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Esoteric Wizardry


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>we know that light can contain information [fiber optics]

>information could be delivered from star to star and the time and distance would have no meaning

>information that comes from the stars disappears behind “light Pollution” at night

>before electricity there was the moon, reflecting the sunlight, not emanating

[theoretical grounding for the moon-matrix theory]

>every single celestial body reflects light onto every other celestial body

>and the buddha said the universe is like a net of jewels, with every single jewel reflecting the light of all the other jewels

But then what are black holes? black holes are pupils


The pupil is a hole located in the center of the iris of the eye that allows light to strike the retina.[1] It appears black because light rays entering the pupil are either absorbed by the tissues inside the eye directly…

>absorbed by the tissue

>immaculate conseption



>time and distance would have no meaning

Please explain.



I think what he means is that the speed of time is proportional to how fast something is traveling, the effect of time slows down the faster something is traveling, until it hits light speed, at which point it is completely impervious to time.



Yes, if we were photons that would be valid argument, but we are not.

Time needed for light to travel from nearest star to Earth is like ~5years. Pretty slow way of exchanging information, considering that most stars are hundreds, thousands, millions (I don't remember the proper number, but you get the idea) lightyears from Earth.

In other words, to photons which are traveling with a speed of light, seemingly no time has passed since their departure from Alpha Centauri, but for us it was 5 years, because we are not traveling with a speed of light.

(I wasn't really good at my quantum physics classes at uni, so if you see a mistake in my reasoning then please let me know. Also check out twin paradox, it's pretty much the same thing).



Another problem I have with this theory is the fact that the galaxy is full of black holes which distort and absorb light, to the point where we don't really know how the universe looks like out there, because everything we perceive from outer space can be distorted.



>But then what are black holes?

Black holes are a fiction created by Albert Einstein to explain away common sense.

Mathematicians are artists painting with their own sigils nobody understands and yet you are forced to belief their beliefsystem because muh model says so.

Real world exploration and honest curiosity died a long time ago, science is now a relligion.

>muh relativity




Even the mundies are starting to see through the cult of Einsteins lies. Look up Electric Universe theory, OP. It's an interesting read. Goes along with montalk's physics site.



Can you educate me or link me to further resources?


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I'm not necessarily disagreeing with you. But how do you reconcile the "black hole" in your eye? Light enters your pupil, is destroyed and the electrically recreated in the enclosure of your mind. My theory is that black holes do exist, and they are gateways into other universes/minds/dimensions and this is how you "perceive" light.

We can't prove they exist in space because they don't reflect light so our current instruments cannot detect them. But we rely on "black holes" to perceive light.

tl;dr: Black holes are Pupils


meaning, for the stars anyway, the information contained in light would never decay.


Stele of Revealing

Order of Nine Angles



>solar saturn satanic bullshit

shut up jew


black holes are fake

Black Hole = 2+3+1+3+2 + 8+6+3+5 = 33

tip: Stephen hawking is just a retarded guy in a wheelchair. The computer voice is a jew typing in a van outside.

Big Bang = 2+9+7 + 2+1+5+7 = 33


black holes are fake

Black Hole = 2+3+1+3+2 + 8+6+3+5 = 33

tip: Stephen hawking is just a retarded guy in a wheelchair. The computer voice is a jew typing in a van outside.

Big Bang = 2+9+7 + 2+1+5+7 = 33



Cats can actually have a slit or a round pupil on command.

Cat's are strange, where do they come from? They seem like chimeras.



Aesop's Fables

Translated by George Fyler Townsend

The Cat and Venus

A CAT fell in love with a handsome young man, and entreated Venus to change her into the form of a woman. Venus consented to her request and transformed her into a beautiful damsel, so that the youth saw her and loved her, and took her home as his bride. While the two were reclining in their chamber, Venus wishing to discover if the Cat in her change of shape had also altered her habits of life, let down a mouse in the middle of the room. The Cat, quite forgetting her present condition, started up from the couch and pursued the mouse, wishing to eat it. Venus was much disappointed and again caused her to return to her former shape.

Nature exceeds nurture.






>But then what are "muh"s?

"muh"s are a fiction created by shillbert shillsteins to explain away common sense.

Shillematicians are bullfeces artists painting with their own butthole paintbrushes nobody understands and yet you are forced to belief their beliefsystem because muh "muh" says so.

Real world exploration and honest curiosity died a long time ago, "muh" is now a relligion.

>muh "muh"



Hahahahahahahaha dude..

Thanks for that laugh



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That would make sense. Entities I have met who claimed to exist outside of time were able to demonstrate that they could give premonitions of events that were yet to come with accuracy.

The trump was that our will could still alter time.

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