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Esoteric Wizardry


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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Hello everyone. I was wondering if anybody been paying attention to tall the talk about the Flood/Tsunami/Earthquake/Volcano/Asteroid predictions.

They have been quite prevalent lately, I've seen all kinds of subtle information the media, covertly, and more overt information (some of which is bullshit) on youtube.

Let's discuss this coming disaster prediction. Here's some info to start with:



2012 was 3 years ago, you fearmongering retard.



now now, is that any way to treat our friends? this isn't /x/ mind you. nobody mentioned 2012, nobody mentioned "doomsday cheezburger aboggalypse :-DD"

further more, you don't even really know what year it is. or perhaps you're one of those grubby grizzlies the politics board speaks of.



same shit every year, waste of time


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time doesn't exist.


Gotta sift through the fear porn. And the blatant deception. It's thick. Shills be posting vids about Nibiru all day, it seems.

That shouldn't make you stray from the real Nibiru vids, seeker.

I only post this because here because /fringe/ is frequented by the types who will form the new way, the new class, the new race. That is, if our favor in battle holds sway.

We are about to see a real transition of the age. It's happened every couple thousand years or so. This time the disturbances will be worse.

Look around and you'll see. Make peace and you'll be there with me. We can expect 9/10 of the corrupt whirrled to die off shortly.

Then, like a Phoenix… We shall feast on the celestial dew and be born anew. And you wonder where tales of giants came from…


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I'm talking about historical references and planetary orbits. The signs are in the heavens.


And the prophecies.


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At first I thought nothing of the scene, the usual tinfoil conspiracies…

But then I looked into this.


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>possible CPL

I thought we agreed /fringe/ was shit guys, what the fug. Edgelord wizards are worst wizards.


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>I thought we agreed /fringe/ was shit guys, what the fug. Edgelord wizards are worst wizards.

That's why they need our help.

/pol/ knows about the coming, but not 100%, fringe can't see it yet.

I think the gates are about to open.

I don't think seeker is in this thread, but I have noticed posters that look like CPL flocking to my threads and posts, on /b/, /pol/, and now here.



I don't know if you're serious or not, but that whole segment (along with most of the episode) was completely improvised and has nothing sinister or subliminal behind it. This time you're reading way into things that aren't there, and I know that hearing that makes you go "NUH-UH! That makes me even MORE convinced that there's something fishy to it " and if that's the case then fine.


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You can very well use sinister and subliminal messaging in combination with improvisations. To deny the fact, is to deny the very creative force of humanity and its potential.

If you believe that the TVs predictive programming has nothing sinister or subliminal you fail to recognize the symbolism and meaning behind it, improvised or not.

I'm not here crying "NUH-UH!", rather, I am simply stating that we have seen the same thing time and time again, and we should be more aware of them this go around. We are clearly at the point where these things should be easily visible.



Masses are being programmed for a big flood-like event and a alien type event.



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Who are you trying to fool? Do you think the entire thing was improvised?

For example the animation AND the speaker? I could understand the speaker being improvised but he would have to improvise on already made animations which already clearly depict and show the messaging in them.

You sound like one of those "shills" /pol/ talks about so often.

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