't use in real missions. When the experience is gone you bring nothing back but a foggy memory of how the experience felt like. It sort of points you in the right direction but doesn't help you in walking it.

Some /fringe/ disciplines liken spiritual practice with a journey. If we take this analogy in consideration psychedelics would be like a picture or a movie of the place you're trying to get at. The things is that what really changes you and make you evolve is the process of going through the journey itself.

I would recommend psychedelics to people who are just curious about it, haven't achieved the highest ranks of /fringe/, and to fedora tippers. With the warning of course that it shouldn't be taken like one drinks alcohol.

To /fringe/ the best use of psychedelics is probably in the woods alone or in a dark room alone. The places where you're fucking up will become pretty obvious and you'll see your bullshit "in front of you" naked. Of course when the experience ends you're left with a lot of work to do. If you've never done drugs, just start it out with weed so you get used to it. But don't become a 420blazzeitfaggit for the love of god.



Started LSD use and a little bit of DMT about a year ago and it has pretty much changed my life for the better from the beginning, it brought me into into spirituality/ fringe related topics and just going full red pill in general. I also used to have pretty bad anxiety and depression my entire life and was very over weight. I had a significant LSD trip about 6 months ago now which pretty much ended both the anxiety/ depression and have since lost 30kg (still losing) and still feel pretty great and continually better. Best word to describe LSD for me would be clarity.


'Drugs' are a tool, they can be used and misused and become a crutch of the weak.


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As stated previously. They're tools. They can be used to achieve what we don't currently have or remember and to escape ourselves. Try to apply each drug to a state or chakra - frequency or level of being. The coffee and tobacco addict usually requires abilities at the level of the solar plexus. Clear the head and set them into the zone of work.

While the opiate or alcohol addict requires them to completely escape himself.

I'd suggest cannabis to those who've never experimented with drugs to prepare for heavier psychedelics. The bad trips are your best friends as they allow you to improve and shed of your old self. Then heavier psychedelics like acid or mushrooms are suggested. Though I would only suggest taking a strong psychedelic on proper moon phases like just before a full or new moon. And try to do it with an intention that you wish to bring into your life or out of it.

One will come to understand and embrace the childlike state on these psychedelics. They get a taste of the perfect and ultimate state of being. In this state you can perform and learn many things as reality "speeds" up. Unlimited creativity and raw chaos potential are yours to use. But as previously stated. Just make sure to bring something either into or out of your trip.

They allow you to understand the cyclic nature of reality. That we are simply just children and each day or cycle is what defines and changes us slowly over the years.




Lol gtfo with that normie shit

What a pussy-ass weak 'drug'

Good for getting paranoid and opening gateways into the aura

Shrooms are cool

I don't even take my mushroom supplements anymore, even though they cultivate "shen"

All supplements and food are in effect drugs

Sugar is more addictive than anything, also it is literally a degenerative substance in the body

Then there are things like wheat and grain which destroy lives like the wise practice of bigu says

I only enjoy fruit nowadays and am perfect because knowledge satiates the most high


I started wondering why all the items in a health food store contained: wheat, soy, canola oil, sugar, or salt

This is like MSG-tier substance abuse and goes unnoticed

Well, not by the awakened




Is like the Monsanto of substances

I like mushrooms because the are levitationl substances like monoatomic elements but once again I shall restate that after urine fasting and consuming lots of milk (colostrum) and honey or other ojas building foods my diet has massively refined itself and drugs are only seen as a tool for initiating normies or just going berserk in the woods should I feel the need for such an occasion. This may sound pretty advanced but even eating is merely an act of balance, if I defile my vessel through societal habits I need to eat again to help move the damaging substances out. "Cleanse the digestive tract and the purified mind shall be forever inspired."


I don't even take my deer antler supplements anymore and people in China would kill for that stuff


Anyone have experiences with dph(benadryl)?

I've noticed it makes visualization way easier and clearer but not sure how to utilize it



They do it because they don't want to go out of business.

Most people who say they eat healthy or use health food stores are fad health people who don't really care about their bodies.


I see them as two things. First they are journeys you can take. On drugs you will understand stuff you did not understand before (Problems with any very complicated magical books, for example?), some cause you to astral project but most importantly, they can help you set the foundation for many, many things discussed on /fringe/: Finding yourself. In many cultures and tribes it has been a ritual everyone had to do: You take lots of drugs, go somewhere where you are alone and you'll find yourself. Usually you find your shadow-self. Most will then end up fighting it (because they are so fucking afraid): They'll either win and feel good about themself for a while but not really make much of a difference or they lose and end up in a psych ward or something. Or, if they actually know what they are doing they will talk to it, reconnect to it, learn to understand it, learn to love themself again, remember who they really are… you get the idea.

So to anyone who feels strong enough to face himself I recommend to take, for example, 5g of shrooms and then go meditate in a 100% dark room. Especially if you're still feeling lost on your spiritual journey but you know you're ready.

The other use for drugs I see is to use them like you would use buff-potions in roleplaying games: If there is some serious energy work you gotta take care of or maybe some ritual you have planned you take the right kind of drug before. There are different kind of drugs for different kinds of energy-effects. For example (personal experience, not sure if the same for everyone): DXM is an energy-accelerator making your energy flow faster, Shrooms are an energy-catalyst increasing your output, LSD makes energy easier to control and weed makes it easier to feel energy.

Hope this helps a little. Remember: It's personal experience, stuff may be different for each individual.

Also remember that there is never any reason to be afraid: You are always in control, it is YOUR mind you are journeying into. As long as you don't believe otherwise and put yourself into the illusion that you are not in control you will be fine and it'll be amazing. However, never take the same drug more often then once every 2 weeks is what I'd recommend. Don't fear drugs, but respect them - addiction is a dangerous thing.


About weed:

Yes, it's "normie tier", but it has it's uses. It makes it much easier to feel energy which is the first step for working with it. Most people here probably don't need that anymore but when you are new to energy-work this is extremely helpfull.

What's way more interesting though is using weed to synch with someone elses energy. When you are on weed together with another person and concentrate on feeling that persons aura you will probably end up tipping into that persons perspective. It lets you see the world through their eyes. For example, I did that with a girl I liked. Suddenly I could feel her insecurities, feel how shy she actually was, see things the way she did. I could see how much of a child she still was inside though before that I thought she was a pretty cool girl. I knew all she needed was a hug - as gay as that may sound. So now that I can understand her better our relationship improved a lot.

On the other hand if you, for example, have found your true self (or your archetype/s) and are without fear and have a lot of self-esteem and someone tunes into that perspective you can greatly inspire them and help them that way.

It's a drug which greatly improves your understanding which is extremely helpful. Just don't use it all day erry day - keep it for special occasions, like you should with all drugs.





I enjoyed reading this.

Which book? "On the Induction of Eight Different Types of Trance"?


I've used LSD and weed and I can say that I had some nice experiences with them but sticking with them long term is bad (I have friends who smoke weed everyday and I pity their addiction).

I can now emulate an LSD like trance while meditating and I can keep it for some time while awake but I wouldn't mind using LSD again.

What I really want to try is DMT and I think that all people should try DMT.

If you don't know what DMT is go and search for it, it's the thing which makes us dream.



The question is, though, did you just put your subconscious thoughts about her on to her (i.e. project), and she just happened to appreciate your hug, confirming your presumption that you were reading her energy? E.g. if it was all happening in your mind, it's defined as psychosis.

I say this because the exact same thing happened to me. I wasn't attracted to the girl, but we were alone together and got high on weed and somehow we got onto the same wavelength although I seemed to be more in control. Ultimately she got freaked out by the end of it.

Weed did some good for me for me for a short while, but ultimately it has fucked me up for years now. It caused what's clinically described as depersonalization. If I could do it all over again, I'd steer clear of weed altogether.

What I think the belief ought to honestly be is that enlightenment is available freely to all — it's not dependent on your ability to score some drug—be it pharmaceutical or all-natural. Enlightenment is available just the same to the imprisoned with no access to any of this but it requires the proper inclination of the soul. If you're a seeking person, not looking for frauds and goofs, then keep seeking, but why play with something that could potentially fuck your mind for good or for many years and destroy the gift of life that you've been given.

I'm a bunch of years into this depersonalization (est. late-2011), late 20's now, and I don't think playing with psychedelics is worth it—even something as supposedly potentially innocuous as marijuana. Why take it if there's risk to change you, even if it's imperceptible.

"We could not grow without stress. We must have the stress of temptation to have claim to virtue and good character."

The suffering and anxiety you feel could be a good thing. It means you're struggling because you know you're not where you ought to be (spiritually). Thank God. Thank God for conscience. Don't abuse that shit. I'm numbed to conscience. You don't want that.


Subtle Ayurvedic nootripics anyone? Some synergies of herbs and roots you tried and worked?





it's all labels. useful or not, it's all relative.


"the action of divesting someone or something of human characteristics or individuality.


a state in which one's thoughts and feelings seem unreal or not to belong to oneself, or in which one loses all sense of identity."

neither of those sound too bad.

so long as one enjoys oneself, that sounds like a good way not to get too egotistical, and it also sounds like "being the Witness", rather than the animal ego/a useful step toward "merging" with the higher Oneness/flow, which I'd probably like to do at some point.

But yeah if you didn't like it, that's what counts to you.

I didn't care for how weed changed me when I was younger [it made me less analytical, felt like my brain didn't work as well. But I think now that it made me more intuitive and such], but I don't know if I mind anymore.

>I'm numbed to conscience.

oh, okay, that sounds not too desireable. But it's probably still a step toward "Being" and simple "Is"-ness.

There was some chart that showed all of that stuff…. can't find it. Though, it's only one perspective.


anyway, I am a believer that any of this stuff can be reversed with enough will/knowledge. IDK!


oh, the one i linked is a different one I found… not the one I meant with the isness


>Don't abuse that shit. I'm numbed to conscience. You don't want that.

If you're suffering from this, I'm assuming you tried to deal with it in some ways. If my assumption is correct, has anything worked? I'm pretty sure conscience, empathy, humanity can be reverted with proper diet and rituals. I have something similar. Modern society dumbed me down when my young brain was developing its wires. I'm willing to change and restore myself to healthy energetic state, and I'm looking for ways to do so.



The simplest meditation interestingly is the least well known, which seems to act like a reset switch to cleanse out the worldly based programming. You just become aware of your first finger until you notice it tingle. Don't exert effort, just notice your finger. Once it starts to tingle, go on to the next finger until it tingles, then go on to the next finger and keep doing that. While you're working noticing your fingers until they tingle, close your eyes like you're going to go to sleep, but notice what you see when your eyes are closed. You'll see little sparkles of light. Just observe those little specs, and keep moving your awareness from your finger to finger. You'll start to catch yourself getting distracted by thoughts and daydreams. When that happens, just bring your attention back to your fingertips and keep making your fingers tingle one by one all while watching the lights. If you keep your bringing your focus to your hand, when things come up in your mind, they'll dissolve. Those are worldly influences that'll you'll be able to resolve without any effort. Don't go into the thoughts. Just observe them. You're doing this "meditation" (if you want to really call it that) to free yourself of the bondage to all of that. Do this on a daily basis and keep practicing it. Once you understand it (i.e. once you are able to do it), you'll be able to do it for minutes at a time. Even while you're sitting on the can. If you start to notice changes in your life, best to keep it to yourself for some time. Don't get excited and don't tell people about it. Other people will be eager to pull you down.



I'll try to be brief because I don't want to waste time on this but for the interest of other people potentially benefiting I'll elaborate on what happened to me.

After a great deal of always-on-the-side seeking, I found a meditation that was incredibly beneficial: one that wasn't pretentious or dependent on being entranced. When I heard it, it just rung true. I.e. it had real substance to it. And I found myself getting better and better while doing it.

I started doing this meditation while smoking weed. I was into Terence McKenna and I was basically trying to smoke as much weed as I could and then do this meditation because I felt like it helped amplify the meditation. I remember meditating at night and feeling like I was dying, being in so much pain, and in the morning, my problems with doubt and anxiety would just be gone. So much from my past was being resolved in a spiritual way where I didn't have to bring it up and think about it.

I got to a point where I felt I was good. I mean I just was. Life was effortless and carefree and nothing could get under my skin. People's negative influence would reflect off me and I was unflappable. I remember once during this period looking at an order taker in a drive-thru and being caught by a twinkle in their eye, and after that there felt like an immediate feeling of trust. Anyway, I think much of this correlates with Christianity which is why I include some details.

But anyhow, one night I had a couple of old friends over, who brought some weed. I had already decided I didn't need or want weed anymore but against my better judgement I smoked with them. In this situation, the weed caused that impenetrable barrier around me to disappear and I got into an emotional argument and the other person got to me. Since then, I've felt like I'm high ever since. When I smoked weed casually in high school, it would make me think I had great ideas and things, which really didn't stand scrutiny. It would put me into my mind, so words don't come out of my mouth. Everything happens in my mind and I can't get it out with eloquence because I'm just repeating what's already said in my mind. And I don't want to speak from my mind anyway. I want to be able to speak from the heart without planning my speech. I've lost my spontaneity. I lost the wordless understanding. I can't be in the moment because my mind is constantly 'on', analyzing. When I smoked weed (without the spiritual pursuit) as a youth, I believe this is how I was while high, but back then I enjoyed it as an escape, and more importantly, in the morning it would have worn off. Now I'm like this 24/7. It's been consistent for years. Seems to be a rewiring of my brain. The clinical diagnosis of depersonalization fits how I feel, and it's not a positive thing.

There might be a way out. I think self-discipline is my best course of action. But it's sad to lurk around boards with people talking about depersonalization and how it's been 10 years or 17 years. Seems no one has ever written about being healed from it.

One other note that might be relevant, if you've suffered form anxiety or anger or depression or any other emotional state for much of your life and you're healed of it, you just become normal. You go on with your life. You don't really remember how it was to be so sick, so it's potentially hard to be grateful, which I think can be a bit dangerous. Like we don't remember how terrible it is to be ill until we're ill again. Once we get better we can't remember the pain.

like Jesus to the lepers:

''And when he saw them, he said unto them, Go shew yourselves unto the priests. And it came to pass, that, as they went, they were cleansed.

And one of them, when he saw that he was healed, turned back, and with a loud voice glorified God,

And fell down on his face at his feet, giving him thanks.

And Jesus answering said, Were there not ten cleansed? but where are the nine?''



mm, I see.

a friend of mine said it's dangerous to meditate while high on weed. I dunno why/what he meant, though.



>Everything happens in my mind and I can't get it out with eloquence because I'm just repeating what's already said in my mind.

Your post is fascinating, it gave me a lot to think about. I learn how weed works and how humans actually think. Your fifth paragraph in the post is a bit chaotic though because you seem to suddenly jump in narration from present to high school years. So I'm not sure if I grasp it.

How is the state you talk about different from mindfulness meditation?

I'm interested in the description of perception of depersonalized person because I find a bit of myself in your descriptions. It also makes me want to try weed at least once to compare the weed high to my waking consciousness.

I tried it a few times when I traveled abroad but thought I just didn't know how to smoke and therefore it didn't work. I had really unpleasant feeling in lungs for goddamn weeks, but never got high


Most of what I can say about this has already been said, but still;

-Before you try ANY drug, make sure you read up about it thoroughly. If you're not a cool kid who knows loads of dealers and junkies, use https://www.erowid.org/ - especially if you're going to be mixing drugs.

-Weed can help you feel your energy easier (it's how I first did it), but only use it at first, if you are having trouble with it. You don't want it to become a crutch. It also makes you lazy. Don't abuse it.

-Nicotine can heighten your astral senses. It also fucks up your lungs if you smoke it, and you'll need breath control for anything basic, so if you're gonna try it use gum or patches.

-Shrooms, peyote and LSD are the most spiritual drugs out their imo.

-Avoid any and all hard drugs (basically, anything that's not labelled as a psychedellc or hallucinogenic). Some people say ketamine is okay too - it's not. K-holing is not a spiritual trip, it's just a trip, and if you don't take enough to hole it's not a very pleasant experience. (either way, don't snort it, the taste alone can ruin your trip).



Oh, also, if you're gonna try weed, either vaporise it (buy a vape or lookup how to make a homemade one), or learn how to cook it into food (research this extensively, it can go wrong easily). Joints = carcinogens, bongs = tar, both are unhealthy options.



It's hard to describe but let me try. Real depersonalization is not a good thing. It makes you feel as if no matter what you do, you're watching your life, not living it. It's involuntary detachment from yourself and the present moment without corresponding attachment to something greater. If you felt it you would know what it is right away.

When you're mindful you get to choose what you live and what you don't.


What do people here think about the use of nootropics and steroids? Some here may be against them because they are 'chemicals', however they seem to have no problem with LSD and DXM which are also chemicals.



All drugs are chemicals the difference is whether it's man made.



I'm very inexperienced when it comes to drugs; is there a real difference between Paddo's and Magic Truffles?

Over here in the netherlands paddos are illegal, but magic truffles are legal. Are the truffles good enough?


Just close yourself in a dark room for a week. After 3 days psychedelic trip will slowly start to creep in. And when you go out you'll be on nootropics for life. Also enhances your senses of sight, smell and hearing



Okay, substitute the word 'chemicals' with the words 'man-made' in that post, if you want to be anal about it.



Also opiates (in relatively small doses) make astral projection extremely easy.



Does oxycodone count?



Never thought of that before but it makes a lot of sense. Thanks!



No, there is not.


File: 1454565133001.jpg (181.27 KB, 520x780, 2:3, bazz_2012_wizard-makes-boy.jpg)


>I'm numbed to conscience.

That is what happens when you become a sage.



I guess, but I never did oxy.



I happen to have some prescribed for pain due to an injury. Think I'll save it for later experimentation. Thanks for the info by the way.


>soft drugs need training lacked in western community.

I wonder what he meant exactly, but I've sort of noticed this to an extent. I used to smoke cannabis daily for quite a while when I had no clue at all how my mind worked. Some time ago I tried taking cannabis indica again to try using it as a catalyst for some general meditation work, but the effects made focusing my thoughts so difficult that I had no choice but to give up and go to bed disappointed a few hours later. Cannabis is definitely a more difficult drug than smokers make it out to be.



Just be careful not to get yourself into a shithole of addiction.


They act as a way to alter your perception, what you do with it is up to you. Keyword is moderation. Read these two posts >>69537 >>69693 and you're good.

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