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File: 1438162544825.pdf (97.71 KB, The Astral World - Swami P….pdf)


I just finished reading The Astral World by Swami Panchadasi (William Walker Atkinson).

Has anyone else read this wonderful book?

It covers a LOT of stuff, talking about various sub-planes of the astral, and at the end about elementals, thoughtforms, evocation, etc.

So much overlap with everything else I have read.

I really am glad I finished this book.


File: 1438181394981.pdf (245.15 KB, the astral plane.pdf)




Oh didnt even see the attachment. Looks like the one I found is a different book anyway. Thanks braj



Just finished reading that one today also, a lot of stuff to remember and branch out to. Must read over it couple of times to understand what it says but other then that pretty good read and helps understand the layout of the Astral.



>Must read over it couple of times to understand what it says but other then that pretty good read and helps understand the layout of the Astral.

Not necessary because Atkinson repeats the same shit ad nauseum in his other books. Once you've read all of Atkinson's books you will have gone over all the concepts many times already.

Only book I'd say you have to read and re-read over and over is The Kybalion.




Why should I read this possible disinfosophy book?



I ment speaking in the terms of a beginner who wants to look into Astral stuff.



I read it a long time ago. It's worth a skim anyway. The author uses the term 'negro' showing how the book is from a less politically correct time.



Fuck off KIKE. CW Leadbeater is WHITE and GREENPILLED.


File: 1438227858302.jpg (33.27 KB, 353x500, 353:500, cw-leadbeater.jpg)


In the early 20th century Negro was not considered as an offensive way to refer to blacks.


Does this look like a man who would lie to you? Envious of his ability to grow facial hair, Smiley?




Nevermind that first part, I misread what you wrote.

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