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Can any of you prove that suicide would have undesirable consequences?


Who is too say if know anything, maybe we all go to hell when we die.


why not try it and find out


I often see people making statements about the specific consequences of suicide and detailed descriptions of after death experiences. How can one possibly know? Where are people getting this information from? I am a spiritually-minded person and have taken psychedelics, had what would be considered "religious experiences," but these have never provided any insight into the nature of life after death.


I guess the only conclusion I have drawn is that the typical materialist conception of death (the screen cutting to black/consciousness ending) is unlikely.


heaven and hell exist on the mental plane.

when youre depressed youre already in hell; your just destroying your body meaning you have no protection.

plus youd be in a dreamlike state so you wouldnt think rationally its very easy to get stuck in those realms


^ This is what I mean. How do you know that? Have you been stuck in these realms? Clearly you're still alive since you're posting.


read the bhardo thodol


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^ What am I looking at here?



Are these supposed to be grays?



Is that what it means, are the laws of logic them selves actually wrong and the reality is something so warped trying to make a an understanding of the problem is simply fruitless, and even if it is you will never really know.


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no one here has the answer


"If you want to be a god, have your brother bury a doll made of your shit before you die"

- The Tibetan Book of Gypping Dumb Hippies



Post pdf


Suicide would have the undesirable consequence that you wasted an incarnation in which you had access to all of the world's occult / esoteric information for possibly the first time in tens of thousands of years and you'd be born again in a state of ignorance.

Read Life Beyond Death to know what happens when you die.



This is personally the biggest suicide prevention for me. Thanks anon.

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