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Good evening,

at the beginning I would like to mention that I'm an absolute novice in this field and I apologize in advance if my question is misplaced. Also, I apologize for my bad english.

I am interested in a long time with the theme of the origin of mankind and would like to learn more about, as there are many different theories and I still do not know which of them is right or wrong.

A few months ago I came across people like Michael Tellinger, Darryl Anka / Bashar and Lloyd Pye, who think that hundreds of thousands of years ago extraterrestrials called Anunnaki came to earth to mine for gold. To do this job, they mixed their DNA with another species (Sasquatch) and thus created the human race.

I add a few videos and a book, if it's okay and someone is interested for it.

Michael Tellinger's presentation of the annunaki and more! MUST WATCH!: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-ge7Xm-CfTY

RH Negative - Annunaki, Atlantis, Lemuria, Egypt ~2013 ~ Bashar: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A-qFM0fuCUk

Bashar - Pleiades - Adronis On Annunaki, Nephilims, Elohim: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U_5ZprJLtu8

The Origin of the Human DNA Feat Bashar, TReb Bor yit NE and Kryon NEW: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eoSXlfeoZbo

Lloyd Pye Bigfoot, Annunaki & Human Origins [Full Documentary Films]: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3HYBupicBBg

Slave Species of the Gods: The Secret History of the Anunnaki and Their Mission on Earth: http://www.slavespecies.com/media/SlaveSpeciesofgod.pdf

Since I still do not know whether this information corresponds to the truth, I would like to listen to opinions of other people and hope to get new, informative and interesting answers to expand my knowledge on this subject.

Thank you.


I have learned not to give a fuck about my origin long time ago, as a saying goes

"Don't tell me who is your father, tell who you are".

Don't try to pull "MUH ALIEN ORIGIN" because it's not practical today, find what is good for you at this time, in this universe and use it.


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thanks man. I was literally just asking myself various questions about this specific topic then the very links i clicked answered my exact specific questions. I want to go even deeper. ever deeper.

you should examine the Emerald Tablets of Thoth the Atlantean. It is yet another source corroborating said events. also the Bhagavad Gita and Vedas of India.

Thoth claims to have singlehandedly founded the land of Khem Egypt




Remember. Birds are reptilian.


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Enki is a pretty cool guy.


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Check out Michael Tsarion's Atlantis, Alien Visitation & Genetic Manipulation video programme and book (see attached pdf). Over 10 hours of here in this playlist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bcw5YpeTd4I&list=PLmIuC6RUaOZN4zFa3mhvxubl_RSKeT_rF


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Over 10 hours of here

over 10 hours of video*


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Mark Passio - Cosmic Abandonment

In this two-hour presentation, Mark links ancient accounts of extraterrestrial visitation to our planet with the manifestation of the psychological conditions in which the human species currently finds itself. Questions explored include: Were we actually created by non-human entities as a hybrid slave species? Did our extraterrestrial "parents" inadvertently create a slew of genetic anomalies in the human species, including primary psychopathy, as a result of their imprecise genetic modifications? Did our extraterrestrial forbearers provide to us our systems of government, money, and religion; and to what ends did they do so? What effect did our "cosmic parents" sudden disappearance have upon the collective human psyche? What does humanity need to understand to rectify the deeply-seated psychological trauma that it has amassed over eons, as a direct result of our troubled origins?


Montalk - Nordic Aliens and the Grail Race


short version:


Overview of the Nordic meta-civilization and its role in human history.



Also research the RH blood type


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noticed this today



This is the only important info of this whole thread. Also research red hair and pale skin and chromosomes.



One could also get into the fables of the Orion Wars, the wars of the Canines VS the Reptilian Queens…

Bird tribes also play a role as a highly advanced race. Perhaps contributing genetics to Humans, notably the prefrontal cortex.

Make no mistake, genetics are the most prized possession in the galaxy. Not technology, not minerals, genes. For that is the power to guide and influence life.



Why don't you summarize instead of being a nincompoop?



I forgot to mention that I once read that the Bird Tribes were highly advanced and made the Reptilians infertile so they had to resort to cloning and the dark technological path.

False light

Organic light

Dark technology

Choose one path, for it may be your destiny.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Cross-reference various Gnostic influences.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Take from this what you will.



>David shillcock


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Published on Jan 6, 2015

In late 2015 Graham Hancock will bring out his new book, ‘Magicians of the Gods’, the sequel to his worldwide bestseller ‘Fingerprints of the Gods’. In this lecture, recorded in March 2014 for Alternatives London at Saint James’s Church in Piccadilly, he reviews his past work and shares some of the research for the new book.



this. i tried googling but couldn't find anything that might be what anon was referencing. just mundane shit prolly lies




first result from googling "rh blood type aliens" and there's lots more

(i'm not the anon who made the post about it)


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Every famous person is a shill.





I once had a really bad dream about him where he was intensely evil and trying to destroy the planet. I had to hide an SD card from him in order to save the planet. We are on top of some plateau that required a helicopter to get to, and he had some sort of laboratory up there. All around on the horizon was bad weather and strange colored clouds, like reds and greens.



You seem to have had future vision.



google is not the free sharing of information you mistake it to be. It is owned by the military. And why should anybody do work for you while you call them liers you entitled millennial.


Enki and his sister Ninhursag fashioned us in their image. I imagine there were many trials and errors prior to the "Adam" success.

We were made as slaves, but that was just how the idea was sold to Enlil, the god of the command at the time. Enki already knew he was gonna see if these new hybrids, or humans, could be something more than mundane slaves.

Of course, if one looks around today, most people are indeed willing slaves, but not all. I think most of us into the occult are into it, even on a basic level, to break free of that slavery of body, mind and soul.



Quality post. Pray tell, where can I read up on the entire story of enki and friends? Do you recommend any authors?




Also most of the vids in this thread discuss the alien creation of homo sapiens.



just noticed this

are you serious? ( aggressive sarcasm implied )



Well worth the watch


>Angelics in the 4th dimension discover planet with a lot of gold on it, gold is an important ressource as it transmits energy very efficiantly including spiritual energy.

>Planet is uninhabitable so they move it to the perfect distance to the sun and add a moon, also in the perfect distance, so that life becomes easily possible.

>After the planet has been developed enough, genetically engineered workers have been added to the planet to mine the gold, created out of angelic and demonic cells to balance each other out so that those beings can easily be controlled. You guessed it: Humans.

>Most of the gold is mined but nearly at the end of the operation an accident happens and the humans aquire free will which they did not have before. Mission is abandoned since it was pretty much over anyway, humans are left on earth to do whatever.

>They build their capital, Atlantis, and create a civilization based on the combination of spirituality and technology.

>On another planet, another race ends up in a apocalyptic war. Some of them create a portal and flee to earth. They end up joining Atlantis - even though they are so different they are welcome as they had great technological knowledge.

>Fate did not plan for any of those beings to survive so it sends a meteor at earth to solve the problem.

>The aliens try to create a portal to fuck off once again but they fucked it up and reversed it too, thus drawing in souls from all over the universe and also lowering the frequency of the planet so that spiritual energy would be heavily limited.

>Before the frequency sent earth to a lower dimension, the meteor hit. Almost no survivors. The DNA of those who were left eventually mixed with Neanderthals to create the humans you know today.


I'm interested in the alien origin/hybridization of the different human races (indoeuropeans, old europeans, blacks, semites, east asians etc)



You think Bashar is a disinfo ayy didi? He says some stuff that is good, but some seems to me like New Age nonsense. Also he says we're going to hybridize with greys or some shit which automatically is a red flag.



new age money, look up how much he charges per seat to listen to him put on a fake accent and speak to you while he's high as fuck.

The guy just quotes the carnegy + proctor bullshit but caters to the alien space-cadets.

look at his background and his career.

Either he's a CIA shill or he's a PRO AF scammer.

Only good he does is give a dopamine rush to fat old white people or manlet /whale light workers

Key words for red flags:

Light worker

New age

Ascended master






sending love and energy

group meditations

doomsday scenarios where water filters and survival kits are advertised

Eckart tole


Abraham hicks

Bob proctor

The secret

The law of attraction ( without mentioning the other 6 )

Readings ( skype with the person 1:1 for 30mins-1hour for 200$ )

IF any one who's based would care to add - anything bellow circuit 5 will be ignored.




fuck off didi you haunted godless man

>I hate christ because christianism was, unbeknownst to me, judaically altered (not that jews killed jesus anyway so I'll paint Jesus Christ as false)

I know how you consider demons, masonic kabalistic teachings told you that, that's about the extend of that.


>who think that hundreds of thousands of years ago extraterrestrials called Anunnaki came to earth to mine for gold

Stopped reading there. Why would a species, with interstellar capabilities and the capability to merg the dna of species from completely different planets, need to mine some insignificant mineral that they could find on asteroids anyway?



jesus is cesar / jupiter zeus a title given.

the white boy face you worship is davinci's nephew or cesar borgia

jesus is 8 it's the breath - breathe you dumb fuck, that's how you worship your christ. Christ story is taken from 18-26 different cases of reported supernatural reports and events shared among pheonician merchants who mostly delt in female sex servant trades - it was easier to tame a broken psyche with the idea of a savior so as to have a working slave class that would do anything in the material to guarantee their afterlife. The combination of the names into one being via multiple uses of very primitive forms of marketing - the stories where sensational to the folk of the areas so of course the upholding of such tales where to be used as methods of allegorical encoding of messages for scientific purposes.

Furthermore the worshipers of jehova follow the teachings of a man who went to 2 different trees and murdered his sons and smeared the blood and gore all over the tree then ingested the mixtures along with psychedelics to receive visions of jehova. Google Shechem.

We're talking about slave traders who wrote themselves into theological history.

Fuck off.

Appollonius is the closest thing to have the most deeds done and highest % of probability of credible existence, and it's appollo, the sun in the day and death at night. Fucks sake what level in this are you?

Go read more.


Bump for more information.



Right off the bat, its your choice what you believe, but be wary of Michael Tellinger, Lloyd Pye, in fact anybody trying to palm off the 'Annunaki' meme which originates with Zechariah Sitchin and Erich von Daniken.

Daniken is a known fraud, and Sitchin is a lesser known Free Mason; a secret society part of the illuminati and which routinely puts out disinformation concerning our past, spirituality, and the truth in general. Whether Sitchin was a witting agent or genuinely believed his mistranslated materials, either way its something to take with a grain of salt.

David Icke, Alex Collier, and Jordan Maxwell were all influenced by Sitchin, to the point of ripping off his work and using it to promote the reptilian meme.

The introduction of Arcturians, Pleiadians, and Lyrans as a 'benevolent alien species' against the 'evil' reptile and greys is a rehashing of ancient mythology into the UFO field, which is rife with rubbish, controlled opposition, and various intelligence agencies filling it with either New Age or fear-driven narratives. Bill Cooper exposed this decades ago.

Trying to wade through the dozen-hour video series by obvious trolls and shills to get to the truth of what is actually going on is borderline impossible, though there is elements of truth in there. We were plausibly engineered by grey/reptile beings, not for slavery or resources though, if you have even the slightest ability to think critically you'll see this and the 'good guy/bad guy' narrative for what it is.

Take Gnosticism sparingly as well, the Demiurge/Archon concept in the Nag Hammadi library has basis, as they are the reptiles/greys, and probably other alien groups, but the overall message from Gnosis is that the origin of these groups are unknown, that their overall disposition is amoral; they do whatever they like, and all claimed Gods/Watchers/Djinns/Angels/Demons, etc… are all aspects of the Demiurge and his legions.

I could elucidate further on any of this, but yeah… huge subject, and trying to contain this to one post.



>le sphere being coming to save us yam yam xDDDDDDDD

Take this as an example of what I am talking about in the post above, if they were so all-powerful and benevolent, why hasn't everything changed for the better yet, and why hasn't our elite vanished yet?

The truth is that we are pretty much alone, unable to accept it, and feel an incessant desire to be saved by somebody else.



>why hasn't everything changed for the better yet, and why hasn't our elite vanished yet?

because we're a world of spiritual children and will be the burden of whatever ET society comes to save us?

also "law of non-interference", whether it has any merit or not


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fairly common



sounds legit



>Haven't met the reptilians yet.

Sorry to break it to you, but we're not alone. Just because they do not intervene does not mean they don't exist.

And even if you were to come face to face with a lizzie or a little grey, you wouldn't be able to tell because they use occult tech to cloak themselves. Protip: Use cameras and watch the images afterwards.



Good post.



>because we're a world of spiritual children and will be the burden of whatever ET society comes to save us?

Agreed, but the 'law of non-interference' directly contradicts the repshillian may may that is routinely spammed here. I'm not even sure if the 'law' has any merit, reads like a cop out in certain contexts.

We also way overstate our importance, and despite all the whining about the Demiurge… we are at least as egotistical, if not more so. The yawning chasm of consciousness, technological capabilities, and virtually everything else is far greater between us and a 4D species than any extreme contrast known to us on Earth.


>taking the most literal interpretation of 'alone' possible

>le lizard bogeyman means we're not alone xDDD

Sorry to break it to you, but your unwarranted retardation failed to grasp the full context of what I was talking about.

I was taking aim at the fact the reptilian meme itself is a rehashing of old myths except with a space-oriented theme, while the deepest conceivable level of information I have found on this matter claims the supposedly 'benevolent group' are liars, and David Shillcock/Corey Goode are just a few examples of said deceivers in human form.

>our love and light saviors are here!!!11

>I-I s-swear this i-isn't New Age d-disinformation b-brought to us by the Masons and the CIA

How many of you are aware of the level and extent intelligence agencies have been involved in the UFO field?


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melted is there of the halls of the Hindenburg



The people in this thread seriously need to read the cassiopean transcripts.



I'm happy to read any given bit of information, but I'm not sure why this is in reply to me. Do you take up issue what what I put forward? If so, do tell.

The amount of 'materials' out there is overwhelming, especially the claimed 'channeled' information… I treat that with a grain of salt.



No you can take more then a grain of salt. It's probably the closest anyone has gotten to serious illumindo info.



The only thing you can take is a mouthful of my dick, right after I brush your mothers teeth with it.

>muh opinion is fact

Actually the Truman Cash material seems the most legit, prove me wrong faggot. :^)



Dude this is a new low to steep for some petty loosh kek.



>muh loosh

Is this the part you meant by 'assumptions' in the other thread? lel

>using CIA disinformation memes

Another retard who doesn't know where the New Age was first made.

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