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Let's take some time and discuss the Illuminati Card playing Deck.

I have noticed a majority of these have come true.



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I once had a lucid dream where I was this woman from the clone card, looking exactly like her and staring into a mirror, covered in green slime after emerging from a pool of water. It was some bath area of a Russian facility.

Next day I saw this card for the very first time in a video about illuminati cards. Creepy.


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I'll post what I have.


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Words to avoid flood detection.


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It seems posting images by themselves is difficult.


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I don't get the ketchup one.


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Last set.










Is the Oregon Crud card supposed to represent the Oakville Blobs from Washington State?


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Providence brought you to it. Must mean something. Were you abducted by chance?

Ever had sleep paralysis or woken up with scratch marks or wounds you don't remeber how they got there?

Theres a lot of people that claim they've been abducted and cloned.



Sleep paralysis is something I used to have extremely often, all with the standard creepy things lurking and voices screaming and talking. I woke up often enough with unusual red marks and scratches. Wouldn't claim I was abducted though.



Perhaps its "meme magic"?

So many people thinking about and posting these things cause them to manifest into reality.



>you can reverse an alignment of any group in l´play. You may do this at any time except during a privileged attack.

>privileged attack

Hm, kinda how #GG failed.

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