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Esoteric Wizardry


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Inner Christianity. . .

Esoteric Christianity focuses on the following points;

>. . . to become Christ-consciousness (higher self) incarnate, that is, to embody the Spirit, and. . .

>. . . to transcend the lower animal nature (flesh) and live from one's higher spirit nature (water and spirit). . .

>. . . and these two can be achieved only by mastering one's consciousness by maintaining a state of positive lucidity, that is, a state of high awareness accompanied by positive emotions and thoughts

>. . . to become closer to and follow one's intuition (gnosis), the voice of the Spirit, the guidance of one's Christ-consciousness

>. . . to serve others and become a true Christian (a person who manifests one's Christ-consciousness)

Do not accept the words you will read; listen to your heart, your intuition, and confirm it with your mind, only then will you find the Truth. Take that which resonates with your being and leave the rest.











































Dear anon,

>in your true being you are one with the Father

and with the Son, and in the Oneness of Conscious-

ness of the Holy Spirit, your eternal abode, you

walk and commune with and know with Them —

know that you are Spirit, holy, harmonious, pure,

powerful, perfect; that all that the Father hath is

yours, and that for you an abundance of riches is

waiting to outmanifest. (Or for healing, — that all

that the Father Is, you are, and that perfect health,

strength and happiness is yours to express.)

>Then let there be perfect Peace and Understand-

ing, and truest Love and Trust between you and

Them at all times and on all planes; that you may

positively and continually manifest and be, may

know and see, may think and speak and do, that

only which the Father wills for you.

Then let the perfection of your True Self, and all

of your Divine powers and understanding, all of

your soul riches (or of your true health or happi-

ness, which you would proclaim for such), and your

own Good, which the Father hath waiting for you,

come forth Now, and fully manifest — that the

Father may be glorified in the Son that you are.



Don't spam this stuff, you missed the chance. There is already a christian board that covers everything.



Dont be rude and illogical please.



>(water and spirit). . .

On this note, it's amazing how little is known about water.


File: 1438851304925.jpg (346.98 KB, 859x1194, 859:1194, KingdomofSolarLogosS.jpg)

>A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another. By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another.

- John 13:34-35



Nope, /christian/ mods are ultra-traditionalists and will ban any content they dont like. They are modern day intolerant witch-burners and will censor discussions or viewpoints about alternative Christian beliefs and thought.


Thank you



>Nope, /christian/ mods are ultra-traditionalists and will ban any content they dont like.


I was getting started posting on this board now Im banned

fuck it


take the Mike pill tbh

Mike will enlighten and help you ascend



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take the alien bible pill too ayyy


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>The true object of life is that man may attain wisdom through experience.

Those who meet difficulty and adversity in the feeble strength of their finite minds and false personality are speedily overwhelmed and broken by the storms of life. But those who rely upon, and have faith in the Power within them, can never be overwhelmed, neither can they ever be defeated. The Power, being infinite, is always sufficient, no matter how great the need may be.

>One who realizes his own real spiritual identity, knows that he can never die, that he can never be defeated, that he can never really fail. He may lose his body through the change that is called death; but he, the true man, can never die. Neither can he fail, though he be defeated a thousand times—he must rise again.

Only have faith in the Spiritual Power within you and you can know all the joys of overcoming and achievement. All things will become yours. Seek first the Kingdom within you (your spiritual union with the Infinite, and harmony with the Divine Will and Purpose) and all these things shall be added unto you. You will have no need to fear the morrow, for you will know that all provision has already been made.

Within You Is the Power Henry Thomas Hamblin


Your soul is the true church, the place for the abiding

of divine thought, thought so high and pure that the Christ

in your life can make your soul his throne. Thus with

the redeeming Christ identified with your inmost self, the

way lies open for you to know all high spiritual truth,

for in him are the treasures of wisdom.

In time you will gain a perception of the absolute

unity of God and his nature, and feel yourself included in

that blissful unity. When the Christ is in perfect union

with your inmost life, you will discover the point where

God's life blends with your life, where the Divine becomes

manifest in you. He is your strength and the light of his

truth is your wisdom, flowing into your conscious mind

as an intuitive knowing.

All your faith is placed in him and he has become

your righteousness.



>Jesus realized that He was the temple of the living God; He realized that the Spirit of God dwelt within Him, and he made this truth so manifest in His life that the world saw and is seeing still that God was manifest in the flesh. Jesus revealed a few of the divine possibilities stored

within the soul of man. Few since have even approached

His realization of and faith in the Father's Presence and

Power, and so the world has not seen the wonderful demonstrations which spring from so mighty a faith.

We are the manifestations of God. What does this mean? Our nature is the visibility of a power and intelli-gence that is not separate from Omnipotence. Within our nature is a spring of life bubbling forth from the ocean of

infinite life, limited only by our capacity to receive of its

invigorating energy. Within each one of us there slumbers

an immortal soul, which may be attuned to feel and sense

through all its being the impulses of divine love that flow

from the very heart of God.

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