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The 'Guru Effect' is 1000x stronger on this day, due to the moon being in a special way. It is so powerful it just happens to be the day Gautama attained.

Your energies will change if you just give them the chance. Eat light and do whatever yoga/meditations you are able to do and amazing things might happen.

I made another thread letting you guys know what guru purnima was and there was some interest now I'm making a thread to make certain you don't forget!

On the full moon day, or 31st. This isn't any ordinary moon so prepare for this night.



The word "Guru" in Sanskrit is translated as "dispeller of darkness." Hence the Guru dispels the darkness of ignorance and leads the aspirants on the path to enlightenment. The day of Guru Purnima is traditionally the time when seekers offer the Guru their gratitude and receive his blessings. Guru Purnima is also considered an especially beneficial day to practice yogic sadhana and meditation.


If you are shit at yoga do this 90 minute one on the 31st. It's the easiest one possible and with my guru's blessings will help you a lot!



Alternatively do this 13 minute kriya.




Funky, guess i'll follow this meditation around midnight. Thanks for the reminder.


Lol… This is very good guru satire because it is pompous dribble.



It isn't satire.

If anyone is interested please download an app or check when the full moon in rising in your location.

Guru Purnima begins then. For me, In Brisbane Australia it begins at 8PM tonight.


He said that mercury is non-toxic. Well I don't know, I have never drank it before. Maybe hatters are not mad at all, that are just in a higher realm of consciousness. Watch his video on Ayurveda.



He uses alchemic mercury for consecration purposes.

Also this isn't about my guru, just the moon. The 'Guru' part of 'Guru Purnima' is maybe a misnomer, you don't need a guru to benefit from this day.



No he was just talking about ingesting straight mercury.



Yeah, he's talking about Siddha. Which requires a great amount of Sadhana.

pls don't misconstrue words



And ingesting liquid mercury.



pls, I just said it takes a great amount of Sadhana to be able to do and he distinctly said not to do such a thing.



Whatever dude


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