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How do I get into sleep paralysis? Iv tried many things, but I cant seem to do it? Is there an idiot proof guide you know of? I think my saliva swallowing might be ruining it. Or it can be the fact that I cant focus on something for too long before my mind begins to wonder. I do think/daydream a whole lot during the day. My favorite technique so far is the visualization one, where you visualize an area of sort and add details and try to lose yourself in it, and sometimes I will add music in the background. And it works alittle, I start to feel light vibrations and my hands as if my hands are asleep, and sometimes I will completely start dreaming. But it never goes all the way. What am I doing wrong? I just want to lucid dream and astral project.



It usually happens after a long period of sleep deprivation followed by sleep, for me. When I begin to wake up, that's when it happens.

Usually have to stay up for at least 3 days straight, except for maybe a half hour nap or a bit of microsleep.

It's not pleasant.



So if I want to astral project/lucid dream implying have to stay up for 3 days? Fuck. And I have work tomarrow too.


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Oh, no, I thought you were talking about sleep paralysis.

Sleep paralysis is entirely different from lucid dreaming/astral projecting.

Sleep paralysis is a fucking nightmare you probably don't want to experience. Picture related.


you made this same thread over on /x/ be patient man.

Anyways sleep paralysis is boring as fuck, ive experienced it about 10 times now and it wasnt anything special. People always talk about seeing/hearing creepy stuff while experiencing sleep paralysis but its never happened to me


I've had sleep paral twice that I know of. It was not pleasant.



No, it's not, you dumbfuck. Sleep paralysis is simply being awake while the body isn't. You can easily slip into AP/LD mode from SP.



Bullshit. I had many of them. I escaped them all very easily just by moving my fingers. There was absolutely nothing scary, despite the hallucinations.



I thought sleep paralysis was a gateway to ap/ld.


that is exactly why I want sleep paralysis tips. But all I get are people arguing that it's not fun.



The strong sense of a nefarious presence and often a hallcuination of said presence be it visual or tactile as well as the inability to escape is common.

If you are inducing it rather than waking up with it it may not be as bad. (I think it is also possible that sleep paralysis at the beginning of the sleep process is a different beast entirely than waking up with it)

As for the saliva issue, keep your tongue pressed to your palete, this should control it hopefully.

If you can find a copy of Stephen LaBerges book on Lucid Dreaming he mentions a few techniques to improve the ability to enter such states, i forget the specifics.



If I do swallow, its not a big deal is it? I was able to get into a weak sleep paralysis last night. I did not get scared, because I felt I was turning into something scary rather than experiencing it, it was weird. But it happened soon as I completely lost myself in my sleep almost, but since I was so unaware at that point so out of shock I woke up. Im glad I showed alittle progression, but Its still not enough.



Swallowing is fine it is the distraction which the swallowing causes which is the issue.



Thank you. This clarifies some things for me. Do you think visualization is a good technique for this?


Shameless self bamping. Because I need help you know



Haven't practiced this in a long while but I will crack open my copy of that book I mentioned for the technique.

Will be back either later tonight or tomorrow to fill you in.



Thank you. And will his (Stephen) technique also work on astral projection as well?


File: 1438956836420.pdf (1.56 MB, Exploring-The-World-Of-Luc….pdf)


Hey OP.

Attached is a pdf of the book I mentioned. The formatting isn’t great but it is readable.

The most relevant information for you are the chapter on falling asleep consciously (page 63 on the PDF, 94 on the paper back) there is information on the cultivation of sleep paralysis and manipulating your projected form as well.

Stephen LaBerge is a fringe (though thoroughly scientific in his approach) psychologist, who attempts experiments on himself and samples of the public to work out the efficacy of certain approaches as well as the capabilities within the dream realm (an oneironaut). He has a thorough knowledge of modern occult approaches as well as Tibetan dream yoga. He claims that it is a mental phenomenon, but the sources he references, techniques as well as the deep search for meaning within these realms suggests he is secretly greenpilled, just aware that any sort of supernatural emphasis will distance the masses and fellow psychologists.

He has a institute for the practice and research of lucid dreaming and associated phenomena as well as online courses. I believe you can find free copies online if you look hard enough.

Curious about exactly what you mean by astral projection, the definition varies from source to source. Through the cultivation of sleep paralysis you can have an out of body experience into the etheric realm which is a shadowy mirror of our material world with reality distortions , but from there it can be difficult to shift into other realms. An alternative which may be easier is lucid dreaming then escaping your private bubble into other realms (I believe this is the method that smiley prefers).

WILDS (Wake Initiated Lucid Dreaming) and even moreso DILDS (Dream Initiated Lucid Dreaming) are easier than OOBE from paralysis for most people, however it is a worthy endeavor and if you experience this you will really start to question a lot of assumptions that we have about consciousness.

If you do manage an OOBE try to remove yourself from your sleeping body as quickly as possible as the sleeping body can produce a sort of gravity pull which will coax you back into your body or weaken you (think kryptonite from Superman) the further from your sleeping body the freerer you are.



thank you man I appreciate it. I am going to start reading this. Thanks again.


Intense creative thought can be employed. Aimed to bypass the grounding motion of 'self-review thought', which is the appraisal of one's own ideas as they are born.

Many methods towards this are possible and all of them will work depending on your own self perception, faculties, and power level.

Some are better than others.

I personally use acceptance with a self admonishing nature and piggybacked emotion as the fuel.

Though it is possible to do it based on any number of methods, the act itself is born of the individuals aura.



So what your saying is visualization is a good technique? I couldn't understand the rest of what you said., I'm a moron.



Any visualization you truly believe to be effective, will be.

If your need is great enough, you will have opportunities present themselves…

Rise to the occasion

As always



Makes sense . Thanks.



Oh yeah I have one more question. Do you think taking melatonin can help with sleep paralysis?


I know no one has looked at this thread in a long time. Just saw it myself now, and had to reply.

Sleep paralysis, though uncommon, is not rare. It can occure at any time and has been responsible for many tragedies. This event is no joke. It is absolutely terrifying!

How do I know? Because it happened to me in my early teens. I wont go into details, as it would take too long, but suffice it to say I had no understanding what was happening and zero control. I could not move, barely breath and could not even whisper for help. I was hearing things and was aware of a presence that was not there.

This condition is not to be laughed at or taken with a shrug of the shoulders. It is the most terrifying experience of my life and those who deliberately seek it are ignorant fools.

There are many university studies published on line about this with many personal accounts. I suggest you look them up and read them.



Sleep paralysis/lucid dream techniques work best when you wake up after about 4 hours of sleep, stay up for a few minutes and then go back to sleep



If you want to "take" melatonin, just sit in darkness before sleeping and stare at bright blue-white light at the morning to "take it off". And go to sleep always at the same hour. Taking pills doesn't do much, just makes your subconscious more aware it's dark. It will confuse your brain and do nothing. When your brain notices there is X melatonin in your organism already from pills, it will stop secreting it's own melatonin. Then it turns out melatonin from pills binds differently than your own, or whatever else. All in all, you start waking up in the middle of the night, your brain expecting it's time to wake up. When it notices it's not morning, it will restart and stop various processes related to melatonin and your day/night cycle, all confused. It's how it is with drugs. Unless you're do advanced and balls deep in subconscious you can see what your synapses do at the moment, don't fuck up their work with your shit because at this level you're like a random lunatic jumping through the fence of a giant construction site and hypnotizing engineers to do something you've seen on TV

You can take megadose of vitamin B6 tho. You have to check it but if I remember correctly its 200mg, and not longer than 2 weeks, otherwise something about your energy body fucks up really bad. You get weird ticks and urges to move your big finger or hand like during sleep paralysis, and eventually Parkinson's. If you take it for longer than 4 weeks the effects can't be reversed. B6 definitely works though. In bed before sleeping I'd hear random sentences and images that are different from what I invoke by my own. It's like I start to pick up radio frequencies with my brain. Also, megadoses of B6 lower prolactin (stuff that gets released after orgasm). And it improves vividness of dreams 5 times. All these 4 reasons make me suspect megadoses of B6 have to do with chi, especially the neuro-kundalini-ticks



>urges to move your big finger or hand like during sleep paralysis

I meant to say "like during falling asleep", when your brain is slowly paralyzing you so that you don't move.



>Peanut butter



Try staying awake and whatnot too OP

enjoy the goblins and hold your breath if you want to wake up.


A surefire way of inducing sleep paralysis is to take an antipsychotic drug and then go to sleep, as they all seem to cause it.


This night I experienced my first sleep paralysis ever:

Wake up in the middle of the night and trying to go back to sleep.

I'm lying on my side facing the room.

Close my eyes and suddenly feel I cannot open them again. They are like 3/4 closed.

I hear the rain still taping on my room's window. I can hear the TV still being on.

I'm aware I'm lying in my bad.

Then I feel someone may be there in my room, standing in a place that I'm facing,

but cannot see due to my lowered eyelids.

I am pretty sure it is an alien being.

I do not really fear it, more just like acknowledge it, but still feel I must open my eyes.

After a while I go to sleep and wake up not long after.



also I went back to taking melatonin (5mg) that evening after a week long break

I was taking it the entire month before with no such results

although melatonin caused my dreams to be way more frequent, more vivid and I remember them well



Damn that's like promoting meth use to affirm your existence.



the first time it happened I was scared because I woke up and couldn't move and it felt like I couldn't breathe.

moved my arm and then I woke up properly and could get out of bed. next time it happened it wasn't scary.

never had any hallucinations during paralysis.

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