Hey OP.
Attached is a pdf of the book I mentioned. The formatting isn’t great but it is readable.
The most relevant information for you are the chapter on falling asleep consciously (page 63 on the PDF, 94 on the paper back) there is information on the cultivation of sleep paralysis and manipulating your projected form as well.
Stephen LaBerge is a fringe (though thoroughly scientific in his approach) psychologist, who attempts experiments on himself and samples of the public to work out the efficacy of certain approaches as well as the capabilities within the dream realm (an oneironaut). He has a thorough knowledge of modern occult approaches as well as Tibetan dream yoga. He claims that it is a mental phenomenon, but the sources he references, techniques as well as the deep search for meaning within these realms suggests he is secretly greenpilled, just aware that any sort of supernatural emphasis will distance the masses and fellow psychologists.
He has a institute for the practice and research of lucid dreaming and associated phenomena as well as online courses. I believe you can find free copies online if you look hard enough.
Curious about exactly what you mean by astral projection, the definition varies from source to source. Through the cultivation of sleep paralysis you can have an out of body experience into the etheric realm which is a shadowy mirror of our material world with reality distortions , but from there it can be difficult to shift into other realms. An alternative which may be easier is lucid dreaming then escaping your private bubble into other realms (I believe this is the method that smiley prefers).
WILDS (Wake Initiated Lucid Dreaming) and even moreso DILDS (Dream Initiated Lucid Dreaming) are easier than OOBE from paralysis for most people, however it is a worthy endeavor and if you experience this you will really start to question a lot of assumptions that we have about consciousness.
If you do manage an OOBE try to remove yourself from your sleeping body as quickly as possible as the sleeping body can produce a sort of gravity pull which will coax you back into your body or weaken you (think kryptonite from Superman) the further from your sleeping body the freerer you are.