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>Cancer was cured in the 1960s

>AIDS was invented and with a cure in the 1980s

>On 9/11 the buildings were destroyed by controlled nuclear demolition of small nukes under the ground

>Alien technology has been reverse engineered and lead to declassified technologies such as fiber optics

>Every country on Earth is controlled by their central bank

>Wars only start if the banks deem it profitable

>There are 13 families in the world that control 100s of trillions of $ and every country's debt

>Enormous subterranean bunkers have been built with state of the art technology for the elites

>Fascism and National Socialism derive from Nietzsche work

>Communism derives from Karl Marx's work

>Both Nietzsche and Karl Marx went to the same school of thought and were Rothschild backed

>Hitler was the son of a peasant Austrian maid and a Rothschild noble

>When robots can do the jobs of the common man with the coming of the singularity, humanity will be wiped out

>The few 1000 elites will live in their bunkers, whilst the robots toil the fields for them

This is the ultimate red pill.



So basically Hitler rebelled?


The ultimate red pill ?

You must be the ultimate faggot then.'


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>come on esoteric board

>to spout basic shit only the mundanes can't believe


What's the cure for cancer?

What's the cure for aids?

An explosion is plausible but not a nuclear one.

I agree with the banks part most definately. An interesting thing to look at is which countries don't have a rothschild central bank. Before the "war on terror" Iraq, Afghan, and Pakistan (pretty sure those are them) didn't.

Not a blue pill mundane, just generally interested in the first 2 points.



Don't forget Libya.



Cancer is just the healing process after a psychological shock (Dr. Hamer).

AIDS doesn't really exist, just a general weak immune system that attracts illnesses.

This board is not greenpilled enough.



>Dr. Hamer

I love how his Wikipedia pages excessively uses quotation marks and thinly attack him at every turn. Means he's on to something I guess.



How is cancer a healing process?



>Germanic New Medicine



Of course.

The German New Medicine is a set of findings and principles that solidly bases the nature of disease on universal biological principles and on the interaction between the three levels that make up the organism: the psyche, the brain and the organ.




If cancer is a healing process, why does it kill people?


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


There are many cures for cancer. Listen to this (ignore the Bible stuff if it triggers you).



Here is a video about tower radiation and cancer. I tried to embed, but it said it couldn't make sense of the url.



YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Bretty good vid m80, you have my thanks for posting it




ultimate redpill?

jews = satan



One thing that people don't realize is that there isn't any "cure" that doesn't have a downside.

You take any type of drug for too long, you get side effects. It 'poisons' you for lack of a better term.

Sometimes, the human body isn't the smartest. But it tries its best to do things its own way. It is possible to envision cancer as part of a healing process that doesn't go properly or run its course properly, perhaps. Food for thought.


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>humanity will be wiped out

not all of it, this has already happened in the past, big question marks

1.were those natural or provoked disasters

2.if provoked, by who and why

>Abgal (Sumerian), are seven Sumerian sages, demigods who are said to have been created by the god Enki (Akkadian: Ea) to establish culture and give civilization to mankind.


>Apkallu and human beings were presumably capable of conjugal relationships since after the flood, the myth states that four Apkallu appeared.


>humanity being wiped out

>a bad thing



from gordon's website

"NEW RECORDINGS Before his death, George's partner Dirk informed me [webmaster - i don't know who he is]that George made about 200 audio files that still need to be put into the computer and uploaded to the website. In a series of odd circumstances, I, as George's webmaster, never received those files. Then George died."

He was jew. I don't understand.

There is too much information about both ways. I don't believe NObody, without exception. But i listen to ANYbody.



http://georgegordon.com/, but look at his website from 2001:

"Gordon's Success Formula…boils down to 3 basic ingredients

1. Recruit

2. Involve established agents in the office

3. Pay attention to people; meet their needs and the numbers will take care of themselves

"Our job as manager is to help people better themselves.� Most of this job is about overcoming fear, that creates growth, which creates better sales people, who eventually become higher council qualifiers.� The success of every phone call is based on the attitude they bring to the telephone.� We want to make sure the attitude is positive."




>Cancer was cured in the 1960s

Cancer is not ONE illness it manifests itself differently in every person. It is just the abnormal growth of defective cells in an otherwise healthy body.

>AIDS was invented and with a cure in the 1980s

IDGAF, doesn't effect anyone who isn't a degenerate, but Evidence?

>On 9/11 the buildings were destroyed by controlled nuclear demolition of small nukes under the ground

Nukes… Why does it have to be nukes? Evidence?

>Alien technology has been reverse engineered and lead to declassified technologies such as fiber optics


>Every country on Earth is controlled by their central bank


>Wars only start if the banks deem it profitable


>There are 13 families in the world that control 100s of trillions of $ and every country's debt

Which families?

>Enormous subterranean bunkers have been built with state of the art technology for the elites

Probably. Isn't that what anyone would do if they had billions on this planet inhabited by retards?

>Fascism and National Socialism derive from Nietzsche work

Oversimplification. Nietzsche didn't give a fuck about Politics.

>Communism derives from Karl Marx's work


>Both Nietzsche and Karl Marx went to the same school of thought and were Rothschild backed

"went to the same school of thought" nice pataphor. Anyway, this is stupid. People going to the same school != collaboration

>Hitler was the son of a peasant Austrian maid and a Rothschild noble


>When robots can do the jobs of the common man with the coming of the singularity, humanity will be wiped out

Singularity is a pipedream. Full automation is a long way away.

>The few 1000 elites will live in their bunkers, whilst the robots toil the fields for them

We shall see.


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>>Fascism and National Socialism derive from Nietzsche work

Nope. Hitler never showed any sincere interest in the works of Nietzsche, most people who believe this also fail to understand that Nietzsche held bizarre anti-German sentiments throughout his life.

>>Hitler was the son of a peasant Austrian maid and a Rothschild noble

Never been substantiated as a claim.


>Which families?

He is most likely referring to pic related.


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Ok, let's assume it's true. Now I want to know if these families are goofy. Because I thought that people CAN'T be this much selfish. Do they have myopia or something? Have they know something we don't?

Is living on Earth that much hell so they must do what they do, only for personal benefits? I feel like, like we ARE in hell. But when you go outside, talk to normal people, you have opposite feelings.

fuck all'ya


>>56755 (Czech'd)

>Have they know something we don't?

In order to be the secret society they are, then yes.

>Is living on Earth that much hell so they must do what they do, only for personal benefits?


>I feel like, like we ARE in hell. But when you go outside, talk to normal people, you have opposite feelings.

Yeah, it depends on how you look at it. From a spiritual and consciousness perspective, we most likely are in hell.

On the flip side of that, it can only get better from here.


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>On the flip side of that, it can only get better from here.

Oh, I wish it could, I wish..

Better? From my point of view, "evil" side are getting stronger and stronger. I mean: look at brain-washing from media, school, beliefs.

I know there are many people who share similar thoughts about world around us, but media tells you that they are minority.



>Because I thought that people CAN'T be this much selfish

Pyschopaths can be. Just because you or any of your friends/family would never do something doesn't mean a pyschopath wouldn't. Mind you these people rape/torture their kids from the time they're infants to fuck them up and turn them into monsters (see satanic ritual abuse/monarch programming).



I mean better from an individual spirituality and consciousness perspective.

Even if you die and leave this world, if this place is hell, then whatever comes after will feel like heaven by comparison.

As for our elite, they are not a new phenomenon. The secret societies existed in ancient times as the priesthood, mystery schools, and the kingships and rulers of all dynasties, republics, and systems the world over.

The difference is that today they are coming out of hiding. The people exposing them are often people on their payroll or under their influence, including those pesky hymies who believe all of us are goyim, when they are puppets in the grander scheme of things. Coincidentally, our 'ascension' by whatever means involves humanity casting a greater shadow, meaning our propensity for evil even if we were not lorded over, would still be prescient.

At the end of the day though, if there is anything I have come to learn, good and evil are farcical, fallacious human concepts… very likely given to us by the same rulers to keep us in check.


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>At the end of the day though, if there is anything I have come to learn, good and evil are farcical, fallacious human concepts… very likely given to us by the same rulers to keep us in check.

Humans have breed bees for honey.

Then XYZ have breed humans for ABC.

Do bees can "see" people? Or in other words, are they consciousness about whatever we are, or what we are doing with them (bees)?

Do humans can "see" XYZ? Can we feel XYZ? Can we know what is ABC?

I don't know.



this is the same thing i was thinking about yesterday, only with lab rats and cattle



wew lad


The ultimate pill

>The holocaust did happen, and it was so the old Atlantian souls could get a huge chunk of karmic burden off.

>Hitler was a tool for the reptilians

>The Jews are in the same position he was in WW2 except now it's gonna be a scripted world war.

>Hitler is still alive but in hibernation stasis.



none of this is even remotely true

the real red pill is the secret behind red hair


Guys Im trying to find something

the satanists and jews are cainites

but what are christians/goyim alignement? sethites? children of adam(even though cain is adam son), children of abel?


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

is this dude a shill


Nuclear weapons do not exist.



There are certainly going to be things we cannot fathom, because of our 3D limitations, anything beyond is going to immediately appear incomprehensible.

I like your bee analogy, we also breed chickens, pigs, and cattle for meat, and these livestock have had an increase in their overall populations and in some cases quality of life due to our selfish actions.

Now enter in the reptilians, who are claimed to be harvesting human beings for flesh and soul energy, what really is the difference and why the fuck are green pills so buttmad over it?

We become inherently valuable to a higher species, meaning our overall survival holds importance, and they treat us better than we treat our cattle, even if its far from perfect.

How often do we see people trying to raise cow consciousness, giving them access to literacy, numeracy, teaching them critical thinking skills, etc… before we turn them into burgers?

This is what gets me about these reptilian theories, our cognitive dissonance and sophistry shows, and I wouldn't be surprised if we're looked at as troublesome, bratty, or jokes by other civilizations.



So you accept Gnosticism into your Christian beliefs then?

Where does the Monad fit into your narrative?

Also the angelic figures whether good or bad, as well as Jesus are all products of the Demiurge. The same entity gave the Jews the divisive 'chosenite' status.



George Gordon wasn't a Jew, but he wasn't a Christian either. He believed British-Israel theory (that white people were Israelites) and saw the Bible as basically a book of laws to follow rather than a book about religion. Anyway even if you can't stomach the Bible stuff (which I imagine is the case with a lot of people here, this being an occult board), you will probably still find something of value in his radio shows. He had a lot of down-to-earth advice as well as information about some fringe topics, and was pretty funny and un-PC at times too..



That is evidently a different George Gordon (that has to be a common name obviously). The George Gordon we're talking about had a farm where he taught people about the common law.



>Children of Abel

Abel had no children due to being dead.





That's like half the populations of France and East Asia.


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This nigga right here.


Infidels gonna be infidelous.



>What's the cure for cancer?

Phinix Drops, thats it, pretty simple, there are others but that oil its the most effectife to date, must avoid refinated sugar and gluten in the healing proces, meat is ok but not in high cuantities.

>What's the cure for aids?

And also for herpes, Its a 20-something ingredients plant tea, made by the chinesse like 100 ago and perfected by some doctor of ilinois and his student who both lost their degre and where banned as un-hiriable in the usa by the FDA. I used t have the full recipe, but got a wallware and encrpted the shit out of my docs, give me 3 days and will post it



>give me 3 days and will post it

I'll be waiting.


Ww1 never happened. You see, the british, under the influence of the Catholic Japanese, distributed special opium cigarettes to all major worldwide cigarette manufacturers. As the cigarette smoking population was at 97.3% back in the day (the remainder preferring cigars or pipes), virtually everyone was impacted, and within 7 hours of distribution the entire world had fallen into an opium induced sleep. In the confusion, brit and jap agents secretly infiltrated german territory, and replaced every map with one of an even smaller Germany, and each history book with one detailing the supposed "German Loss" of ww1. Upon awakening, most Germans simply assumed that they had been asleep for far longer than expected, and got to work trying to repay the brits and japs. But cleverly, the german people began to doubt the history books when they realized that they were all written in english and not german, and they decided to start an actual war this time around. But the sly britanese mongrels had planned for this, and set their clocks a few hours ahead.

You see, though frequently assumed to be a myth, it is in fact the case that clocks powered by small children can achieve critical mass if the clock disagrees with the time stated by another clock. As all of the english clocks were flimsier, they were simply crushed into sawdust, but the german clocks just kept on ticking, even after detonating due to transmutation into uranium 235.


FDR was actually a jamaican olympic runner, and disproved the heliocentrism with the bold statement, "Hey I think I can see your mum up here copernicus you fagger, not your SUN! HAW HAW" while airborne due to the polio.



and what woudl that be?



>But cleverly, the german people began to doubt the history books when they realized that they were all written in english and not german

lost it



This reads like it's straight out of the Illuminatus trilogy. Well done, anon.


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/POL/ approved


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nothing is more red pilled

well not quite tbh

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