Right off the bat, its your choice what you believe, but be wary of Michael Tellinger, Lloyd Pye, in fact anybody trying to palm off the 'Annunaki' meme which originates with Zechariah Sitchin and Erich von Daniken.
Daniken is a known fraud, and Sitchin is a lesser known Free Mason; a secret society part of the illuminati and which routinely puts out disinformation concerning our past, spirituality, and the truth in general. Whether Sitchin was a witting agent or genuinely believed his mistranslated materials, either way its something to take with a grain of salt.
David Icke, Alex Collier, and Jordan Maxwell were all influenced by Sitchin, to the point of ripping off his work and using it to promote the reptilian meme.
The introduction of Arcturians, Pleiadians, and Lyrans as a 'benevolent alien species' against the 'evil' reptile and greys is a rehashing of ancient mythology into the UFO field, which is rife with rubbish, controlled opposition, and various intelligence agencies filling it with either New Age or fear-driven narratives. Bill Cooper exposed this decades ago.
Trying to wade through the dozen-hour video series by obvious trolls and shills to get to the truth of what is actually going on is borderline impossible, though there is elements of truth in there. We were plausibly engineered by grey/reptile beings, not for slavery or resources though, if you have even the slightest ability to think critically you'll see this and the 'good guy/bad guy' narrative for what it is.
Take Gnosticism sparingly as well, the Demiurge/Archon concept in the Nag Hammadi library has basis, as they are the reptiles/greys, and probably other alien groups, but the overall message from Gnosis is that the origin of these groups are unknown, that their overall disposition is amoral; they do whatever they like, and all claimed Gods/Watchers/Djinns/Angels/Demons, etc… are all aspects of the Demiurge and his legions.
I could elucidate further on any of this, but yeah… huge subject, and trying to contain this to one post.