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I think i'm onto something /fringe/. I don't know if this has been discussed before, but this is one of those blatantly obvious, yet extremely subtle ideas that usually turn out to be the correct way of going about things.

The idea is about pain. I think we are treating physical pain, completely incorrectly. I'm still not confident if we can apply these ideas to mental or spiritual pain in the exact same way, but the concept seems to carry over.

As many of you know, you can do all kinds of incredible things by focusing your mental intent. You can focus your intent on relaxation and you will be relaxed. You can focus your intent on creativity and you will be creative. You can even focus your intent on your own heart rate and increase or decrease it's rate. As plenty of studies have shown you can focus on pretty much any aspect that your body handles, and guide it in the direction you want.

Now how does pain relate to this? In the physical sense pain is your body is telling your mind that something is not as it should be and that it needs to be healed. It is a signal meant to grab your attention and focus. However in our culture we are conditioned from the first moments that we feel pain that the pain itself is something bad and to be avoided. Note that the specific focus is of the pain being just as negative as what's causing the pain. It's a confusion between the signal and what's causing the signal. Through this conditioning we first we try to pretend the pain is not there, and if that doesn't work we try to take something to make it go away.

If we instead treated pain as a signal, and assigned no negative aspects to the signal itself, we would then naturally focus on the signal. We would send our body the intent of healing rather than ignoring. We ignore pain by taking Ibuprofen, Acetaminophen , Aspirin, opioids, etc, but it never seems to occur to anyone that we really should be focusing on that pain specifically. The focus will accelerate healing immensely. Our bodies naturally want us to focus on the pain otherwise it would not be so annoying.

By ignoring the pain we are telling our body that the injury is not worth healing! Imagine how many issues this leads to!

I was lead to this realization after I tripped and sprained my ankle. Instead of taking pain meds I focused intently on the pain. I let it fill my mind. And a few seconds later the pain was gone. Completely gone! It lasted that way for a minute and it slowly came back. But the more I focused on my ankle the less frequently I would feel pain. So I kept my ankle in focus for around 30 minutes straight and I haven't felt pain in it since. Holy shit, if people knew this then big pharma would go out of business.

Think about why a mother's kiss makes a child's pain go away. Because we focus intently on where we have had human contact, especially from ones we love. So when a child focuses on where their mother kissed them, the pain in that area will go away because you bringing that area into conscious intent and accelerating the healing process.


Hm. Good points here. I bend my ear to this philosophy


I don't buy it, pain is one of the oldest signaling mechanisms that organisms have, witnessed by it's almost universal prevalence in animals.

It's a chemical signal that can be overriden but as you said, this is temporary at best and of little to no use with regards to severe pain, which is what big pharma doles out pills for.

Your body will literally keep you from moving with pain if it needs to.



As far as I can tell your argument is that just because pain is also used in avoidance, that it can't also be used as part of the healing process.

That of course is a fallacy. Throughout evolution we witness the same basic components of life being repurposed for other uses than what they were originally used for. Take our neurotransmitters for example, the same neurotransmitters exist in plants, and they don't even have neurons. Those same chemicals are used for entirely different reasons.


You used a lot more words than needed but you have a very good Point, it's funny because just today i fell on gravel and there were lot's of tiny rocks dug about 1,5cm deep in my Hand. I popped the majority of them out like a zit but dirt remained.

I concentrate on " healing " as an Abstract but what you said might just work a whole lot better.

>concentrate on pain



>I was lead to this realization after I tripped and sprained my ankle.

Funny you mention it. When I was a kid I use to play a lot in the streets and it was not uncommon that I would get a sprained ankle. When that happened the first thing I did was to step as hard as I could all the time with the sprained ankle. It hurt sure. but each time I did it it got less painful. It would take only a few hours for it to heal completely. I am not advising you to do the same, since depending on your mental state it might make things worst, but for me it always worked.

>By ignoring the pain we are telling our body that the injury is not worth healing!

This is 100% correct. But when we go to sleep or simply relax, our bodies start healing by default since there's not a false believe stopping it.

>I'm still not confident if we can apply these ideas to mental or spiritual pain in the exact same way

You have to. I mean with mental and spiritual pain the matters are kinda the same but different. They are the same in the sense that accepting the pain and giving it your attention in order to heal are the correct approach. They are different in the sense that whereas your body will heal eventually even if you don't consciously help it, the mental and specially the spiritual NEED you to do this.

In the mental field injuries that are not consciously dealt with slip to the unconscious, and anything in the environment, or sometimes even the act of being alone with no distractions, will cause it to arise to surface. Mental injuries are like digestive problems. You might forget about it but unless you act towards correcting it, it will keep popping up at seemingly random times.

For simple illustration. Think of a kid in school. He goes and tries to read something and he can't read it. For added effect there is pressure from the teacher for him to read, maybe his classmates make fun of him. There are ways to deal with this but lets say he made the wrong one decision which cause a mental injury, like stepping slightly the wrong way might cause a sprained ankle. Now the mistake he made was in considering that forcing his reading (more or less applying strength to it) would help him to read, or at least convince the teacher he was really trying. So he traded his integrity for an "outside" result. The way that manifested was in him reading in a sort of stuck up way trying really hard in a way you almost feel he is lifting those heavy words himself. Now he got a problem reading out loud, which might follow him throughout the rest of his life, unless at some point he decides to deal with it. The reason for this is, that the loss of integrity slips into the unconscious, and the actual physical tensions associated with it, remain as Wilhelm Reich called it "muscular armoring"(in this case around his throat). If you solve the mental you will solve the physical, but if you try to solve the physical the mental will immediately rise to conscience and ask for a solution.

Here's another situation. That same boy who can't relax when reading, has the teacher asking him to pay attention. He doesn't know what that means, clearly because it is a word and he is a kid. But he knows more or less what it means. He knows that the teacher wants him to raise his head, look straight at her and look real stiff and with a serious look on his face. And that is what he does. Again he trades his integrity (his own internal recognition of values) for the fear that he might get in trouble if he doesn't do so. Now he associates paying attention with being rigid, he develops a muscular armoring along his upper abdomen and maybe around his eyes/face too and he know has another mental "sprained ankle".

As for the spiritual side I'm sure some other anon can enlighten us about, since I'm not that good in that area yet. I think it does follow the same line of thinking though.



What you are experiencing is the use of your chi healing through what we call yi (intention, mind, focus, expectation, awareness). Whenever you focus on a location with yi you are sending chi there which is extremely beneficial and healing. Think of it like chi is a raw material that the body takes use of to create whatever cells it requires for repair. Next time I also suggest cupping both hands together and trying to lightly project an aura field around them and placing them over whatever part of your body you have injured.

You bring up a good topic with the doping of pain. My master has spoken of people who use medications for pain and then start to practice forms of exercise or body movement. The pain starts to completely stop because the body gets used to being doped and then when they do some tai chi or yoga the pain returns along with many other old aches because they're able to connect back with the body. This leads into a thought about how many hidden wounds and injuries people in modern society have.



>When that happened the first thing I did was to step as hard as I could all the time with the sprained ankle.

I did the same. I think I was kind of testing to see if the pain was still there. But, I am now sure that it was also helping me heal because I was acknowledging the pain at the same time. Acknowledging it's existence seems to be imperative.


>Next time I also suggest cupping both hands together and trying to lightly project an aura field around them and placing them over whatever part of your body you have injured.

The next time I am hurt I will try this. Thank you.


I've been using pain to reach gnosis for a long time. When pain fills your mind with its intensity it is very easy then to transmute it and use the pain as loosh to power anything you want to.



How do you deliver the pain to yourself? I know the old Christian monks would use pain to achieve kundalini.


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v good post

id like to add another idea that came to me a few days ago (pic)



I considered that some time ago but came to the conclusion that at no point on the increasing "goodness" scale does the pain turn into bad.

Good and bad pain appear to be something of opposites.


not just focus: loving focus


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explaining, pain is good energy that has been diverted/blocked/denied etc

once proper loving awareness is applied to that energy, it can flow again and you discover it was pleasurable energy all along



I have read somewhere the same thing. When you feel pain, it causes you to focus at that point. Focusing your energy to one spot heals it.



do you have an iota of some thing to back that up, because it seems like something to share just because it sounds cool.


speak for yourself nigger the rest of us already knew this shit. all that you realized is that allopathic medicine is bad, this isn't even fringe shit


>Think about why a mother's kiss makes a child's pain go away. Because we focus intently on where we have had human contact, especially from ones we love.

I'm glad you mentioned this, because it reminds me of a time when I sprained my left wrist. I tried a lot of healing meditation, focused on the pain instead of taking drugs, and the pain intensified. I struggled to sleep but eventually got a few hours in. When I woke up I was in a dreamy state and felt like someone was holding my hand. I understood that as tulpa holding my hand.

More regularly I meditate and use tulpa for massage.

I think the touch is a key somehow.


I do this when I have a cold, which usually makes my eyes really itchy and my nose runny. If i'm on the bus home I just close my eyes, focus my attention on the nose/eyes area, and basically "speak" to them , with words of love. I tell my nose and my eyes that I understand that they want me to pay attention to them and that there is no reason to feel sick anymore.

At least while I remain focused and in this state, the symptoms usually disappear or at least are much less noticeable. Then as I get off the bus they come back.

But this is funny because I do something which is probably the opposite of focusing when I hit my toe on a chair or a table, as soon as I feel the pain I quickly turn around and focus my attention into something else, be it a picture, a corner, a stain on the wall, just anything. I came up with this because I realized the pain was very fleeting, usually it feels REALLY PAINFUL but it won't last more than 10 seconds. So if I can move my attention away from the pain for those seconds, I feel less pain.

Maybe I will try focusing when I feel more acute pain



hmm yeah i guess i did share it bc sounded cool, not too sure whats wrong with that.

ive always kind of thought it i guess.

i think its like this. the default for sensation is pleasure, the absence of sensation is no feeling, and extreme sensation is pain.

it doesnt make sense to me that pain and pleasure are two different sensations.

like imagine someone gently touched your arm. your default reaction is to experience this as a nice sensation (maybe pleasure isnt the right word idk) now imagine someone roughly touched your arm, then its pain isnt it. overload of sensation.



this is just talking about physical sensation, its probably different for other types of sensing.

also its important to remember that conditioning plays a big role in how we react to things, so its not always the same for every person



wait i thought of a better analogy:

imagine someone is jerking you off, nice and gently.

feels p good.

now they do it harder

more intense sensation now.

now they have a death grip and are being very rough

now it hurts.

the action is the same, the only thing that changed is the intensity.

idk if this helps illustrate my point


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scroll /fringe/ this is the first thing I see…


I was thinking about this thread at work today. If there's a difference at all, how do headaches in particular fit into all this? Focusing on a bad headache can be a little debilitating if, for example, I'm trying to concentrate at work.



I like to think of pleasure as comfort, pain as discomfort. Can you make yourself so comfortable that you would be uncomfortable? To me pleasure can only keep on stacking. You could say "well sometimes you get no pleasure from what gave you pleasure before" but that maybe has to do more with what kind of things make you comfortable, and not with the nature of that comfort.

to me comfort and discomfort are the poles, and not feeling any of them would be the middle point.


Top lel Op I happened upon this technique myself, pretty impressed you figured out the practical use so quickly. It goes deeper. Much deeper. I'll give you some food for thought.

To get fairly complex the body is all connected, and what pain really comes from is.. bottled up emotions. Same with sickness believe it or not. In other words if you learn your own body language you will notice that your thoughts and emotions are reflected in your body, for example why does stress fuck your health up, but laughter make it better. Anyways if you play with this idea you may discover something interesting.


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pain is blocked energy

energy is pleasurebale when flowing, painful when stagnating



Voltaire once said that happiness is but a dream and sorrow is real.

If the whole world is in pain, and I take possession of its pain and suffer alongside all my fellow sufferers, then maybe I can heal the world, abolish it.



That is an interesting idea.

It is the path of the empath.







cool, I realised this independently a few times. (:



aw, tell us more!

stress screws up health because energy accumulates and goes "rancid" in a certain ignored place?

laughter releases tension/makes energy flow.

"laughter is the best medicine"


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This reminde me of when I get trigger point flareups in my upper back caused by stress. This particular type of pain doesn't show up on Xray or MRI. My doctor prescribed anti-depressants and physical therapy, both which failed to give me relief.

Finally, I found success with weekly (when I can budget it) massage therapy and accupressure.

Tl;dr: medical instruments could not detect my trigger point pain. Perhaps it is indeed something non-physical.



Aura has always interested me and what exactly you could do with it. I once looked it up but didn't get much out of it. Any place I can go to get more info?


I thought that was OP said was proven true for years now.

I remember someone saying in the old /fringe/ that focusing on a body part also increases blood flow to said part.


I remember breaking my arm after falling off of a tree as a kid. It was shaped like a Z with the bone almost piercing the skin. I was hysterically crying the whole drive to the hospital. When I got there, one of the hospital staff made me do some breaths and comforted me. I stopped crying and the pain went away instantly. I was joyful and laughing, when before I was hysterically screaming and crying.



as an example to supplement this, skin that is reknitting itself is itchy, as anyone who has ever had a scab can support. itchiness is of course a low end pain signal, yet why signal the brain that the body is repairing itself?



the post about the weber scale.

theres some new research that claims tons of bodily pain comes from stress that subtly restricts the blood flow into that area of the body.


focusing on a body part is usually enough to destress and relax that area of the body simply with the initial attention paid to the hurting area. as an example I have a tic where I clench my jaw when I'm thinking, this causes a tension a headache, simply by noticing my jaw is clenching interrupts the automatic behavior.

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