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Hello there :) What is the most effective way to charge a sigil ?

I use orgasm and it work every time but i want to try another method to charge it

Thank you


If you're still using sigils you don't understand the mechanics behind thought force. Go read some Atkinson and get to know the real deal instead of playing pretend.





what i do is do a modified version of Austin Osman Spare's death posture. Basically, I stare at the sigil while doing a plank while holding my breathe, and hold the position until i cant do it any longer. I then repeat as necessary



>thought force




how us sigil magick "playing pretend?"



when you know the neville goddard way, it becomes kind of useless… but it's kind of useful to use the energy cone vortex with a sigil while doing the theta meditation



>energy cone vortex

What is the energy cone vortex?



Please read a few books before you come back.



listen to shit from hakim bey on youtube

this is his website http://secretofsecrets.info/



goddard is just visualization



I've read more than a few books and I still don't know what it is.




damn there are some really pretentious faggots on this board.

…still better than cuckchan tho



It isn't hard to google "books about sigils"



>damn there are some really pretentious faggots on this board

He's asking questions and expecting to be spoonfed direct answers. He should spend time learning on his own and not breaking rule 2.



not to derail but when op's met with

>If you're still using sigils you don't understand the mechanics behind thought force. Go read some Atkinson and get to know the real deal instead of playing pretend.

i mean this is a genuine dickhead response.



Well it may be a dick response, it does at least point him in the right direction. Atkinson is an essential resource (in all his different pen names)


"energy cone vortex" is fancy speak for "believing that the sigil will work". The belief directs the energy of your thoughts to achieve the desired result. Nevil Goddard is all about solid belief achieving direct results.



No, it's an actual technique which works but takes lot's of energy and kind of works very fast, it's essentially when you are at the level of physically perceiving energy's imprints and able to harness them, you form a vortex cone of energy coming outwards from your mind spinning clockwise from your pov and you funnel out from your mind to which you can add a light/lantern type effect to boost it as light (photon) is an entity which will seek the quickest way to it's destination and take every path possible in consideration and calculation, so you funnel outwards energy pretty much cannon-balling your desired program ( sigil / symbol / event created, etc etc )

Best done in the dark at 3 am.




Here is an experiment for the skeptic calcified lurker

get some magic mushrooms or some strong cannabis and a buddy willing to help and both of you go and do a ritual or summon something or attune to some energy work, confirm visuals and then conclude similarities.

Enjoy the mind fuck.

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