Hetero males are the biggest faggots. The multitudes of dick-measuring contests, the omnipresent compensatory mechanisms, the insecurity, the barely restrained sexual rage. They love to watch others males' dicks at work in pornography; creampie, facials, and tit-shots are all the rage among them. They love to watch other males orgasm.
Heteros always have to prove something. They are slaves to their genetic interests, cucked by selfish genes, cursed by monogamy, and turned into hyper-competitive violent twats. When you are a hetero male, all other males become your competitors - better for them to die. The same for hetero women; they often stab each other in the back in social situations to uphold the sexual-social hierarchy they are damned by.
Behold the pathological hetero males seen here and related forums: obsessed with being cucked, theorizing ridiculous "redpill" systems of sexual dynamics that only reflects their own pathology, hating everyone who isn't of their same race, promoting fascism and violence as the ways to progress. All of it is sex gone sour, repressed natural drives turned into hetero rage.
The cure is bisexuality. If the majority of humanity was bisexual, there would be no war or racism, and poverty and crime would be practically nonexistent. This is because sex would resolve conflict instead of fists. The problem is that in early human history a bunch of up-tight assholes found out that forcing people into heteronormative roles makes them easily controllable by turning them into hateful twits.
Gay people also get props, because they are free of the sort of intrinsic murderous psychological drives that heteros have.
If you are a hetero, you can acknowledge your true sexuality through learning. If the prospect of sexual activity with another male disgusts you, learn to get off on the disgust and wrongness of it at first, and eventually that niche fetish will expand into a more healthy and less restrictive sexuality. If you care about the future of the human race, take a dick in the ass. If you care about your own psychological well being, such a cock. If you want to stop hating and despising everyone, rub dongs with a bro.