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Esoteric Wizardry


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Hetero males are the biggest faggots. The multitudes of dick-measuring contests, the omnipresent compensatory mechanisms, the insecurity, the barely restrained sexual rage. They love to watch others males' dicks at work in pornography; creampie, facials, and tit-shots are all the rage among them. They love to watch other males orgasm.

Heteros always have to prove something. They are slaves to their genetic interests, cucked by selfish genes, cursed by monogamy, and turned into hyper-competitive violent twats. When you are a hetero male, all other males become your competitors - better for them to die. The same for hetero women; they often stab each other in the back in social situations to uphold the sexual-social hierarchy they are damned by.

Behold the pathological hetero males seen here and related forums: obsessed with being cucked, theorizing ridiculous "redpill" systems of sexual dynamics that only reflects their own pathology, hating everyone who isn't of their same race, promoting fascism and violence as the ways to progress. All of it is sex gone sour, repressed natural drives turned into hetero rage.

The cure is bisexuality. If the majority of humanity was bisexual, there would be no war or racism, and poverty and crime would be practically nonexistent. This is because sex would resolve conflict instead of fists. The problem is that in early human history a bunch of up-tight assholes found out that forcing people into heteronormative roles makes them easily controllable by turning them into hateful twits.

Gay people also get props, because they are free of the sort of intrinsic murderous psychological drives that heteros have.

If you are a hetero, you can acknowledge your true sexuality through learning. If the prospect of sexual activity with another male disgusts you, learn to get off on the disgust and wrongness of it at first, and eventually that niche fetish will expand into a more healthy and less restrictive sexuality. If you care about the future of the human race, take a dick in the ass. If you care about your own psychological well being, such a cock. If you want to stop hating and despising everyone, rub dongs with a bro.


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>If you care about the future of the human race, take a dick in the ass.

since when degenerates on this board? heretics ok but deviants?



"Degenerates," a word I keep on seeing you neo-nazi fucks use.

Your hatred won't stop you from wanting dick.


I imagine this is only a test for young neophytes. Any well studied or practiced occultist will be aware of the esoteric importance of yin yang male female sexual balance. We are electromagnetic beings who are not made to be energetically interacting with the same gender sexually. If you have done enough internal alchemy and energy work you'll be able to understand this from a practical and experiential way.

I recommend any who suffer from homosexuality or other sexual deformities to take a third person look at themselves and their childhood. Go into a meditative state and try to dissect your emotional and mental body and then reintegrate back to wholeness.

I also recommend all of you to study up on esoteric sexuality on how it can massively enhance your health and energetic body. Look up Mantak Chia, tantra or other Taoist practices like Qi Gong.


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Well, I don't know about Taoists, but I studied (a bit of) Tantra and don't really see a problem with homosexuality in tantric view. Basicaly you are Shiva and the other partner is Shakti. Even if you are female you are always Shiva, everything else is Shakti. Of course Shiva and Shakti meet and merge, so essentially they are one.

Also, tantric path isn't that of repressing anything, rather using it as a vehicle on the path of enlightenment and transcending it.

In hindu mitology there were cases of gods changing their gender, or having two genders. In one tantra there was some story about how Shiva turned into female and gave oral pleasure to Parvati in that form (he also changed the gender of some king who witnessed that).

I am mostly into Saivism, perhaps Vaisnavism has different views on the matter.



I got retarded there, I meant Saktism not Saivism


Also, nice b8 OP



You need more study in your tantra if you believe that. The combination of Shiva and Shakti is of the divine feminine and divine masculine energies. These stories are all symbolism depicting the Ida and pingala as well as the kundalini.

Have you actually ever had success in tantra practices or do you just learn the mythologies, forgetting to strip them down to symbolism.



I have some success, and no, I don't learn mythologies. Actually, having to know so much about Hindu culture and mindset to even know what certain tantras are about is a pain in the ass.

These stories can symbolise different things to different people. If you believe that in the world of tantra any one thing has a meaning set in stone then it is you who should study more. Hundreds of sects and forest communities had their own doctrines, each one as good as another.



Alright if you believe you know what you're doing them go ahead. When push comes to shove you'll feel the effects on your energy body in due time. I only try to warn you against it before there's no turning back.



Did I write anything about me being gay?

Read Kali Kaula if you haven't.



You're just as bad as Mr. Nazi Churchstain. You're both just different breeds of mental bug-catchers: this entire forum is filled with people who are absolutely riddled with mental viruses due to psychological weaknesses of ignorance, wishful thinking, ideology, and a lack of wisdom.

You're basing your perceptions of the world upon abstract principles utterly divorced from reality and derived from the shitty deductions from pre-scientific times. You are an incestuous idea-worshiper.

Alchemy and "energy work" are bullshit. Look at the Indian and Chinese cultures that embrace your principles; they are a mess of crime, rape, war, and mass murder. The West has its own set of problems as well, but the sorry state of world societies has everything to do with corrupt and truly degenerate philosophical and religious systems that have no place in the modern world.

Instead of moving forwards we have the blind victims of mind-viruses endlessly replicating the same errors, impregnating their own children and as many as they can around them with their diseases.

You are infested; wake up and find a way to inoculate yourself or be doomed to work against your own true interests.



>muh science

>muh generalisation

Indian and Chinese cultures don't embrace shit, people there are brainwashed mundanes as everywhere, especially in China.

One could also argue that colonialism (and materialism) brought about current state, but I won't waste my time on you, because you are just a loosh farmer.


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Regarding Shiva/Shakti.

Please, leave cock/vagina mindset behind.



I don't see that as an indictment of homosexuality. The divine masculine and feminine exist within all of us; our gender does not determine our polarity (see "Mental Gender" in The Kybalion). In initimate relationships there is always a masculine partner and a feminine partner. Sometimes in hetereosexual relationships the female is of the masculine polarity and the male of the feminine (which has become more common due to the environmental xenoestrogens and "feminist" social engineering emasculating men and masculinizing women, see "cucks" and femdom). This is seen in homosexual relationships by the dynamics of the top/bottom for males and the butch/femme for females.


Why is OP not banned yet? He's obviously a shill trying to lower the quality of the /fringe/ board.


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Because this isn't tumblr and we don't censor people who we disagree with.



>Because this isn't tumblr

OP is obviously a tumblr SJW ghoul trying to crash this board.

Invasion has begun, I'll watch this board burn while you wonder why it became shit.



Oh, I forgot to add:

Just check out the shit-threads on the first page about vice and the dollar bill for proofs



You are late half a year or so.



The vice thread was made by Smiley (the board owner who also happens to be the biggest shitposter on this website). I see nothing wrong with the dollar bill thread, it's about occult symbolism.



>posting in a thread you don't like without saging

no anon, OP may be an enormous faggot that should be cured in order to save him from upcoming lower astral realm suffering but you're no better for wanting censorship of opposing views.

The beauty of an open forum is that people can actually have arguments with those they disagree with instead of just remaining in an echochamber of your personal flavor.


None of you know the truth about gender and sexuality.



>replying to a troll thread



sage and report


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i had a revelation about this the other day; this is going to sound weird but i hope i can explain it properly.

so imagine the average paedophile - dirty gross old man.

the reason the dirty old man seeks out a child is because he sees himself as impure and the child as pure, so by having sex with the child hes vicariously becoming the child.

now think about the different conditioning men and women are exposed to when they are children.

men are told they must be strong and brave etc but they cant be gentle or beautiful.

women are told that they are gentle and beautiful, but weak.

you see so the reason, by traditional gender roles, that men love women is because they crave to be beautiful but early in life they were told they cant, vice versa for women; they want to be strong but were told they cant.

obviously its more complex than that but u get the idea.

in recent years traditional ideas about sex and gender have been gradually broken down; hence why theres so many lgbt people nowadays etc



the truth of things is, everyone is bisexual; or more accurately everyone is bisexual by default - or even more accurately, attraction to someone is based on many many things that are different to each person and its stupid to reduce whether or not youre attracted to someone just to whether theyre male/female


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What truth might that be, friend?



>The beauty of an open forum is that people can actually have arguments with those they disagree with instead of just remaining in an echochamber of your personal flavor.

[ ] Understands what shilling is about and how even internet discussions can be influenced easily

[x]Doesn't have a clue about shit



If we are all god then all sex is masturbation and all pro-creation is seen to be schismatic in function.

Thus the duad of power that you mention 1st can be seen as the expression of a charge wanting to return to root/neutrality.

Though the druj can never know physical contentment, they will continue to play like a broken record, trying desperately to re-ascend by consuming purity in the false hopes of destruction.



"muh sovereign instrument"



Weird how the only person worth their piss in the "Sovereignty" movement was Kate of Gaia who turned into a transgender.

Slippery slope is slippery. I guess it's easy to slide down that rabbit hole. I'll stick to my gender, sex, and circumcision complex.

Revenge shall be mine.




Please leave Rabbi.


There we go. Its not like this shill is going to listen or stop shit posting though, sadly.


Degenerates arguing about "degeneracy".



Just find out how physical perfection and androgyny really manifest in the human species. Unless you find it out yourself there is a high chance of rejection because it goes against everything you've been taught, even by esoteric standards.



Hahaha jokes. It's funny because there's no quality to lower to begin with.


"Obviously" here certainly translates into "Based on my preconceived notions reinforced by insular circle-jerking on internet forums with enraged bigots." SJW is just a snarl word used to describe anyone who doesn't rant about how the magical omnipotent nigger-loving jews are trying to destroy all white people. But please continue running the SJW meme into the ground by associating its use with the likes of you.


Another crazy bigot who wants to blame everything on jews. Please post more; the more you do, the more you defeat yourself by exposing your crazy.

To all the hateful heterosexuals: take the Take a Dick Challenge and see what happens. If you are truly hetero, you have nothing to lose, right? Why are you so scared of something so minor? I'd offer the Munch-a-Beaver challenge to hetero women, but I doubt that there is a single one here.


>fringe "understands" the law of polarity but refuses to acknowledge that hetero- and homosexual attraction are the opposite poles of the same thing, separated only by degrees

>tfw bisexual master race affix ourselves in the center by experiencing both hetero and homo, and thus, achieve balance

enjoy your no-enlightenment, insecure str80s


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>tfw never felt attracted to penises or muscle torso

i am unenlightened

you enlightened yet, sister?



>SJW is just a snarl word used to describe anyone who doesn't rant about how the magical omnipotent nigger-loving jews are trying to destroy all white people.

>To all the hateful heterosexuals: take the Take a Dick Challenge and see what happens. If you are truly hetero, you have nothing to lose, right? Why are you so scared of something so minor?

Oh wow, someone's trying too hard (of a cock)


>I have no face



Expanding on that, there's always dickgirls and feminine males. There's a whole spectrum of cocks for you to explore. Not to mention that bisexual 3-ways are fucking awesome.

As I said before, if you enjoy "straight" porn with other males on it, especially featuring males ejaculating, you are undeniably bi. The simulacrum of the video screen is just a facade, if you were in the same position in flesh and blood you would be horny and loving watching it (and joining in too.)

Search your feelings, you know it to be true.



Kill yourself, loosh-farmer or poz-farmer.

"Bisexuality" means you value having your naughty bits feel good no matter which way, you are inherently weak and useless for anything worthwhile.


The people on this board are childish and extremely bigoted. They don't even understand the Kybalion which they cheer so much. Kind of funny.


>This is entire thread is a troll with a thesaurus.

Stop arguing with degenerates who like their cocks to smell like feces.


Lesbianism is pro-white. Gayness is not.


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Literally fedora tipping



just kill yourself


Mmmmmm i do wonder what does /fringe/ thinks of trans with actual dysphoria and shit and traps who just want to look qt



You could have picked any of the trans threads…





Friendly reminder that there are shills on /fringe/, and OP is almost certainly one of them.


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