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Infinity Never
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There's a thread over at /pol/ that I found interesting.


Apparently it's a plan to end the Kali Yuga and manifest Kalki through sigil magick.

It seems that thread needs some loosh, not to mention the fact that it's a noble endeavor.

What do you say /fringe/? Will you help us out? This will also help you as well as humanity overall.



Yeah, I'll help:

take your fucking meds


RAW and Hagbard would not support this, Kali Yuga will end when it ends.

Also do you realize how terrible the transition from Kali Yuga to the golden age will be? If it happens soon most of the people in that thread will be kill



I don't do drugs anon.


I humbly ask you to further elaborate.



not even once.



Meds aren't there to help you.


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that's supposed to be the other way around….

for what you kids are trying to do..





sigils don't have any rules.



it's obviously a fucking swastica and for their desired goal, it's spinning the wrong way.








think minded one aren't you?



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Since I am going to be fucked by gods anyway sooner or later I thought of dropping my thought here.

First from magical point of view everything is predetermined we are just here experience all of this universe, no matter if you reach divinity tomorrow or after 10000 years YOU WILL DO IT ANYWAY.We will always wait some intelligence agent to come from the 8th circuit/Universe B/DNA to give us wisdom/teaching/prophecy.There is no "value" in stopping the "crash" or "the end"(btw the end/crash/happening is just a small fall for us).Death/Rebirth is a necessary movement in global and personal scale for us all, we always goes through a crisis to be "born-again" stronger and better.You're also ruled by the stars/gods/idea no matter how hard you try unless you cross the abyss, so basically you are just a "puppet" of one of the Gods/idea to spread it's agenda just like I am also a a puppet of one of these "ideas" to spread their agenda.All I am saying is be like the "normies" and enjoy the ride,cultivate self-awareness,contact gods, and have fun in life.

"Gaze no more in the bitter glass

The demons, with their subtle guile,

Lift up before us when they pass

Or only gaze a little while"

The Two Trees - William Butler Yeats

You relax the body, the benefits extend to the mind. You develop the ability to relax physically as well as to relax emotionally, as is noted in your relaxed attitude towards the events of life. All the tension that existed in your mind regarding people, experiences, and life generally, are overcome. Slowly, you learn how to let life itself work upon you. If only you let it, it will transform you and bless you. If only you give it half a chance, nature will alchemically transmute you, whereas before life only hardened and hurt you. You will learn not to fix your mind into a rigid, unyielding mold that will be in dire conflict with the changing, fluctuating world without.~Regardie,Lazy man's guide to relaxation

also read this if you want, it might give a a picture of how the world "work"



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Good luck Kalki! I'm rooting for you


the kali yuga will end (probably already has) whether or not a bunch of racist children draw pictures



This x1000

Seriously they are domesticated primates throwing rocks at terminator and hoping that it will die, when the terminator leaves the area the domesticated primates rejoice and create story of their "heroic acts"




Despite your wizardy, you faggots still get buttblasted about your inferiority to the hwite man

stay mad muds and niggers



How would the golden age kill them?


There is no Kali Yuga or Golden Age. It's what we make of it…


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We haven't been in the Kali Yuga for thousands of years, in fact 2082 we are moving to Treta yuga.


I'd sooner believe an enlightened indian guru than some dummy mundane new ager.



Do you seriously want to say that we're currently in the age of morality?

Not sure if retarded or trolling.



Morals don't mean what you think they mean










>believing currynigger gurus


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>Believing in yugas which were made by those 'currynigger gurus'



Shut up, you piece of shit.




>the kali yuga will end (probably already has)

Do you really believe this to be the Golden Age? Are you out of your mind?




Don't be racist please


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>Don't be racist please


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The age is already ending, and the new age is already rolling in. The messenger is already here

>Get with the times

>You can't alter a fate as destined as this one


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>The age is already ending

The past is always slowly forgotten

>and the new age is already rolling in.

The perpetual becoming of time

>The messenger is already here.

I am already present.

That is a common feeling, I'd go as far as to say it is means nothing beyond the translation I just did.



this new age is a time-cycle which denotes man-made quantification, furthermore, it's set to occur 2350-2550.

Also - either RP or completely wacked up EGO is in play with a lot of recent posts.

This is counter-productive to the actual possibility of this planet elevating to greater levels - the mundane you hate is the old you who reminds you of how stupid as fuck you once had to be, to realize just how shit of a cause effect it is to be a jackass.

We have 100+ something wizards here with actual power and influence and knowledge, yet we cannot do basics which the jews you all hate so much do - why don't you just admit you hate their sense of community and their wealth overall more than anything, and the fact that if you met some hoes to fuck and a jew with cash rolled up most of the time the rain would bring in the hoes, if you even overstand what that means, good fuck you're all under NPL without even knowing it.

We could seriously just do what every occult forum has done in the ever of ever and pool our powers to facilitate the other aspects.


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I literally meant what I said

Your attempts to define what I say mean nothing to me

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