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Esoteric Wizardry


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Any role play in this thread is prohibited.

Any magical practitioner here or otherwise is asked to come forth and provide proof that their practice of choice is real, provides real results and/or tangibly can be witnessed as being 'real'.

If you cannot provide results to prove your practice is 'real', using at least some reproducible scientifically tested method (being the most accepted way to prove any practice to the normal world), I ask that you refrain from posting in this thread.

Speculation is prohibited here as well as any detailing or shitposting. This is a serious thread; serious replies only.



I will keep this thread alive until no posts occur from other people for 5 consecutive days.


Just go read Dynamic Thought. Magick is just a feature of a mental universe and the way consciousness interacts with everything and everything being vibration and muh monads and so on I'm explaining this really poorly because heat waves and tired and I don't post here much and whatever.

Took me years of hardcore research and to realize magick was real but now I know both on an intellectual level and through actual attainments it's real.

tl;dr magick doesn't real, now don't bother me while I spend the next few hours working on my thoughtforms and ignore those rappings and tappings goy it's nothing


ITT: OP who wants to be given cookies and milk.


Apparently the book "What the F* Do We Know" or whatever the full name is has some metaphysical research in it, that might interest OP




Please avoid speculation or shitposting.

Thank you.


I can prove success the same way a psychologist can. I have patients that come to me with problems, I help them fix those problems. Every real practitioner knows magick is in the mind first and foremost, and the people posting about being able to affect the outside world beyond what is controlled by the mind are just as fedora tipping as whoever started this thread.



I think OP is right in asking for evidence, it's what any decent rational skeptic ought to do. However OP, it seems the general consensus around these parts is that it can't be truly understood through sequences of ink stains on a dead tree (or what have you), but only through direct experience and deep introspective thought, otherwise it wouldn't be cloaked in all the vague bullshittery it is. You'd have to try and learn for yourself and make up your own opinions, as I don't think anonymous shit posters on a taiwanese pet grooming website will ever satisfy you.



Has a song ever made you want act according to it lyrics, then magick is real.


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mfw i'm listening to a song called "HURT YOURSELF" as i read this



I have a simple one. It's part of quantum theory, it's called observer bias. Take a coin, and flip it multiple times in a room by yourself, without letting anyone know what you are doing. It will land most on the side you truly believe it will beforehand.

I've done this hundreds of times in a row, and I ONLY got tails. Problem with this experiment is that you need to be alone, and in full control of every conscious and unconscious thought in your head to get as good at it as I am.



no OP, you are the shitposter here, though >>48220 and >>48224 gave you good answers.

It's not something that can be successfully replicated for an audience due to interference of mundanes and the low skill level of the neophyte who still bothers to try proving magic to skeptics.



OP wants a question highly relevant to the board answerd without the thread beeing reduced into a shitpost fest.

>no OP, you are the shitposter here

Cmon dude if he atleast would have said anything cocky or ignorant I could understand your answer.



>the people posting about being able to affect the outside world beyond what is controlled by the mind are just as fedora tipping as whoever started this thread.

lol retard you don't even realize we live in a mental universe


Hey OP prove to me we live in a world of dead matter.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Scientific proof (when it is actually done right) is nothing more than a result which can be achieved by anyone if the conditions necessary are achieved. Same goes for /fringe/, except the fundamentalist materialist or the "mundanes" if you prefer insist that they have achieved the necessary conditions when they really didn't. So in shorter words materialist are really just butthurt they can't into other dimensions.



It's as if someone would try to proove the newtons laws of dynamics without knowing how to do basic math or what a multiplication is.



And then saying everybody who believes it is insane



My magickal practice has managed to yield me results that, happening by coincidence, are statistically negligable.

I don't really need to prove it to other people. Just to myself. Honestly just read some Phil Hine and drop a couple sigils, and the truth will become apparent.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Sheldrake is good, some other good names in more spiritually oriented science is Tom Campbell, he keeps the science really hard. Some other names also include Marko Rodin and Santos Bonacci, their work may see a little less science-y until you've consumed a critical mass, then it will click as the knowledge will overflow into other subjects in undeniable ways. Walter Rustle is also promising looking, I've only just discovered him recently so I haven't had a chance to read in as much detail and depth as I would have liked so far, though it seems to be harmonic, and very interesting.

See also >>32538

You can also get into engineering with the non-physical energy field, too.

For less abstractions and theory and more simple science; Orgonite (and idealized, it would have the maximum surface area between the organic material and the metal). The energy field it exuded is helpful to all life. If your sensitive you can feel the energy field and even if you're not you can still objectively measure the results, both in people/animals and plants. See http://orgone-art.all4orgone.com/anglais/visibleeffectgarden2.htm

Or, (though I have not personally had a chance to experiment with it) in their aether drives (a la Biefield-Brown effect) would be intuitively feel-able too.

For details of a more personal nature, through the intuitive sensitivity and knowledge there of, I can and have healed myself and others of varying things from burns to poison ivy, malignant growths to (over)strained muscles/tendons.

I've also used my powers to manifest varying things such as fortune (abundance), love (my wife), and to render blessings upon those that may cross my path. Theoretically there isn't a limit to what this can be used for, just the greater the change I desire to manifest the greater intention density I must apply.



I don't know how I could have forgotten, Masaru Emoto's water experiments. I've also duplicated them personally with good results (extremely noticeable differences in 4 days).



Pretty much this right here. My life went from falling apart to building up. It's still far from perfect, but things like intention, sigils, and precognition have played their role. It's like walking on an unseen foundation.Too hard to prove, but I still have to walk some more.

The proof is something that one has to prove to themselves. They just have to go out and do it.

Even back on /x/, I was confirming that there were at least a few other posters that had very strong psychic ability when it came to sensing things like rooms, people, or objects. Most people don't realize their potential until they try.



Rupert is good because he wouldn't "trigger" most people. He doesn't go very deep, but people starting usually don't go deep also. Though I like his morphic resonance theory.

I'll see your recommendations. I was actually needing this, for reasons that I won't explain. But thank you anon.



I forget that we're no longer on freedomboard and the thread with examples if magic is lost now.

Even there skeptics who came for proof rationalized what they saw as tricks so I don't expect this to be any different.

We can share experiences all we like but this isn't likely to convince anyone since every benefit of magic can be written off as a very good string of coincidences.



I'm reading a book Sheldrake co-authored with a theologian about angels and it's kind of scary how well medieval conceptions of angels (think Aquinas) jive with the nature of the photon and quantum physics. Great stuff.



I did not know about the existence of this. One more to the list. God if only I could read and understand fully a book in a few minutes.



What would you recommend to read to manifest results these results you talk about? I have infinite ammounts of will


I'm open to any of you showing any sort of evidence in any way you want. I won't easily dismiss it as a trick, I'll be open minded about it.


I made this thread.


From what I know and have seen it could work. Become this interesting thing. If enough people can find comfort and interest in such a thing. ITT: it does would have to be started first.





I just flipped a coin twenty one times. 14 heads and 7 tails. This actually worked. Can anyone explain how this happens?



You know, if believing that it does work changes it, believing why it works might too. Be careful with the explanation you use.


OP, Yup, I got proofs:

Kundalini is real, something is happening, it's detected by scientific tools.


Breatharianism is real:



Meditation has some SERIOUS effects on EVERYTHING, the proof that there is another, more subtle body it has effect on is not there, but it has been shown that it can do pretty amaizing and "impossible" things.




All kings, pharaos, geniuses of science and more great minds of old and modern times did magic and delved deep into the occult.

Do you think kings, emperors, pharaohs, Hitler, Stallin, Tesla, Newton, Dee, Jung, Freud, Marx, Nietzche, Machiavelli, Conan Doyle, Assimov, Heraclitus, Pythagore and many many many more have spend their time into hardcore occult texts for nothing?

Do you seriously think that the people that revolutionized the culture of the world had the time to loose themselves into some "dellusional make believe"?

Do you think Shaolin Monks waste their life to do nothing more then strength training?

Why study occult buddhist/hindu texts and have long periods of meditation and secret practices then?

Please, stop being so gullible. Go do your own research.



Sieg Heil to that.


I once cast runes with a futhorc set before I gave them blood, I figured I could just do a quick one.

My readings for past were "ulcer", present was "grave" and future was "mouth"

wasnt really sure what any of it had to do with each other and went to sleep

then that night i wake up at 2 am and start puking blood

its pretty clear to me now, I think



Question anon; did you make your own set? I have been on the lookout for a decent diameter branch to make my own futharc set.



……….you are fucking wrong as shit. i dont know fuckall about magick, im just passing through, but as a dabbler in theoretical physics and quantum wierdshiet, and thats not how it works. you are but a tiny piece in a ocean of dependencies and 'calls' for other variables. your test may work but you need 100 people to do it and then gather the data and compare things. you cant just do something in your bedroom and not understand the science then think its done.



It works for him, why are you mad?



its just not science and hes talking like it is. its cool if he wants to say thats proof but dont say its anything to do with quantum or try and pass it off as scientifically approved. what hes talking about is a widely misunderstood topic so i seek to clarify aswell i guess.



but whether or not it is "science", if you can replicate this experiment on your own, wouldn't it mean something?


I would prove the existence of high magicks here in this thread, but their power is something that must be cloesly protected and not doled out to outsiders. If a mundane person knew magick, it could be misused. If you truly seek to know whether magick is "provably real", then you'll have to join my spooky cult first, and work your way into the upper ranks.



yes and no. it would but its just the tip of the data, to actually understand you need a reputable scale to do the experiment on and a solid hypothesis first.



This guy's fedora is triggered.


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>Every real practitioner knows magick is in the mind first and foremost, and the people posting about being able to affect the outside world beyond what is controlled by the mind are just as fedora tipping as whoever started this thread.

franz bardon



Ok. how does one your spooky cult?



t. bullshit "occultist"


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

How many of you can create electrical current, transfer heat, and stop bullets with your bodies, like this guy?



Not a single one of these bullshit "occultists" will come even close to this level.


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One year sober. That's fucking magic for me.



How do you know any thing this guy does is real



because mopai neikung is legit



Excellent evidence there, pal



you don't care about evidence, you just want to be right



is there anywhere I can find all the studies he mentions?



nice projection


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Wim Hof teaches a method that both warms the body and controls the immune system relying on concentration and a simple breathing exercise.


and heres a page of studies on esoteric things



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this shit is marketed to fuck, furthermore the only source for that study is on their website. I am highly doubtful of this source.

theres got to be something out there for evidence of kundalini so I'll keep looking though.



found one

A study of structure of phenomenology of consciousness in meditative and non-meditative states.


they dont say what these changes look like though.


doesnt seem like anyone gives a shit about this thread.

excellent book: There Is A God: How The Worlds Most Notorious Atheist Changed His Mind.




I've actually read that book and let me tell you it's bullshit propaganda. It's aimed at ignorant pseudo scientific mundane a with no real criterion as to whether they should believe in whatever they believe.

It relies on the fact that most people who believe what scientists tell them do t actually know the basics of what they're told, and when some quack comes and tells them than "something can't come from nothing duh", they give in (btw something CAN come from nothing).



>btw something CAN come from nothing

>muh singularity


CTRL+F "no singularity"

nice attempt at a refutation, and nice concern trolling.



And that's where magick loses its effect.

And that's why a good magician has a vow on silence.

And that's why the pleb will never be able to harness this power, if they do not isolate themselves from others's unconscious capacity, alone or in small groups, they will never use magick propely.

If you do this experiment in an open group of people, the result of the coin flip will be around 50% head and 50% tail.

If you do this in a closed group of trained people or by yourself, the result will change by quite a number, even if the amount of flips is equal to the test done to the large public.

The problem with being "scientific" is that the result you will obtain will never differ from what is already expected by the standard rules we already have; what we call magick is what i like to call manipulation of the void trough light: the act of creation of situations, thoughtforms and anything you might come up with your mind, all of this resides physically all around us and changes fate at each creator's (us) will, a will that entangles itself with every other creator's will.

Now you don't usually speak about this magick thing with "normies" because their will is fixated to the point that it doesn't exist, by thinking that, not only they destroy their very ability at creating, but they influence everyone around them creating a net of people not believing in magick;

this domino effect unconsciously creates a ritual that locks the accessibility magick in the world, and makes working with magick harder than it should to everyone else trying to be introduced into the matter.

This whole text might be a confusing, confused mess, i excuse myself in advance, as it's 4:30 AM and i'm about to go sleep.



I remember being a kid and proving to my friend that I could make the coin turn heads every time. I think that kids are closer to that level of alignment than adults. So I do believe in that.


I'm pretty sure that this is proof of magic:




Very informative video, anon. I'm that much wiser for having watched it. Again… very appreciative.



Glad you appreciate it!



Finally, I understand, so this is why magic is esoteric and limited to only a small portion of the population, because its very nature repels normies




I take issue with this, as I think this is the very mentality that KILLS magic. You have children who are free to imagine and play around with energy, whereas the adult mentality is to hoard and control and politics around the very same thing that was once free to play with innocent children (or perhaps not so innocent, but the fact still remains it's a state of mind)

Fuck secret societies. Fuck cults. I'm so sick of people trying to force the ENERGY OF THE UNIVERSE for their own twisted, petty, egomaniacal ends.

See ferngully or maybe final fantasy vi i don't know.



Then go ahead and tell everyone you know about magick.

Don't come here and cry when your rituals aren't working anymore.

You have to hide the toy you're playing with, if the others children in the playground are dumb or evil enough to ruin or break it.



Dude, secret societies exist because, mundanes persecute occultists and waste their time.

Whether it's hoardes of mundanes wanting someone to demonstrate or use their powers on them to the point that person literally dies of exhaustion, or crowds of mundanes deciding what someone is doing is "evil black magick" and chimping out and killing them, or idiots badgering them and asking them to teach them when they are clearly unworthy and a waste of time, or whatever; the truly developed occultist realizes the need for secrecy in order to protect his own advancement and if he wishes it ultimately to be of greater service to others too if he really honestly gives a shit about that.

I myself have read through hundreds books and I practise a LOT to get where I am and yet I still am not done. I probably will still be intensively meditating, thoughtforming, reading, and doing everything for years before I'm out of the "study phase" and have perfected myself enough to focus on actually enjoying the fruits of my labours.

Secret societies are generally open to anyone who is interested but they aren't obligated to spoonfeed you. The knowledge is all out there and it's also not that hard btw to get books from astral libraries so even if you have no PDFs and no physical books you can still keep reading and studying.

>I'm so sick of people trying to force the ENERGY OF THE UNIVERSE for their own twisted, petty, egomaniacal ends.

Literally every single person who thinks a thought at all is participating in that process of using "the energy of the universe"?

You're a whole lot of butthurt but I've encountered thousands of people like you now and they're all people who've barely taken up their first occult book usually.

Another thing you have to realize is the influence of mundanes is absolutely cancerous to your development. Their fixations, their suggestions, their emotions which they are unconsciously charging thoughtforms with, can totally stunt your development and give you anxiety and make you unable to perform magick. Isolation and like-minded individuals who TRULY are serious about the practice and who are at your level of development where they understand and know the reality of magick is necessary if you want to actually advance forward.

When I'm around mundanes it's very draining and wastes me. I have to go retreat up into the northern wilderness again to get my shit back together and clear out all the mental cancer they give me.


Anyone who neglects his own advancement in order to proselytize to fools is wasting his time.

The most powerful men work in the shadows and change minds without even speaking to others.

You are responsible for yourself. There are an infinite number of other beings who will always be less developed than you… but you as an individual entity can make a definite progress.

If everyone would work to overcome all their limitations all the time and push their development forward that would be great. Start with yourself and if you want make a pet project of a few other people but don't take on the burden of the whole world or you will get nowhere.


So far, these are posts here that have shown direct evidence of magical events or have conducted done themselves and posted here:


So this thread can be left to die. All answers seem to be Read The Fucking Magic Manual. Which is fine. I was wanting to know if anyone can directly and repeatedly SHOW ME that their magic affects real life in a recordable and reproducible way with clear results - apparently not that I can see.

Thanks guys. Also, that was an awful lot of shitposting and many of you failed to follow a very simple rule. You could have just shut up.




That's not magic, it's the brain control over the body, and is not magical. There is no supernatural effect going on there. If he boiled the water then sure I'd be flipping out.


Attached (or linked below) are LEGIT documents in relation to remote viewing.

All other "reports" like the infamous "AIR report" were deliberately set-up to be discredited.

Here is the best evidence available regarding the subject.

It was declassified years after it happened.

I am ONLY speaking about the topic of remote-viewing, nothing more.

First some quotes because I already know most OP won't read it and scoff like an idiot (assuming he/she isn't trolling, which is probably the case):

>> "Remote viewing is a real phenomenon and is not degraded by distance or shielding" and "Remote viewing has potential for United States intelligence applications"

>> "The evidence for a valid information transfer anomaly (anomalous cognition (AC) meets all recognized statistical and methodological criteria. This means the anomaly cannot be explained by poor experimental design, incorrect protocols, faulty analysis, or fraud. The magnitude of this anomaly is considered to be medium-to-large when compared to other known human behaviors."

Okay enough quotes. At the bottom of the documents that I will present below, is the i.d. number: CIA-RDP96-00788R001800210001-0 >>> you can verify it at the CIA F.O.I.A. website >>> http://www.foia.cia.gov/document/cia-rdp96-00788r001800210001-0

There are several places you can download the entire 57 page pdf.

this is one of them >>> http://space-man.de/foi/USA%20Records/CIA/__Remote%20Viewing/1984.08.07,%20DIA%20psychoenergetics%20research.pdf

My suggestion would be to look into the US governments involvement with remote-viewing, specifically ARMY INSCOM's in-house group, between the years 1977-1985, PROJECT GONDOLA-WISH & PROJECT GRILL-FLAME


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Dam son, magic IS "brain control over the body"(not exactly, but its a nice methaphor)

He can avoid the effects of hypothermia, by his mind. Other guys can do some other effects by their minds. Some people do telekinesis, telepathy, and so on and on.

You have no idea how little control over "your body" does the aver edge person have. Unlocking more control gives you those "magical" abilities. Its that simple.


>>73979 In other words, they're playing a game where, if it can be proven, it's not magic, therefore, magic is always unprovable (and therefore safe from shattering their fragile little world)


There is a big difference between, say, Hogwarts vs. the muggles and Dark City. In on instance you have a very open society that only isolates itself from the mundane as a means of mutually beneficial protection from each other. The other, I believe, is the logical outcome of the very lifestyle you advocate. If you're so afraid of mundanes and their "mental cancer" then it is you who is weak of mind, not them, and there are many who would look down on you the way you look down on the unenlightened, if only for the fact that they too had once made the same mistake as you. Please see the error of your ways before it's too late. This is not the way.



>astral libraries




I believe they are referring to the etheric plane, where everything exists in its infinite potential. Therefore all knowledge, past present and future, can be accessed without having to find a causal link (such as a teacher or scroll) that preserves the knowledge.



what is your response to the claims that these seemingly credible studies are really just disinformation made by the US intelligence services in order to fool (and to match) Russias supposed psy program going on at the time?


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Kornej and his bro Ivan doing some pirokinez for you



To the first answer.

Magic is how people call what they don't understand. What I meant was that regulating body temperature is small sample of what is possible.

The reason why its so hard to prove anything more crazy, is because:

1. We live in a consensus reality, you cant just force prove some magic shit on other people, unless you are a lvl 100 mage or something, maybe not even then.

2. The dipshits who criticize "magic" are disphits who have done no actual testing(no, doing some random procedure 2 times, with no understanding, does not count as testing, testing is spending months and years on some experiments yourself), and they go ahead and criticize the whole idea because they cant get any results. They cant see or get them, because they don't believe, don't expect, and even try to prove their fedoras right. That is not how it works in a universe where conciousness has partial or complete connection to everything.

3. The more I learn and more I practice, the more I dont care about fedora critics. And I dont care about them "proving me wrong", I have seen tekinesis many times, telepathy and some other cool shit. Showed it to my friends as well. I have spent many years starting from science, then studying philosophy and only then going in to esoteric stuff, testing everything along the way. The dudes that get results, you have to understand, are dudes who spend many years studying stuff. So when some uneducated kid comes along, and starts barking for "proof", we get like "what?…". Because we payed our dues, we spend our years in front of books, and years in various meditative and whatever practices, we paid the cost to knowledge. Honestly, I think the further I go, and I think I speak for any serious practitioner, the less I will talk with "proof seekers". The thing is, they are usually not interested in learning, not interested in finding out something new, they simply come out with theyr ego dick in their hand, and they want to win arguments against people, not actually find out something new or learn something.

4. Magic,is not like in some sci fi movie, its understanding the subtle laws, mastering your mind and body, and seeing how you can influence much more stuff. So its not as easy and flashy, at least in this stage of our evolution.(not to say that there are not a few individuals alive who can do crazy shit, I think theoretically there should be. But I have not seen them yet, and no mundane will ever see them, because of how far they are from them.




To the first answer.

Magic is how people call what they don't understand. What I meant was that regulating body temperature is small sample of what is possible.

The reason why its so hard to prove anything more crazy, is because:

1. We live in a consensus reality, you cant just force prove some magic shit on other people, unless you are a lvl 100 mage or something, maybe not even then.

2. The dipshits who criticize "magic" are disphits who have done no actual testing(no, doing some random procedure 2 times, with no understanding, does not count as testing, testing is spending months and years on some experiments yourself), and they go ahead and criticize the whole idea because they cant get any results. They cant see or get them, because they don't believe, don't expect, and even try to prove their fedoras right. That is not how it works in a universe where conciousness has partial or complete connection to everything.

3. The more I learn and more I practice, the more I dont care about fedora critics. And I dont care about them "proving me wrong", I have seen tekinesis many times, telepathy and some other cool shit. Showed it to my friends as well. I have spent many years starting from science, then studying philosophy and only then going in to esoteric stuff, testing everything along the way. The dudes that get results, you have to understand, are dudes who spend many years studying stuff. So when some uneducated kid comes along, and starts barking for "proof", we get like "what?…". Because we payed our dues, we spend our years in front of books, and years in various meditative and whatever practices, we paid the cost to knowledge. Honestly, I think the further I go, and I think I speak for any serious practitioner, the less I will talk with "proof seekers". The thing is, they are usually not interested in learning, not interested in finding out something new, they simply come out with theyr ego dick in their hand, and they want to win arguments against people, not actually find out something new or learn something.

4. Magic,is not like in some sci fi movie, its understanding the subtle laws, mastering your mind and body, and seeing how you can influence much more stuff. So its not as easy and flashy, at least in this stage of our evolution.(not to say that there are not a few individuals alive who can do crazy shit, I think theoretically there should be. But I have not seen them yet, and no mundane will ever see them, because of how far they are from them. >>73993

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